Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes

Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes

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100% Walkthrough
By Cece09
Chapter 1
Opening Chore
Skip the tutorial

fast learner
I don't need no tutorial!

Rake the leaves for around 30 times

sisyphean labor
How's that supposed to help?

Now rake the stone 3 times
Search the bush
Take the garden hose and use it with the pump
Exit to the Well on top
Talk to Freeman
Leave to the right and reenter
Use hose with the well
This achievement can be done anytime by failing to reach items 20 times. Reach for the hive

short arms
Lilli's arms were too short.

Now use the rake
Go back to the pump and turn it on
Look through the cellar window to pick up a BRUSH
Use this with the hive
Now back to the pond go right to the Backyard
Use brush on the green bin
Go back to Freeman for the CELLAR KEY

Unlock the Cellar and enter
Pick up the AIR HAMMER and SHOVEL
Go back to Edna and help dig
Use shovel on the bomb

2nd Death
Get the cat food and use this with the cat bowl → RECIPE
Exit the room and talk to Suka
You will want to open and shut her chat around 20 times

shibuya power
Shibuya power!

Go to the main hall
Now right into the Covent Hallway
Finally the middle Collection Door
Pick up the GUINEA PIG JAR
Talk to the Old Man
Go downstairs now
Go right into the Cafeteria
Pick up the 3 FRUITS
Give Doris the jar → JAR OF ALCOHOL
Talk with Mother Superior

Exit and head left under the stairs to the Chapel
Talk to Frank and give the air hammer
Open the confession booths door and take the BOARD
Exit and use the right door now
Make your way back to the bomb and pick up the FUSE
Use this fuse with Suka
Go back to your room to talk to Edna
Back to the cellar open the stove
Hand over the fuse → HAIRPIN

1st Puzzle
Go all the way upstairs
Use the hairpin with all 3 MASKS
Enter the gallery
Head top into Mother Superior's Office
Go back to the covent hallway but head left instead of the old man
Combine the guinea pig with the receipt holder
Give this to Birgit and go back inside
Take the GUINEA PIG BANNER and hang it in the cafeteria
Pick the banner back up
Head back to the classroom
Take the GRAINED SCREEN and all 3 MODELS
Now we can talk to the Old Man and solve his puzzles

We have now reached our 1st puzzle. There is an achievement for skipping all of them so each time you want to make a save, solve it then reload so you can keep up your skip streak

Use the angry mask, deer model and coconut
Talk to the Old Man → OLD BOOK

mnemonic device
Help the old man.
Chapter 1 part 2
Finishing the inside deaths
Back in the chapel you got another puzzle to save for
Give the book to Frank

X marks the spot.

Pick up SWORD
Use board with the door
Downstairs will now have a clown, you need to ask twice for 1 balloon you are looking around 200 times

99 (red) balloons
Floating in the summer sky.

Ask for a wrench balloon
Head all the way upstairs to use it on the chandelier bolt

Back downstairs pick up the BALLOON and PACK OF CIGARETTES
Go to the classroom
Pick up the PUMA BANNER
As you go past talk to Capu → LOVE LETTER
Hand the letter to Shy
Go to the cafeteria
Use the banner
Exit and enter the door on the right
Use your sword on the clock
Show your badge to the Old Man
Pick up the MUSKET
Open the chest to get a SCOUT'S KNIFE

Final Deaths and Items
Give Doris the knife → CHAIN SAW
Combine the alcohol and chainsaw
Combine the marbles and musket
Go all the way to the backyard
Use the chainsaw on the tree

Exit and click the pigeon
Go to the well and shoot the birds
Give the cigarettes to Shawny → RECIPE

Use this with Doris
Go back to Shawny for a CIGARETTE
Get a CAN OF FOOD from the Cellar
Use the wood and cigarette with the stove
Hand the can over to Doris
Go to Mother Superior's Office
Take the roast and feed to the plant
Replace the plate
Take the food and feed the cat
Use the grained screen on the hook above
Combine balloon with firecrackers
Use on the pigeon above
For the final item go to the backyard for EDNA'S DIARY
Chapter 1 part 3
1st Restriction
We now got an achievement that requires you to be shocked around 25 times. This can be done by doing stuff you shouldn't. Just say no

electric shock

Try to take a cup
Look at the painting → VIAL OF TRUTH SERUM
Combine both together, then with the truth serum
Give to Mother Superior
Pick up another teacup
Exit and combine teapot with nightshade
Use pot on fire
Combine the pot with a cup, give to Mother Superior again
Look at the painting
Use the Harvey doll

Use the cord
Pick up club
Use it with the curtain
Exit then reenter for a CONTACT LENS
Use these on the ribs next door
Take the burning hat
Use it on the wood

Escape School
Swap to fire mode
Take the torch from above the fireplace
Light it on fire and use on the other torch holder
Click it for a secret door
Try to exit
Collect the BALL OF WOOL from the bomb
You will be using this on Harvey a bunch so hypnotize him

Grab a bone
Use it on the tar, then the spider
Swap to contradicting mode and exit
There is another achievement here which requires you to change around 25 times so do it now or leave it until you finished all the swaps

super girl
That doesn't apply to me.

the convent
Story Achievement
Chapter 2
Unlock the Past
Try to take the map
Exit bottom right for the Village
Try to take the map again
Pick up the AIR PUMP from the bike
Open the pizza box to get a CHILI PEPPERS
Leave and enter the left building
Leave and go right to the Cemetery
Head left

déjà vu
I think I've been here before ...

Give the wine gums to Miranya and pick up the spares
Pick up the GREEN NEON COLOR next to her
Now head back and into the right building
Talk to the Bartender
Look at the menu to order a NEON DRINK
You need to talk to Miranya to find out the ingredient for the volcano
Go all the way back to the start
Head top left for the Bridge
Swap into contradicting mode
Pour the drink onto the feeding trough
Leave and reenter to get ARTEMISIA
Back to the bar make the volcano berserker
Try to drink it and hypnotize Harvey

2 more restrictions
There is an achievement that can be done only one other time. So just drink around 20 coffees now which should unlock the shock too if not previously done

coffee junkie
I need more coffee! More!

Leave and go up to the Prairie
Turn the sundial around 26 times

sun king
Even the sun follows my command!

Now put the mayo on top and spin
Pick it back up
Return to the village and go into the Courtyard left of the wagon
Speak to the doctor → BOTTLE and HANDKERCHIEF
Back in the saloon use the bottle on the ice
Give the genie the handerkerchief

Swap into drinking mode
Have a drink
Put the tip jar under his fist
Pick up the money and buy a flounder
Combine flounder and bike pump
Head into the police station and use the alcohol test
Speak to the police officer and say yes
Hypnotize Harvey

Make a save here for the 3rd puzzle

Good Truth + True Wisdom
Evil Wisdom + Lie Evil
Good Wisdom + Lie Wisdom

Lady Justice
Justice prevails.

Swap into liar mode
Talk to the officer again
Chapter 2 part 2
Western finish
Try to leave
Hypnotize Harvey
Go to the Cemetery
Click on the fire and say yes
Drink the saloon coffee
Give bartender the drink and the money
Try to exit to return
Talk to the Bartender
Pick up money and use on poker table
Pick up a CIGAR
Head to the Prairie

Make a save here for the 4th puzzle

Use cigar on smoke signal
Up x2

Find the right path.

Go back to the Cemetery
Use this on the cows bag
Talk to the Gold Digger
Talk to the Shaman → RECIPE
Give this recipe to the doctor → DEODRANT
Open the package → HAIR REMOVAL CREAM
Examine the Prairie vultures
Use deodorant in the sky
Use hair cream with sunscreen

Enter the Asylum
Swap into danger mode
Enter the Hideout
Pick up the OWL PIPE
Read the note
Head to the Bridge
Use the whistle with Gerret

Make a save here for the 5th puzzle

Use the whistle with the owl
Stop that
Stop that
Never mind
Stop that

hoo hoo
Hoo hoo. Whit woo. Terwit terwoo.

Now use the whistle on Gerret
Take the KEYRING
Head up
Try to unlock the door and use the whistle on our owl friend
Search the bush

Edna's hideout
Story Achievement
Chapter 3
Unlocking every door
Row all the way left and all the way right around 8 times

row master
Row, kid! Row for your life!

When ready get off in the middle

I suggest making a save as you might miss this next achievement

Open the door
Go all the way left
Quickly go back to the middle
Ignore the x until you clicked the ledge about 20 times. She needs to start rocking in order for it count as another grab so you cant just spam this

Quick Time Event
They don't really have quicktime events in this game, right?

Take the punch card and use on the 4th slot
Enter this and talk to Mr Frock
Exit to the Maintenance Room
Take the SLICE OF CHEESE then all the way back down
Use the cheese on the 3rd slot
Enter for the Maintenance Room again
Open the fridge and take everything BROCCOLI, TOMATOES, BANANAS and BLUEBERRIES
Get the pizza flier and use on the phone
Exit to the hallway and get your PIZZA
Try to get Harvey and pull his string
Get a feather from the chicken
Use it on the dragon to move his tail twice
Walk towards the gate
Help pull out the spike

Swap into sharp mode
Stab him with the chair leg
Head all the way right into the Roleplaying Ground
Swap into fire mode
Talk to the group → GREEN PILLOW
Back in the hallway enter the left room
Swap into sharp mode
In the Maintenance Room, use the can opener with the credit card

Go down the furnace and use the card on the 2nd slot
Swap into fire mode
Give candle to Beeman
Pick up the YELLOW SCARF
Use the scarf on the light
Combine scarf with starch
Use this on the final furnace

Final restriction
Before entering go back to Mr Frock and give him the feather duster → WHITE SHEET
Swap into sharp mode
Use the sheet on the can opener
Now you can enter the final room
Use the ghost costume on the window and say yes
Use the costume again

cell song
I hear someone singing ...

Pick up the BLUE FABRIC
Head back into the bathroom
Use all the coloured items with the correct urinal

Blue broccoli
Green tomatoes
Red bananas
Yellow Blueberries

Place these on the pizza and hand it over to the group

pizza time
Did someone here order a pizza?

Talk to Petrulla
Kettle, watch the kettle, yes
Talk to Snippo
Juggle, no balls
Place the ball in the kettle
Talk to Sir Droggalot
Sleep x3

role play gamer

Pick up the wood log and use on fire
Swap to anger mode
Talk to Droggeljug around 15 times


Talk to Peter around 20 times→ CHARACTER SHEET

fight club
If in doubt - give him a clout!

Now go use the Harvey doll
This is your last chance to get the coffee achievement
Go right and get the arrow to use on the gate
Click the lock and pick up Harvey
Chapter 3 part 2
Reach your friends
Pick up the portrait
Take down the do not disturb sign
Enter the Storeroom on the right
Knock the termite farm
Open the lunchbox on the right for HONEY PANCAKES
Talk to Phantom
Use bowling ball and ghost costume on the coat rack
Replace the MIRROR with pancakes
Place the mirror where the sign was
Now the portrait to cover the hole
Take the keys and use them on Edna's Cell all the way to the right

Swap to sharp mode
Pick up the needle and eyes from trash
Combine needle and wool, then with the eyes and finally with Harvey

Make a save for our final puzzle

Use Harvey on Mother Suprerior
Now there are many ways to go around this fight but this is what I personally did. Thing's do change each time round though so just be careful and try to keep at least Alcohol up for heals and Berserker up for unblocking giving possible double heals

Lying Harvey combo to block Justica (she's the healer)
Alcohol Harvey angry combo on Sharp (when needed he can heal)
Then using the remaining to attack

Defeat the Mother Superior.

hare scare
Story Achievement

loathing mini games
I hate mini games!

Now is your last chance at swapping
Swap into no restrictions mode

Make a final save for the ends

Give Harvey to Mother Serperior and say yes
Go through each choice for 3 different endings

the asylum
Story Achievement

multiple endings
Story Achievement
Aphi Pai 24 Feb @ 12:33am 
Thank, this really helpful