S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl

188 ratings
Tips and Things to Do First
By Replicant
Welcome to the zone, Stalker
Things to Do First
1. Keep Your Gear after Prologue
(place all your gear in the safe at the cabin)

2. Get your first sidequest
(save zhorik from the bandits at the post office)

3. Find stash of Medkits and other goodies
(look for an empty bus southeast of the post office)

4. Rescue Gloomy
(at the boiler house, northeast of the post office)

5. the Magnetic cave artifact
(Just outside the boiler house< in a cave)

6. Travel to Zalyssia
(Follow the main quest marker to the first major settlement)

7. Find the weird ball artifact
(Head east from zalyssa to find a strange anomaly hiding a useful artifact)

8. Do the Warlock's debtor Sidequest
(Follow the main quest marker to the first major settlement)

9. do the needle in a Haystack quest
(Complete main quest to unlock a very rewarding sidequest)

10. Find the 3 lesser zone journalist caches
(You'll get gear, lots of ammo and solid weaponry)

After completing the prologue, players will be introduced to the open world of Stalker 2 and its first bigger base called Zalissya.
While inside Zalissya, players will receive the side quest "Seek, and you Shell Find," which leads to a special stash left by a mysterious journalist.
The stash is located inside the Burning Forest, which is burnt down with flame anomalies.
Inside the building where the stash is located, players will find the SSP-100M SIRCAAA suit, which has insane protection stats but is expensive to maintain and weighs seven kilograms.
To repair the suit when it gets half damaged, players will have to pay more than 60,000 coupons.

Settlements have NPCs for fast travel, equipment, repairs, and quests
Some regions have settlements, like Zalissya or the Cement Factory, which are populated by various types of NPCs:

Guides: These take you to other Guide NPCs that you’ve spoken with for a cost. This is essentially STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl’s fast travel system.
Vendors: Some might sell food, restoratives, weapons, ammo, or armors.
Medics: They will heal your character for free and sell curative items.
Technicians: Allow you to repair damaged equipment and upgrade gear pieces.
Bartenders: They have repeatable quests that you can tackle.

Use corpses as portable loot containers
If you really want to get creative, you can use the corpses of human enemies as portable containers for your loot. Here’s what you need to do:

Grab all the weapons, ammo, and items that you’ve looted in an area.
Open a dead NPC’s inventory by pressing the “F” key and move all the unnecessary items there.
Hold the “F” key while mousing over the NPC’s body to lift them.

You can only walk while carrying a dead body. However, this method allows you to carry a ton of loot without being over-encumbered, which would otherwise prevent you from moving completely.

Mutant enemies tend to offer more of a challenge compared to human foes. This is due to certain abilities inherent in these creatures. Here are some notable examples:
Can camouflage itself and attack in melee. Ideally, you should have your back to a wall so that the creature can only appear in front of you, and you can be ready with a point-blank shotgun blast.
Psy Dogs:
Shoot some of the clones and watch for the real Psy Dog, which will glow whenever a duplicate is created. Once you’ve found your target, take it out immediately to make the duplicates disappear.
Avoid fighting this beast head on since it can take and dish out a lot of punishment. Instead, look for high ground so you can keep shooting it without risking life and limb.
These trench coat-wearing foes not only cause you to drop your equipped primary weapon, but they might even shoot you with it. We suggest finding a safe spot and dropping them with your pistol instead.

Watch your Echo Detector for signs of artifacts
Anomalies are dangerous and unstable disturbances that happen all over the Exclusion Zone. Some areas have more anomalies than usual, but they might hide rewards known as artifacts, too. Here’s what you need to know:

Make sure your Echo Detector is equipped.
Press the “7” key to bring out the Echo Detector when near an anomaly field.
If an artifact is nearby, the Echo Detector will flash with a blue light.
As you move closer to the correct spot, the device will blink rapidly until the artifact magically appears from thin air.

Note that the Echo Detector is the default device available early in the campaign. Later, you can purchase more advanced devices, such as the Bear Detector, from the Rostok settlement.

Mix and match artifact types and bonuses
On the subject of artifacts, keep in mind that they confer beneficial effects (green text) and detrimental effects (red text). For example, the Hypercube grants maximum bleeding resistance and thermal protection, but it also causes maximum radiation build-up.

TeqkillaWarlorde 24 Dec, 2024 @ 8:07pm 
elaborate step 7 of first things to do. "weird ball" anomaly?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!
Ditsydoo 22 Nov, 2024 @ 10:32pm 
@Serial There are 3 stashes which are located at sphere, in zolis, and finally by leshka in the depot.
Serial Humanist 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:59pm 
what do u mean "Find the 3 lesser zone journalist caches". THREE? but in lesser zone only 1 of them. does it make sense to go straight to the next ones? to the forest or to Zaton?
Buttchugga 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:39pm 
yea the journalist stash quest is how you get the preorder, deluxe, and ultimate edition weapons
ITS SIRWAN 22 Nov, 2024 @ 3:42pm 
nice one lad
Slate 22 Nov, 2024 @ 11:31am 
are some of these items included with the deluxe because that shit isn't there.
Replicant  [author] 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:45am 
Drop all the loots near the safe, works for me
Red Dragon 22 Nov, 2024 @ 5:38am 
Anyone found a way to keep all the fancy tutorial rifles? Keeping all the tutorial consumables is great, but the "put stuff in safe" solution only keeps the AKM-74U for some reason (also when using the smaller safe in the garage). Can you put the other guns somewhere they won't get lost?
me.brown 21 Nov, 2024 @ 6:20pm 
For tip #1, leaving one of the three AKS-74U rifles you can find (early on in the prologue) in the safe usually works. However, dropping one of them onto the small boat dock (along with some ammo) before going to the 3rd scan point also works. You can pick the rifle and items up after the cut scene.
MysticalCyan 21 Nov, 2024 @ 6:18pm 
Best way to kill bloodsuckers is with the knife. If you're overweight drop stuff nearby to brawl with the sucker so your stamina doesn't take a hit. Suckers can take 15-30 buckshots to go down. But it'll take less than 10 slashes with a knife.