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All original WON menus for Counter-Strike
By sensei 黒いバラ
A collection of original menu styles from WON (World Opponent Network) era with the same fonts, colors and almost the same effects recreated by me specifically for Counter-Strike.
As you all know, Valve had released a big update for Half-Life last year in honor of game's 25th anniversary. If you ask me, it's amazing of them not forgetting their golden title and giving it much deserved treatment.
I was especially excited for an unexpected return of original iconic menu from WON era, but, unfortunately, Counter-Strike didn't get one, so I've decided to recreate it myself. ALL of them.
At first, in April this year, I did it entirely for myself as a little hobby project, but recently I've thought that it would be good to share with everyone, so oldschool Counter-Strike fans and WON era/style connoisseurs would also have an opportunity to enjoy it.
Counter-Strike Beta v1.0 — 2.1
Here is a bunch of screenshots, which will show you what I was able to achieve:

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike Beta v3.0 — 3.1

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike Beta v4.0 — 4.1

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike Beta v5.0 — 5.2

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike Beta v6.0 — 6.5
1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Note: If you consider original menu hint color as bad for your eyes or it blends with the background for you, then open a text file called "Menu hints color", which is located in the folder with this menu style (in archive this folder is called "Counter-Strike Beta v6.0 - 6.5").
There is an explanation how to change color of menu hints for better visibility.
Counter-Strike Beta v6.6 — 7.1

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike v1.0 (Mod / Online Version)

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike v1.1 — 1.2 (Mod / Online Version)

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike v1.3 — 1.5 (Mod / Online Version)

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike v1.0 — 1.2 (Retail Version)
Not everyone knows, that starting from Counter-Strike v1.0 and up until the first beta of Counter-Strike v1.6, there were two different versions of the game: MOD version (distributed for free by the developers via internet as a mod for Half-Life) and RETAIL version (a separate client, which you could install only by using a licensed disc).
These versions were very similar by exception of few differences. Two major of them were different menu styles and presence of TRAINING COURSE exclusively in retail version of the game, which I've decided to include alongside with recreated menus.
Although you need to know, that originally this training course was developed for much older Counter-Strike versions and, therefore, it doesn't work perfectly in the latest version of the game.
I've implemented couple of fixes, mostly for tutorial text (without any changes to its original design), but, since I am not a coder and GoldSrc level designer, few bugs and game crashes are possible (only when you will play training mode, it doesn't apply to regular multiplayer mode).

Main reasons for crashes are:
  • Loading saves from previous training sessions (game crash probability is approximately 50-70%)

  • Getting in unreachable for hostages places, while they are following you (game crash probability is close to 100%, especially when you're at significantly higher point than the hostage)

Ergo, if you won't load saves from previous training sessions and won't get in unreachable for hostages places, while they are following you, everything should work just fine.

Here are some screeshots for you:

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike v1.3 (Retail Version)

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Counter-Strike v1.4 — 1.5 (Retail Version)

1. Original WON menu (click on it to open a full image)

2. My recreated version for low resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 800x600 and lower resolutions, original screenshot resolution is 640x480

3. My recreated version for high resolutions (click on it to open a full image) — optimized for 1024x768 and ANY higher resolution (even 4K, all the elements will scale, except for background), original screenshot resolution is 1280x720

Download links and installation
You can download it from my Google Drive[]and Mediafire[]
If you, for some reason, don't want to use short URL or it will stop working, then you can copy a direct link to download page on Mediafire (remove the space before "com"): mediafire. com/file/74upsiptsxpqxu0/All_original_WON_menus_for_Counter-Strike.rar

Note: If you're worried about VAC ban - there's no point for that, because this modification includes only edited text files and images, which don't even replace original files, you can check it by yourself for more reassurance.

Installation is very easy:

1. Open your Half-Life directory, which is located in "Steam\steamapps\common", or go to your Steam library, press Right Mouse Button on Half-Life or Counter-Strike, hover your cursor on "Manage" and click on "Browse local files".

2. Open the downloaded archive. Now, if you're playing with resolution 1024x768 and higher - open the folder called "High Resolution", and if you're playing with lower resolution, then open the folder called "Low Resolution". After that drag the folder called "cstrike_addon" into your Half-Life directory.

3. When the process of copying files will be finished, launch the game, click on "Options", go to the tab "Content" and check the option which says "Allow custom addon content", as it is shown in the screenshot below. Then press "Apply" and the game will restart automatically.

That's it, you've successfully installed the modification.
Possible questions
1. Why is the background in such low resolution?

Answer: I took this background from the original WON version of the game. In there menu and most of the user interface are a part of separate launcher, which has resolution 640x480 pixels and it cannot be changed. Ergo, this background has the same resolution, and when you're using higher resolution - it is getting scaled. I thought about trying to upscale the image, but I didn't want to spend a lot of time on research, since I was doing it only for myself. In the future I might change my mind, if I will find some good method, therefore, if you have something to share in this regard - I will appreciate it.

2. Why fonts in some of recreated menu styles are not as bold as in original WON menus?

Answer: Unfortunately, you can't change font thickness in GoldSrc (Half-Life game engine) titles gradually, there's only an ability to choose between thin and bold versions. Bold version of some fonts is much thicker, which, in my personal opinion, looks worse and is very different in comparison to the original WON menu appearance. So, I believe that I've chosen the best and universal option from very few options I've had.

3. Why hints are not perfectly lined up with menu options in the version for low resolutions?

Answer: I don't know the exact reason behind this issue, but it is also present in the original menu, which was recreated by Valve for 25th anniversary. The lower resolution, the smaller font size and gap between menu options are - the more visible and obvious it is. If you will look close enough, you will be able to see the same issue in the version for high resolutions as well, but not as obvious, because of higher resolution, larger font size and bigger gaps (better scaling in general). Also current recreated menu by Valve isn't really optimized for very low resolutions, that's why I've created two versions, even though majority of the people nowadays are using higher resolutions.

For instance, it wasn't like that in the original version of the game, but it had different GUI (Graphical User Interface). My assumption is that developers, who were responsible for this update, didn't have much time to polish their implementation of this idea with an old WON menu, because they needed to recreate everything from scratch and they had other tasks at hand related to other games and projects, so, it is what it is.

4. Why glowing effect is not perfectly the same as in the original WON menu?

Answer: As I've said, current implemented menu by Valve and its capabilities are not copied directly from the original version of the game, but recreated from scratch in completely different fashion in terms of its implementation. For example, WON menu literally is using BMP images for its functioning and design, while in Steam version of the game VGUI (Valve's Graphical User Interface) is responsible for that.
For this and other aforementioned reasons, this "glowing effect" and other things are working much differently, which creates quite strict limitations. In this case, if you increase value of this effect, it will add more blur and increase its range, but glowing density will be decreased and it will become more transparent, which, in my opinion, looks worse and far different from the original WON menu than current result.

5. Why didn't you use underlined characters, like it is in some original WON menu styles?

Answer: Because I personally didn't like it too much and I consider it unnecessary.

If you have any other questions - leave them in the comments and I will try my best to explain.
Final words
If this guide was helpful and you are satisfied with the results of my work, then I would appreciate if you give it a like and add to favorites, so it will be higher in the list of all guides and, therefore, easier for others to find.
If you have any issues, questions or suggestions - share them in the comments and I will try my best to assist you.

Also, I've recreated original WON menus for other Valve's games (because they didn't do it), so I highly recommend you to check this out:
Have a good day.
game.anomaly 9 Mar @ 6:04am 
Wow, this really brings back some nice memories : )
ZiLLA 23 Jan @ 12:23am 
Incredible work. Criminally underrated. I started in 1.3/1.5 so this was an amazing throwback and history lesson for myself. Thanks for putting in all the hard work and providing all the supporting backstories so that they may never be lost.
Омег 18 Nov, 2024 @ 6:08am 
2013 good