Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

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Workshop Mod Sorter
By Q Pop
I didn't like sorting mods in game and couldn't find an already existing program to use to do so, so I made one in Python. I suppose if there were another game that used a workshop.txt file like HL2 does, my app would probably work for that too, but I don't know any myself.

Check it out here, and make sure you read the instructions, feel free to leave me comments here or there if you have issues or suggestions for improvement:


Guide to using the sorter:

›Download either the executable or the python script version of the app.

›Put either of the above in the same folder as workshop.txt
›You can find workshop.txt usually in (Drive letter)\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2_complete\cfg
›You can also use Steam to find it by going to the games properties and going to install location and finding the above location.

›Run the app.
›If it's the executable, you will have to tell Windows it's safe, I don't know how to fix this right now.
›If it's the python script you will need Python installed and need to run it from either command prompt or powershell by using the command "python MSort.py".

›Wait for the app to find the titles to all your workshop mods, this can take a second if you have a lot.

›Sort mods by clicking on them and then dragging them. Select multiple by holding CTRL and clicking each mod. Double click to toggle the mod on or off.

›When you're done, click save order at the bottom.

The whole thing.
The whole thing, this guide is short.
Q Pop  [author] 30 Jan @ 3:12pm 
Thanks bud, I hope it helps! Thinking I might have to make one for L4D2 now.
Samuels' Chili Shop 22 Jan @ 8:56pm 
You are a godsend. Thank you.