Analog Reviews: Destiny
HunterKiller 8 Nov, 2014 @ 3:22am 
You're welcome. Even if it does make it to PC in the future because they will simply want more money form PC gamers, I will not purchase it. Its not a PC game and that's why. I'm tired of getting games sold as PC games that were meant to be console games whether or not, they can be played on PC. I'm not good using a controller and it's a big waste of time for me & $$$. That's why my XBox360 & PS2 collect dust.
[AReV]Nomed  [author] 8 Nov, 2014 @ 3:12am 
@HunterKiller Glad you liked the review, and no worries. You're not missing out on much if it doesn't make it to PC. :froggy:
HunterKiller 8 Nov, 2014 @ 3:04am 
This I may have enjoyed but, since they're determined not to release the game on PC, I stopped folllowing it. Good review though. I was following it for a while.
[AReV]Nomed  [author] 6 Nov, 2014 @ 8:56pm 
@Maka I doubt it will be on Steam anytime soon, it was a pretty big selling factor for the 'next-gen' consoles. The good news is, if it does come to Steam, it will be years from now when it'll have enough content to be worthwhile :happymeat:

@LordHelmet Thanks, I'll let Josh know you enjoyed it. I got a good laugh from some of his sarcasm.
SavageBeastZero 6 Nov, 2014 @ 7:16am 
This was perhaps one of the most well written scripts I've seen for a review...Simply put impressive.
Maka-61 6 Nov, 2014 @ 6:33am 
amazing rewiev. thx for share. maybe it will be released on steam.