913 ratings
SILENT HILL 2 - 100% Achievements
By Hanni
Guidance for obtaining 100% achievements!

SILENT HILL 2 is a third-person survival horror game featuring 43 Steam achievements.


First Playthrough - Collectibles, Missables & 'Maria' Ending
  • Get (re)familiar with the story, maps, key items, and puzzles.
  • Collect all 120 Memos, Echoes, and Photos. They must be collected in a single playthrough.
  • Optional: Focus on the 'Maria' ending, but don't worry if you reach another one.

Second Playthrough - NG+, No Radio, No Guns, 'In Water' Ending & 'Rebirth' Ending
  • Start a New Game Plus.
  • Complete the game without using the radio (turn it off immediately after picking it up).
  • Complete the game without using guns. You can use the NG+ exclusive chainsaw.
  • Focus on the 'In Water' ending if you haven't unlocked it yet, otherwise focus on 'Maria'.
  • Collect the four key items required for the 'Rebirth' ending.

Note: The 'Rebirth' ending will outweigh the main ending. Follow these steps to get both:
  1. Collect the first three key items required for the 'Rebirth' ending.
  2. Activate the Music Box in the Lakeview Hotel, then make a manual save at the reception.
  3. Complete the final part of the game twice - once with the fourth item, and once without.

Third Playthrough - Speedrun, 'Leave' Ending, 'Dog' Ending & 'UFO' Ending
  • Start a New Game Plus.
  • Complete the game in less than 10 hours.
  • Focus on the 'Leave' ending if you haven't unlocked it yet.
  • Collect the two broken parts of the Dog Key required for the 'Dog' ending.
  • Collect the Blue Gem required for the 'UFO' ending and investigate it near the UFO symbols.
  • Make a manual save after activating the Music Box in the Lakeview Hotel.

Since the two main endings 'In Water' and 'Leave', as well as the three New Game Plus endings 'Rebirth', 'Dog', and 'UFO', can be combined, it's possible to unlock all achievements in just two playthroughs (merge the second and the third playthrough described above). If you want to try this, make sure to pay close attention to the requirements for the 'In Water' ending.

Please refer to the sections below for more details. A puzzle guide and a speedrun walkthrough are available at the end of the guide.

Combat Difficulty and Puzzle Difficulty do not affect achievements.
Enjoy Your Stay
Reach Silent Hill.

Nice and Cozy
Reach Wood Side Apartments.

Enter the Otherworld for the first time.

Make your way out of Blue Creek Apartments.

Meet Maria.

Reach Brookhaven Hospital.

Nightmare Fuel
Defeat the Flesh Lip.

Alone Again
Survive the chase in Brookhaven Hospital.

Into the Abyss
Reach the end of the long staircase.

Defeat the Abstract Daddy.

Inner Sanctum
Find His room.

A Human Being
Kill Eddie.

Glimmer of Hope
Reach the Lakeview Hotel.

Truly Special
Reach Room 312.

Destroy what you don't need.

That Part of Me
Defeat Her.
⋗︎ Endings
Party Like It's 2001
See all classic endings (Leave, Maria, In Water, Rebirth, Dog).

The game features eight endings, including:
  • the three classic main endings 'Leave', 'Maria', and 'In Water',
  • the two classic New Game Plus endings 'Rebirth' and 'Dog',
  • as well as the secret 'UFO' ending from Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams (2002).

Since the other two endings do not grant achievements, they are not covered in this guide.

Vicious Circle
Reach the 'Maria' ending.

Follow these steps to unlock the 'Maria' ending:
  • Do not investigate any personal item in your inventory.
  • Use the Woman Coin to solve the final round of the coin puzzle (Wood Side Apartments).
  • Open the door for Maria in room 107 of Jacks Inn and comment on her outfit.
  • Examine all posters and approach the central pole in Heaven's Night.
  • Check on Maria in Brookhaven Hospital (C5) and in the Labyrinth Center (after each area).
  • Use the Ripe Apple (Hall, second floor) to get the Snow White Figurine in the Lakeview Hotel.
  • Leave through the Scarlet Egg door after defeating the Red Pyramid Twins.
  • Do not fully listen to the conversation in the hallway after defeating the Red Pyramid Twins.

Making Peace
Reach the 'Leave' ending.

Only Way Out
Reach the 'In Water' ending.

The 'Leave' and the 'In Water' endings can be combined in one playthrough:

  • Ignore everything related to the 'Maria' ending.
  • Do not investigate any personal item in your inventory before the final boss fight.
  • Do not immediately heal yourself after taking damage. Keep your health low.*
  • At the beginning of the game, talk to Angela at the graveyard three times.
  • Pick up the Handkerchief (story item) in apartment 201 (Wood Side Apartments) twice.
  • Use the Man Coin to solve the final round of the coin puzzle (Wood Side Apartments).
  • Save in the Corridor before the Red Pyramid Twins boss fight to be able to get both endings.

  • Take damage during the last two boss encounters and immediately heal yourself.
  • Leave through the Rust-colored Egg door after defeating the Red Pyramid Twins.
  • Fully listen to the conversation in the hallway after defeating the Red Pyramid Twins.
  • Investigate the Photo of Mary + Handkerchief (personal items) before the final boss fight.

In Water
  • Do not immediately heal yourself after taking damage. Keep your health low.*
  • Leave through the Rust-colored Egg door after defeating the Red Pyramid Twins.
  • Fully listen to the conversation in the hallway after defeating the Red Pyramid Twins.
  • Investigate Angela's Knife (personal item) multiple times before the final boss fight.

*This is the most important requirement for the 'In Water' ending. If it is not met, the 'Leave' ending will unlock instead. Therefore, only heal yourself when you are in critical condition (the warning symbol in the lower-right corner must be blinking). Also, avoid dying intentionally or loading saves to restore health - taking damage and keeping your health low is required for this ending! Do not attempt to complete the game without taking damage or healing yourself at all.

Defy Even Death
Reach the 'Rebirth' ending.

To reach the 'Rebirth' ending, you must play in New Game Plus and find the following key items:
  • Crimson Ceremony Book
  • White Chrism
  • Obsidian Goblet
  • Lost Memories Book
The Crimson Ceremony Book is at the graveyard (near the water), at the beginning of the game:

The White Chrism can be found in front of the Baldwin Mansion, after leaving Jacks Inn:

The Obsidian Goblet is hidden in the Historical Society, behind a painting in the main showroom:

The Lost Memories Book is in the Lost & Found room on the first floor of the Lakeview Hotel:

The Goodest Boi
Reach the 'Dog' ending.

To reach the 'Dog' ending, you must play in New Game Plus, find both parts of the Dog Key, and open the Observation Room on the third floor of the Lakeview Hotel. The first part of the key can be found in the back room of the Pet Center on Neely Street in South Vale, north of Big Jay's:

The second part of the broken key is hidden in a doghouse on Katz Street, after leaving Jacks Inn:

Tinfoil Hat
Reach the 'UFO' ending.

To reach the 'UFO' ending, you must play in New Game Plus, find the Blue Gem, and investigate it near four UFO symbols hidden throughout the game (via inventory). The Blue Gem can be found in the shop window of the Jewellers store on Neely Street in South Vale, north of Big Jay's:

The first symbol is hidden on the rooftop of the Saul Street Apartments in South Vale:

The second symbol is hidden on the pier in Rosewater Part in South Vale:

The third symbol is hidden on the pier in Lakeview Hotel Garden:

Finally, investigate the Blue Gem in Room 312 of the Lakeview Hotel.

Radio Silence
Complete the game without using the radio.

The radio is in the house north of Martin Street and must be picked up to trigger the first enemy fight. It is turned on by default and must be turned off via the inventory. Immediately turn it off after picking it up and keep it turned off until the end of the game to unlock the achievement:

This achievement can be obtained in New Game Plus.

As Close as You Like
Finish the game without killing enemies using ranged weapons.

Finishing the game using only melee weapons to defeat enemies can easily be done in NG+ on Light Combat Difficulty. In NG+, you can find the chainsaw at the beginning of the game - a powerful melee weapon that kills normal enemies with a single hit and bosses within three hits.

Note that the normal melee weapons (wooden plank and steel pipe) are also powerful on Light Combat Difficulty, so defeating enemies and bosses with these weapons won’t take much time either.

Firing and reloading guns won't void the achievement, as long as you don't kill any enemies. Shooting windows or balloons (see achievement 'Let's NOT Party!') is allowed.

This achievement can be obtained in New Game Plus.

Faster Than Fog
Finish the game in under 10 hours.

Once you are familiar with the locations, key items, and puzzles, the game can be completed in approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. For an optimized route, including all puzzle solutions, please refer to the speedrun walkthrough at the end of this guide.

While cutscene time counts towards the total playing time, menu/inventory time does not.

This achievement can be obtained in New Game Plus.

I Saw That Town
Complete New Game Plus on any difficulty.

Complete the game in New Game Plus, available after completing the game the first time.
James of All Trades
Kill at least one enemy with every normal weapon in a single playthrough.

The wooden plank, handgun, and steel pipe are unmissable. The shotgun can be found in a locker in the Women's Locker Room on the second floor of Brookhaven Hospital, halfway through the game. Entering this room is part of the story. The rifle is located inside a locked gun cabinet in the Armory of Toluca Prison. To open it, you must find the Armory Key in the room south of the Witness Checkpoint in the Serpent Section. You will pass both rooms as part of the story. Kill at least one enemy with each of these weapons in a single playthrough to unlock the achievement.

Note that the wooden plank will be replaced with the steel pipe shortly after leaving Jacks Inn.

Blunt Force Trauma
Kill 75 enemies with melee weapons.

Cumulatively kill 75 enemies with the wooden plank, the steel pipe, and/or the chainsaw.

No Big Deal
Kill 75 enemies with ranged weapons.

Cumulatively kill 75 enemies with the handgun, the shotgun, and/or the rifle.

Finish off 50 enemies with a stomp attack.

Cumulatively kill 50 enemies with a stomp attack. Stomping enemies can be tricky because the stomp attack and the melee attack share the same control button. Therefore, it's recommended to focus on stomping Creepers (small beetles). Simply equip a melee weapon, position yourself above a Creeper, and press the melee attack button. You will encounter hundreds of Creepers throughout the game, and there's also a story-related room with unlimited Creeper spawns.

Find the chainsaw.

The chainsaw can only be found in New Game Plus, in the sawmill after leaving the graveyard:

There are no other weapons exclusive to New Game Plus.
You Never Know...
Try to open locked doors 50 times.

This achievement will most likely unlock naturally while playing through the game. However, you can already get it at the very beginning of the game - if you try to open the door to the women's restroom in the Observation Deck area 50 times:

Destroy 50 windows.

This achievement will most likely unlock naturally while playing through the game. There are hundreds of destroyable house, shop, and car windows in the game.
No Turning Back Now
Try to leave Silent Hill in the Observation Deck area.

After arriving at the Observation Deck area in South Vale, turn around and try to leave:

Let's NOT Party!
Shoot all the balloons in Wood Side Apartments.

Shoot all eleven balloons in apartment 207 on the second floor of the Wood Side Apartments:

Find the pizza in Pete's Bowl-O-Rama.

See Echo - Pizza in the Collectibles section below.

All Seems in Order
Discover the secret of Room 106.

Enter Room 106 of Jacks Inn and inspect the wall at night (after leaving Brookhaven Hospital):

Scourge of Toluca Lake
Spend 10 minutes out on Toluca Lake.

After defeating Eddie, idle 10 minutes in the boat on Toluca Lake:

It's Bread
Interact with bread.

Interact with the bread in the Kitchen of the Employee Section in the Lakeview Hotel:

Collect all memos in a single playthrough.

Witness all glimpses of the past in a single playthrough.

Pieces Unarranged
Collect all the Strange Photos in a single playthrough.

There are 69 Memos, 26 Echoes, and 26 Photos scattered throughout the game, all detailed in the sections below. Note that it is not possible to clean up missed collectibles in subsequent playthroughs. All collectibles of one type must be found in the same playthrough.

The 'Lost & Found' Memo in the Lakeview Hotel can only be found in a Default playthrough, while the 'Cryptic Letter' Memo in Pete's Bowl-O-Rama is only available in New Game Plus. Hence, only 68 Memos are collectible in a single playthrough and required for the 'Archivist' achievement.

The achievements unlock immediately upon finding the last collectible of each type.
⋗︎ South Vale - East Side
Echo - Road Work Ahead

On Nathan Avenue, after leaving the Silent Hill Ranch:

Memo - Flower Shop Message

In the flower shop at Sanders Street:

Echo - Do Not Enter

On the intersection between Lindsey Street and Vachss Road, after spotting the first enemy:

Echo - Pool of Blood

At the fence outside the house with the first enemy encounter on Martin Street:

Memo - Matchbook

Next to the body on Martin Street:

Memo - Martin Street Note

In front of the body on Martin Street:

Memo - Big Jay's Note

In Big Jay's cafe on Neely Street:

Memo - Record Store Note

In the Groovy Music store on Neely Street:

Memo - Texan Cafe Flyer

In front of the Wood Side Apartments at Katz Street:

Echo - Dumpster

In front of the Wood Side Apartments at Katz Street:

Photo - So Many People Here!

In front of the Wood Side Apartments at Katz Street:

Memo - Barrier Note

In front of the barrier at the western end of Katz Street:

Echo - Bloody Inscription

In front of the barrier at the western end of Katz Street:

Memo - Neely's Bar Note

On the counter in Neely's Bar on Neely Street:

Photo - I've Been Happy

In the Silent Hill Fresh Meats butchery on Neely Street (destroy the window):

Memo - Code Note
Memo - Sanders Street Note

Both Memos are next to the body at the intersection between Sanders Street and Martin Street:

Memo - Small Note

In the key room of the Saul Street Apartments:

Memo - Tenant's Note

In apartment 7 of the Saul Street Apartments (crawl through the hole next to the door):

Memo - Old Map
Memo - Saul Street Note #1
Memo - Saul Street Note #2
Memo - Saul Street Note #3
Memo - Motor Home Note

All five Memos are between the body and the Motor Home at the western end of Saul Street:

Memo - Back Room Letter

In the back room of Neely's Bar, accessible after playing the record on the jukebox:

⋗︎ Wood Side Apartments
Memo - Administration Note

In one of the mailboxes under the staircase on the first floor:

Photo - Valentine's Day

In apartment 102 on the first floor, accessible after encountering Laura (little girl) the first time:

Echo - Scratched Wall

In apartment 213 on the second floor:

Photo - Career's Humble Beginnings

In apartment 210 on the second floor (passing this apartment is part of the story):

Memo - Strange Note

In apartment 310 on the third floor (squeeze through the second hole on the corridor):

Memo - Sinister Note

In apartment 312:

⋗︎ Blue Creek Apartments
Echo - Broken Dresser

In apartment 110, after jumping down the hole in apartment 210:

Photo - Forever Together

In the staircase on the first floor:

Photo - How The Time Flies

In the bedroom of apartment 212, available after obtaining The Second Hand in apartment 202.

Echo - Body

In the staircase on the second floor, available after completing the clock puzzle:

⋗︎ South Vale - West Side
Photo - So Far From Home

In the western half of Rosewater Park, after meeting Maria:

Echo - Door

On Carroll Street, between the two buildings south of Pete's Bowl-O-Rama:

Echo - Pizza

Inside Pete's Bowl-O-Rama:

Memo - Cryptic Letter

In the safe (1887) inside Pete's Bowl-O-Rama:

This Memo is not available and therefore, not required for the 'Archivist' achievement in a Default playthrough. It is only required if you want to collect all Memos in New Game Plus.

Memo - Bloody Note

At the north-western end of Nathan Avenue:

Photo - Made It!

In the garage on Nathan Avenue, south of Rosewater Park. Requires the Garage Jack Lever that can be found behind the Octantis Fuels gas station at the intersection between Nathan Avenue and Carroll Street:

Memo - Reception Desk Note

In the reception of Jacks Inn:

Memo - Toolbox Memo

In room 107 at Jacks Inn:

Photo - Ready To Kill It!

In the dressing room of Heaven's Night:

Photo - Church Entrance

In the south of the Moonlight Grove garden:

Photo - Best Flavour!

In the middle row of the first theater hall, accessible after the cutscene with Eddie (turn around):

⋗︎ Brookhaven Hospital
Memo - Key Locker Note

In the reception on the first floor:

Memo - Nurse's Memo

In a desk drawer between Examination Room 2 and Examination Room 3 (destroy the window):

Photo - Her Drawings

In the Observation Room on the second floor (crawl through the hole to L3):

Memo - Staff Memo

At the window of the Nurses' Station on the second floor:

Echo - Blue Paper

In the Laundry Room on the second floor:

Memo - Interview Transcript

Behind the poster in C1 on the second floor:

Memo - Evaluation Card, Patient #0050
Memo - Evaluation Card, Patient #0090
Memo - Evaluation Card, Patient #0130

All three Memos are close to each other in the Director's Office on the second floor:

Echo - Restraint Bed

In M1 on the second floor:

Memo - X-ray Memo

In the X-Ray Room on the third floor:

Memo - Scribbled Note

In Medical Records on the first floor, accessible through L1 on the second floor:

Echo - Typewriter

In Medical Records on the first floor, accessible through L1 on the second floor:

Photo - At Least She Was There

In Examination Room 1 on the first floor, accessible after leaving Medical Records:

Memo - Keypad Combination Note

In the Doctors' Lounge on the first floor:

Memo - Treatment Room Note

In the Treatment Room on the second floor, accessible through the Nurses' Station:

Memo - Safe Note

Inside the safe in the Director's Office on the second floor.

Echo - Broken Fence

On the rooftop (collect the Echo before reading the diary in the elevator shaft):

Memo - Page From A Diary

In the elevator shaft accessible via the rooftop.

Echo - Bloody Wall

In I3 on the third floor:

⋗︎ Brookhaven Hospital - Otherworld
Memo - Evaluation Card, Patient #3141

In the Dayroom on the first floor, after defeating the Flesh Lip:

The Chained Box has three locks, and there are three paths (west, east, and south), each containing a code or key for one of the locks. Since the paths will be blocked after their corresponding lock is opened, make sure to find all collectibles from each path beforehand.

Memo - The Procedure

Chained Box West - In the X-Ray Room on the third floor:

Memo - Patient's Note

Chained Box East - In the Observation Room on the second floor:

Photo - No One Knows

Chained Box East - In C5 on the second floor:

Memo - Manic Scribble

Chained Box East - In the Director's Office on the second floor:

Memo - Nurse's Note

Chained Box East - In I7 on the third floor, accessible through the Director's Office:

Memo - Director's Note

Chained Box East - In the Restroom on the third floor, accessible through the generator room:

Memo - Calender Page

Chained Box South - In M2 on the second floor:

Echo - Hands on Wall

Chained Box South - In M5 on the second floor:

Photo - They Mustn't Know

At the Pool on the first floor, accessible after finding the Copper Ring in the basement:

Memo - Dissociated Notice

In the Locker Room on the first floor, after obtaining the Lead Ring in the Doctors' Lounge:

Memo - Ominous Note

In the staircase after using the rings on the Lady of the Door on the second floor:

⋗︎ Eastern South Vale - Otherworld
Memo - Note on a Map

In the Motor Home on Saul Street:

Echo - Map

In Neely's Bar:

Memo - Letter

Answer the story-related telephone call on Katz Street.

Photo - They're Here

In a car in front of the Lucky Jade Restaurant on Katz Street:

⋗︎ Historical Society
Photo - The New Clock

In a display case in the first showroom on the left:

⋗︎ Toluca Prison
Echo - Stone Tablet #1

In the Canteen on the first floor:

Memo - Gun Cabinet Notice

In the Armory on the first floor:

Echo - Stone Tablet #2

In A3 on the first floor:

Memo - Family Photo

In E4 in the Sepent Section:

Photo - Four Months To Go

In E13 in the Serpent Section, accessible after activating the generator (break the wall in E1):

Memo - Guard's Letter

In the Block C hallway west of Block D in the Ox Section:

Memo - Threatening Note

In D5 in the Ox Section:

Memo - Paranoid Note

In the area behind C4 in the Ox Section (passing this area is part of the story):

Memo - Crumpled Note

In the Changing room in the Ox Section:

Echo - Stone Tablet #3

In the south of the Showers in the Ox Section:

Photo - Old Man's Always Prepared

In the Warehouse in the Boar Section:

Memo - Prisoner's Letter

In the Visitation Room in the Boar Section:

Echo - Trapdoor

In the area between the Visitation Room and the Infirmary in the Boar Section:

Memo - Unfinished Report

In the Infirmary in the Boar Section:

Memo - Confession

In F6 in the Dove Section:

⋗︎ Labyrinth
Echo - Gallows

In a secret room in the Rotten Area (break the wall):

Photo - Whole World Ahead Of Us

Use Ladder VI on the Flooded Level (Pyramid Head encounter) to reach the Desolate Area:

Photo - Your Best Buddy!

After completing the Desolate Area, position the Rotating Cube as shown in the left screenshot. Then enter the cube and go downstairs:

⋗︎ Toluca Lake
Photo - Road Trip!

In the area to the right of the save point at the shore (before boarding the boat):

⋗︎ Lakeview Hotel
Echo - Broken Music Box #1

In the fish fountain in the garden:

Memo - Cleaning Staff Memo #1

In the Utility Room in the basement:

Memo - Receptionist Memo

On the reception counter on the first floor:

Memo - Laura's Letter

Automatically obtained after meeting Laura in the Lake Shore Restaurant on the first floor.

Memo - Lost & Found Note

In the Lost & Found room on the first floor (accessible via Cafe Toluca):

This Memo is not available and therefore, not required for the 'Archivist' achievement in New Game Plus. It is only required if you want to collect all Memos in a Default playthrough.

Photo - Aftermath...

In room 104 on the first floor:

Memo - Photo #1
Memo - Photo #2
Memo - Photo #3

All three Memos are in room 205 on the second floor, accessible through the Reading Room.

Echo - Broken Music Box #2

In Room 212 on the second floor:

Memo - Cleaning Staff Note #2

In the Conference Room on the third floor:

Memo - Cleaning Staff Note #3

In room 107 on the first floor, accessible after reading the Memo in the Conference Room:

Echo - Broken Music Box #3

In the Pantry in the Employee Section, accessible via the Employee Elevator.

Memo - Keypad Numbers Memo

Inside the Gem Box in the Employee Section, accessible via the Employee Elevator:

Photo - Better Leave...

In the Venus Tears Bar in the basement (after leaving the Employee Section):

⋗︎ Lakeview Hotel - Otherworld
Photo - Still Can't Get It Right

In the bathroom of Room 302 (move the cleaning cart):

Echo - Cassette Player

In the Reading Room on the second floor, near the save point:

Memo - Burned Note

In the Manager's Office on the first floor:

Photo - Shape Forces The Mind

In the rainy staircase area after defeating the Red Pyramid Twins. Try to go downstairs:

Puzzle Solutions (Spoiler)
Grand Market Keypad: random number between 4440 and 4450

Safe in Apartment 206:
⋗︎ Light: 15R-11L-13R
⋗︎ Standard: 13R-7L-11R
⋗︎ Hard: 13R-7L-11R

⋗︎ Light Round 1: Man (Silver) - Empty - Woman (Gold) - Empty - Flower (Bronze)
⋗︎ Light Round 2: Sword (Silver) - Empty - Woman (Gold) - Empty - Snake (Bronze)
⋗︎ Light Round 3: Snake (Bronze) - Empty - Gravestone (Gold) - Empty - Man (Silver)
⋗︎ Light Round 4: Put the Snake, Man, or Woman in the top tree slot.

⋗︎ Standard Round 1: Man (Silver) - Empty - Woman (Gold) - Empty - Flower (Bronze)
⋗︎ Standard Round 2: Empty - Sword (Silver) - Empty - Woman (Gold) - Flower (Bronze)
⋗︎ Standard Round 3: Empty - Empty - Man (Silver) - Gravestone (Gold) - Snake (Bronze)
⋗︎ Standard Round 4: Put the Snake, Man, or Woman in the top tree slot.

⋗︎ Hard Round 1: Man (Silver) - Empty - Empty - Gravestone (Gold) - Snake (Bronze)
⋗︎ Hard Round 2: Gravestone (Gold) - Sword (Silver) - Flower (Bronze) - Empty - Empty
⋗︎ Hard Round 3: Empty - Man (Silver) - Woman (Gold) - Empty - Snake (Bronze)
⋗︎ Hard Round 4: Put the Snake, Man, or Woman in the top tree slot.

Clock in Blue Creek Apartments: 9-2-3

Moth Door Lock
⋗︎ Light: 582
⋗︎ Standard: 373
⋗︎ Hard: 522

Jacks Inn Reception Safe:
⋗︎ Light: 0451
⋗︎ Standard: 0451
⋗︎ Hard: 0533

Optional Safe in Pete's Bowl-O-Rama: 1887

Hospital Reception Padlock:
⋗︎ Light: 287
⋗︎ Standard: 724
⋗︎ Hard: 152

Hospital Nurses's Station Keypad Door:
⋗︎ Light: 3578
⋗︎ Standard: 3578
⋗︎ Hard: 7456

Hospital D1 Combination Lock: 4R-37L-12R
Hospital Director's Office Hand: 92 - 45 - 71
Hospital Director's Office Safe (position of the symbols): 63 - 95 - 87

Hospital Chained Box: 1622 (left) and 9659 (right)
Hospital Decorative Box in Pharmacy (Trick or Treat Quiz): 231

Creeper Room: randomized permutation of the digits 2, 3, and 9

⋗︎ Serpent: Weight #1 --- Weight #6
⋗︎ Ox: Weights #1, #6 --- Weight #4
⋗︎ Boar: Weight #1 --- Weights #4, #5, #6
⋗︎ Dove: Weights #1, #3, #5, #6 --- Weight #4
⋗︎ Balance: Weights #2, #3, #5 --- Weights #1, #4, #6

Generator Switches in the Serpent Section:
⋗︎ Light: 4-5-2-1-3
⋗︎ Standard: 6-4-5-1-3-2
⋗︎ Hard: 4-5-2-1-3-6-7

Typewriter in the Boar Section: SICK

⋗︎ Light:

T'was the home of evil, it had to be razed.
Stood and watched the fire, with a lustful gaze.
Stealing to survive, his hunger he would feed.
Stealing not to eat, but to feed his own greed.
Did it just to save her, from her wicked mother.
In a fit of anger, bloody end he brought her.
And steal he did, a remedy, to relieve the pain.
One more place to plunder, One more wrongful gain.
A monster's life it was, ended with a knife.
Did it just for pleasure not over a strife.
Turned against his bully, turned his brain to mulch.
Preying on one's weakness, made the man's bones...

⋗︎ Standard:

Though the young ones' deaths I mourn, Their...
I watched them burn, I heard them cry, I felt a...
The reason, if I have to say, Was to survive...
What were those reasons you might ask. The truth...
Forgive me, child, for I have failed, To save you...
My only daugther, joy of day, They wanted to take...
So my guilt is plain to see, I had robbed the...
I departed with great haste, Leaving not a single trace...
You broke my legs, I couldn't walk, You pulled...
You were, oh, so kind to me, Filled my heart with joy...
In truth, he was less man than beast...
In truth, I did not hesitate, As my blade sealed the...

Labyrinth Rotating Cube:
⋗︎ Rotten Area: 🜍
⋗︎ Desolate Area: 🜏
⋗︎ Ruined Area 🜍, but with a downward-pointing triangle

Lakeview Hotel Reading Room Bookcase: top Wings and Eagle, bottom Bull and Lion

Lakeview Hotel Room 205 Suitcase:
⋗︎ Light: DARK WISH
⋗︎ Standard: DEED DONE
⋗︎ Hard: LOVE LUST

Lakeview Hotel Basement Gem Box: top left Green, top right Red, bottom left Blue
Lakeview Hotel Basement Employee Safe: 7414

Lakeview Hotel Music Box:

Music Box Keys:
⋗︎ Light: 721
⋗︎ Standard: 751
⋗︎ Hard: 111
Speedrun Walkthrough (Spoiler)
Puzzle Difficulty: Light

South Vale
  • Find Neely's Bar Coin in the Texan Cafe at the eastern end of Katz Street.
  • Obtain the Vinyl Glue and the Broken Vinyl Record in the Groovy Music store on Neely Street.
  • Reach the Saul Street Apartments and pick up the Apartment Key in the key room.
  • Find the Jukebox Button in apartment 9 (reachable through apartment 5).
  • Enter Neely's Bar, fix the Broken Vinyl Record, and play the record on the jukebox.
  • Leave Neely's Bar through the back room.

Wood Side Apartments
  • Find the flashlight and the Chute Courtyard Key in apartment 202.
  • Enter apartment 112 through the window in the courtyard.
  • Try to take the key behind the bars next to apartment 107, then get it from the other side.
  • Obtain the Golden Apple Handle in apartment 108.
  • Squeeze through the hole in apartment 213, then pick up the handgun in apartment 217.
  • Find the Apartment 212 Key in apartment 213.
  • Reach apartment 210 through apartment 212.
  • Enter apartment 206 through apartment 208.
  • Escape from apartment 206: 15R-11L-13R.
  • Find 2F Small Staircase Key in apartment 205.
  • Reach the third floor through the staircase next to apartment 215.
  • Enter apartment 312 through apartment 310.
  • Throw the Canned Juice down the chute.
  • Talk to Eddie in apartment 116.
  • Find the Snake Coin in the swimming pool outside.
  • Pick up the Woman Coin in the chute yard.
  • Solve the coin puzzle, then enter apartment 201.

Blue Creek Apartments
  • Reach apartment 307 and leave through the red door.
  • Pick up the Apartment 306 Key and turn the valve in apartment 305.
  • Enter apartment 304 through apartment 306.
  • Turn the valve, then pick it up.
  • Use the valve in apartment 307 and obtain The Hour Hand.
  • Solve the first part of the clock puzzle: 9.
  • Obtain The Minute Hand in the bathroom in apartment 210 (H).
  • Find both Swan Figurine Parts in apartment 209 and 211.
  • Reach apartment 109 and pick up the Key of Resilience.
  • Solve the second part of the clock puzzle: 2.
  • Enter apartment 202 (M) and solve the puzzle: 582.
  • Pick up The Second Hand and complete the clock puzzle: 3.
  • Enter the courtyard (S) on the first floor.

South Vale
  • Meet Maria in the pavilion on Toluca Lake.
  • Reach Jacks Inn. Open the safe in the reception: 0451.
  • Head to Brookhaven Hospital.

Brookhaven Hospital
  • Open the locker in the Reception Office: 287.
  • Enter the basment and pick up the Empty Fuel Can in 0.10 Boiler Room.
  • Fill the Empty Fuel Can in 0.9 Storage.
  • Start the generator, then use the elevator to reach the second floor.
  • Head through the Nurses's Station (3578) and access the third floor.
  • Enter D1: 4R-37L-12R, then find the Filthy Bracelet.
  • Pick up the 1F Inner Ward Key in Examination Room 5.
  • Find the L1 Room Key in the Nurses' Lounge on the second floor.
  • In the Women's Locker Room, find the Bent Needle and take the shotgun.
  • Enter L1 and jump down to Medical Records on the first floor. Pick up the Marked Bracelet.
  • Pass the Dayroom on the first foor and reach the Swimming Pool.
  • Pick up the Medical Tube in the Shower Room. Combine it with the Bent Needle.
  • Get the Maintenance Key from the drain in the Pharmacy.
  • Drain the pool and pick up the Bloodstained Bracelet.
  • Solve the puzzles in the Director's Office: 92 - 45 - 71 (hand) and 63 - 95 - 87 (safe).
  • Read the diary on the rooftop.

Brookhaven Hospital - Otherworld
  • Remove the left (1622) and right (9659) locks from the Chained Box.
  • Follow the west path to Examination Room 4 on the third floor.
  • Find the Instrument of Force and the Key of Bliss, then use them on the mannequin.
  • Unlock the third lock of the Chained Box.
  • Find the Copper Ring in 0.4 Pump Room and the Lead Ring in the Doctors' Lounge.
  • Use the rings on the Lady of the Door.
  • Pick up the Hospital Entrance Key in the Reception Office.

South Vale - Otherworld
  • At Katz Street, answer the telephone call and pick up the wrench.

South Vale
  • Meet Angela in Rosewater Park, then dig up the box and enter the Historical Society.
  • Escape from the Creeper room: permutation of 2, 3, and 9.

Toluca Prison
  • Find the Heaviest Weight in the chapel and enter the yard.
  • Unlock the Serpent Section (left: weight #1, right: weight #6).
  • In the Serpent Section, activate the generator (4-5-2-1-3), then pick up the Medium Weight.
  • Leave the Serpent Section and pick up the Armory Key to obtain the rifle.
  • Unlock the Ox Section (left: weights #1 + #6, right: weight #4).
  • In the Ox Section, find the Block D Key in a drawer in the Guardroom.
  • Enter D5 and pick up the Shiv Key.
  • Use the Shiv Key to unlock C4, then pick up the Medium Weight in the Showers.
  • Unlock the Boar section (left: weight #1, right: weights #4, #5, #6).
  • In the Boar Section, find the Upper Floor Key in the Infirmary.
  • In the Warden Office upstairs, solve the Typewriter puzzle (SICK) to obtain the Light Weight.
  • Unlock the Dove Section (left: weights #1 + #3 + #5 + #6, right: weight #4).
  • In the Dove Section, crawl through the hole near F15.
  • Open F6 and pick up the Lightest Weight in F6.
  • Leave the Dove Section through F9 and F10.
  • Get the Execution Lever (left: weights #2 + #3 + #5, right: weights #1 + #4 + #6).
  • Solve the gallows puzzle (rhymes) and choose a 'justified' crime.

  • Use the Rotating Cube to access the Rotten Area (🜍).
  • Find the Lighter Wick in the south, the Iron Key in the south-east, the Lighter Gas in the east.
  • Open the door east of the Suspended Cage, turn the valve, and pick up the Broken Lighter.
  • Repair the Lighter and burn the rope holding the Suspended Cage.
  • Use the Rotating Cube to access the Desolate Area (🜏).
  • Climb down Ladder II in the east, then climb up Ladder I.
  • Climb down Ladder III in the west and find the Small Key.
  • Climb up Ladder III again and open the Handcuffed Gate, then climb down Ladder IV.
  • Climb up Ladder V and obtain the Wirecutter. Climb down Ladder V and remove the Wires.
  • Use the Rotating Cube to access the Ruined Area (🜍, but with downward-pointing triangle).

Lakeview Hotel
  • Find the Rotten Apple in the east of the garden.
  • Meet Laura in the Lake Shore Restaurant.
  • Pick up the Room 312 Key and the Ornamental Key at the reception.
  • Find the Sunrise Wing Key in the Utility Room on the first floor.
  • On the second floor, solve the bookcase puzzle (top Wings and Eagle, bottom Bull and Lion).
  • Open the suitcase in room 205 (DARK WISH) and take the Employee Elevator Key.
  • Find the Key to Hotel Room 202 in the Hall on the second floor.
  • Enter room 202, repair the mirror, and place the Rotten Apple on the platter.
  • Pick up the Snow White Figurine in room 201.
  • Walk through the Hall and the Nurse's Office on the second floor to reach the third floor.
  • Read the Memo at the fireplace in the Conference Room to get the Key to Hotel Room 107.
  • Enter room 107 and find the Fireplace Key.
  • Back in the Conference Room, open the fireplace and pick up the Cinderella Figurine.
  • Use the Employee Elevator on the second floor to reach the Employee Section.
  • Open the safe in the Break Room of the Employee Section (7414), then enter the basement.
  • Find the Pump Valve in the Maintenance Room and use it to access the Boiler Room.
  • Pick up the Venus Tear Bar Key and take the Pump Valve again.
  • Enter the Venus Tear Bar and pick up the Little Mermaid Figurine.
  • Head to the Employee Elevator on the second floor to get your inventory back.
  • Solve the Music Box puzzle in the Lobby (721).
  • Enter room 312 and watch the video tape.

Lakeview Hotel - Otherworld
  • Try to enter room 305 using the cleaning cart.
d985818388 23 Feb @ 4:51pm 
@emi Doesn't work for me. I've been trying to make other endings this way using a save, but all I always get is "In Water" ending. Even though I always kept my health at max, and have always healed after getting hit. Maybe because I've killed more than 150 mobs or some choices during the puzzles, idk?
Hanni  [author] 19 Jan @ 12:53am 
Thank you for your kind comments! :metalhorns:
Hugo34 🧡 LeonSK 18 Jan @ 11:30am 
ur the best dude
eesevens 17 Jan @ 9:39am 
Thank you!!! Very good guide
nameless 16 Jan @ 7:26pm 
best guide ever
Sullivan 16 Jan @ 8:50am 
This guide was very helpful. Got all achievements
emi 7 Jan @ 1:14pm 
fun fact about the 3 main endings - leave, in water and maria:
you don't actually have to follow anything while playing, you can do whatever.
what matters is which egg door you go through (rusty or scarlet) and if you listen to mary's dialogue in the hallway.
i got the maria ending even though i had not interacted with maria other than the cutscenes that you need to progress the story, so i did some research and found out i had just gone through the scarlet egg door and didn't listen to mary. i reloaded the save file before the two pyramid head fight, went through the rusty egg door and listened to mary - got the leave ending. and so i got the in water ending too, by going through rusty egg but not listening to mary.

so, basically...
go through the rusty egg door + listen to mary = leave ending
go through the rusty egg door + don't listen to mary = in water ending
go through the scarlet egg door + don't listen to mary = maria ending
carol__cat 29 Dec, 2024 @ 10:10pm 
I don't have the admitted achievement in my achievements even though I've gone through the hospital already. Why is that?
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 20 Dec, 2024 @ 12:21pm 
Super Guide again. Merci Grazie :cure:
Lemon レモン 17 Dec, 2024 @ 4:38am 
Rated & Favorited nice great guide @Hanni i love you man !!