The Forever Winter

The Forever Winter

26 ratings
Forever Winter Quest Guide
By FriendlyFire and 1 collaborators
"Man I cannot for the life of me find this damn quest objective/item whatever will I do?"

Sound like you? well have I got the perfect (not) guide for you!

On top of being a quest guide, I will include a weapon build or two and some basic trader knowledge for those that may need it.
Guide Format & Important Knowledge
  • Goal: Required quest item, action, or target
  • Area: Region + Spawn (e.g. Mech Trenches - Elevator)
  • Equipment: Recommendations on items. Silenced weapon, grenade launcher, etc.
  1. List of steps to quest area from spawn.
  • Easiest/safest known extract and steps to get there.

    Traders That Give Free Ammo
  • Aramaki - 5.45mm (500rds)
  • Bunco - 5.45mm (50rds)

    Trader Rep Knowledge
  • Reputation with Traders is faction wide so if you trade with one scavenger the rest will trust you along with the one you traded with, etc. The higher the rep the cheaper their items will be and the more items you can buy. Another thing is your reputation slowly ticks down if you don't sell things to that faction, kinda like the water mechanic however I have yet to see it go down while offline.

    Traders you should sell to

  • Everyone but Bunco, ♥♥♥♥ Bunco. he buys your ♥♥♥♥ for half if not even less than half the price all the other traders would.

    A good weapon to run / help you survive altercations more

First Quest
Just escape from Tar- I mean Extract from a map, plain and simple. The easiest way to do this if your brand new is spawning in the cemetery on Scorched Enclave, and running straight to extract.

Finding Water
The easiest method to quickly and safely get this done, at least in my opinion is to go back into Scorched Enclave and spawn in the Cemetery yet again and run to the locked bunker, there is a guaranteed water spawn in there, it's off to the left of the big ass radar looking tower, you'll see it.

Europan Drone Parts
This quest is not map specific, and can be done on almost any map but, is easier to get done on Scorched Enclave yet again with it being small in size and easy to replay consistently, just spawn in the cemetery and peek around the corner to the right, that's where drones will almost always spawn.

If you find that Scorched Enclave is not working, you could run over to Elephant Mausoleum, There's an even higher chance you'll find Europan Drones on that map being that it's mostly Europan controlled.

Memento Pt 1
Memento Pt 1 takes you to Ashen Mesa to look for a photo for Prapor, first off you'll want to spawn in the desolated street, close to the city ruins.

After spawning (Hopefully not at night time) you need to make your way into the ruins, staying on the right side until you see an entry point for a catwalk, running up it you will find 2 Storage Containers, one on the direct left after going up the stairs and one past it in the corner building.

There are other storage containers on the map, I've just found these 2 the safest to grab quickly.

Memento Pt 2
Memento Pt 3
Goal: Collect Precision C
Area: Elephant Mausoleum / Pipes Spawn
Equipment: NA

After spawning one of the places you can find a Storage Container is directly below the Radar looking tower, it's in the L shaped bunker
Data Heist
Goal: Hack the Servers and Extract from Mech Trenches
Area: Mech Trenches - Elevator Spawn
Equipment: N/A

Upon spawning at the elevator run *straight* past the first intersection and take a right at the tank (you'll see it)

After taking a right hug the wall until you can enter a area in the wall, you'll then see a stack of crates, go ahead and climb on top of those

After getting on the crates, you'll see some pipes sticking out, jump onto the pipes obviously pushed out for an easy climb route, and follow the path, after taking a left, take the imediate right, where some big pipes turn into.

After that, take a left into a mech hanger and run straight where I'm looking, you'll see a set of stairs, go up those until you reach a overhang room, from there, you'll see the data center.
Cosmicpixels 9 Oct, 2024 @ 4:12pm 
Thank you Sir, very helpful :steamthumbsup:
Cora 6 Oct, 2024 @ 12:38am 
~roam the Scorched map a few times and eventually you will come across a Eurasian Officer...(usually around the pipe extraction point if you start from the graveyard) if you are successful in claiming their life, they drop a broken SVD. this one has a Scope... take the broken SVD and then run another mission with it in your Rig's gun runner slots... clear it and wallah repaired.

~next use the SVD with Scav girl for Sniper bonus to headshots. this is a default bonus for her so you dont need any skill points. if you go to the Eurasian merchant and buy a suppressor you can now fit it allowing you to hunt the other faction officers.

~use the SVD to get a guaranteed 1HK headshot on the Euruskan officer to take their Grenade launcher. then run from the rest of his troop. after breaking contact... return to collect your reward.
Cora 5 Oct, 2024 @ 9:32pm 
i run scorched a lot from the graveyard entrance. as i work my way through the base usually 1 or 2 exos will spawn in the big field and begin making their way up. if when the match starts you see the large mediums or the flight of merkavas rushing you likely wont have a good run with the exos. but if the exos are alone as they move up... something will take one out and you can wait for it to boom or continue working the bunkers while you wait... but dont go too far and wwatch for when it is about to pop. ...then rush in and there is a lower chance but still good that you will see the pilot on the ground. if you use the marker to point at the ground where the flames are... if you see "item" in yellow... that is the pilot.
FriendlyFire  [author] 5 Oct, 2024 @ 4:24pm 
finished data heist, I haven't been able to get the exo pilot to spawn for some odd reason, but if anyone has any pictures or just wants to add to the guide, just shoot me a friend request and I can get you added.
Cora 4 Oct, 2024 @ 9:47pm 
okay so for the Injured Pilot Mission, you just need to be close enough for the loot drop to spawn in. what you are looking for is not a box like normal but a full flesh and blood person laying on the ground near or just inside the flames. they are moving slightly to tell them apart from a corpse. you need a free large slot in your Rig. to scoop them up.
Cora 4 Oct, 2024 @ 2:35pm 
No Combat, Scorched Enclave (Alternate)

for the rare alternate 'haunted' or 'frozen' version of the Scorched Enclave... if you spawn in the graveyard. move out into the flats using your weapon-aim to scan the horizons at 100m will help spot the crawlers from distance so you can avoid them. if you get to the part of Scorched where the Medium mechs normally roam you may spot 'Mother Courage' or 'Grabber' (Dogs) along the wide open clearing. make a judgment call to see if you can thread the needle to avoid aggro but it is a mostly straight path to extract.

when nearing extract, dip into the shaded area under the large pipe bridge and approach stealthily... there is a high chance 'Toothy' will spawn in and you may want time to plan a rout a round them without aggro.

if you aggro 'Mother Courage', 'The Grabber', or 'Toothy' just book it... you will die if they catch you and they are each invulnerable.
FriendlyFire  [author] 4 Oct, 2024 @ 2:17pm 
I'll include the exo pilot one sometime today, I've been busy with work so I apologize for those who want more guides for questing.
totallytotally 29 Sep, 2024 @ 9:46am 
Keep it up, this is helpful!