The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

285 ratings
The 12 'Signs of the Zodiac' items!
By Monki
The effects of the 12 items themed after the 12 'Signs of the Zodiac'!
Along with some small tips!:D [Pre-Afterbirth]
- General information -
Quick note; if you "favourite" this or any other guide, you can easily access the guide for a quick refrence in game via the Steam overlay. Simply enter the Steam overlay and head into the 'guides' section and you can find your 'favourited' guides at the top! I'd personally advise you do this as it means you can quickly refer to this guide in case you bump into one of the items mention below and you forget which one does what. Remember this works for all guides! Enjoy!

Universal information regarding the items:
- Only obtainable via item rooms OR retro treasure rooms. Not from bosses.
- ALL are passives. This means they passively effect Isaac and require no manual activation in order to come into effect.
- All items are refrences to the 12 signs of the zodiac and some items carries an effect indicative of the astrological significance of the star sign. For exmaple, 'Aries' is based around the head. This item in the game will give Isaac horns on his HEAD that deal damage to enemies on contact.
- You can obtain more than one in a playthrough.
- All items carry the same distinctive set of colours in the same style, making them easily recognizable.

If you're curious about what star sign you are, it's directly related to your birthday! I'm a 'Taurus'.
Isaac recieves a movement speed increase and Isaac grows horns on his head, dealing damage upon physical contact to enemies as well as Isaac.
• This item works well with other items that allow you to come into contact with other enemies without taking damage. Items include things such as the 'Book of Shadows' or 'Holy Mantle'. It also has some ability to work with "Midas' Touch" as it means not only does it open up the ability to gain money from touching enemies but it becomes easier due to the damage of the horns.

• This item works well with Magdalene ("Maggy") due to the fact it would not only act as a remedy to her slow speed but it also means that damage recieved by ramming into enemies will be less detrimental to her as she starts with four red heart containers, the most out of any character in the game. Her active, 'Yum Heart', can also be used to regain health after two rams from the 'Depths/Necropolis' or one from any chapters below.

• The speed upgrade given by this item works in combination with 'Taurus' to activate it's effect faster.

• This can be seen to be a 'lesser version of Poison Touch' as you need to have momentum in order to deal the physical damage - unlike 'Poison Touch', which only requires physical contact.

• Almost useless for The Lost, only usable if the player has the 'Holy Mantle' - otherwise simply provides a speed upgrade.
Isaac's speed is decreased however, when Isaac enters a room with enemies, he will slowly get faster and faster before finally gaining the 'Chariot' effect, meaning Isaac can damage enemies upon physical contact. Progression towards the activation of 'Taurus' can be tracked depending on how red Isaac is and by his speed. The quicker and the brighter shade of red Isaac is; the closer you are to the 'Chariot' effect.
• The 'Chariot' effect will come into play when Isaac reaches a certain speed; this is typically achieved by the player's rising speed as a result of 'Taurus'. This also means that the higher the speed stat of the player; the quicker this effect will activate. Players with very high speeds can almost instantly activate the 'Chariot' effect upon entering a room.

• 'Midas' Touch' may also work well witht his item, creating gold upon killing the enemy when under the 'Chariot' effect.

• The effect of the 'Chariot' does not work in challenge rooms.
The boss Gemini's baby becomes attached to Isaac and deals damage to close enemies.
• Unlike the boss, Gemini can only attack through coming into contact. Although Gemini will do this automatically, it's not effective if the enemy isn't near you.

• Slowing or freezing will allow enemies to be near you however without the ability to harm you; thus making Gemini able to damage them.

• Gemini can go through rocks. If an enemy is chasing you, running around an obstacle means Gemini can damage the enemy. This works well on 'Lust' due to the rocks in the room with you battle the sin.

• Gemini has a chance to inflict the charm status effect to enemies through physical damage only.

• Gemini is buffed through 'BFFS', and deals double damage as well as increasing in size.

• Unlike other familiars; Gemini will always be connected to Isaac and thus order of picking up Gemini will not impact his distance from Isaac.
Isaac gains three spirit hearts and gives Isaac the 'Wafer' effect upon taking damage in a room, converting the damage into a half-heart regardless of the enemy inflicting the damage.
• This item is very useful as Blue Baby (???) because of his inability to gain normal HP upgrades, so the three spirit hearts are very useful.

• If you are running entirely on spirit hearts; then the given to you by 'Cancer' can be traded away in a Deal With the Devil.

• 2/3 soul hearts can be traded with a singular red heart container using the 'Soul Converter' in shops!

• Very good in the late game in order to avoid heavy damage however the three spirit hearts are extremely useful for the early game, providing players with a higher chance of avoiding red-heart damage and gaining more Deals With the Devil.

• Completely useless for The Lost under all circumstances.
Gives Isaac the ability to break rocks by walking on them. This is a very similar effect to 'The Nail' or the 'Notched Axe' however this ability is more persistant as it's a passive.
Destroying certain things yield unexpected results. Here's the list;
Tinted/Marked Rocks (Every chapter): Rocks marked with an 'X' and have a slightly different tint
(apart from the womb) and can drops consumables
however it is MOST likely to drop soul hearts. It can also
drop the 'Small Rock', a damage upgrade.
- Urns (Basement/Cellar): Can explode into spiders. They can also drop the 'Quarter'.
- Mushrooms (Caves/Catacombs/Depths): Can explod into a poisonous cloud, dealing damage to
Isaac. Mushrooms can also drop pills or the 'Libery
Cap' or the 'Magic Mushroom' (+1 to all stats) You can also find other mushroom based items here, such as "Mini Mushroom".
- Skulls (Depths/Nercropolis): Chance to spawn 'Hosts' (the skull-turrets), drop black hearts or you
can find both 'Dry Baby' and 'Ghost Baby'. You can also attain
tarot cards.
- Uterus Rocks (Uterus): Chance to shoot SIX red blood tears outwards (with each shot dealing a
heart's damage). It also leaves a pool of creep behind. You can also
attain physically/biologically themed items from their destruction. This
includes; "Blood Clot" or perhaps "Umbilical Cord". You can also attain
"Harlequin Baby" from these rocks.

• Use this ability to crate clearer path ways during battles and always look for ways to use it to gain extra consumables! Destorying rocks with this also contribute towards unlocking the trinket 'Lucky Rock', of which results in a rock dropping a singular penny upon destruction. Combine the monsoon of pennies from 'Lucky Rock' with another trinket (for exmaple; 'Bloody Penny') for even MORE consumables!

• Destorying tinted rocks (please note tinted rocks as also marked with an 'x' on them, allowing you to see them on the womb) with yield the usual drops. This include the consumables along with 'Small Rock' and even has a chance to open up the 'Retro Treasure Rooms'.

• You can also destroy obsticals with 'Leo'. Y'know those skulls on the Depths or the Mushrooms in the caves? Or even poop? Yup! Smash to your heart's content but be careful. Some mushrooms can explode in a poisonous cloud upon destuction and bomb-planted rocks explode upon contact, both damaging Isaac.

• Even though 'Leo' will most likely benefit you, it can also work against you. Some tear effects give Isaac the ability to bounce his tears of surfaces or to splash against them ('The Parasite' or maybe 'Rubber Cement') and without rocks or obsticals to bounce off, it becomes a dead item. On the other hand, it benefits 'Lump of Coal' as it means your tears can travel further without being disturbed by rocks before hitting an enemy, resulting in more damage.

• Works best on bigger rooms due to the fact the number of rocks and obsticals drastically increase in medium or larger rooms.

• DESTROY ALL ROCKS UNLESS YOU ARE IN THE WOMB. Through destroying rocks, you can find the 'Retro Treasure Rooms' that can give you a new item/trinket OR you can find the 'Black Market' (a location that allows Isaac to trade hears for shop items and also contains a trap door to the next level). It's worth noting that buying items from the 'Black Market' - although NOT 'Deals with the Devil'; count towards the three required for unlocking 'Azazel'.
Depending on Isaac's luck stat, Isaac has a chance of gaining a shield around him preventing all damage for a small amount of time upon taking damage. This item also carries a similar effect to 'PhD' and converts all negative pills into good ones.
• The shield can be useful when going against 'Mom's heart' or 'Isaac' due to the FLOOD of tears they send your way.

• Much like 'The Book of Shadows', the shield can be used to enter 'Curse Rooms', 'Self-sacrifice rooms' without taking damage. It can also be used on 'Demon Beggars' and 'Blood banks/donation machines' without losing health.

• Pills are significantly better! Taking all the pills you can find is now a good idea.

• Half of this item's effect is cancelled by 'Starter Deck' as it prevents anymore pills to drop and converts all currently-dropped pills into cards.

• "Mom's Pill Bottle" gains value as the dropped pills are more likely to benefit the player.

• Searching for secret rooms should be a higher priority. You have a small chance of the secret room containing five~ pills on the ground.

• The Lost only benefits from the superior pills.
Upon picking up the item, Isaac will get 6 keys, bombs and coins. It also results in all of Isaac's stats becoming balanced (range, damage, rate of fire...) for the remainder of the game. Remember, this lasts for the ENTIRE run.
• Although the coins are perhaps the weakest consumable to drop, you can combine it with trinkets such as 'Bloody Penny' to recieve MORE consumable upon picking up the coins! :D

• The extra bombs gain more value if you have other bomb upgrades (such as MEGA BOMBS!:D)
You can also trade all consumables gained by this item to beggars, apart from the Devil beggar.

• Having a card that multiplies consumables would benefit you greatly, meaning you could get a minimum of 12 more coins, bombs or keys.

• If combined with 'Pyromaniac', the bombs can be used for healing purposes.

• Due to the fact Isaac's stats become 'balanced', "Soy Milk" (extremely low damage however extremely high tears) works wonders as the balancing factor results in Isaac having a slightly lower fire rate but attaining a substantial upgrade to damage and other stats. This idea works to some extent with 'Odd Mushroom' or 'Number One' - both items that drastically improve a single stat.
ALL of Isaac's tears carry the poison tear effect; meaning enemies that are hit by Isaac's tears become poisoned and are damage over time. This works differently with bosses, who can only be affected by tear effects every so often.
• Higher rates of fire rates means you can take advantage of the poison! Items that can help include 'Squeezy' or 'The Coat Wire', both of which increase tears.

• This works with Brimstone and Azazel's beam and will cause the status effect on enemies.

• This ALSO works better with tears based around the enlightment of high damage vs. higher fire rates. (tears like that of 'Polyphemus') This is because the enemy hit with your poisonous and high-DMG tear will be progressively taking damage while your delay between your shots is ticking. This may result without the need to fire a second shot as the enemy may die from the poison.

• A very nice item to pair with 'Soy Milk' as it helps compensate for the damage loss as well as provide an almost-constant steam of tears; inducing the poison effect.

• The 'Common Cold' passive carries a percentage chance to induce the tear effect - making 'Scorpio' a direct upgrade.
Isaac's tears gain the piercing effect as well as gain shot speed.
• With the ability to hit more enemies at once, combining 'Sagittarius' with status-inducing tears will means you can inflict the debuff on more enemies at once. The status effects you can attain include 'Charm', 'Fear' or 'Poison' and more.

• Works well with 'Scorpio' (another item featured in this guide) as each shot from your tears WILL inflict the poisonous status effect. This is the only item in the entire game that is ENSURE to inflict a status effect with each shot, meaning ALL enemies hit with your 'Sagittarius' + 'Scorpio' tears will be inflicted with poison.

• Combined with 'Spectral Tears', you will be able to shoot and hit any enemy on the screen without interference by either rocks/pots/skulls/mushrooms or other enemies standing in the way.

Isaac gains one heart container and increased damage, range, speed and tears (an all-stat upgrade except for the healing aspect as well as shot-speed). Isaac also gains +1 bomb, key and coin.
• If used with Blue Baby (???), Isaac will only attain ONE spirit heart in place of ONE full red heart container, making it less powerful with Blue Baby.

• The red heart container gained by this item can be traded away in Deals With the Devil - however it can also damage the player and block the benefits of either the 'Polaroid' or the 'Negative'.

• Very strong item and provides support regardless of when it's taken - always beware the extra red heart, however.

• Holds less value with The Lost as he will not gain an extra heart container.
Isaac leaves a trail of tears (similar to 'creep' left behind by green champion enemies) of which damages enemies that walk in it.
• This works well with 'Taurus' as you will leave the creep trail while you're in the 'Chariot' effect and you gain increased movement speed while IN the 'Chariot' effect from "Taurus", meaning you can cover more ground.

• The trail does begin to disapear over time, however the trail is very long. It does NOT effect flying enemies.

• Enemies will not avoid it, meaning combining it with the power to slow means enemies that chase you will be stuck in a trail of pain.

• The creep Isaac produces is the only creep in the game to be blue, meaning you won't be confusing with enemy creep, of which is typically red or green.

• Due to the trail length, you can damage multiple enemies at the same time! Round up enemies that chase you in order to maximize the item. This works best in bigger rooms due to the number of enemies.

• Walking around in circles in areas enemies are is likely to be in is a good idea. For exmaple, you can see Monstro's shadow as he falls towards the player. Quickly lining the ground with 'Aqarius' means he will recieve damage when he lands.

• It can break Globins out of their 'blob' phase and kill them.
Isaac gains a tears upgrade as well as gaining a very significant upgrade to the knockback attribute of his tears.
• The knockback effect doesn't effect beam-based tears as they have NO knock-back to begin with. This includes 'Brimstone' or the 'Techonologies'.

• If the player gains piercing tears, then the tear will lose a lot but will still pierce through the enemies.

• Knockback can be used to push enemies into hazards. These include; your creep (produced by 'Aquarius' or familiars), fire or bombs.

• This gives an extra use to 'Loki's horns' or 'Mom's Eye' as it means you can push incoming enemies away more easily.
- Conclusion -
If you spot any mistakes or have any input that you think is relevant for the guide, post it in the comments and if I do apply your comment to the guide, I will leave your name and Steam ID here for credit! :D It IS possible I will add improvements on my own accord that you may of suggested, of which case, I apologize.
Alterations may occur at any time.
Thank you.

Gam3r Luna - Advising better termonology.

Water Salesman - Pointing out a repeated symbol.

Aquaphoto - Adding to the effects of 'Libra'

Grogrin - Highlighting a synergy with 'Libra' with 'Soy Milk'

Wulfstan - Reminder of another room of which can hold these items.

ArThorS - Confirming an aspect of 'Taurus' involving speed.

RatherUncreativeName - Reminding me the downsides of destroying some obsticals in the Womb.

Industeral Night - Informing me of a mushroom that can drop from destroying mushrooms.

Doniazade - For vastly contributing towards the 'Leo' section.
Basement Dweller 22 Aug, 2023 @ 7:50am 
as a cancer, i see free health as an absolute win
Idiot 30 Jun, 2023 @ 12:54pm 
am gemini
chlongle 4 Apr, 2022 @ 11:57am 
i agree with fossil
that would be awesome
Voracious_Hunter_45 14 May, 2016 @ 7:33am 
Edmund should add a Zodiac transformation.
CALEB 359 48 NUmet 26 Mar, 2016 @ 3:39pm 
*ted cruz intensifies*
Flacidious 15 Mar, 2016 @ 5:41pm 
thanks bruh
MF DOOM 23 Dec, 2015 @ 6:14pm 
thanks for the info

charleston chewstim 21 Nov, 2015 @ 6:22am 
A 'Retro Treasure Room' is called a Crawl Space.
Mysticloss 3 Sep, 2015 @ 1:59pm 
Don't forget the Tauras and Libra Combo. All stats up in any new room.
morph? 18 Feb, 2015 @ 3:40pm 
Virgo also gives neutral and positive pills alongside the Celtic Cross effect. . 3.