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Comprehensive Bridge Tutorial [Variety] | A Panda Guide
By Diplopanda~
I know there are multiple bridge tutorials out there, but I have made a youtube video breaking down quite a variety in bridges which range in complexity, but most of them are quite simple for anyone to make!

It is quite long to sit through, but I do showcase each bridge type, before going into the demonstration of how to make it, and there are time stamps (and also I have tried to level them, so you can try and stick to which ones fit your level more so than others).

I won't go into much detail on how to make each of them here, but I will post photo examples of each time, the name and the level I'd rate the difficulty at in the order they show up in the video! So feel free to skip around the video or garner ideas/inspiration from the example photos (:
The Youtube Video

This is the video I have created with about 10 different bridge ideas and breaking them down with a demonstration as well as example shots for each bridge. Hope this may be useful to someone out there!
Stepping Stones (lvl 1)

Just using paths in water creates stepping stones and spawns in lily pads without the flowers (:
Stepping Stones Ver2 (lvl 1.5)

Using 2 platformed versions of the tower tool slightly over placed over each other will garner you that flat look and having multiple of them creates a stepping stone look in water.
Flat Bridges (Lvl 1)

Taking a flat platform piece (rectangles look better in my opinion, but you can spice it up however you want) and laying it just over the water with path generated steps on either side to make a low laying flat bridge.
Landscaped Raised Bridges (Lvl 2)

Similar to the flat bridges although this one is slightly raised up with landscaping and adding details of wall or fenced arches underneath it.
Manually Raised Bridges (Lvl 2)

This is practically the exact same as the last one, although it is raised up with platforms on either side rather than landscaping!
Can still be detailed with wall or fenced arches underneath it too (:
Detailed Raised Bridges 2.0 (Lvl 2.5)

Similar to the last couple just with a few additional platforms to add extra details and depth to the middle of it.
Stepped Bridges (Lvl 3.5)

This one takes the most amount patience, just using multiple platforms and slowly raising them up (or you can do vice versa and lower them to have the opposite effect) and trying to get this kind of effect for a bridge.
Building Overpass (Lvl 2)

You don't need this to be over water I suppose as you can simply just connect to buildings together in anyway mentioned (besides the stepping stones I guess) but this one is just another option to be tossed out there on the table.
Roof Bridges (Lvl 1.5)

Using a building with the roof pulled all the way to the side, flat bit facing the water, you can make it so the roof of the building is curved (left click the roof and dragging left to right to change the shape) making walkway of the bridge.
Also drawing through a building with a path gets you that sewer-iron bar gated effect, that you won't get for the other type of bridges.
Final Notes
There are many different types of bridges, you can also handcraft a rope-bridge feel or anything else with walls and fences to however you please, but I do just want to finally say you can decorate them however you wish. This is more to give inspiration on how to make bridges and also to link you to a tutorial for each bridge I have mentioned.

There is often help being offered in the Tiny Glade Discord, but in case you don't ever look there, nor want to be scrolling through all the Tiny Glade content on youtube and have turned to Steam pages instead, I have been here hopefully to help out a bit.
SLOTH 27 Dec, 2024 @ 9:15pm 
This is awesome! Thanks! :cupup:
dropsofjupiter_io 19 Oct, 2024 @ 3:45pm 
thank you for this guide! the bridges are so cute!
Alekks 13 Oct, 2024 @ 4:19am 
Love the tips! Thank you