Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals

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How to get out of bronze

how to not be bronze player
how to
if you are stuck in bronze remember its not your teammates its you YOU bronze is a rank that you can carry every game and get out of easily if your good and this guide will hopefully tell you how to get good. Because if the people on your team seem like they are playing with their eyes closed remember the other team is likely the same so a single good player on your team making good plays with make a huge difference what you need to do if become one of those good players so you can carry yourself out of bronze.

TIP 1. go into the practice range and play every hero learn all of their abilities and cooldowns for those abilites, you can take this a step further and play a quick match of all the heros to learn how they play. knowing what every hero does will help you when you go against them
TIP 2. Watch some guides for the heroes you main i promise that you will learn things you never knew you could do on those heroes. Also watch some basic guides that teach things like gamesense and positioning (i would recommend a youtuber called Coach Mills for this). if you can play smart you can win because positioning is the difference between dying and surviving and dying causes you to lose team fights and that causes you to lose games.

TIP 3. Be aware of your team look at what your tank is doing. Where your supports are, are you in their line of sight or are you not? They cant heal you if they cant see you. look at the enemy team too is their someone out of position out of line of sight of their healers? learn what matchups your hero can win. for example, if your on ironman and there is a Hela on the enemy team dont fly high in to the sky where you can be easily picked off, instead play lower and use cover. also learn space and cover ( I learned this from a overwatch youtube called A10 which even though its overwatch what they teach is still applicable here). Aim will come with practice but gamesense and knowledge are things you can learn now.

TIP 4. Find a player in top 500 that plays your hero and spectate them see how they play see what they do differently see how they win games. spectate both their wins and losses if you watch their losses you can see the mistakes that even they make and one you are most likely making yourself.

TIP 5. Practice. just play the game doesn't matter if its quick match or conquest the more you play, the more you climb.
ThatMGuy 8 Feb @ 12:47am 
What am I meant to do... 15k healing, 18 kills, 3 deaths, 10 assists, HARDSTUCK BRONZE (i main cloak and dagger)
Will-o'-the-wisp 6 Feb @ 5:28pm 
fun fact playing in silver lobbies is easier then in bronze
omexhos 5 Feb @ 11:21am 
this is trash, im a healer with 40k heals on average, WHAT AM I MEAN TO DO
lizzie 3 Feb @ 5:00pm 
just play storm... it's that simple
G00PY 1 Feb @ 7:34pm 
Nah its always a healing diff. Sometimes its the tanks but never the insta lock dps
Cyclops 31 Jan @ 8:25pm 
"Jarvis, ignore the guide and blame supports"
Toxicwood 31 Jan @ 8:42am 
nah, its always the healers fault
OMEGA  [author] 30 Jan @ 6:02am 
Ok putin
CHCIS 30 Jan @ 12:56am 
wrong if you are losing its your teammates fault not yours you are lying through your hands as you were typing this its so obvious how wrong this is but the youngins who are hardstuck cause of THEIR TEAMMATES will forever be changed (in a bad way)