My Summer Car

My Summer Car

28 ratings
How My Summer Car Works
By Cedminer66
This guide will explain how most the game mechanics and random events work using the game's source code, as well as a tutorial on how to check the game's source code.

(Please read the Reminder section first)
How can I trust this guide?

I figured I might give a better answer than just "trust me bro". What I documented in this guide is not speculation, but actual mechanics with proof that are found in the game's code. With that being said, some info may be missing or not be 100% accurate, mainly due to the game's hierarchy being a big pile of spaghetti.

While the wiki[] do provide mostly accurate information, there is a quite a lot of missing details which is what most of the guide will cover.

Notes about the guide
  • Most of the information has been documented before the December 30th 2024 Update. Most of the information was verified after the update, but some could remain outdated.
  • Words in italic inside quotation makes are described as variables. These can also be seen in code formatting.
  • For those unfamiliar with maths in coding, consider the following: Asterisks = Multiplication and Slash = Division
  • Clamping is described with this method: clamp(x, y, z) where X is the target value, Y is the minimum and Z is the maximum.

Finally, keep in mind the guide contains major spoilers!!! I'd suggest playing the game enough first before reading this.

How to check the source code
How is the game made?

Before the guide begins, I believe we need to anwser this question to know how to even access the code in the first place.

Althought My Summer Car was made in Unity, Instead of using C# scripts to make the game functional, Amistech Games (the developers) chose to use a blueprint coding software (Similar to what Unreal Engine has) known as PlayMaker, created by Hutong Games.

This makes the code harder to decompile, as C# scripts can simply be decompiled by reverse the Assembly-CSharp.dll on a DLL file reader like dnSpy.


Assuming you know how to install mods in My Summer Car...

First off, we will need to install the MSCToolset[] mod by ELS122, which requires MSCLoader[] to work.

When everything is setup, you can load your save file then press Ctrl + Z to open the inspector panel. It should look something like this:

Note: Don't worry if it throws an error when the save loads, the mod should still work fine.

I won't explain everything about how this mod works, but for what we are interested in, we can go in the "Global variables" tab then show global variables to find most game variables and values that you can change to your heart's content. Be careful not to break anything... Perkele!

Checking the source code

PlayMaker Code is stored in something called an FSM. It stores variables, events, functions and states. Let's say, for example, we wanna check how Uncle works.

  1. On the inspector search bar, type in "UNCLE". The correct one is the one in full caps.

    Notice how theres a question mark on the right of the game object? If it's orange, it means that it contains an FSM.

  2. Click on the orange question mark of the "UNCLE" game object. It should open this window:

    This window shows the game object's properties, hierarchy and components. In our case, we wanna find the PlayMakerFSM components that stores how Uncle's van spawning behaviors works.

  3. Click on the PlayMakerFSM Tab at the bottom of the game object properties window. The FSM we want in this example has the FSM Name "States".

  4. Click on "Show Variables" and "Show States".

    Now this is where the fun part begins. The variables tab contains.. well, the variables associated with the FSM. For example in the image below we can see that Uncle's timer is at 2876 seconds and that he is currently on stage 0.

The states tab is where all the juicy code is at. Each state has it's own tab containing the functions to execute. If the name of the tab is orange, that means this state is currently active.

Let's take a look at the "Wait things" state by clicking on it.

The Transitions shows what state events activates which states. State events can be named anything by the devs. However there are also core events which are automatically triggered by Unity or PlayMaker. For example, if the state is called "FINISHED", it means the event can be triggered when all the actions in the state has been executed. For more info on that, check out the PlayMaker Events[] documentation page.

In the image above, the "UNCLE" event activates the "Delay" state while the "FINISHED" event reactivates the "Wait things" state, meaning it loops.

Now, you might be wondering, how do we trigger those state events? Well, the code is seen in the Actions tab. I'll sum up what the code means for this state, but for a list of all the possible actions, check out the PlayMaker Actions[] documentation page.

Action 0, 1 and 2 each gets an individual bool value which is set to true if the part shown in the game object name is installed in the satsuma. Then, Action 3 checks if any of the 3 boolean values are equals to true. If so, it triggers the "UNCLE" event. If it isn't the case, it goes to Action 4, which simply waits 5 seconds before triggering the "FINISHED" event.

When starting the game, uncle will wait for either the engine block, right left trail arm or the driver seat to be installed on the Satsuma. Then, he will wait a random amount of time between 2000 and 5000 seconds before having opportunities to spawn at home.

After that, he will start a timer of 12,000 seconds and start in his "Away" state, waiting a random amount of time between 120 and 2600 seconds.

After that, Uncle will spawn with the van if the player either sleeps or is more than 1600 meters away from home, with the Hayosiko having a random amount of fuel between 5 and 35 liters. While uncle is at home, his timer is paused.

Moving on, Uncle will despawn if the player sleeps or after a random amount of time between 120 and 2600 seconds. If either the Hayosiko is more than 300 meters away from home or a 20% chance succeeds, he'll wait an additional 120 to 2600 seconds. If neither of these conditions are met, he'll go back to his "Away" state, taking the van with him.

When his timer of 12,000 seconds ends, if the player didn't collect the Hayosiko keys, Uncle will respawn if the player is more than 1600 meters away from home. Otherwise, he will check every frame if the player is more than 1000 meters away from the inspection building.

If so, the Hayosiko will be teleported over there. This is where uncle will check if the player inserted fuel oil in the Hayosiko. If so, he will call the player that he sold the Gifu due to the tax crime.

Otherwise, he will enter his next stage on the next spawn opportunity, where uncle will be seen outside, waiting for the player to claim the Gifu keys. From now on, Uncle can appear at the pub when it’s open if the player isn't home.

When the Gifu keys are collected, each of the 5 sewer job houses will set their waste level to a random amount between 1.8 and 4.8, where 4.9 is the level where they will call for the job. (Check the "Jobs" section for more information)
Satsuma (Mechanical Damage)
Engine Part Wear

Most engine parts have a complex system on how fast they wear down, so this portion of the guide will be updated with more information later on. For now, here's a brief explanation for their wear rates and symptoms:
  • The head gasket will wear faster if the coolant temperature is high and will start to leak at 8% condition, causing smoke to emit from the engine. It will break completely at 0%, leaking a lot of coolant.

  • The fuel pump will break at 5% condition, leaking 0.02 liters of gas per second and struggle to give fuel to the engine.

  • The water pump will wear faster if the coolant pressure is high. It will jam at 0%, making a loud squealing noise, wearing the alternator belt and causing the engine to overheat.

  • Spark plugs will wear faster if the air fuel ratio isn’t optimal (too far from 14.7) or if the oil has not been changed for a long time. When it reaches 10% condition, the engine will start to misfire.

  • Pistons wear faster if the oil pressure is low or if the engine maintains high RPMs for long periods of time. It can also be quickly destroyed from a poorly tuned rocker shaft. Its symptoms are the same as worn spark plugs.

  • The crankshaft's wear rate works the same way the pistons does. When it reaches 10% condition, the engine will start shaking, increasing its friction and reducing power. The engine may also be unable to start.

  • The starter will lose 0.2% condition for every second that it’s cranking the engine. Starting at 25% condition, there is a chance for the starter to fail upon turning the key. The lower the condition, the more likely it is to fail.

  • The alternator will start losing efficiency at 20-25%, where it may not produce enough electricity to charge the battery while the engine is idling.

  • The clutch’s wear rate is somewhat complex, but it can vary depending on the Engine Torque and RPM. The clutch will start slipping at 20% condition.

  • The gearbox will lose around 0.0035% of condition every gearshift. If the gearbox reaches 0% condition, either 1st & 3rd gear, 2nd & 4th gear, or reverse stops working.

Suspension Damage

On every 30 second interval, if the car is going above 30 km/h, there is a 0.1% chance to puncture a random tire.

If any of the axles get a collision force of 33600 (32000 for the rear) or higher, the following will happen:
  1. The headlight of the respective side will break (if it's a front axle) and some suspension and/or wheel bolts will be loosen.
  2. If the force is also 85000 (rear is 65000) or higher, the entire suspension assembly breaks and the wheel detaches from the satsuma.
  3. Otherwise, the Y and Z angle of the axle will bend by a random amount between -5 (-10 for the rear) and 10 degrees.
  4. There is also a 30% chance to puncture the tire of the respective side.

Engine Damage

The Satsuma Engine’s Over rev breakpoint depends on how tightened the bearings are, which can reach up to 10500 rpm. The engine self-destructs as soon as this rpm is reached.

Every second Interval while the engine is running, if the Satsuma gets upside-down, the following equations are ran:
num1 = clamp(x, 0.175, 1) num2 = (num1 * (y - 90)) / 50 num3 = clamp(num1, 0.01, 1) z = (num2 / (num2 + 1)) * 100
where "x" is the engine temperature, "y" is the throttle position (value is between 0 and 1) and "z" is the chance in percent for an engine fire to occur. Whether or not this chance succeeds, the engine will then stall by itself.

Every 1.1 seconds the engine is overheating while running, if the temperature is above 130 degrees, the following occurs:
  1. If the temperature is also above 150 degrees, the engine will set itself on fire.

  2. The engine friction will increase by the engine temperature divided by 15000.

  3. Then, a "Chance" value is defined by the engine temperature divided by 2000.

  4. Each of the 4 pistons and the head gasket have a chance to break, each of their chances in percent are determined by these equations:
    piston1 = (0.01 / ("Chance" + 1.04)) * 100 piston2 = (0.01 / ("Chance" + 1.04)) * 100 piston3 = (0.01 / ("Chance" + 1.04)) * 100 piston4 = (0.01 / ("Chance" + 1.04)) * 100 headgasket = ("Chance" / ("Chance" + 1.04)) * 100
Phone Calls
The Phone has a queue system and a list of calls that can only occur at day and some only at night (10 PM to 6 AM). The queue is checked every 40 to 80 seconds during the day and every "Wait Value" seconds at night (which is set to 40 seconds when loading the file).

If a call is currently in queued, the "Wait Value" will be set to a random amount of time between 60 to 240 seconds (for some calls it’s 20 to 120 seconds). After this time passes, the queued call will ring. Not every call can set the "Wait Value", in that case they will just immediately ring. Some calls will still be in queue if it has been missed.

The calls which only occurs at night are: Jouko's hiker quest, Fleetari's vandalism quest, Fleetari's rally congrats, Teimo's stolen fuel warning (can also call on day) and Jouko's angry warning.

Joke calls can occur every 480 to 1840 seconds, picking one of the calls listed with the given chances below:

Phone Call
70 %
20 %
Wrong Number 1
5 %
Wrong Number 2
5 %

Fleetari (Repair Shop)
Fleetari takes a random amount of time between 1500 (?) and 5000 seconds to complete the order. The timer is paused if the player is less than 100 meters away from the repair shop.

If the Ferndale isn't at the repair store while no order is active, a timer of 2000 seconds will start. Once this timer ends, Fleetari will call the player to warn him. After an additional 3000 seconds, If the Ferndale still isn't given after the player sleeps, Fleetari will steal the Satsuma by teleporting it to a random lake upside down. He will also take the Ferndale and the keys back.

Fleetari has a chance to call the player for the booze job during the night (10 PM to 6 AM) if the "Call Chance" value is above 50% and the player owns the Gifu. This value starts at 1% and increases by 5% if the player visits Fleetari once a day and by 10% if an order job has been completed. When all the conditions are met, every 6 minute interval from 10 PM to 6 AM there is a "Call Chance" % chance to call the player for the Booze Job.

The dyno chart overreads power and torque output by exactly 30%.

House Fires
Most electronic appliances in the house can start to smoke if used for too long. If they smoke for a random amount of time between 110 and 230 seconds, the house goes on fire. Here are the requirements for each of them:
  • The sauna will smoke if it reaches its max temperature for 750 seconds.

  • The television has a chance to smoke depending on the current program, which changes the odds and how often it rolls those odds. See the table below:

    Roll Interval
    297.2 s*
    0.118 %
    120 s
    0.118 %
    120 s
    0.039 %

    *The roll occurs when the "Marjatta" video starts playing. The time interval is based on the length of the "Topless gun" and "Marjatta" video added together.

  • The stove is slightly different. If any of the 4 plate's "FireHazard" value is above 700, the stove will smoke. However, the fire will start once the value reaches 1000.

  • Despite having rumors and being listed in the wiki, I couldn't find any evidence of possible house fires caused by the fireplace and computer.

Jouko (Kilju Buyer)
When Jouko sabotages the Satsuma (because the player sold him fake Kilju), he can do so in 5 different ways, which are the following:

36 %
Puncture all 4 tires
16 %
Unbolt the brake line
16 %
Unscrew the radiator hose 2
16 %
Remove the oil plug from the oil pan
16 %
Unbolt the fuel line

Jouko will start a timer of 10000 seconds once his 5th hike dialogs plays before he moves out, which saves upon reloading. This is also the time the player has to find the suitcase, if they decide to do so.

Every in-game day or when the file is loaded, the police has a chance to spawn at a highway checkpoint. During the weekend (including Friday), they have a 50% chance, otherwise it's a 10% chance. All 3 checkpoints have an equal chance to be selected.


The calculation for how much the fine will cost uses the "DaysFine" and "FixedFine" variables, which are increased depending on the crime commited by the player. Here are the values for each crimes:

Illegal Waste Dumping*
1 per 400 Liters
Speeding over 100 km/h
1 per km/h over limit
Speeding over 80 km/h (Hayosiko, Gifu)
1 per km/h over limit
Speeding over 60 km/h with the Jonnez ES (Dangerous driving)
Speeding over 45 km/h with the Jonnez ES
1 per km/h over limit
Drunk Driving
6 per 0.1 Alcohol level
Driving an Unregistered Vehicle
Driving a Vehicle using Expired or Missing License Plate
Failure to stop at a Police Checkpoint
Attacking a police officer
Driving without Seatbelts
Getting caught using a Speed Radar Detector
Driving the Jonnez ES without an Helmet
Illegal Usage of Fuel Oil
1 per 60 Liters, rounded up

*Can also be received in the mailbox if a pedestrian come across the dumped waste's location.
**Depends on the vehicle used; Kekmet = 12000, Hayosiko = 60000, Gifu = 120000

The formula for calculating fines is the following:
"NetIncome" = Player's Net Income "MinDays" = 2 if "DaysFine" > 0, otherwise 0. num1 = clamp(("NetIncome" - 1530) / 60, 35, 90000) FinalPrice = num1 * clamp("DaysFine", "MinDays", 180) + "FixedFine"

You have 30000 seconds (8 hours and 20 minutes) to pay your fines before being wanted for unpaid fines. Paying them will increase your stress by 33%. You will know if time's up if the label for unpaid fines doesn't show up while looking at it.

Wanted Status

The cops will spawn to arrest you the next time you sleep if you have a wanted status, but only if you wake up during the day. (6 AM to 8 PM)

This table shows how much days in jail you will be sentenced every time you commit that crime:

Attempted Manslaughter
Knocking out pedestrians (via punching), excluding the watch guy at the pavion.
Unpaid Fines
Not paying fines in time (see above for more info)
Police Evasion
Not stopping at a police checkpoint.**
Traffic Fatality
Killing someone via a car crash, including Janis.
Running over pedestrians with a vehicle (Unless while participating in the rally event).

The sentence is clamped between 2 and 1200 days.

*1 day for every 3 day fine accumulated, rounded up.
**Counted twice if triggered via knocking out a checkpoint cop.

Suski Date
When starting the date, once she enters the car, her “CarValue” variable, which starts at 10, will increase for each missing car accessory. Some accessories will add a higher value when missing, as seen on the table below:

Added value
Missing accessory
Leopard covers
Window tint
CD Player

To simplify, more missing accessories means she is much less likely to ask going to ski ramps or the dance pavilion.

While driving around, every 5 to 15 seconds while not performing other actions, she has a 50% chance to take a sip of a beer bottle (if there is a beer case in the Satsuma) which increases her “BeerSips” value by 1, otherwise she will interact with either the CD player (if equipped) or the sunvisor. She will take a bottle from the beer case if it’s the first time doing so or after 12 sips from the same bottle.

On every 12 second interval, the following will occur:
  1. She will first check if the player’s dirtiness is above 33%, which in that case will call the player a redneck and add 20 to the “CarValue” variable (she can only do so once in a date).

  2. Then, she will add 1 to her “Timer” variable. If this variable goes above 100, Suski will get bored (which means she will get bored after 1212 seconds, which is around 20 minutes, no matter what).

  3. Finally, she will check if “BeerSips” is greater than “CarValue”. If so, Suski will ask the player to go visit the dance pavilion or ski ramps.

After the date has been completed, Suski's ending call will queue 9000 seconds after the date has been completed. (for some reasons the timer only starts after reloading the file once)

Driving Mechanics
When crashing with any vehicle, the player dies if the crash force is higher than the "HeadForce" value, which by default, is 300. Wearing a helmet increases this value by 50% (37% on the Jonnez). Buckling up the seat belt increases it further, depending on the vehicle (On the Satsuma it's 200). The racing harness's protection depends on how well it was tightened; it can increase the value by up to 832. The roll cage does not affect this value.

When the player drives above 54 km/h* with the Jonnez or any vehicles without a windshield, every "Delay" seconds there's a 0.1% chance for a bee to hit the player. If the player has an helmet, the bee will splat on their helmet. Otherwise, it will hit their eyes and the player will be temporarly blinded. The "Delay" value is described by this formula:
clamp((30 - PlayerSpeed) / 3), 0.5, 5)
where "PlayerSpeed" is in meters per second (m/s, multiply by 3.6 for km/h). In simpler terms, the chance is rolled every 3.3 seconds at 72.1 km/h and every 0.5 seconds at 102.6 km/h or higher.

*Used to be 72 km/h before the December 30th 2024 update.

Player Simulation
Player Needs

On every simulation interval, which is 45 seconds, the player’s needs bars increase by a certain amount (see the table below) and checks if any of the need values except for dirtiness or fatigue is above 200%. If so, the player dies. Bars which appear full (or red for some) have a need value of 100% or higher while on empty is 0% or less.

The player will start having blackouts if the Fatigue reaches 150% on the next simulation interval. When this happens, every 20 to 60 seconds, the player will temporarly close their eyes. The blackouts will stop as soon as the Fatigue goes below 120%.

Some other information regarding those stats can be seen here:

Player Stat
Minimum Cap
Increase Rate
Extra Notes
Increase by 0.2 /s while sprinting
Increase by 0.125 /s during a hangover. Increase rate is higher if the player is heavier.
Increase rate varies by how often the player smokes (see below). The player will automatically swear every simulation interval if it's above 100%.
(No extra notes)
Increase by 0.5 /s while starring at the TV during the night. Increase rate varies by how often the player drinks coffee (see below).
(No extra notes)
55 (max 350)
Starting value is 79 kg. Increases when eating or drinking alcohol (1 beer = +0.02), decreases while moving and faster while sprinting. The "You reached 100 kg" achievement is granted when reaching 100 kg.

*Rate is the Player's Weight divided by 55.6.

**Rate is increased by 0.0066 /s while smoking, decreases by 0.004 every simulation interval. The cap is 8.5, which grants the "Can't stop smoking now..." achievement if reached.

***Rate is increased by 0.02 every time you drink coffee, decreases by 0.008 every simulation interval. The cap is 8.


For the player to sleep, their fatigue level must be higher than 10%. The amount of time the player sleeps depend on your fatigue level, shown in the table below:

Fatigue Level
Hours Skipped
2 hours
4 hours
6 hours
8 hours
10 hours

Then, the player needs are all increased by the player's fatigue divided by 5, except for dirtiness which is always only a 10% increase.

If the player slept in their house, several conditions are checked for events to occur. Here they are in order:
  • If the player is smoking, the house goes on fire.
  • If it's a new day when the player wakes up and the phone is plugged in:

    • If Jouko isn't in his murderer state and a 60% chance succeeds:

      • Jouko will call for revenge if he is angry (for selling him fake kilju) and immediately proceed to sabotage the Satsuma (check the Jouko section for more info).
      • Jouko will call for his hike job if he hasn't moved yet.
        Note: If any of the 2 calls above occurs, the player will wake up at 2 AM.

    • Otherwise if it is Sunday, Grandma will call to bring her to the church.

  • If the player is wanted and wakes up during the day, the cops will spawn at both entrances to arrest them.
  • If Jouku is in his murderer state (for finding his suitcase) and the time the player wakes up isn't 12 AM to 2 AM, he'll spawn in the bedroom with an axe trying to kill the player.

Other Mechanics

If your alcohol blood level reaches 3.8, the game will wait a duration of time which is defined by this equation: (180 - x) / 10 (in seconds) where x is the player's hunger %. When that time has passed, the game will check if the player's alcohol is equal or above 0.2. If so, the player passes out. If the player is within 200 meters away from the cottage, they'll wake up over there. Otherwise, there is a 20% chance for the player to wake up in Pena’s car, otherwise they’ll wake up somewhere at their home.

When smoking while refueling, there is a 15% chance for the gas pump to explode when the player starts smoking the cigarette and a 50% chance when the player dumps the cigarette.

House Electricity

The electricity bill appears in the player's mailbox every 14400 seconds. If it's been more than 22000 seconds since the last bill was paid, the electricity gets cut off until you pay the fee. The fee amount is simply the amount of kWh used multiplied by 0.78.

The timers for the phone bill are the exact same as the electricity bills. The fee is always gonna be 120 marks unless the player has used the bandwidth on the computer, in that case it adds an additional 0.48 marks per connection established with the Tele-BBS and 0.06 marks for every 5 seconds the player has been connected to the Tele-BBS.


During a thunderstorm, every time lightning strikes at 3000 meters or closer from home, the following occurs:
  1. A "Blackout" time value will be set depending on how close the strike is to your home, which determines how long the next blackout will last.

  2. If the strike occurred at 2000 meters away or closer, there is a 1%* chance for thunder to call the phone, which only rings once. Responding to it will have a 10% chance to kill the player. Note: if a thunder call occurs then the occurrence below is skipped.

  3. There is a 20% chance for a blackout to occur. If this succeeds, there is a 10% chance (effectively 2% chance per strike) to blow a random fuse.

Every time the player is screwing/unscrewing a fuse on the fuse box while the house electricity is turned on, there is a 0.05% chance for the player to die.

*It’s actually 0.99% but who really cares
Job Cooldowns

The cooldown for the Firewood delivery job is 30000 seconds.

Each of the 5 houses for the sewage pump job will set their "Sh*tRate" value to a random amount between 0.001 and 0.008* upon loading the save. Every 20 seconds, the "Sh*tLevel" value increases by "Sh*tRate". When the level reaches 4.9, the respective house will call once you have the Gifu keys. If the player doesn't have them, they'll wait between 120 and 1200 seconds to check again. If it's a new save, the "Sh*tLevel" value is set to a random number between 0.1 and 4.8.

*Some houses are between 0.001 and 0.005.

Upon loading a new save, the Farmer will call after 6000 seconds for the Haybale job. After this job is completed, he will call again after 8000 seconds for the combine job.


While talking with Grandma at her home after completing her quest, a random "RequiredProgress" value between 3 and 9 will be set. Every 4 times she finishes a dialog, the "Progress" value increases by 1. Once the "Progress" value is equal to "RequiredProgress", she proceeds to pay you.

A "Comments" value is increased everytime the player comments (by pressing K), but you can only do so once per grandma dialog. If you leave the area too early, she despawns and you don't get paid.

The amount of money you can get from her is calculated in order:
  • The base amount you get from the quest alone is first added
  • If you drove grandma to church before, 500 marks gets added
  • Then she adds the "Comments" value multiplied by 10
  • If you have a tattoo, she'll divide the pay by 2.5 (you'll get 60% less)
  • Finally, the total amount is clamped between 20 and 1000 marks

Here are some other small game mechanics which wouldn't fit in other categories:

Map / Environment
  • The train selects a random direction to spawn. Once it reaches the other side, it respawns after 250 seconds.

  • During the night (10 PM to 6 AM), 2 mooses will be active. Each has 13 different routes (so 26 moose routes in total) to can choose from. Once they've reached their end point, they will immediately spawn on a new route.

  • Jani's spawning conditions are checked every 5 second interval. The conditions are the following in order:
    1. Week Day is either Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday
    2. Time of Day is between 16 PM and 2 AM
    3. The Rally is not active
    4. The Player is more than 500 meters away from their spawn (doesn't apply if the save was just loaded)

    When Jani is done insulting the player, If the player is still next to his car, he will start driving off after 5 seconds. Otherwise, he'll drive off after 30 seconds. He may also drive to the dance pavion if it's open.

Player's House
  • The computer advertisement will appear in the player mailbox 8000 seconds after the save first started. When the computer was bought, the Pro Pilkki diskette letter will appear after 2000 seconds.

  • On every 5 second interval, if any of the house entrance doors are open, the wasp will wait between 300 and 1200 seconds. If after that time the doors are still open, the wasp will enter the house.

  • The Ruscko's starter has a 20% chance to successfully crank and the key must be turned for a random amount of time between 0.5 and 15 seconds for the Ruscko's engine to run.

  • Opponent Rally times are randomized depending on the rally day and class. Here is the list below:

    355 - 490 s
    385 - 420 s
    325 - 460 s
    355 - 390 s

Final Thoughts
Since the game is no longer in early access i figured this was the best time to make this guide. I have to admit, some of the stuff was really confusing at times either because of the game's disorganised hierarchy or the mod's sub-optimal inspector interface, but at least I was able to document (almost) everything I wanted to know about My Summer Car.

This guide was inspired by several Youtube Videos doing the same with games like Five Nights at Freddy's and Lethal Company, some examples below:

Special Thanks to ELS for the MSCToolset mod, this guide wouldn't have been possible without it!

If you wanna suggest something in My Summer Car that I should add to this guide, let me know in the comments!

Cedminer66  [author] 13 Feb @ 8:14am 
Every bubbling, an "Alcohol" value is calculated with this formula:

"Water" = Water quantity of the bucket in liters, max is 30.
"Sugar" = Number of sugar added in the bucket

sugarWineRatio = clamp("Water" / "Sugar", 5, 30)
num1 = "Sugar" * ("Time" / 1000)
num2 = clamp(num1 / "Water", 0, 0.14)
num3 = (num2 / sugarWineRatio) * 5
"Alcohol" = clamp(num3 - "Vinegar", 0, 0.14)

The kilju buyer will pay max price with an "Alcohol" value higher than 0.12, subpar price at higher than 0.07, and nothing if it's below that. (If not taking account the conditions for yeast and vinegar)
Cedminer66  [author] 13 Feb @ 8:14am 
@TalentedSteamUser Sure, here is the info I got:

Every frame, the bucket will wait for sugar, yeast and water to be inserted in it. Then, 61 seconds later, the bubbling starts.
Every x seconds the "Time" value (which starts at 61) is incremented by 1 and the bucket will make bubble sounds, and once it reaches 680, the bubbling will stop, indicating that the kilju has finished brewing.
The x value is calculated every bubbling with this formula: ("Time" / 340) * 12

If on the next bubbling, the lid is not on, every frame the "Vinegar" value is added by 0.0004/sec until the lid is added back on.
TalentedStɵamUser 12 Feb @ 11:20am 
you could also explain how the kilju brewing logic works too
TalentedStɵamUser 12 Feb @ 11:19am 
yea dev toolset is a goated ass tool and pretty much a must for modders
Cedminer66  [author] 11 Feb @ 3:02pm 
No problem! I'll probably update the Satsuma section to include what each parts do and give more details about part wear soon, I figured this part of the guide could definitely be improved now...
factory strider (disguised) 11 Feb @ 2:24pm 
iiiinteresting. thank you for the research. it's interesting that it seems to be just taken as fact (at least where I've looked) that they apparently cause increased wear. makes me wonder where the claim came from in the first place that has it being repeated everywhere now...

anyway, thank you kindly! my curiosity is satisfied
Cedminer66  [author] 11 Feb @ 1:45pm 
So after some research I don't think racing carburetors have any effects on wear. Having the air fuel mixture too rich or too lean will make the spark plugs wear faster, but nothing for the part itself that I could find.
Cedminer66  [author] 11 Feb @ 6:05am 
@Ceres et al. I'll verify that when I have time, thanks for asking!
factory strider (disguised) 10 Feb @ 10:05pm 
this is a wonderful bit of info diving! I love stuff like this, thank you for taking all the time to write it all down.

one question I have (if you have an answer ofc) is: is there any indication that the racing carburetors have any effect on part wear? there's a lot of hearsay that they make the engine wear out faster but I can't find any actual source on that, so I'm wondering if it's just hearsay that's been accepted as gospel (like the widely accepted belief that cigarette addiction is just a permanent thing that happens after an arbitrary amount). I'll probably poke at it myself with some debugging tools installed, but I figured it couldn't hurt to check if you already had an idea. no pressure either way of course ^^;;
Goddamn 9 Feb @ 8:33pm 
Thanks a lot, I'll definitely try it