178 ratings
BEST Settings [Throne and Liberty]
By mrx
Throne and Liberty - Best Settings Before Starting the Game
Key Bindings – Blocking, Attacks, Abilities

By default, blocking is assigned to the Q key, which may be inconvenient as you need to hold the button down continuously. To change this, go to Key Shortcuts, then Character, and reassign blocking to a different key. I recommend using your mouse buttons for this.

Queue Abilities:
The Queue Abilities function allows you to line up abilities so they are executed one after the other. If you’re out of mana, the attack will automatically trigger once it's replenished. To enable this, go to Settings > Gameplay > Control and turn it on.

Skill Bar:
Customize your quick slots by navigating to Key Shortcuts and adjusting the keys from 1 to 10. Assign your most powerful skills to slots 1 through 5 and use key combinations for the rest. For example, for a skill assigned to 7, you could set up a combo like Shift + 2.
Automated Movements

To modify these settings, navigate to Gameplay > Control and activate or disable the following options:

Auto-Move to Interactive Target:
This setting automatically moves you to the target when you right-click on it. This can cause you to make mistakes during PvE and PvP if you accidentally right-click on the wrong target.

Auto-Move within the range to Attack a Target:
If you’re out of range, your character will automatically move closer and execute the skill or attack.

Auto-Move within the range to use Beneficial Abilities:
Your character will automatically move into range to use support skills (e.g., healing).

Auto Target Nearest Enemy when Attacking without a Target:
By default, you need to manually select an enemy to attack. Enabling this option allows your character to automatically target and attack the nearest enemy when no specific target is selected. You can also customize the target selection method and adjust the priority list to determine which enemies are attacked first, giving you greater control in combat.

Classic Mode:
This mode allows you to freely select and switch targets with the cursor, which can simplify combat and navigation through the interface.

Left mouse button to run:
If you prefer not to use the WASD keys to move, you can set your character to run by clicking the left mouse button. [needs classic mode turned on]
Graphics and Interface Settings

Here are a few additional settings to enhance your gameplay comfort:

Disable Quick Info:
Go to Settings > Gameplay > UI > Quick Selection > Show Quick Info and disable it to hide skill descriptions during combat. This will improve your battlefield awareness.

Camera Shake:
You can reduce or disable camera wobbling under Gameplay > Camera if it bothers you.

Intense visual effects can be adjusted under Accessibility > Screen. Other settings in this tab may also prove useful.
Optimal Graphics Settings for High FPS

These settings will keep your game looking visually impressive while delivering a solid boost to performance

Quality Settings:

Anti-Aliasing: Low
Ambient Occlusion: Low
Screen Space Reflection: High
View Distance: High
Character Count: Low (PvE) / High (PvP)
Post-Processing: High
Character Quality: High
Shading Quality: High
Shadow Quality: Medium
Distant Shadow Quality: Low
Texture Quality: High
Anisotropic Filtering: x16
Effect Quality: High
Vegetation Quality: Low

Advanced Settings:

Depth of Field: Off
Motion Blur: Off
Chromatic Aberration: Off
Lens Flare: Off
Level of Detail: Low
Character Shadow Quality: Medium
Lighting Quality: Medium
Terrain Quality: Medium
Volumetric Clouds: Low
Volumetric Fog: Low
Shader Preloading: Epic
Hair Strands: Off
Optimize Large-Scale Combat: On
Use DirectX 12: On

Screen Settings:

Screen Mode: Fullscreen
Resolution: Native
Frame Rate Limit: Unlimited
Vertical Sync: Off
Resolution Rate: 100%
For NVIDIA RTX users: DLSS: Balanced
For AMD users: FSR: Balanced

Game Settings: Order by impact on FPS:

High FPS Impact
Screen Space Reflections:
View Distance
Character Count
Shading Quality
Vegetation Quality
Moderate FPS Impact
Character Quality
Shader Preloading
Texture Quality & Filtering
Effects Quality
Volumetric Fog
Volumetric Clouds
Low/Negligible FPS Impact
Shadow Quality
Distant Shadows
Lighting Quality
Level of Detail (LOD)
Terrain Quality
Hair Strands
Optimize Large Scale Combat: Useful for older CPUs
Recommended for Smooth Gameplay
Screen Mode: Fullscreen
Frame Rate Limit: Unlimited
Vertical Sync: Off
Resolution Rate: 100%
Best Camera Settings

Delay Camera Rotation: Off — This makes the camera more responsive and smooth.
Camera Shake Effects: Off — Avoid camera shake, which can cause dizziness for players sensitive to 3D effects.
Chat Settings
Go to Gameplay > Chat > Action after sending message and set the option "Close chat window" as the default. This will automatically close the chat window after sending a message, making the interface easier to navigate.

Nurnum 14 Jan @ 1:57pm 
realy tank you for the tips brat, hope u still helping people with your guides.
Veloox 24 Dec, 2024 @ 4:08pm 
Play with Controller is much easyer in a TAB AIM Game lol. Easy controlling for ur normal and Dia Block, With your Q Block its okay for Beginner! And for Dia Block you will broke your finger or you are too slow xD. How you want press Q and A and use Skills on 1-3 in the same time?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Broken fingers incoming xD No Brainer Guide lol

Buy a Highend PC - Game looks than fcking nice! Who the hell play with Low Settings a U5 Engine in 2024???????????
Also U5 dont need a Highend CPU only a Highend GPU. Also VRAM and RAM are useless for High Settings. My CPU is on 3-5%, RAM on 30% and VRAM on 40%. My GPU is on 60-80%. All Ultra Settings for 144 FPS. For what low Settings?! You can just show Skills only from you or your Party and its pushing hard your FPS in Mass PvP. With the New Update you can switch the Settings in Combat, without going to Options

Best Camera Settings?!?!? For the most Mechs in T2 you need Max Camera Range AND THATS IT, or you will miss Mechs and you are 1 Hit xD
Adventurer 22 Oct, 2024 @ 5:00am 
Recommended for Smooth -Gameplay- Streaming.*

You even have a Best Camera Settings section... Look What softMicropenis Needs to Mimic a Fraction of Modern Operating Systems big dick graphics fidelity. Steamdeck be blazing on this game.

@Skrap ガ 30 fps and take your GPU out of automatic because the horse pulls the carriage.

Dedicated GPU (more horsepower): increase shader cache to match dedicated video ram
Integrated GPU (smaller carriage): disable texture compression and allocate more system ram.
Both (calk wagon and float): disable the integrated GPU

The Carrot and Stick analogy is Thermodynamics burning the candle at both ends. Your GPU fan curve is ass and cpu memory structure is equally sus. But if you have antivirus scanning anticheat then its a PEBKAC problem.
superninjamurderfarfar 15 Oct, 2024 @ 5:31am 
Wow that was a very smooth, easy and fast guide to read :) I like the game so far but is not a fan of all this automated stuff. Im used to play "normal" mmos where the game not playing itself so if i finally can remove that shit you made my day haha. Many thanks man and great job. Take care and have fun :)
T4f' 14 Oct, 2024 @ 10:39pm 
jeux codé avec le cul !
Lynx 14 Oct, 2024 @ 2:06pm 
Queue Abilities:is buggy! dont use it! its make the opposite of the discription. PLS not toll people that they have to use it.
I have not the best interconection, and its make more worse as it helps.
Skrap ガ 9 Oct, 2024 @ 12:41pm 
isnt the graphics just very dependant on what you have in your pc? personally im playing on low but its putting my cpu to work and leaving my gpu on low usage. game recommends me playing on high but no thanks, fps over quality for me sadly
Amroth 9 Oct, 2024 @ 8:31am 

If you have yet to find it:
There is the option to pick quick slot for skill on self if you scroll down in Shortcuts>Shortcuts>Use Skill on Self(scroll down) Default is set to Alt+(1,2,3..)
GeforceJoe 7 Oct, 2024 @ 5:45pm 
How about casting beneficial spells! No matter what setting I have on and after clicking myself it keeps sending me heals and buffs to someone else constantly! It’s passing me off!

I made a paladin! Wand/tomb, shield sword combo when I am in an instance and I want to heal myself because the healer is not or cannot it keeps auto healing someone else or auto buffing someone else! I have to literally click myself every time before hand or else it goes off to whomever..
mrx  [author] 7 Oct, 2024 @ 3:48am 

U can try -graphics-low, i havent tested it myself tho :Geralt: