Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

51 ratings
Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered [+DLC] - 100% Achievement Guide
By Nero
100% Completion Guide for Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

This guide is WIP
Story Related
Followed Rost's teachings
Learned to hunt and fight alongside Rost.

Defeated the Sawtooth
Defeated the Sawtooth that threatened the Nora.

Triumphed in the Proving
Overcame adversity and placed first in the Proving.

Victorious with the War-Chief
Found the Nora War-Chief and defeated the killers in the Ring of Metal.

Fought back the corruption
Destroyed the corruption inside the Nora valley.

Saved Meridian from its foe
Helped Erend investigate Ersa's fate, and foiled a plot against Meridian.

Learned of the ancient past
Learned of the ancient past at Maker's End.

Crashed the Eclipse network
Infiltrated the Eclipse battle camp and crashed their network.

Discovered the truth
Discovered the truth of Zero Dawn.

Broke the siege of All-Mother
Defeated the invaders and went inside the sacred mountain.

Recovered a powerful weapon
Explored the Mountain That Fell and recovered a powerful weapon.

Ended the war machine threat
Ended the threat of the ancient war machines.

All allies joined
Given Aloy's actions, all possible optional allies joined the defense.

Before triggering main quest “The Looming Shadow” go and do all 11 side quests required for “All allies joined”. Your dialogue choices do not matter. The final mission can also be replayed over and over again so even if you completed it you can do it again after assembling all the allies.

Combat & Machines
First Modification
Used a Weapon Coil or Outfit Weave on a modifiable weapon or outfit.

Weapon Coils and Outfit Weaves are dropped frequently by enemies and can be bought from merchants (the tougher the enemy, the higher the drop rate). In your inventory they are listed under “Modifications”. Loot all killed enemies and you’ll get plenty of mods.

Headshot 30 human enemies
Killed 30 human enemies by landing headshots on them.

Shoot at the head of humans using focus.

[/previewimg] Tore off 10 components
Detached 10 components from machines during combat.

Just aim at the component at the machine and shoot, using focus will help.

Tore off 5 heavy weapons
Detached 5 heavy weapons from machines during combat.

There are but 3 machines in the game, which are equipped with such weapons:
Ravager - 1 "Ravager Cannon"
Thunderjaw - 2 "Disc Launcher"
Deathbringer - 2 "Gun Turret".

10 Vulnerable machine kills
Killed 10 machines weak to Fire while burning, or weak to Freeze while frozen.

This trophy is basically unmissable. At the end of the story you have to shoot lots of machines with a cannon which does fire damage. Here the trophy should come naturally.

7 types of machine overridden
Unlocked and used the overrides for 7 different types of machine.

To unlock new overrides you must complete Cauldrons (dungeons). Cauldrons get marked on the map after going near them / when climbing Tallnecks. There are only 4 of them in total.

For the following achievements, scan and kill every type of machine in the game. Already killed machines can still be scanned with your focus. There are 26 enemy machines. The video below shows their locations and how to kill them quickly.

In the notebook you can see which ones you have encountered and scanned . You must scan and kill all machines for the following trophies:

All Acquisition machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine.

All Recon machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Reconnaissance machine.

All Transport machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.

All Combat machines killed
Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.

All machines catalogued
Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine.
Open World Activities
First Tallnecks Overridden
Scaled a Tallneck and accessed its information.

All Tallnecks Overridden
Scaled a Tallneck and accessed its information.

First Bandit Camps cleared
Took back a settlement from a bandit clan.

All Bandit Camps cleared
Took back all settlements from the bandit clans.

First Corrupted Zones cleared
Killed all the corrupted machines in a Corrupted Zone.

All Corrupted Zones cleared
Killed all the corrupted machines in every Corrupted Zone.

First Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of a Cauldron.

All Cores Overridden
Reached the Core of every Cauldron.

All Suns at one Ground
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.

Blazing Suns at one Ground
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all three trials at one Hunting Ground.

All Suns at all Grounds
Earned at least a Half Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds.

Blazing Suns at all Grounds
Earned a Blazing Sun mark in all trials at all of the Hunting Grounds.

In Horizon Zero Dawn you can play Hunting Ground Trials to earn Blazing Sun Marks (highscore) or Half Sun Marks (mediocre score). These are little challenges to test your skills. Each hunting ground has 3 different trial challenges. They are scattered across 5 hunting ground locations for a total of 15 trials. They are marked on the map by a blue arrow icon after climbing the tallnecks.


Downed 23 Grazer dummies
Found and knocked over all of the Grazer training dummies in the Nora region.


Got the Shield-Weaver outfit
Recovered an ancient technology and put it to use.


Open World Collectibles
First Vantages found
Found and accessed a Vantage datapoint.

All Vantages found
Found and accessed all of the Vantage datapoints.

First Metal Flowers found
Discovered a strange metal flower.

All Metal Flowers found
Found all of the Metal Flowers.

All Banuk Figures found
Found a wooden effigy left by a Banuk traveler.

All Banuk Figures found
Found all of Arnak's figures.

First Ancient Vessels found
Found an ancient vessel once used by the Old Ones.

All Ancient Vessels found
Found all the Ancient Vessels.

Side Missions
Aided the defectors
Aided the escapes of Uthid and the child king Itamen from the Shadow Carja.

This requires you to do the side quest “Traitor’s Bounty” and “Queen’s Gambit”.
Traitor’s Bounty is unlocked automatically later in the story. Completing this quest automatically leads to Queen’s Gambit (it’s a quest line). Upon completing The Queen’s Gambit the trophy unlocks.

Hunted Redmaw with Talanah
Rose through the ranks of the Hunters Lodge and helped Talanah defeat Redmaw.

This trophy is a reward for completing the quest line for the hunter’s lodge.
Frozen Wilds
Gospelmannen 30 Dec, 2024 @ 1:00pm 
Have almost finished all the game achivements. Just have a couple left, having some trouble with "All allies joined" tough. Have completed all Quests and errands. Pretty much whole map is clean and I 100% have the requierments met. But still when i replay "Looming shadows" it never unlocks ;-; Anyone one else having trouble on this one?Cant see anything I missed! maby its a technical issue?
Nero  [author] 7 Nov, 2024 @ 9:32am 
u can transfer you save game to the remaster but it wont unlock the achievements......
javiasiva 7 Nov, 2024 @ 9:22am 
Does anyone know if I can tranfer my savefile from the original HZD and that would give me the achievements?
Heartless kid 3 Nov, 2024 @ 4:28am 
Wow bro! Nice!:devilskiss:
qua?ar 1 Nov, 2024 @ 9:32am 
✪ DareDevil ✪ 1 Nov, 2024 @ 8:31am 
Ivasyk-Telesyk 1 Nov, 2024 @ 5:12am 
Dr. LiVeSeY 1 Nov, 2024 @ 4:50am 
Excellent) :cupup::coromon_blush::coolstar2022::praisesun:
Xeontrix 1 Nov, 2024 @ 2:54am 
Schattenkatze79 1 Nov, 2024 @ 2:34am 