Diablo® IV

Diablo® IV

36 ratings
How to make game more readable on your screen | Gameplay and graphic settings tweaks | Vessel of Hatred
By NightFire
In this guide I will give you tips on how to make Diablo IV Season 6 look great on your monitor with adjusting game settings and its explanation. Gameplay settings section is most impactful (see "Combat Text Options" section). 99% settings in this guide are in-game settings so it can be applied to your big Sony/Microsoft consoles or Steam Deck. So let's get started.
1) Graphics settings
- I highly recommend switching to "Font Scale" depending on the size of your screen. Small option is perfect on 1080p/1440p for 23inch/27inch
- "Cursor Scale" is highly recommended to set on Large with the next option "High Contrast Cursor" turned on. In the "Cursor Color Picker" option you can choose the color of your cursor. Best color is White.

- It's no matter what upscaler you choose in "Resolution Scaling" or not using any of this, but remember to tweak "Sharpen Image" to get perfect readable quality - good choice is 20-40% depending on monitor size.
- I'm not recommending DLSS Frame Generation if you have a high-end Nvidia GPU because it's causing lag spikes when you enter or closing map, inventory, trade. Also this option is giving noticeable input delay and decreasing image quality.

- Also not recommending any Ray Traced setting cause it's so heavy options even for high-end gpu's with a big input delay impact.

2) Sound settings
- It will save your sanity after hours of gameplay - just lower "Effects Volume" as much as possible - 10% is perfect. It will reduce all combat sounds from your character and enemies.

- In the "Item Drop Sounds" section turn on all options. "Minimum Quality" in both "Loot Sounds" and "Ambient Loot" can be set to the "Unique" option so it'll be more exciting when you'll be rewarded with unique loot from enemies.

3) Gameplay settings
- "Screen Shake Effects" is the most frustrating option that's on as default. It is visually shaking your screen. You should turn it off.
- "Combat Hit Flash" should turn off too for your visual perception
- "Reduce Strobing" should turn on
- "Highlight Player When Obscured" should turn on.

- Turn on for "Advanced Tooltip Compare" and "Advanced Tooltip Information" for more info for you items and comparison

- "Display Own Health", "Display Own Resource" and "Display Minion Health Bars" should turn on for better understanding of your conditions in combat.
- On "Monster Bar Health Option" you need to choose always on for better understanding enemy condition in fight. Works on bosses too!

- Most important setting to make your gameplay clean is in the "Combat Text Options" section. "Show Combat Text" should be turned on, but it depends if you want or don't want to hide all damage numbers on screen. Best choice is stay on with "Critical Damage"/"Overpower Damage". Depends on build, but "Critical Damage" is classic. Every other option in this section should be turned off except the main "Show Combat Text" for the sake of your sanity!

- "Highlights" helps you to target npc/enemies/objects and find your character in-game easier than without it. If you struggle so much to find your character on screen, you should turn on "Display Player Highlight" and choose white (FFFFFF), red (FF0000), purple (8800FF) colors. Same goes for "NPC Target Highlight Color", "Enemy Target Highlight Color", "Object Target Highlight Color". Different colors can be set for any option. Best choice is to keep different colors to your character and enemies.

- "Character Visibility" expands on the previous section. At "Character Visibility Options" you should choose "Additional Highlight" with "Additional Highlights Slider" to 100%. "Additional Highlights Color" for Player/NPC/Enemy can be set on with duplicates of colors of each option of the previous section.

- "Navigation Assist" is a new option for Season 6. "Auto-Pin New Quests" is giving a path for a new switched quest/objective - should be turned on by default . "HUD Compass" is an additional layer of pins. It's giving you a visual arrow around your character so it's easier to navigate without entering the map menu or paying less attention to the mini-map corner. You need to turn on "HUD Compass" and "High Contrast Arrow" options. "Arrow Color" is the same color as "Player Additional Highlight Color" from the section above.

4) Connect -> Notifications
- If you are tired of friends or clan members online, offline status in chat you can turn it off at this section. Best options to turn on only "Friend Request Received" and "Friend Earns a Challenge".
Bonus section - Color filters for Nvidia App/Geforce Experience
You need to set "Digital Vibrance" at Nvidia Control Panel at 60% or above.
Use Nvidia Filters with Sharpen and Color filters. Best Setting on screenshot.
Also you can set in-game brightness to a bit low around 40% for more immersive.
NightFire  [author] 24 Jan @ 11:42am 
true20six, nothing changed in season 7, so it's ok to use all of settings

only one moment:
if you have performance drops i highly recomended to turn off nvidia overlay and game filters until nvidia fix it with new drivers
true20six 24 Jan @ 11:38am 
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de detallar las mejores configuraciones ¿Crees que en la temporada 7 siguen funcionando? ¿Habrá que hacer algún otro cambio? Tengo una NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3060.
Neo 4 Dec, 2024 @ 5:30pm 
There also are "filters" in AMD, its just color correction, where you can change color tint, brightness, contrast, and color vibrance.
Its in the drivers software, at the display tab
MaxOutJay 1 Dec, 2024 @ 8:25am 
What if I have AMD
.proxy 18 Oct, 2024 @ 6:02am 
Diablo 2 settings.