The Jackbox Survey Scramble

The Jackbox Survey Scramble

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Survey Scramble 100% Achievement Guide
By tasselfoot
Helpful advice and solutions to get all achievements in Survey Scramble
Hello! All achievements can be earned with 2 players

Honey I Shrunk/Stunk - These 2 achievements should be earned at the same time. If you re-use a word in this pong game, your paddle will shrink and give you the first achievement. Re-use the same word a third time and you'll get the second achievement.

When They Go Lo, I Go Hi - In this game mode, your first two guesses will be for the highest ranked answers. Then your third and fourth guesses will be for the lowest ranked answers. During your third or fourth guess rounds, pick the answer that is #1.

Groupthink is Bad - For the fifth guess, it will be an either/or choice between two answers. Have all players in the game pick nothing and let the timer run out.

Alley-oops - When it is NOT your turn, you can input possible answers that you can then click to respond with when it is your turn. Write out a clearly fake or made up answer when it is not your turn, then select it when it is your turn.

Yoink - One team picks an answer and gets a square, the other team picks a higher ranked answer within the same square range. No real strategy for this, I'd say... just play a game or two and this should come naturally.

Top Speed - Get all 10 of the top10 answers. This is tough. My advice is to pick a category where the answer set is small or more factual. Then pause the game with ESC once it starts, Google common answers to the prompt, and then input all of them while the game is paused. When you are done, unpause and they'll all submit. Hopefully you get all 10. Here is a list of some top10s from my own games.[] and some more[] from user Hiperion

Pandering - In any game mode, at any time, input the word "Jackbox"

Participation Trophy - Play an entire game without revealing anything on a list. MUST BE DONE IN TOUR GAME MODE. Then let it idle through all the games. Disable tutorial to make it faster. In Square, you must declare the game a draw after 3-4 rounds. Takes 10-15 minutes in total to let all the timers run out while doing nothing.

edit on this: the Developers have stated this is earnable in any game mode, as long as you answer at least once incorrectly while playing, and then let the timer run out. in my playing, this was not the case, but I will note it here for others to try.

edit #2: you MUST end the game via player 1 on their device, and then the achievement will pop afterwards with the credits roll.

Secret - Type "secret" as an answer. This works when playing in English. If playing in a different language, check the comments for the correct translation! Thanks to @AlexSTO for this one.
SuperKimbit 31 Jan @ 5:46pm 
just confirming that one game mode worked for me. I just needed to make sure I ended the game from my previous hunting before starting a no answer one. I managed to get two speed questions that matched lists shared above but they are already different. They cannot be relied on. Thanks for the guide!
Hiperion 21 Jan @ 4:56am 
Here are a bunch more top 10's for Top Speed [].
davethematraque 12 Jan @ 5:40pm 
for the Participation Trophy, you have to click "end game" directly on the browser, the credits will pop after this and the achievement should be yours!
MikeSoChill  [developer] 24 Oct, 2024 @ 3:11pm 
For "Participation Trophy", you need to have guessed at least one thing, and none of your guesses can be present on the list. Easiest way to earn the achievement would be to start a game of Speed, guess something that isn't on the list, then let the timer expire. Then, end the game. The achievement unlocks upon entering the credits screen. You don't need need to play tour. You just need to finish a game having guessed something and have nothing you guessed be on the list.
tasselfoot  [author] 24 Oct, 2024 @ 7:28am 
@AlexSTO ugh, of course it's that simple. Thanks. I was thinking it was like one of the past Jackbox games that had a unique trigger word for custom audio on many of the game's prompts.
AlexSTO 24 Oct, 2024 @ 7:20am 
in Localization.json:

"SECRET_WORD_FOR_ACHIEVEMENT": "secret", (en, fr)