Portal 2
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[Moritaka-Lab] TestN10
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[Moritaka-Lab] TestN10

Dans 1 collection faite par Haru Moritaka
[Morataka-Re] Portal 2
15 objets
Difficulty: Easy-High
Double Spiral...
Thanks BEEMod 2!!!
2 commentaires
Haru Moritaka  [créateur] 20 avr. 2016 à 3h08 
I understood :Rubber_Duck:
Nui♥Harime™ 19 avr. 2016 à 16h15 
I solved this in a different and faster way. You should be more careful on where I'm allowed to place my portals because I just happened to notice that there's a portalable surface above the laser catcher that opens the exit. I then carefully placed my portals to where the laser in the middle will go to the catcher and open the exit. I didn't even need to do the rest of the chamber.