Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption

332 ratings
100% ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE | Red Dead Redemption
This is a comprehensive guide detailing a way of getting for all achievements in the game. If you have never played this game or are just hunting for achievements, this guide will show you how to get them all.

The search function of a browser may be used to find a specific achievement faster (Ctrl+F).
I wish you success in getting all the in-game achievements

Thank you for you patience!
Achievement Info
You Gotta Run And Don't Look Back. This Is Over.

Experience the story of former outlaw John Marston as he tracks down the last remaining members of the notorious Van der Linde Gang. Feel the freedom of the endless prairies of the Wild West. With you, a horse, tobacco, some whiskey, a couple of dollars in your pocket and a trusty revolver: that's all you need for someone who lives one day at a time and is ready to face death. Are you ready to go this route and unlock all the achievements?

Finish the Story.
Many PC players are familiar with what was in the second game, but finally you have the opportunity to find out what the players loved about the original one, what events happened in it and what it led to. Complete the story from beginning to end in order to unlock some story achievements.

"He’s all hat and no cattle."
Before you is an open world full of adventures where you can always find something to do. Be a cowboy, enjoy the freedom and opportunities that the gameplay provides you. In many interesting and unusual cases, the game will reward you with an achievement.

Beat the Game on 100%
You know what this means, there is no way out here, you have to complete the game completely, unlock and get everything you can, find every nook and cranny and get to know everything in the game. Only this will lead you to the coveted achievements.

Meet the Undead
SOmw achievements are related with Undead Nightmare DLC. You will have to fight not for life, and not even to the death with hordes of terrible monsters and zombies that have filled everything around. Kill them, show that you will not be given to them alive and the achievements will be yours!

Spoiler Alert Zone.
Some achievements, descriptions and methods of obtaining of them, including screenshots and videos, may contain serious spoilers.

If you don’t want to spoil your impression and go through the game on your own, then I strongly recommend that you leave this guide, but be sure to come back when you are not afraid of spoilers.

I warned you, wish you have a nice play.

Achievement Info
  • Difficulty level of achievements: Medium.
  • Total achievements: 51.
  • Offline achievements: 51 .
  • Online Achievements: 0 .
  • Estimated time to complete all achievements: 100+ hours.
  • Minimum number of passes for 100%: 1.
  • Glitchy achievements: None.
  • Missable Achievements: Yes.
  • Achievements with difficulty levels: None.
  • Required DLCs for 100% achievements: None, all required DLC included.
🤠Spurred To Victory

The easiest way to earn this is for the player to tie the first horse you get to a hitching post and then never tie another one to a hitching post for the remainder of the game. This way, it doesn't matter if the horse dies. It's also possible to buy the deeds to summon new horses and use these because as long as the player doesn't tie another horse to a hitching post, the game only registers the first time. Taking a horse from the hitching post due to a mission doesn't count as having tied it up, so don't worry when they put the horse on a post. It only counts if the player actively ties it to a hitching post.

Another way to do this is to keep the first stallion awarded during the MacFarlane's Ranch mission thread. Even though the player breaks a different horse in the mission "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions" (a Kentucky Saddler), this does not affect the achievement as it does not technically change horses - the game has done it for you. Keep this horse alive for the remaining missions needed, so leave it away from the action until the fighting is done, and away from any high fall. If a different horse is hitched, it resets the count. So keep the same horse alive for 20 missions for this achievement.

If only going for the achievement, starting from the new game, it will take approximately 2.5 hours of play time (skipping all movies and trips, and fast travelling to the next mission if it's too far away). The Missions Completed in Stats should show 21 when finished, since the horse was given to the player in "Exodus in America" is temporary and is replaced and the actual count begins with the completion of "New Friends, Old Problems", the first mission with Bonnie MacFarlane (this is the mission where the player is provided with their first horse). Attaining a new horse through low honor resets the count of this achievement.

🤠 That Government Boy

Story related, can`t be missed.
🤠 Land of Opportunity

Story related, can`t be missed
🤠 Sons of Mexico

Story related, can`t be missed
🤠 No More Fancy Words

Story related, can`t be missed
🤠 A Savage Soul

Story related, can`t be missed
🤠 The Benefits of Civilization

Story related, can`t be missed
🤠 Into the Sunset

Story related, can`t be missed
🤠 Nurture or Nature?

Story related, can`t be missed. To activate this mission you will need to make your way to the Blackwater train station. You will meet a stranger who will provide you with some information and a location. Start the mission and progress until you finish the related objectives.
🤠 High Roller

There are two ways to earn this achievement. One will be from playing high stakes poker in Blackwater, the other will be to go all in while completing the mission "Lucky in Love". Your aim will be to win 2,000 chips in a single pot. Raising the pot against the AI is very time consuming; you will also need to know the game inside and out to be very successful.

Before you can access Blackwater you need to complete Act 2 so you can access The North. High Stakes Poker will allow you to place bets than exceed any limit elsewhere in the game. Before you take part in these games you may want to buy the Elegant Suit from the Tailors shop in Thieves' Landing.

Wearing the Elegant Suit will enable the player to cheat at poker (be careful not to unbalance the bar while attempting to cheat; getting caught will result in a duel and loss of all chips and money).

Mexico, Lucky In Love:
You will be given this mission by Landon Ricketts as you progress through the story. As you sit down to play the game you will start with 1,000 chips. Go all in with 1,000 chips, at this point some players may bet or fold. Once you win, repeat the same bet again. If you're successful you will win 2,000 chips and the story will continue.
🤠 No Dice

This mini-game is based off of pure luck. The whole point is to guess how many of the die faces have the same number when revealed. The best way to tackle the game is to place honest bets on your own dice. Follow the in-game tutorial and play several games to get the hang of how the game works. If the AI numbers seem honest, such as two low number dice faces, it could be correct. This isn't always true but it does seem to be a running pattern.

Holding onto all five of your dice is very difficult in a game of chance so keep at it until you knock the AI out of the game.

You will find Liar's Dice in the following locations:
  • Thieves' Landing
  • Casa Madrugada
  • Escalera
🤠 What About Hand Grenades?

The goal of this achievement is to strike the stake directly with the horseshoe and have the horseshoe remain circled around the stake. This is not extremely difficult, but requires luck and/or practice to achieve. A ringer is when the horseshoe hits the stake or lands so that it lays like a ring around the stake afterwards.

When aiming, have the stake in the gap right between Marston's middle and ring fingers when zoomed in. This is a good way to align the throw. A full and steady swing, releasing exactly when the power meter hits the middle mark, or a little before, will bring the horseshoe very close. Luck is a factor in getting this right and players are advised to repeatedly attempt this method.
🤠 Fightin' Around the World

There are seven towns with saloons across the world that are part of this achievement. Some of these towns may be in areas not unlocked at the beginning of the game; the territories and their cities containing saloons are:

In New Austin:
Rathskeller Fork
Thieves' Landing

In Nuevo Paraiso:
Casa Madrugada

In West Elizabeth:

If the fight spills out onto the street, it will not count. The player must knock the person out inside the saloon for the achievement to trigger. Knockouts only count if the opponent fights back. People with weapons will always fight, whereas people without weapons will nearly always run away. Consequently, pick a fight with someone who has a pistol holster visible. It's easier to complete by first knocking down the opponent by running into them, then standing over them and continue punching. It is quite difficult to get into a fight in Blackwater, as most people in the saloon are unarmed and will run away when provoked.
🤠 Buckin' Awesome

Before you can attempt this you will need to earn the lasso and complete the tutorial mission "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions". This mission will show you how to lasso and break a horse. Once you have completed the tutorial you can then proceed to find the horses required for this achievement.

Kentucky Saddler: (Story Related)
This horse is a pale golden colour, you will be rewarded with this horse for completed the "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions" mission.

American Standardbred: (Great Plains/Tall Trees)
The Standardbred stands out from the rest of the horses due to its black colour. This is probably the most obvious horse in a herd.

Hungarian Half-bred: (Mexico)
This horse tends to blend in with other horses due to its white colouring and dark face. Some of the other pale coloured horses look the same from a distance.
🤠 Clemency Pays

You will encounter many such bounty opportunities in different settlements. The capture of a live bounty will net you additional reward and honor.

To capture the bounty target alive, equip the lasso (unlocked in the Bonnie MacFarlane mission "Wild Horses, Tamed Passions") and aim at the target. Once the target is locked in auto-aim, "fire" the lasso and hogtie the target. Place him onto a horse and return to the sheriff.

If you're having trouble catching the bounty when they escape, simply go into Dead-Eye and shoot their legs; you can then easily catch up and lasso them. Be careful - accidentally shooting too high can result in a kill. If they get on their horse, you can either try to catch up to them with your horse or shoot their horse.
🤠 Dastardly

Lasso and hogtie any woman NPC, and then transport her to a traintrack, leave her there and watch as the passing train kills her.
🤠 Exquisite Taste

Visit the Gunsmith in the indicated settlement to purchase the weapon.
  • Carcano Rifle - obtained in Blackwater
  • Evans Repeater - obtained in Blackwater
  • LeMat Revolver - obtained in Escalera
  • Mauser Pistol - obtained in Blackwater
  • Semi-auto Shotgun - obtained in Escalera

🤠 Bearly Legal

Grizzlies are one the least common animal and you will only find them in the The North. Before you attempt this you will want to stock up on ammo and save on a regular basis. You will find bears most commonly between Tanners Reach, Aurora Basin and Nekoti Rock.

You man also use bait as this quickly draws the attention of grizzly bears; once slain, it will automatically attract more bears that hunt in groups seeking to avenge their fallen brethren. Make sure that it is a bear, approach it carefully, while making sure another doesn't attack, and kill it with a shotgun or Buffalo Rifle by either in the neck or the forehead.
🤠 He Cleans Up Well!

The Elegant Suit is an outfit that can be bought at the tailor in Thieves' Landing for $70.
🤠 More than a Fistful

The achievement requires the player to earn $10,000. This amount is cumulative; any money earned, lost, spent, or otherwise counts towards this achievement.

These are some ways to earn some money;
  • Kill people and loot their bodies in the hope they have money.
  • Complete Random Encounters.
  • Complete story missions.
  • Commit a robbery (threaten NPCs for money, or break into a bank).
  • Complete Gang Hideouts.
  • Complete Treasure Hunter Challenges and sell the treasure.
  • Complete jobs such as Nightwatch or Horsebreaking.
  • Complete Bounty Hunting missions; keeping the bounty alive means a greater cash reward.
  • Complete mini-games such as Poker, Blackjack and Horseshoes.
  • Go hunting for animals and skin them; the items attained for doing so can be sold to store owners.
  • Complete the Master Hunter Challenges.
🤠 The Gunslinger

Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode. Almost any weapon can be used for this excluding the Hunting Knife, Fists, Lasso, and Throwing Weapons (like Dynamite and Fire Bottles), even though headshots are possible with these weapons. This achievement can be earned by shooting a hogtied victim too. Although the player cannot use dead-eye to complete this, one can also complete this during any duel by aiming at the opponent's head.
🤠 Manifest Destiny

This achievement is difficult, especially since the buffalo scatter and run when attacked, thus disappearing if they get out of Marston's sight. The best method to use is to throw dynamite into the herd, and finish the rest off using Dead-Eye. However, if the herd scatters out of Marston's sight, you can come back at a later date and continue to kill the buffalo with each kill still counting towards the achievement - you don't have to get them all at once. It's worth mentioning that there are a total of 20 buffalo; if you're not sure how many are left, go to Pause > Stats > Misc and see how many buffalo are left.
🤠 Friends In High Places

An easy way to achieve this trophy is following these steps:
  • Start getting a bounty at MacFarlane's Ranch. A good strategy is to hide in the barn and kill lawmen from there
  • Once the town is cleared and you have a good sized bounty, go to Armadillo (possibly during the morning, when more people are around)
  • Climb on the roof of the train station and hide behind the sign that faces the main road in the town
  • Start shooting people until the lawmen arrive
  • Kill all the lawmen but leave at least one alive, otherwise the bounty won't rise (it's better if the last one goes inside the station under you, where he can't harm you). At this point you should already have a bounty of about $500 - $1000
  • From behind the sign, shoot a few people walking around and move the camera 360°. This should make 1 - 5 people appear around the dead bodies
  • Kill them, move the camera and repeat
  • Once you get a bounty of $5000+ (every civilian killed gives you $20 more, so you will have to kill about 150-200 of them), just sit right behind the sign and don't move. The "Wanted" sign will start fading away;
  • Once the "Wanted" sign is gone, jump down the roof and use the pardon letter at the station.
🤠 Heading South on a White Bronco

US Marshals seem to be called out once a player has killed over 20 lawmen. By wearing the U.S. Marshal uniform, US Marshals will not pursue you even if obtaining a $5000 bounty. If the fame is maxed out, Marshals follow the player with a bounty of approximately $560. One can use a deed bought from a General Store to acquire the horse, or one must break a Hungarian-Half Bred found in Mexico. They can be found in the wild near the "Coronas" of Diez Coronas or south east of Escalera (marked on the in-game map by three galloping horses). Once you have broken one, take it to a hitching post to save it.

🤠 Mowing Them Down

Mounted weapons confirmed to be included in this achievement are the Gatling Gun, Maxim/Browning Gun and the Cannon.

One will not encounter mounted weapons too often in the story and replaying missions does not count towards the total, so the player must either total 500 kills in single player free roam.
🤠 In a Hail of Bullets

The following weapons can be used to complete this achievement:
  • Cattleman Revolver
  • Schofield Revolver
  • Double-Action Revolver
  • LeMat Revolver
  • Volcanic Pistol
  • Semi-Automatic Pistol
  • High Power Pistol
  • Mauser Pistol
🤠 Long Arm of Marston

The following weapons can be used to complete this achievement:
  • Buffalo Rifle
  • Evans Repeater
  • Repeater Carbine
  • Henry Repeater
  • Winchester Repeater
  • Springfield Rifle
  • Bolt Action Rifle
  • Rolling Block Rifle
  • Carcano Rifle
  • Explosive Rifle
  • Double-barreled Shotgun
  • Sawed-off Shotgun
  • Pump-action Shotgun
  • Semi-auto Shotgun
  • Blunderbuss
🤠 Bullseye

One way to get this would be going to any gang hideout in Free Roam. Kill all of the enemies with a headshot. It is suggested to use a Rolling Block Rifle or a Carcano Rifle. Replay the hideout until the achievement/trophy is earned. Check the progress by going to STATS > COMBAT in the pause menu, then look at the headshots stat.
🤠 Unnatural Selection

Kill these animal at least once to unlock the achievement. Bat, Bull, Chicken, Cow, Dog, Goat, Mule, Sheep and Pig do not count for this achievement.

Armadillo - Nuevo Paraiso and the Cholla Springs, Gaptooth Ridge, and Río Bravo areas of New Austin
Bear - The Tall Trees area of West Elizabeth
Beaver - The Tall Trees area of West Elizabeth
Bighorn - The mountains of New Austin and Nuevo Paraiso and the Tall Trees area of West Elizabeth
Boar - North of MacFarlane's Ranch, Stillwater Creek, the marsh near Thieves' Landing, and the Tall Trees area
Bobcat - Nuevo Paraiso and the Tall Trees area of West Elizabeth
Buffalo - Near Beecher's Hope in the Great Plains
Cougar - In the New Austin territory, they are abundant in Rio Bravo, Repentance Rock, the northernmost hills of Hennigan's Stead and along the US/Mexico border. Main areas of West Elizabeth include Tanner's Reach in Tall Trees, Beecher's Hope in the Great Plains, and near the Wreck of the Serendipity.
Coyote - New Austin and Nuevo Paraiso (listen for their whiny howls)
Crow - All three areas (listen for their caws)
Deer - All three areas
Duck - Lake Don Julio and along the San Luis River
Eagle - The Tall Trees and Nekoti Rock areas of West Elizabeth, as well as in Mexico.
Elk - The Tall Trees area of West Elizabeth
Fox - Riley's Charge, Rio del Lobo, and Del Lobo Rock areas of New Austin, and the Tall Trees area of West Elizabeth
Hawk - New Austin and Nuevo Paraiso
Horse (wild and domesticated) - All three areas
Owl - All three areas (only at night)
Rabbit - All three areas
Raccoon - All three areas
Skunk - All three areas
Seagull - Blackwater
Snake - All three areas (listen for snake hissing or rattling while riding and check around on the ground)
Songbird - All three areas
Vulture - All three areas (usually near death, i.e. completed gang hideouts or signs of trouble in missions)
Wolf - All three areas (in abundance in Nuevo Paraiso and the Tall Trees area)
🤠 Gold Medal

If you have not unlocked this achievement after completing the main story, you can replay the missions by going to Stats -> Missions, and selecting Replay.

The shortest and easiest way to get this achievement is to replay the mission "Political Realities in Armadillo". This is probably the easiest combat mission, simply because there are only 5 enemies to kill (Walton is optional, as he can either be killed or captured via a shot to the leg). To get the gold medal, the player must beat the mission in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds (2.30 on the dot will not grant the achievement) and get 100% shot accuracy, making at least 5 headshots.

The requirements stack. So if you manage to get the 5 headshots and 100% accuracy but were over the time limit, beat the time requirement on another try. Dead Eye helps a lot with getting the 5 headshots. To beat the time limit, skip all cutscenes, run to the saloon and don't wait for the Marshal to catch up, then kill Walton.

Another mission that is very easy is "Lucky in Love". The requirements are 100% accuracy, 5 headshots, and completion in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The key is to go all-in on the poker bets and to take 1 shot per duel. Place a well-aimed headshot for Andreas Müller and for The Stranger. Aim to the left part of his head. It will automatically take the shot after it is placed.
Gold Medals can be earned over multiple mission replays. For one replay, focus on running the mission as quickly as possible – skip the cutscenes, run ahead of friendlies to the mission objectives. On other playthroughs, make sure every shot hits for accuracy and take some time lining up headshots.

Another good mission is "Spare the Love, Spoil the Child" by killing the bear with 1 headshot (use a Buffalo Rifle or a Semi-Auto Shotgun). However, this mission is not recommended for everyone because the time it takes to ride on horseback to Jack varies from player to player and can eat up a lot of time.

Another easy way is to do the "Old Swindler Blues" mission for Nigel West Dickens With only headshots and 100% accuracy and as fast as possible

🤠 Frontiersman
🤠 Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead

As the official description says, the player must reach either extreme of the Honor ranking system, while simultaneously holding the highest Fame rating. Players raise or lower their honor level by completing activities, ambient challenges, stranger missions, and gameplay missions.

To acquire easy fame, the player can start a poker game (take one of the cheap ones, like in MacFarlane's Ranch, where the buy-ins are only $10), cheat (this requires the Elegant Suit) and make sure that the player is called out (move it to the red zone). This will cause a duel. The player receives 50 fame for winning, and if disarming the opponent, the player will gain honor and also will receive 50 more fame, giving them a total of 100 fame points.

A very easy method to gain this is to just let rip on the law without a bandana, as killing lawmen rewards fame and negative honor; you can earn this simply by going on a killing spree.
🤠 On the Trail of de Vaca

There are 94 locations in total through the whole of the map, visiting each location may take a while depending on what activities you are taking part in. Just progress through the game at your own progress and you should find most locations with little to no effort.

🤠 Strange Things are Afoot / People are Still Strange

Throughout the world you will find Strangers in various locations. You will know if there is a Stranger near by as you will see a question mark noted on your map. Find and complete the objectives given to you by 15 different strangers, there are more than 15 in the world so make sure you complete them all.
🤠 Austin Overpowered / Evil Spirits / Instinto Asesino

There are a total of seven different hideouts located around New Austin and Mexico. You will need to make your way to each hideout after completing a set story mission requirement, then complete the objectives provided. If you turn up and there's no one to talk to or an objective surrounding the hideout, you haven't completed the criteria to start that side mission.

Twin Rocks Hideout:
Requirement: New Friends, Old Problems
Objective: Kill the Walton Gang
Reward: Volcanic Pistol

Pike's Basin Hideout:
Requirement: Justice in Pike's Basin
Objective: Kill the Bollard Gang
Reward: Sawed-off Shotgun

Gaptooth Breach Hideout:
Requirement: Man is Born Unto Trouble
Objective: Rescue Floyd
Reward: Springfield Rifle

Tumbleweed Hideout:
Requirement: New Friends, Old Problems
Objective: Kill the Criminals
Reward: Winchester Repeater

Tesoro Azul Hideout:
Requirement: The Demon Drink
Objective: Kill the Criminals
Reward: Double Action Revolver

Fort Mercer Hideout:
Requirement: We Shall Be Together in Paradise
Objective: Kill the Criminals
Reward: Semi-automatic Pistol

Nosalida Hideout:
Requirement: We Shall Be Together in Paradise
Objective: Burn down the hideout
Reward: Heavy Repeater
🤠 Axe Master

Before you can start these challenges you need to head to the Manzanita Post, you can buy the 20 Tomahawks for $10 each. Once you have the Tomahawk you can proceed to complete the following challenges:

Tomahawk Mastery Rank 2
Kill one enemy with the tomahawk used as a throwing weapon, one as a melee weapon, and one from horseback.

You can do these three just about anywhere that you encounter enemies. Animal enemies do not count towards the criteria, but you can head to any hideout and complete these in a matter of minutes.

The melee attack doesn't haven't to be done on an enemy, it seems to count if you equip a bandana and kill any of the none hostile characters around town. Head to Thieves' Landing and take out any of people walking around. Just walk up to the person you want to kill, stand close and use the tomahawk as if you were to throw it, instead you will kill the person you're facing by hitting them with the Tomahawk instead.

With the next two, which involve throwing the tomahawk, head to Pike's Basin, use dead eye and carefully pick off one of the guys hiding behind the rocks at the start. Once you complete that part of the challenge, jump on your horse and do the same.

Just remember, using deadeye may help you aim, but once you throw the enemy may duck down or move. So aim carefully.

Tomahawk Mastery Rank 3
Kill a flying bird with a tomahawk without using deadeye.

This sounds fairly difficult, but it is fairly simple and easy to do. Head to any of the hideouts, I decided to stick with Twin Rocks as it's small and quick. Kill everyone and complete the hideout, once you complete the hideout get onto the roof of the house. You will now have several vultures flying above you, these are one of the larger birds in the game so they are easy to hit without a struggle. Load up on tomahawks and just carefully aim and throw.

Tomahawk Mastery Rank 4
Kill 5 enemies in a row without missing with the tomahawk.

This is another challenge, which can easily be completed at Twin Rocks. Take out the first two guys high up on the rocks with a rifle, they are easy to miss so there is no reason to waste tomahawks on them.

You will have four guys left in front of you, then another three will exit the house once they are killed. Carefully work your way around the cover and use your deadeye and melee enemies with the tomahawk as much as possible. Doing this will allow you to score the kills without missing. You will also perform an instant kill rather than having to aim carefully with your throws.

Tomahawk Mastery Rank 5
Complete a hideout using only tomahawks.

This final challenge can also be completed at Twin Rocks. You can repeat the same as Rank 4, but make sure you aim carefully for the guys up high on the rocks. Try to get as close as you can and use deadeye as much as possible.

Just take your time and use the tomahawk's melee attack often so you don't waste how many you have.

Alternative Method:
It seems that once you earn Rank 4 it resets the counter for the hideouts. If you complete Master Rank 4 then continue inside the house and kill the last enemy, it seems to count for the last challenge. If this doesn't work for you, it might have just been a freak glitch, but it's worth a try as you won't lose out on anything.
🤠 Master Exploder

There are 5 challenges to complete for the Explosive Rifle. After you've finished all 5 challenges, the achievement will unlock. The challenges are as follows;

1. Purchase the Explosive Rifle
The Explosive Rifle can be bought from the Gunsmith in Blackwater. It's price will be one of three options;

The price will depend on your fame. The higher your fame is, the lower the price of the gun is. Being negative in fame will cause the rifle to be $15,000. Somewhere around Neutral will cause the rifle to cost $10,000. Be extremely positive, and the rifle will cost $5,000. If you happen to have very low fame, and low money, try and bring your Fame up. You can do this by wearing the Elegant suit, cheating at Poker and shooting the gun out of your opponent's hand during the duel after being caught. If you play at MacFarlane's Ranch, the buy-in is only $10. Repeat this over and over until you are at high enough Fame where you can buy the rifle at $5,000.

2. Kill 5 Enemies while they are in cover
After you've purchased the Explosive Rifle, you'll need to kill 5 enemies while they are in cover. Traveling to the nearest hideout is the easiest way to find enemies. When an enemy is in cover, they'll be out of sight, and hiding behind something. This is when you must take your shot. Repeat 5 times, and the challenge should be complete.

3. Kill 3 Enemies With One Shot
Killing 3 enemies with one shot may seem like an improbable task, but it is much easier than it seems. Hog-tying 3 enemies and placing them within a spot where they're all next to each other, will do the trick. Shooting your enemies from a higher point may make the job easier, but that is down to personal preference.

4. Kill Two Wild Animals
Killing any type of wild animal will work. Vultures will spawn after you've completed a hideout, bait can attract different types of animals, and finding random spawning animals all work well. Be sure to use Dead Eye when you're trying to shoot a hard target.

5. Kill an Enemy While Wearing the US Army Outfit
First, you'll need to have unlocked the US Army Outfit. This outfit is tied to the Redeemed achievement. Change into the outfit, and kill an enemy.
🤠 Redeemed

The requirements for 100% Completion come from eleven different aspects of gameplay as detailed below.

Main Missions
Each of the 57 story missions that is completed counts as 1%, for a total of 57%.

Rare Weapons
Each of the five rare weapons that are acquired from a Gunsmith counts as 0.5%, for a total of 2.5%.
  • LeMat Revolver which is obtained from the Escalera gunsmith
  • Mauser Pistol which is obtained from the Blackwater gunsmith
  • Evans Repeater which is obtained at the Blackwater gunsmith
  • Semi-auto Shotgun which is obtained from the Escalera gunsmith
  • Carcano Rifle which is obtained from the Blackwater gunsmith

Each of the nine required outfits that is unlocked counts as 0.5%, for a total of 4.5%. Only the outfits listed below are required for 100% completion.
  • U.S. Army Outfit (only available to Jack Marston)
  • U.S. Marshal Outfit (only available to Jack Marston)
  • Elegant Suit
  • Rancher Outfit
  • Mexican Poncho Outfit
  • Bollard Twins Outfit
  • Treasure Hunter Outfit
  • Bandito Outfit
  • Reyes' Rebels Outfit

Job Locations
Each job that is completed at one of the five unique locations (once per location) counts as 0.5%, for a total of 2.5%.
  • Horsebreaking
  • Ridgewood Farm
  • Chuparosa
  • Nightwatch
  • MacFarlane's Ranch
  • Chuparosa
  • Blackwater

Map Locations
Discover all 94 map locations counts for a total of 6%. This also accomplishes the On the Trail of de Vaca achievement

Each of the six minigames that the player wins counts as 0.5%, for a total of 3%. For each minigame to be counted towards the 100% completion stat, the player must beat all players at the event (in line or at the table).

Stranger Missions
Completion of 18 of the 19 available Stranger missions
  • "American Appetites"
  • "American Lobbyist"
  • "Aztec Gold"
  • "California"
  • "Deadalus and Son"
  • "Eva in Peril"
  • "Flowers for a Lady"
  • "Funny Man"
  • "Jenny's Faith"
  • "Let No Man Put Asunder"
  • "Lights, Camera, Action"
  • "Love is the Opiate"
  • "Poppycock"
  • "The Prohibitionist"
  • "Remember My Family"
  • "Water and Honesty"
  • "Who Are You to Judge?"
  • "The Wronged Woman"

New Austin
  • MacFarlane's Ranch Safehouse (Given to Marston)
  • Armadillo Safehouse
  • Rathskeller Fork Safehouse
  • Thieves' Landing Safehouse
Nuevo Paraiso
  • Irish's Shack Puerto Cuchillo (Given to Marston)
  • Escalera Safehouse
  • Chuparosa Safehouse
  • Casa Madrugada Safehouse
  • El Matadero Safehouse
West Elizabeth
  • Blackwater Safehouse (Given to Marston)
  • Manzanita Post Safehouse
  • Beecher's Hope Safehouse (John and Abigail's room) (Given to Marston)
  • Beecher's Hope Safehouse (Jack's room) (Given to Marston)

Gang Hideouts
  • Twin Rocks
  • Tumbleweed
  • Pike's Basin
  • Gaptooth Breach
  • Fort Mercer
  • Tesoro Azul
  • Nosalida

Ambient Challenges
Each ambient challenge is divided into two halves (ranks 1 to 5 and 6 to 10).
  • Sharpshooter Challenges
  • Survivalist Challenges
  • Master Hunter Challenges
  • Treasure Hunter Challenges

Bounty Locations
Each of the twenty locations at which a Bounty Target is successfully captured or killed
New Austin
  • The Hanging Rock
  • Rattlesnake Hollow
  • Mercer Station
  • Rio del Lobo
  • Silent Stead
  • Repentance Rock
  • Brittlebrush Trawl
  • Mescalero
Nuevo Paraiso
  • Plata Grande
  • Sepulcro
  • Barranca
  • Ojo del Diablo
  • Rancho Polvo
  • Primera Quebrada
  • Laguna Borrego
  • Hendidura Grande
West Elizabeth
  • Aurora Basin
  • Bearclaw Camp
  • Nekoti Rock
  • Tanner's Reach
🤠 The Downward Spiral

Complete Mission #2: Curious Tales from Blackwater.
Story related, cannot be missed.

🤠 Judge A Man By The...

Complete the Mission #3: Get Back in That Hole, Partner and Mission #4: A Cure for Most of What Ails You. Story related, cannot be missed.

🤠 The Superior Dance

Complete Mission #6: Mother Superior Blues.
Story related, cannot be missed.

🤠 All's Right With the World

Complete the last Mission #8: On a Pale Horse.
Story related, cannot be missed.

🤠 Spinning Plates

Every town and some of the gang hideouts are now overrun by zombies, and it's your goal to have them all "cleansed" at the same time. If you get near a territory it will appear on your map with the status "Unknown". If you approach it the status will be "Overrun".

If you capture a territory for the first time all survivors (amount depends on size of the territory) will be alive. Though after a certain amount of time the territory will be overrun again and the status will change to "Under Attack". If you won't help the territory it will become "Overrun" again and survivors will start dying until none of them are left. Fort Mercer, Casa Madrugada and El Presidio are always "safe".

A territory will take about 30-72 hours (in-game) to become attacked again, so you'll have to move quick. The best way is travelling by horse as fast-travelling takes a longer in-game time. There are 13 territories in America and 9 in Mexico.

  • Armadillo
  • Blackwater
  • Cochinay
  • Fort Mercer
  • Gaptooth Breach
  • MacFarlane's Ranch
  • Manzanita Post
  • Pacific Union Railroad Camp
  • Plainview
  • Rathskeller Fork
  • Ridgewood Farm
  • Thieves' Landing
  • Twin Rocks
  • Agave Viejo
  • Casa Madrugada
  • Chuparosa
  • El Matadero
  • El Presidio
  • Escalera
  • Las Hermanas
  • Nosalida
  • Tesoro Azul
  • Torquemada

Even if a town is overrun and all survivors are dead, you can still unlock the achievement and save the towns.

🤠 Mad Marston: The Trail Warrior

Complete these 4 challenges to unlock the achievement:

Undead Sharpshooter
  • Rank 1: Kill 5 Undead in 10 seconds using a gun
  • Rank 2: Headshot 10 Undead in a row
  • Rank 3: Kill 5 flaming undead in one Dead-Eye meter
  • Rank 4: Kill 1 of each of the 4 undead types with 1 Dead Eye meter
  • Rank 5: Get 5 undead sniper kills in 8 seconds without using Dead Eye. The Rolling Block Rifle can be found in the Pacific Union Railroad Camp
Undead Hunter
  • Rank 1: Kill 100 Fresh Undead and 25 Bolters
  • Rank 2: Kill 25 more Bruisers and 15 more Retchers
  • Rank 3: Use a single explosion of a Retcher to kill 2 other Undead
  • Rank 4: Kill 2 Undead bears, 5 Undead wolves, and 3 Undead cougars using a torch
  • Rank 5: Find and kill the Chupacabra
Four Horses of the Apocalypse
  • Rank 1 - 4: Locate each of the 4 horses.
  • Rank 5: Kill one of each of the Undead types using the 4th horse of the Apocalypse, otherwise known as Death
Undead Treasure Hunter
Ranks 1 - 5: Find the first map in a chest at a wildness camp and find the treasure.
🤠 Fan Service

Complete and attain rank 5 in the "Undead Hunter" challenge before finding the Unicorn. Players can find the unicorn around Diez Coronas and Torquemada.

Unlike the other mythical creatures in Undead Nightmare, the you won't get a warning that there is a mythical creature in the area. From a distance it looks similar to an Hungarian Half-bred but getting up close you will not only notice the Unicorn's legendary horn on its forehead, but will also see a cloud of butterflies all around it and when it gallops, there's a distinct rainbow-colored trail.

🤠 Chupathingy

Undead Hunter challenge 5 requires you to kill it, so that means you have to get to Undead Hunter level 5 before you can kill it. It is a rather small, black hound-like creature which will be marked on your map. 2 shots in the head will kill it.

Possible locations: South of Perdido, South of Sepulcro, Casa Madrugada and Northern Diez Coronaz.

🤠 Six Years in the Making

Simply kill a Sasquatch, these are found around Tall Trees during the side-mission "Birth of the Conservation Movement".

🤠 Zed's Dead, Baby

This achievement requires to completely finish every aspect of the game, as detailed below.

List of Completion
Storyline Missions
Undead Challenges
Missing Person Locations
Town Saved
Total = 100%

1. Complete all the missions
Survivor missions
"Love in the Time of Plague"
"Curious Tales from Blackwater"
"Get Back in that Hole, Partner"
"A Cure for Most of What Ails You"
"American Imperialism"
"Mother Superior Blues"
"A Civilized Man"
"Birth of the Conservation Movement"
"Paternal Pride"
"Dinner for Two"
"Missing Souls"
"Filth and Other Entertainment"
"Biographies and Lies"

2. Have all the regions saved at least once
Can be done if you already unlocked Spinning Plates achievement.

3. Cleanse All the Graveyards
  • Blackwater Graveyard
  • Coot's Chapel
  • Odd Fellow's Rest
  • Tumbleweed Graveyard
  • Sepulcro

4. Save all Missing Persons
  • 10 Missing Persons in Fort Mercer
  • 6 Missing Persons in El Presidio

5. Find and break the Unicorn
Can be done if you already unlocked Fan Service achievement.

6. Complete all the Challenges
Can be done if you already unlocked Mad Marston: The Trail Warrior achievement.

7. Obtain all the Outfits
Legend of the Apocalypse/Undead
Unlocked after all Level 5 Challenges are complete.
Undead Hunter/Army of the Undead
Upon unlocking this outfit, a holy relic is placed in Marston's inventory. When the said relic is used, John's ammunition is replenished and consumable items are added to his inventory. The relic can be used only once per in-game day.
  • Scrap 1: Complete the Survivor Mission "Birth of the Conservation Movement'.
  • Scrap 2: Complete the Survivor Mission "Filth and Other Entertainment".
  • Scrap 3: Complete the Survivor Mission "Missing Souls".
  • Scrap 4: Return one Missing Person to El Presidio.
  • Scrap 5: Find and break the mythical Unicorn
Undead Cowboy Outfit
The Undead Cowboy outfit is unlocked following the mission "On A Pale Horse" and the completion of the story mode of Undead Nightmare.
Sub Lee Lee 8 Mar @ 9:33am 
Top guide, thank's a lot!
Had to mention while doing Unnatural Selection I discovered that you don't need to kill the Duck.
Well at least it doesn't show up in my Misc. stats.
Molto 26 Feb @ 6:45pm 
For 100% Undead Nightmare do I have to purify the graveyards again? I already purified them in the missions of Seth and Mother Superior
WeeHammy 24 Feb @ 11:15pm 
Such an excellent guide! Thank you for making this. Extremely well detailed and I had so much fun playing a game from my childhood, both RDR1 and Undead Nightmare!

I love your little "achievement" banners and such you have too!

Thank you for putting it all in order too, I was able to "speed up" my 100% as I knew where to go and what to obtain all thank's to you!
WeeHammy 24 Feb @ 11:13pm 

No. both of those are NOT required for the 100%. I have just obtained my 100% and I do not have those achievements. I also have the screenshot of the achievement popping.

Everything that is needed for 100% is mentioned in this guide. If it is NOT mentioned it is not required and you can skip it.
Osonfadao 14 Feb @ 5:17am 
Hello are Savvy Merchant and Expert Hunter necesary for the 100% achievment? the only suit I'm missing is Savvy Merchant and I have 99.5% completion. What could I be missing if not?
Axost 12 Feb @ 1:47pm 
Sorry,what surronding the achivement icon ?
XEALEEN  [author] 12 Feb @ 12:57pm 
Do you mean achievement icons or what exactly?
Axost 12 Feb @ 12:29pm 
Hi I would really like to know where the trophy artwork comes from ?
Orange 21 Jan @ 2:34am 
Big Boss: yes, you can use a pardon letter.

Any savegame with near-completed Spurred To Victory will be appreciated. I think I missed it (I have a few missions left)
Thebigmob 2 Jan @ 11:26am 
For the Gold Medal achievment "Spare the Love, Spoil the Child" does NOT count.