Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty

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Achievement Guide (EN)
By forestpas3
Achievement Guide for Medieval Dynasty.
Game in Development = Guide in Development

Do not hesitate to leave a comment if something is wrong or need precision.
Any help is appreciated.

Some achievements are only unlockable on the Valley Map.
Unfortunately I do not know which one are map locked (to be more precises, they are not yet updated to include the new map).
Have mines built on every cave on the map.

To unlock this achievement, it is advantagous to have a mount (a donkey preferably). Load it up with planks.
You can usually get logs to build mines on site.
Prepare yourself well (weapons/healing etc.) there will probably be bears on site.
Plan your route as there might be wisents on the route to the site.

There are currently 5 caves on the map.

Tip: As soon as you have unlocked the achievement, it is best to dismantle the mines that you do not need or send villagers, as they cost a lot of tax.

Finish the main quest.

Just do the main quest.
Dirty Henry
Dirty Henry
Be 100% dirty.

To get 100% dirty you must now avoid deep water and washing vats.
To speed things up, run around, work in the mine or do field work for sometime.

Your wife may also avoid you if your dirt meter is full.
But if you hold out long enough and you get the 'Dirty Henry', she'll be all the more excited about to clean her husband.

Beware, season change resets your dirtiness.
The Dynasty Continues
The Dynasty Continues
Play as an Heir.

You first need to have an heir. Then he need to grow-up to 18 y.o.
After that you can abdicate to play as him.
Have an Heir.

You first need to be married.

When you have a wife, you can ask her at any time if she is ready to have child. If she agrees, all you have to do is go to bed on time at 7 pm. (Maybe have a quick wash in the water tub beforehand) ;)
Your wife will then display a pregnancy symbol (in the population list).

After 3 seasons you will have your firstborn. You can even choose a name for him.
(Note: Now your wife can no longer work a profession until your child is 2 years old!)

Your first kid will always be a boy.
Happy wife, happy life
Happy wife, happy life
Give your wife gifts for 2 following years.

Give a gift once per season for two years.

To find the merchant with the gifts (he's not always in the same place) simply ask an NPC for the merchant's current location. You might find some gift in overturned carriages, bandit camps, etc.

If you have enough coins, it's best to stock up on gifts and store them in your chest at home (you will need min 8 gifts). Your wife won't find them.
Harvestin' season
Harvestin' season
Harvest a field bigger than 6x6.

A field should be at least 6x6, the size will be displayed when you build/drag the field, watch out for stone deposits and tree stumps (you can remove these with a shovel) that could block the construction of the field.

Let the villagers tend to it (if you already have some).
Than when it is harvest period you can start harvesting it.
Impale an animal with 4 spears while it's still alive.

When hunting, if you have a few spears with you (preferably wooden spears, they do less damage, i.e. more attempts to get stuck) you can try to disguise a bison or a bear as a hedgehog. (Maybe save just before)
But it's a matter of luck whether the spears get stuck.

Tip: The mount is an ideal target as it hardly moves. Also wooden spears here because of the lower damage. If a spear gets stuck, always try to aim at the same spot.
A helping hand
A helping hand
Complete 100 side quests.

Just do the side quest until you have done a 100.
Beware, some quests do not count as side quests.

An overview of accepted quests can be found in the 'Diary' tab in the menu or you can see the various quests on the map with the ! symbol.

Beware: Quests have a season limit.The side quests usually only last for one season. If you do not complete the quest in time, your reputation will be reduced.

Tip: Some side quests not only give you reputation or a tip, but sometimes also technology points. Some of your wife's side quests have a final option to recruit a new villager with a really high skill.
Hunting Royale
Hunting Royale
Kill every type of wild animal during one dynasty.

For this achievement it would be advantageous to have the tracker skill (in hunting skills), as you can now see all the animals in ALT mode.
Of course, you also need a bow, crossbow or spear to kill the various animals.

Trap kills do not count

  • Rabbit
  • Boar
  • Deer
  • Fox
  • Wolf
  • Wisent
  • Bear
  • Lynx
  • Moose
  • Badger

  • Not necessary

  • Not necessary

    Farm Animals
  • Not necessary
I... am not... drunk
I... am not... drunk
Be drunk (100%).

You can either find alcohol in special places on the map (e.g. overturned wagons on the side of the road, tent camps etc.), steal it in villages, buy it in taverns or produce it yourself.

If you have now collected enough alcoholic drinks in your inventory to bring your intoxication and alcohol meter to 100%, drink them and take the rest of the day off.
I may not be good at it after all...
It wasn't me!
Get caught stealing 50 times during one dynasty.

In every village, you'll find various items scattered on the ground, on tables, in chests, and so on. When you approach one, you'll have the option to steal by pressing 'E'. If you do this in front of a villager, the achievement will unlock.

However, be cautious: getting caught stealing will reduce your Dynasty Reputation.
If you're caught, you'll see a message that says "Dynasty Reputation Changed." If you don't see this message, it means you weren't caught, and the item won't count toward your total.

You can also drop stolen items and steal it again in front of NPCs.
I wasn't even looking
I wasn't even looking
Hit the archery target and get 100 or more points.

You can follow this guys guide:
I wonder how many I can fit...
I wonder how many I can fit...
Get 12 status effects at once.

You can either brew your own potions or visit an herbalist who can sell you various potions for a few coins.
(Buying is quicker and clearer for status effects)
You can also use food, drinks, weather for status effects.

You now have to gather 12 status effects, both positive and negative effects count.

  • Being Drunk
  • Being Dirty
  • Being too Hot (¬‿¬) or Cold
  • Overweight
  • Poison
  • Potion of Camouflage
  • Potion of Cure
  • Potion of Healing
  • Potion of Night Vision
  • Potion of Satiety
  • Potion of Saturation
  • Potion of Stamina
  • Potion of Strength
  • Potion of Temperature Tolerance
  • Potion of Weight
I will pay next month, I swear
I will pay next month, I swear
Have a tax debt of at least 5000 coins.

Do not pay your yearly tax until you have a debt of at least 5000 coins.

Every year in spring you get a quest to pay your taxes. Taxes are levied on all buildings, fields, etc. You can look up the individual values in your building/field list (in Management tab).

To pay tax debts you have to wait until summer.
Tax debts are displayed in the Management tab under Taxes.
The debts are always shown in round brackets after the taxes. If it is 0, you have no debts yet.

For example: 2000 (4000) = Taxes due (tax debt)

If you are single, you must travel to Gostovia to pay your taxes or debts. Married people have a tax advantage and can ask their wife to bring the money to the castellan.
It wasn't me
It wasn't me!
Get caught stealing for the first time.

You can steal any items from any village. But beware! If you are seen, your reputation will be reduced depending on the value of the stolen goods.
But for this achievement... You need to be seen...

Tip: Maybe create an extra save before you become a criminal. Because everyone deserves a second chance......
Look at my mount
Look at my mount
Get a mount.

First you have to unlock the Donkey Shelter OR Stable in the farming technology tree.

You can do this, for example, by growing fruit, cultivating fields, harvesting work or manufacturing work in the barn. Employed NPCs in the barn will also level up the respective technology branch if you don't want to do it yourself.
(Tip: There are also farming technology points as a reward in some side quests, as a small technology booster from time to time)

Once you have unlocked and built the stables, you will constantly need animal feed (buy or produce in the barn) and an NPC to be employed there as an animal breeder.

Now you can set off for Hornica with around 10,000-12,000 coins in your pocket, as you can only buy horses there.
Once you have bought the horse and assigned it to the stable, you can now buy a saddle from the stable master in Hornica so that you can use your mount.

Now walk back to your stable, saddle up and go for it!

If you prefer donkeys, you can do the same, but not to Hornica but to Tutki. Donkeys are slower but can carry slightly more than horses.

Tip: To equip the saddle, you must have the saddle in your inventory and stand directly next to the mount, then press the 'E' button to equip the saddle.
To open the horse's inventory, first open your own inventory and then press 'H' to open the horse inventory, e.g. to equip horseshoes or extra saddlebags. But also to store/move items to the horse inventory.
(Note: Your mount also has a maximum carrying capacity and can be overloaded)
Must have been the wind
Must have been the wind
Sell 50 of the stolen goods during one dynasty.

You can steal any items from any village. But beware! If you are seen, your reputation will be reduced depending on the value of the stolen goods.
These items will then be marked as stolen in your inventory.
You can then sell them in any other village, just not in the place where you stole them.

Tip: Maybe create an extra save before you become a criminal. Because everyone deserves a second chance.
Have a Wife.

You need to court a lady that isn't married yet. Each lady has a personality and will response differently when courted.

The best way to do this is to skill up a few points in Diplomacy and Romance to speed up the process. (You can also do this without skilling, but it will take longer)
Once you have found the right woman and you have survived the wedding sequence, she will move in with you immediately. So have a house ready for you two.

For more info you can check out the wiki [] to see each personality and courting combinations.
My Stumps
My Stumps
Remove 100 stumps.

Remove 100 stumps after cutting down the trees.
This achievement can be combined with LumberJACKED
Oopsie daisy
Oopsie daisy

Do not worry. You will get this one quite easily.
Just play the game.
It will happen automatically.
Show me the money!
Show me the money!
Have 1000000 Coins.

What you sell or how you earn coins quickly is up to you. The goal is definitely a million!

If you build market stalls you can do this automatically, but you'll get less (only about 50% of the value of the item)
Or you can go on a business trip yourself to get the maximum amount of coins.
You can also sell livestock in the respective building.

Check this guide on prices:
Visit every village during one dynasty.

Just visit every village on the map.
Survive winter with no clothes on.

Put all your clothes (your backpack and bag count as clothes) in your chest in the house.

Than you can just AFK in your house with enough food stock in winter.


You can also wander the world as long as you have a torch in your hand, you won't mind the cold.

Now it's time to survive until spring without frostbite.

Tip: Please also avoid jumping to the next season, but you can still go to bed naked from 7 pm and sleep until the next day.

Tip 2: You can use custom game settings to make the winter season the shortest one.
Well earned rest
Well earned rest
Sleep in your bed every night for the entire year.

From 7 pm you can go to sleep in your house. (when you open the map you can see the current time at the top) You have to do this every night for a year to get this achievement.

You can do this by AFK for an entire year with enough provisions.
Changing the length of a season to 1 day is also a quick way to get it.

Lets Build a City
For theses achievements you only need to build buildings.
You can just put down the blueprint of the building to count it for the achievements.

Name & Description
A New Home
Build your first house.
Building Count: 1
Reach Hermitage development level.
Building Count:
Reach Camp development level.
Building Count:
Small Farm
Reach Small Farm development level.
Building Count:
Reach Farm development level.
Building Count:
Reach Hamlet development level.
Building Count: 21
Reach Settlement development level.
Building Count: 31
Reach Village development level.
Building Count: 41
Reach Town development level.
Building Count: 51
Reach City development level.
Building Count: 61

Let's break a stick!
Get your first inhabitant.
Recruit your first villager
Village Manager
Have at least 50 inhabitants.
Recruit or let your villagers have babies. You need to have 50 inhabitants in total in your village.

You can lure one villager into your village for every 500 Dynasty Reputation.
(You can find this displayed in the Management menu tab. You get reputation by completing main and side quests)

Make sure that you have created enough food, resources and living space to take in new people. Only one man and one woman can move in per house.
Master of Everything
Just grind those XP.
You can also change the game difficulty setting to gain faster XP.

Master of Diplomacy
Get level 10 in Diplomacy.
Master of Extraction
Get level 10 in Extraction.
Master of Farming
Get level 10 in Farming.
Master of Hunting
Get level 10 in Hunting.
Master of Survival
Get level 10 in Survival.
Master of Production
Get level 10 in Production.
Missable Achievement
Finish the quest by bringing 1000 logs.

This achievement is connected to the main story line of Uniegost's Story IV.
Wolrad (from the village of Tutki) will ask you as a joke to bring him a 1000 logs.
It is a little time consuming but it can be done quite easily. In the Game settings, enable infinite carry weight and stamina options. In the Extraction Skill Tree, get the Woodcutter's Trance (which gives faster tree cutting) and go cut some trees. Usually try to go for Maple Trees as they give 5 logs in total.

forestpas3  [author] 4 Feb @ 9:07am 
The kid needs to be at least 18 years old. So minimum 18 years.

Good question. Unfortunately I have no clue.
You could build a storage building near to it (storage space is shared) but I do not know how you could still have the logs in the player inventory and move. Or maybe you just need to have them in your village inventory ?
bubung_dantyo 2 Feb @ 7:14pm 
Thank you, very helpful
and how many year do i have to play so i could get "Play as a Heir" Achivement?
and is it possible to get LumberJACKED Achivement without customizing my game?
forestpas3  [author] 14 Jan @ 10:03am 
Steam doesn't care where you bought the game. If it was activated (or bought) on steam and the steam system has achievements for it, you will have access to them.

I did a quick search. Some achievements are only unlockable on the valley map.

If you are caught stealing your reputation decreases.
kimlaone 14 Jan @ 9:50am 
But how could I have a Steam achievement if I bought the game through another gaming platform?

I tried to steal on the Oxbow map (because I definitely didn't steal anything in this game), but my reputation only went down and I showed the "theft" knowledge. But no achievement. So it must have been in another game before...
forestpas3  [author] 14 Jan @ 9:26am 
This game has steam achievements. As you had the steam popup for unlocking one of the achievements, I am not quite sure where is the misunderstanding.

You should be able to unlock them on both maps. But I only played on Valley for now.
kimlaone 14 Jan @ 9:16am 
So where did you get these achievement icons? Shouldn't they be in the game somewhere? I can't find them. Once I spent 4 days killing 2 huge camps with bandits and when I was going home, the Dirty Henry achievement showed me. It just popped up and disappeared. And if I want to look at the icon again, or at others - where is this list? These are not Steam achievements, so they should be in the game somewhere. Are these achievements only on the Valley map?
forestpas3  [author] 14 Jan @ 7:16am 
There is no in game achievement list (in my knowledge)
kimlaone 14 Jan @ 4:31am 
Where in the game can you see a list of completed achievements? Or all of them.