Goat Simulator: Remastered

Goat Simulator: Remastered

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Finding the bread for the toaster
By Rhetorical1237
Unlocking the toaster modifier
Find one of the breads and bring it to the sacrifice area.

*NOTE* Bringing the bread to the toaster first will remove the bread from the map. I recommend doing this first then bring the bread you sacrificed back to the toaster.
Bread Locations
The first bread is on top of the blue tent next to the toaster.

The second bread is next to the treadmill in the olive house by spawn.

*NOTE* The second bread will wonder off. It will go outside and follow the sidewalk. You can wait and it will come back to the house
{F.S.L} YoBoyAJ 7 Nov, 2024 @ 1:44pm 
Never mind I found it :D
{F.S.L} YoBoyAJ 7 Nov, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
I couldn't find either bread :(