Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered

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Spider-Man Boss Guide
By RonDon
Never get stuck again with this spectacular boss guide!
Welcome Traveller
A guide with immeasurable depth about every boss in the game.

Yes. Believe it or not this guide does have many spoilers.

Continue at your own Fisk

see what i did there?
Main Story BossFights
  • Throwables
  • Charge
  • Smash

Difficulty: 5/10

Stage 1

First, before you actually fight Fisk. He will seal himself behind glass. 2 turrets will then appear, one on each pillar to the sides of Fisk. You will have to first dodge their bullets and then rapidly web them up; only then can you grab them and swing them towards the glass in front of Fisk; you will do this twice.

Stage 2

Once the glass is shattered, Fisk will throw his table at you, and you will have to swing it right back around at him and then repeatedly spam your webs to trap him in a cocoon or use throwables. He will then be vulnerable to your melee attacks for around 4 hits if you are fast. Rinse and repeat until you are on step 3.

Stage 3

Once you have been smashed through the wall, Fisk's men will surround you. You will have to continue to web up and throw throwables at Fisk as well as avoiding his men. After around a minute or two (depending on your difficulty) Fisk will push you to the ground and prepare to smash you. Continue to press the correct buttons shown on the screen at the same time and eventually you will have defeated Fisk.

  • Air Blast
  • Ground Vibration
  • Shield

Difficulty: 4/10

Stage 1

In this first stage, when Shocker blasts Peter out of the vault, you will be warmly greeted by some high-pressure air blasts that deliver a powerful vibrating concussive force—thanks Shocker! You will first need to dodge his attacks until you see an opening; when a small opening does occur, locate some debris that has fallen during the fight and swing it at Shocker. His shield will be deactivated for a few seconds, enough time to get 4 hits on him. Repeat these steps until you’re at the cutscene.

Stage 2

During the second stage of the fight with Shocker, there are more gaps to stun him during. The easiest to do is when he gets down on the ground and sends ground vibrations in one direction. Assuming you’re not caught in it, it’s the perfect time to send some debris flying his way as he’s stuck in that position for a solid 3-4 seconds. Eventually you will see the 3rd cutscene.

Stage 3

The last phase is a lot easier than the previous 2. Shocker will be bound to the ground by a web; he will continue to turn around wherever you go and shoot his air blasts at you. There will be no debris to lob at him this time (sad), however, above him you will see a labelled icon telling you to click L2 and R2 simultaneously. Then you will need to button mash “Square” to dislodge the hanging earth above him. Do this twice over, and Shockers down!
Mister Negative (Part 1)
  • Demons
  • Sword Slash
  • Projectiles

Difficulty: 6/10

Stage 1

After following Martin Li around his ghost world and listening to the dialogue, he will try to invite you to become one of him. You will say no (obviously) and swing the demon mask at him. He will only then start to summon his hordes of possessed demons; don’t worry though, because they only take one shot to beat. Martin Li will continuously fire attacks at you while you’re fighting off his minions. There will be a moment where he is left vulnerable after using one of his attacks; this is when you will be able to get some hits in. He will try to possess you after your first attack, but you will be able to repel it by spamming “square”.

Stage 2

After jumping into a cutscene, Martin Li will conceal himself behind a mahusive demon mask. While also dodging tentacle demons you will have to grab ahold of the projectiles that are coming from the mask. After returning a few of these to sender the mask will crack open and explode; the white screen will transport you back to reality.
Mister Negative (Part 2)
  • Wall Attack
  • Floor Attack

Difficulty: 7/10

Stage 1

After swinging your way through the back door of the train, Martin Li will be waiting for you. In the first carriage of the train, you will need to hit him with a bunch of melee attacks and also dodge his ones. When you kick him backwards into the door, he will fall into the second carriage which is occupied by 2 of his demon buddies, whom he politely drains the life out of.

Stage 2

With his newborn power, he will start to perform wall attacks, and you will have to dodge them (ones where you’ll have to dodge onto the wall) continuously. After a series of quick attacks, Martin Li will get sleepy and will be open to a combo of 5. After which you will be thrown into a cutscene of the two jumping from one empty train to another full of people.

Stage 3

During Stage 3, Martin will use a more powerful attack than his first—called the Floor Attack (one where you’ll have to dodge onto the ceiling). He will continue to be very indecisive and alternate between wall, floor, wall, floor, etc. There will be a moment to counterattack when a dark aura appears around Li. After a few blows, he will force you to the ground where you can block his punch and welly him towards the train controls, where he will probably meet his inevitable death as he gets slowly and painfully electrocuted. You will then have to divert the train to the road above to avoid a collision.
Vulture + Electro
  • Electro - Electrical Zap
  • Electro - Electrical Spikes
  • Electro - Electrical Blast
  • Vulture - Dive
  • Vulture - Throwables

Difficulty: 5/10

Stage 1: Electro

During the first phase of the bossfight, Electro will only be vulnerable to webs once, at the start. So do what you do best and web him up and web strike him—but after that he will retreat back to one of his generators where he will send electrical spikes in 3 directions. Those do quite a large proportion of your health, but after you dodge and get past those it’s an open path to the generator. Web that bad-boy up. Electro will then tell Vulture that he’s up.

Stage 1: Vulture

Stage 1 of Vultures’ attacks are quite easy to defend against and counter. He will use one of two moves—the first being his vulture dive/strike where he will spin like a mad man at you, you can easily counter this by dodging, plus his backside is completely unprotected (I’m not weird you’re making it weird) to a web strike (okay maybe I’m a bit weird). The second of his two attacks is projectile shard thingys. He will send a group of a few of these thingys at you. One Option:
1. Grab and throw

It will stun him for a few seconds which you should be able to squeeze a combo into. This stage of the fight with Vulture isn’t very long and should take 1 minute or less.

Stage 2: Vulture + Electro

This is when the 2 villains combine to create a chaotic series of attacks. Whilst trying to avoid getting hit by Electros’ electrifying zap and blast you will also have to carefully dodge a chain of swoop attacks. To defeat Electro all you’ll need to do is web him up when he’s not on a generator and when he is you’ll just need to destroy it with your webs—simple! As for Vulture you’ll also need to continually web him up but for the low chance that he does throw a projectile, just swing it back to him, then its free hits alll day long until he collapses to the floor.

  • Sea Of Poison
  • Mega Stingers
  • Spit

Difficulty: 8/10

Stage 1

After the cutscene where Pete gets injected with poison by scorpion, you will come to consciousness and realise you’re entire surroundings are flooded by a sea of poison. But you’re going to need to keep moving up and up because the sea is rising as well. Once at higher ground you will generate a spectrograph to analyse the neurotoxin. Obviously you can skip the puzzle if you find them boring, but if you don’t like them and you forgot to turn on the setting option to skip them—then you can take a little peak at the answer underneath the spoiler photo:

Stage 2

After completing the puzzle a waypoint will appear on your map, swing over there without making contact with the poison below. Once you have made it to the greenhouse you will fall into yet another little hallucination cutscene (oh goodie), the alba will have also disappeared. Dialogue will begin and it’s of Otto speaking with Pete. Follow the voice out of the door and into the laboratory, where you’ll also find out that it’s not the lab but the park (don’t worry I haven’t a clue what’s going on either).
Everything's very distorted and broken, large gaps will appear between one island and the next. Continue to follow the ghost of Doctor Octavius. Once you’ve made it to the final island and finished the nice little chat, you will see the plant pot and will be able to interact with it. Once interacted with and finished the cutscene, you will move onto Stage 3.

Stage 3

After clipping the leaves from the plant, and diving back down into the overworld, a new waypoint will show itself that leads to one of Harrys' Research Stations. This time there's not only poison to stay clear of, but also giant Scorpion tails, you can easily dodge them though. Once at the station Pete will fall into yet another trance. And... ohhhh waiit nooo no no no were back in the lab again. Doc Ock talks, "blah blah blah, you could have saved me, it's all your fault! blah blah". This time you however your traversing what is to actually be the lab they worked in together. When you get to the end of the lab the atropine will be in front of you. Once you obtain it however, the floor will shatter into a thousand pieces and take you down with it.

Stage 4

Where are we going now, ah yes, To the... lab again, great. The only difference that you'll notice is that there are more than one Scorpion tails at the same time, so you're going to have to do a bit more dodging than usual, but that's okay right? Now once you enter the actual lab this time. Once you have swung yourself over to the central platform, a bunch of Scorpions will attack you,

No, not that type of Scorpion...

...This is a Marvel game, remember?

That's the one!

Now, if one Scorpion wasn't daunting enough for you, you're in luck! As probably around 10 hallucinations of Scorpion will be mad because you didn't invite them to the party. So fairly they will now try to murder you. Each one shouldn't take too long to beat as they only have a health bar that can survive 5 hits or so. And to get the hits on them, you guessed it—dodge their attacks and web em' up. Once all Scorpions are down the equipment you need to make the antibiotics will form together. Then just interact with the computer and you’re done with Scorpion.
Rhino + Scorpion
  • Rhino - Charge
  • Scorpion - Spit

Difficulty: 7/10

Stage 1: Rhino

During the first phase of the fight, Scorpion will be absent and it will be down to just you and Rhino to battle it out. He has 2 moves.

1. His boulder throw thing where he picks up some rubble from the floor and chucks it at you

you can easily dodge the rocks.
2. Rhinos’ Charge
This is the only one of Rhinos’ attacks that you can counter. All you’ll need to do is locate a hanging object in the container yard. For example, a crate:

When he charges at you, you will need to pull the crate down (or some other hanging / sitting on top of another crate) when the game goes into slow motion with L2 and R2. Each time you collapse one on top of him he will be defenceless for a few seconds, as usual enough to get a hit or two in, or maybe three or four, i don’t know, it depends. After Rhino gets concussed 5 times it will be on to the cutscene.

Stage 2: Rhino + Scorpion

Phase 2 of the fight is similar. Except now Scorpion as well has joined the fight. To defeat Rhino is the same. Dodge the boulders and pull down the objects from above when he gets close. As for Scorpion, you’ll need to precisely dodge his projectile vomit and then web him up. Like Rhino Scorpion is vulnerable for a few seconds. The both of them will then fall out and our Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man will trap them in a container.
Mister Negative (Part 3)
BEAST Attacks
  • Ground Sweep
  • Demon Dunk

Difficulty: 8/10

Stage 1

After making a truce with Silver Sable you will have to follow the energy marks on the walls and floor. You will have to follow Martin through the ruins of the lab while he speaks to you. once you follow him to the end of the room and you pick up the picture of his parents. You will hear a scream and will be thrown into a "Moments Earlier" cutscene.

Stage 2

  • Directed Floor Attack
  • Spinny Sword Dash
  • Widespread Floor Attack
  • Teleportation

During the actual fight, you will have to defend and counter to a variety of different attacks.
The only times you will be able to get some damage on him is when you either throw an object his way. You will only be able to get 2 hits on him at a time before he comes to his senses and counters them. The other time is when he gets tired and he becomes one with his human body. This time the amount of strikes you will be able to pull off on him is doubled to 4, may be open to more in later stages.

Stage 3

  • Teleportation Sword Attack
  • Aerial Sword Attack

The two new attacks are above, so keep your eyes peeled so you can watch out for those unsuspecting new attacks. When he does attack just remember that you can do the usual to stun him; webs, throwables etc.

Stage 4

  • Energy Zap
  • Ground Slash
  • Splash Attack
  • BEAST Attacks (shown at start)

BEAST Attacks are when the Boss, in this case Mister Negative, turns into a large monster to do their bidding. For this fight Martin turns into a large Demon. Anyway, at the start and at various points throughout he will summon hordes of demons with swords (not his brightest idea) to go after you, like Mister Negative (Part 1), and will continue to use his spicy and fresh new attacks on you wherever you please to go. As the stages have gone on of this fight, Martin has returned to his body the higher the stage number. As thisis actually the last stage of this fight, he will appear to transform between both bodies quite frequently ,This time however you are able to get 8 smacks on him. After the final punch, Li will muster up the last of his energy and turn into the Beast again. Pete will easily dodge in between the grasp of its hands and right into the belly—where he swing kicks Mister Negative bullseye in the face. Then the cutscene will appear of Spider-Man returning to real life. Doc-Ock will then take Osborn and the antiserum.

Dock Ock
  • Tentacle Grab
  • Smash
  • Throwables

Difficulty: 9/10

Stage 1

After the delightful little cutscene with Otto and Norman, Spider-Man in his fancy pants suit will swing up the building to Doc Ock. And theen the fighting begins. you can web him up which will stun him for a few seconds which is enough time to get a finisher in there. When he has yopu in his grasp, he will try to decapitate you; although you can counter it by button mashing, this will open up for a chance to get some hits in. Another time you can make him defenceless is when he starts to throw pieces of the floor at you. You can either dodge (No Sh!t Sherlock), or, what i like to do is grab em' and swing em'—It always works!

Stage 2

During this phase it's important that you don't touch the ground at any given time. Doc will have jumped straight to the tower in the centre, and have done something to the components of the mast; setting the floor alight that will burn you to a crisp. Thankfully though there is the occasional elevated pole positioned on the outskirts of the platform. Those are safe to rest on; don't get too comfortable though because the mastermind himself, Octavious, has come up with the cunning plan to throw some more stuff at you—MuahHaHaHaHaaa—the only way to make him vulnerable during stage 2 is to do the classic switcheroony, these virtual AIs will never see it coming, and then it's time to do some real damage.

Stage 3

After putting him on the ground where he belongs, he will start to throw fits. Like the first stage, when he's not throwing stuff at you the only way to stun him is to web him up. This time however he is gonna be a tinsy winsy, icky bit madder than the first, sorry not my choice—I don't make the rules! So just watch out for when he tries to grab you and swing you silly. Though each time you bodyslam him it makes it that tiny bit closer to getting to Stage 4. When the floor sets on fire; only once will you have to hit him back with the rubble he threw at you. Then a cutscene will emerge of Otto revealing that he knows it's peter behind the mask.

Stage 4

After the tower collapses, the two of you will be thrown on to he side of the building with suspenseful music (and rightly so) the moves aren't very varied. When he tries to grab you, it reveals the opportunity to dodge under the tentacle and hit him with the swing and the kick. After a repetitive 2 minute fight; Doc Ock will finally get a grasp on Pete, Although he will of course escape his clutches and continue on with the fight. It's basically the same stuff like at the start of stage 4: You dodge his tentacles, you hit him—rinse and repeat Etc. And now I'll let you watch the cutscene without any spoilers because spoilers are annoying.
Side Mission + DLC Bossfights
  • Hammer Attack
  • Chain Attack
  • Throwables

Difficulty: 3/10

Stage 1

When you find Tombstones' hideout and you get inside, he will pick up his hammer. You can easily web him up to leave him defenceless and get a combo or a takedown on him (of course, he is a boss so the takedown won't one shot him). This stage will last less then a minute.

Stage 2

He will summon up his men to assist him. You'll have to first take out his gang before you then use the counter-drug. There's also quite a few motorbikes scattered around the so called "workshop".
You can either hit him with throwables such as the motorbikes; or you can just web him up like usual.

Stage 3

After the counter-drug has done its thing, Tombstone will stumble back into the wall, and the shelf will collapse on top of him. The spillage of oil on the floor is set alight and now while dodging Tombstone, you will have to watch out for the fire as well. And what's this—ah, a chain—lovely.
He will be vulnerable to the usual; motorbikes, webs, rocks he chucks at you, blah blah. You will need to dodge his fiery chain as well, because metal chains do that now? Anyway just keep hitting him and getting back up and after all the fight is only 4 minutes in total.
  • Literally any attack that you can do (except ones with webs of course)

Difficulty: 7/10

Taskmaster is literally just a mimic. Best ways to defeat him are by perfect dodging; this will temporarily blind him with the web on his face (you will first have to get that upgrade with your skill points), then you can easily get some free hits on him. Another good way is to just use throwables, these will leave him vulnerable for 4 hits. And just remember, you can take the fight off of the rooftop as well if you want to—no need to stay on the roof. But after a minute or two he'll run away in a cloud of smoke, which was actually quite cool.
Black Cat
  • EMP

Difficulty: 3/10

Stage 1

Probably the easiest bossfight in all of the game. In phase one she will have thrown an EMP at your suit, temporarily disabling your gadgets. This will mean that for this moment in time, you will have to parkour over the surrounding streets to catch up to her. Not a hard task—you will just need to hold “R2” while running to jump over objects such as; cars, fences, bushes, tents etc. after you catch up
to her an icon will appear above her head encouraging you to web strike, although after you do she will counter it and throw a flashbang at you. But obviously you will still have to do it otherwise you will have failed the mission. Felicia takes this time to escape down to the subway and leap onto one of the leaving trains.

Stage 2

Swing yourself down the subway to begin—but just keep in mind not to fall to far behind, however you can do the usual to speed yourself up; swinging, web zipping, air launching + any more methods you can think of. Speed yourself up all you like but just be careful for the occasional beam of electricity that spawns itself on the tracks. Simply dodge or swing to the other side of the track to avoid it. Then Spider will wall run on another train to gain an advantage on Black Cat—then you will be out in the city again (however now with your gadgets back).

Stage 3

Once in the open again be mindful to avoid her throwables as they do a large chunk of your health. You will need to use all the speed you can get in this phase so to not fall behind, once you do get in range you will know because yet another icon will appear above her head telling you to web her up. After a repetitive minute and a half (or so) you will finally sling a web around her ankles and pull her to the rooftop. Thus ending the fight with Black Cat.

  • Orb Domes

Difficulty: 2/10

Stage 1

Ahh Screwball… I really do hate you. After the pain of going through at least 20 of her stupid little challenges, you’ll come face to face with the devil herself. At the party she will be in front of the bill board with her logo on it. When you get even a little bit close she will be gone and running - so keep on your toes. That party was one of three spread across the bossfight; and when you do get close to another one their might be a trick or two up here sleeve. Anyway, after chasing her for the first 15 seconds or so, you’ll come face to face with het another one of her parties. During this one a photobomb will appear inside the only box on the rooftop. Grab it and swing it towards the board (don’t worry it auto locks on for you so no need for accuracy), and now for your first photobomb. You should probably know how they work by now - BUT IF YOU DON’T here is how they do. A purple bar will appear on your screen once the perspective changes to the camera. Don’t click anything until the bar goes beyond the white line and onto the green; after that the bar will appear to slow down and that is when you can click it. That is the first phase.

Stage 2

Shortly after the first photobomb another one will appear, but this time through a water butt, then you can do what you do best. At the third party there will be no photobomb; but instead a pile full of drones that will follow her.These drones won’t do any direct harm but will drop these orb domes to slow you down. You also don’t want to get too far from her because otherwise you will have to restart from the beginning. You will have to take out the drones one by one; only then can you get close enough to catch up to her and put an end to her crime.

  • Charge
  • Laser
  • Laser Retreat

Difficulty: 5/10

Stage 1

Whilst avoiding certain death you will be tasked with listening to some tiresome banter between Hammerhead and Spider-Man (easily the hardest part). Anyway but seriously now, you will need to avoid his men while trying to take down Hammerhead, or do what i did which is to take his men out first. Either way you decide you will need to web Headhammer up to make him vulnerable during his “Project Olympus” phase. Or alternatively you can wait for him to finish his charge, he’s also defenceless then. When he summons in more men from BTS you will know that you are on to the next stage.

Stage 2

  • Ultra Laser
  • Laser Stripes
  • Kung Fu Kick

The only difference here in this stage are the 2 new attacks, so just be aware to stay away from them—especially the Kung Fu Kick, which if you couldn’t already tell is his most powerful. I’m pretty sure you have to defeat his men before you defeat the man himself, although i could be mistaken. Webbing him up is the most efficient way to stun him, seeing as your webs will recharge by the time you’ve gotten your combo in.
Basically just rinse and repeat my friend; rinse and repeat. And after he is defeated the tense scene with Yuri will happen (no spoilers given).

Silver Sable
  • Gun
  • Over Shoulder Takedown
  • Swing Kick
  • Speedy Swing Kick
  • Shield

Difficulty: 5/10

Now… how do i break this to you… basically they may or may not have made the bossfight a tad harder than the original game, because in my case i would never have got it done if it weren’t for the reddit. The trick (or tricks because i’m about to tell you multiple), is to have your suit power set to Quad Damage. This method will take 1/10 of the time than usual at least, although of course to get it to work you need to first activate the power before you jump in. Another tip i found useful was to wait it out for the entirety of the speech, either sit on Sables hovercraft or perched on the side of the roof (I think that one works but i could be mistaken), because somehow she just cannot shoot you when your sat down. Make sure that your fully loaded of electric webs too, because they work well on her, especially as she’s basically immune to about every other attack. But even after a few goes of trial and error; with Quad Damage enabled you will tear through her! Until of course she runs away after the escapee.
Cyborg Hammerhead
  • Punch
  • Stomp
  • Headbut

Difficulty: 10/10

Stage 1

Buckle up your seatbelts because you’re in for a beating. To beat Cyborg Hammerhead is the definition of status and power—not forgetting he’s the hardest boss you will ever come across.
First on the list, make sure to avoid his attacks; especially his headbut, as that inflicts a lot of damage. One good thing about his melee attacks though is that they are easily countered, ya see, after he attacks he will take roughly 2 seconds to get back to his feet and ready for another attack— more than enough time to get 2 or even 3 hits on him without getting a scratch. During one time that you’re attacking him; you will have the opportunity to swing over behind his head, and hold him down for Sable to fire a laser cannon at his head (you will need to spam the button as shown on the screen), once the laser cannon has stopped, he may have a minor headache so he will be out an vulnerable for a solid few seconds. Of course he does have a hammer of a head so it won’t really do anything in the short run. But after the first laser fired to his head you’re on to round 2.

Stage 2

  • Jetpack Charge
  • Laser
  • Chain Attacks

Now for where it starts to get juicy, PHASE 2. Now if some simple melee attacks weren’t enough, you are iiin luck! Because now not only lasers will be fired at you—but there’s also now a dozen or so angry people chasing you around like a mob. So take them out first before you get to the Big Guns. When you do eventually get to Hammerhead; you can do the same as stage 1. Dodge, Dodge, Attack. Using web strikes in these situations are pretty handy when you’ve just dodged the last attack and don’t want to waste any valuable time that could be spent trying to takedown Hammerhead. Especially as he’ll recover after only a couple of seconds. Again when the time is right you will acrobat to his back after the first punch to prepare for the laser cannon. And like the round before this your onto the next phase.

Stage 3

  • Body Shield
  • Dash

Now apparently you’re “pissing him off” *chuckle*, as if that was the first time a villain’s said that. The thing you’ll have to do here is wait for Sable to drop the bombs his way - to make them hit the target however (the target is Hammerhead of course) you are going to have to manually throw them at him. 1 will do though because his shield will be deactivated in a jiffy, then he’s open to a combo of such like you did perfectly in the previous stage 1 and 2. After the first laser cannon of stage 4 Hammerhead will summon in yet another army of men to do his bidding, somethings telling me he’s lazy. Whilst defeating his men in the process you will rinse and repeat the steps to deactivate his shield and hold him back. One slight problem however—during the last laser cannon the circuit will short; leaving for only one option… A totally radical plane crash into the bad guy, Oh Yeahhh! Well done—Hammerhead will be down and the mafia with him.

Wow. What a ride. Now i’m supposing you didn’t read all of it but instead just the sections you needed help on. Or maybe you didn’t read any of it at all. It doesn’t really matter—but i do hope that i managed to help you a little bit on any of the bosses in the game. If you still need help and my excellency level writing didn’t help (sarcasm), do feel free to ask for some more in the comments, if you do I don’t blame you, sometimes i didn’t even know what i was writing myself. But this took over a week to write, with breaks included of course, so i just want to say that if this guide did help that you leave a comment down below to tell me. Thanks and Bye!

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