Tiny Glade

Tiny Glade

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Basic Controls & Hotkey | A Panda Guide
By Diplopanda~
A basic list of hotkeys and commands within the game that might be useful for you (especially the first person pov + bird's eye view commands you may not have realized) (:
A break down video overhaul
I talk about simple controls and show the basics on the hotkeys and controls within the game. I realize I should have done this earlier but some people have asked me so I thought I'd finally get around to it.
I have a full video talking and showing them off, but here is a quick break-down of basic controls (:
But I'll also break it down in text here~!
Undo / Redo
All keybinds may be changed in settings but simply hitting [Z] for undo or [X] for redo work!
[L. Ctrl + L. Shift + Z] Also works for redo, as that's what I used to do all the time before realizing a simple [X] does the same thing T_T
This is also done with the arrows at the top of the screen of course ^u^
There isn't a limit as to how far you can undo and redo, but beware if you undo and draw something new, that "redo" history gets erased and you can't revert back to it!
Simple Tool Hotkeys
[1] - Selects Build Tool
[2] - Selects Path Tool
[3] - Selects Decoration Tool
[4] - Selects Palette Tool
[5] - Selects Eraser Tool
[6] - Selects Landscaping Tool
[7] - Selects Flower Tool
[8] - Selects Tree Tool
[9] - Selects Water Tool
[T] - Opens Time Controls

[/b] - Puts you into Photography Mode
That's all it does these buttons do. .
There isn't much more extra commands within these sections (:

Building Tool
[1] - Building Tool (Repeated hitting 1, cycles through building options --Left to Right--)
[LMB + Dragging] - Building Size Adjustment
[RMB + Over Building] - Selecting buildings - Toggles all actions on buildings (except roof steepness adjustment - [LMB + Drag on roof]) / Deselects
[L. Ctrl] - Disable Building Snapping
Decoration Tool
[3] Selects Decoration Tool (Cycling Through goes Cottage - Lanterns - Gothic - Flags - Arrow slit - Chimney)
[LMB on window] - Cycles through Generated Decorations
[L. Ctrl] Unsnapping or temporarily disables snapping on Windows
Landscaping Tool
[6] - Selects Landscaping Tool
[LMB + Dragging Up & Down] - Height Adjustment
[LMB + Dragging Left & Right] - Steepness
[L. Ctrl] - Layering Landscaping
Within Photography Mode

[/b] - Put you into Photography Mode
[H] - Hide UI (Only works in this mode)

1st Person POV Overview
Changing Camera Speed
[Q ・ E] - Sprinting
[L. Ctrl] - No Clip
[L. Ctrl] + Looking Up - Flying
[L. Ctrl + Q ・ E] - Changing Vertical POV

Bird's Eye View
[Q ・ E] - Brief Increments of Zooming

Basic Camera
[Q ・ E] - Up and Down
[Rotating Camera Movement with Mouse] - The rotation & zooming is focused on where you place your mouse. So be careful when moving the camera & perhaps you might not have noticed that.

Hidden Stuff in Settings

There are things such as rotating camera with hotkeys, or zooming in and out, which the key binds need to be set within settings to your own liking within the settings yourself!

And note~!:
There is the Hidden Experimental Camera UI in Settings (To get those smooth camera movements that you see youtubers having, play around with it. [There is going to be a proper UI for it one day, but with the demands the devs have given us the experimental version taken from the dev cheats panel.]
lunaslake 18 Jan @ 10:39pm 
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