

74 ratings
Balatro Modding Guide - zZMaDsKILLsZz's Guides
This is a comprehensive, beginner friendly guide to modding Balatro.

I also included step by step instructions, and modding options :)
The Basics
Never modded before?

Well this is one of the easiest types of games to start off on. We are going to 1) Install Lovely 2) Install Steammoded and 3) put mods into the mods folder
Step 1: Download Lovely-Injector
Here is the GitHub for the Lovely-Injector:
You will need to click on "latest release" and download the file for your system (direct link to releases here:

Follow the Instructions under "Manual Installation"

On your web browser (ex. Google chrome) you may have to go to your "Privacy and Security" tab and click on the "No protection" option. You only have to do this for this first step, because of how Lovely injects the dll file

I've copied the Manual Installation instructions here:
Open the .zip archive, copy version.dll into the game directory.
  • You can navigate to the game's directory by right-clicking the game in Steam, hovering "Manage", and selecting "Browse local files".
  • After this step you can change your Chrome protections back to normal
Step 2: Download Steamodded
Next, we will install Steammodded.

Here is the link to the Steammodded Github:
Scroll down to "Installing Steamodded" on the Github page

I've copied the instructions here:
  • Click to download the latest source code in Method (3a): Direct download section of the Github page
  • Extract the download zip file.
  • In your file explorer, navigate to Balatro's save directory: Windows: %AppData%/Balatro;
  • Ex. Local Disk (C:)\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Balatro
  • Create a folder named Mods if it doesn't already exist.
  • Open your Mods folder.
  • Inside the extracted zip file, you should find a directory named Steamodded-main. Move this folder into your Mods folder.
    You also paste all your Mods into this same Mods folder later on.
Step 3: Download some mods
I usually make a separate folder to hold all of my downloaded mods (and want to change them out later). Then I copy the mods I want into the Balatro "mods" folder

1. Go to the Balatro page on Nexusmods:

Copy the mods that you want into the Balatro Mods folder (You will need to unzip them. Then put either the folder or the .lua file over there, whatever it gives you when you unzip it)

I usually search by "Endorsements" on Nexus, and then read reviews on forumns for what I want

2. Here are some more mods, on Github, created by GilliGalli:

The achievementsenabler.lua mod (if you want to be able to run mods and have steam achievments still unlock):

3. In game, click on the purple "Mods" button and select/deselect the mods you want to run (after downloading mods in the following steps)

Recommended Mods - GilliGalli
Here are the mods that I personally recommend:

From the GilliGalli page:[/b]

Edit: GillGalli seems to have removed some of his mods for this game

1. EscapeExitButton.lua (adds escape button)
2. MoreSpeeds.lua (and set in-game speed to "3" in the options menu)
3. AchievmentsEnabler.lua (so your steam achievements work):

Edit: Here is the main Balatro Github modding page:
You need .lua files to put in your mods folder

Extra Decks if you want (not as necessary)

1. Deckof4s.lue (not as interesting, but adds an extra deck)
2. LabyrinthDeck.lua (extra deck)
3. UltimateRandom.lua (pretty overpowered but interesting to learn how some of the mechanics of seals, Enhancements, and Editions interact)
4. AbsoluteDeck.lue (pretty overpowered/broken polyglass set)

Recommended Mods - Nexus
From the Nexus page (definitely recommend):
I think that you can run at most the Pokermon mod + Jojos tarots + a card texture pack at the same time before those 3 override anything else for graphic mods

1. Pokermon : I wouldn't consider running a "modded Baltro" without it:
This is one of my favorite mods. It is well written with good descriptions, effects, and combinations. It's pretty well balanced, and works together with base Balatro really well. There are lots of additional pokemon, with evolution effects, as well as cards that affect type or give you a tarrot.

2. FasterCashOut.lua:
This is another staple, needed so the wait time between rounds isn't as long.

3. Faster Planet Card Animation:
Same as above, but for planet animations instead

4. Stickers Always Shown:
Necessary, to help keep track of what jokers you need for some of the later steam achievements. I also like that you get to see the highest level ante you won with each joker with, while in game.

5. JoJo Tarot Designs and Sailor Moon Celestial Deck:
Beautifully designed, and are a huge improvement over base game tarot designs in my opinion. Note that if you are using Pokermon, that the Pokemon texture files will override the Celestial planets, but you will still be able to see the JoJo Tarrots.

6. Finally, pick a card texture pack of your choice, to complete the modding experience

7. Set Seed Bypass (needed if you want to re-run runs, and have it count for steam achievments/unlocking cards):

Bonus Tips
1. Don't forget that in the options tab in Balatro, you can select what version of the "Face Cards" you want to be shown while in game
2. Don't forget to change you in-game speed to "3"
3. During a run, you can click on "options" -> "collections" to see what the pokemon cards and their evolution do
4. Next to "New run" there is also "Challenge" mode for some additional game types
5. Yellow Deck, Green Deck, and then Checkered decks are more fun and easier to win on when you are new to the game
6. Whether "Wheel of Fortune" is truly 1/4 who knows
7. Some stage 2 evolution Pokemon might be stronger than stage 3 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8. Tier lists don't define the best choice in your run, your Jokers and then cards need to combo together
9. The basic beginner combination is: 1+ chips Joker, 1 Economy Joker, and the rest on +mult/xmult
10. Telescope and Grabber Vouchers are S tier
11. High Card, Pair, 2 Pair, and Full House builds are all viable in this game! Try them out as you are learning the game and on lower ante levels first!
12. Have fun!
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OceanMan 20 Mar @ 8:37pm 
I downloaded the latest build of Lovely Injector and it came up as malware on my antivirus software. Ran it through VirusTotal and it came up from multiple sources as a trojan/malware.
maxx serket (they/she) 5 Mar @ 7:29am 
Is there a way to import mods to the base game? I wanna play with the mod JokerDisplay [] without having to launch the lovely mod loader. I know how to edit the files cuz I've done Sprite replacements, but I've yet to actually mess with any of the code only the resources folder :candysilly:
Rexisnox 2 Mar @ 1:40am 
My Bitdefender is flaring up like hell from lovely-injector. Is anyone familiar with how you can disable Bitdefender for specific files?
pkpxavier 24 Feb @ 10:26am 
@zZMaDsKILLsZz ive followed the steps and wehn launching balatro there is no Mods option on the balatro screen, the purple button...
Bondrewd 12 Feb @ 12:23pm 
The achievementsenabler.lua mod doesn't work
TanakalX 11 Feb @ 1:35pm 
main.lua:3032 stack overflow error. could someone help me out please?
W.D Markoth 11 Feb @ 12:56pm 
The game starts running and it just choose a path for the mods that simply doesn't exist, how can I change the path? Thanks for the guide anyways, very good work :reheart:
DraconianChaos 30 Jan @ 10:28am 
@zZMaDsKILLsZz I reinstalled steammodded and followed what you said and the game starts... BUT STILL NO MODS. I'm going to see if it's something to do with my settings... If you could help, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for what you've done so far! ^w^
zZMaDsKILLsZz  [author] 29 Jan @ 3:55pm 
@DraconianChaos this sounds like a steammodded problem, not really a lovely problem.

"4. Inside the extracted zip file, you should find a directory named Steamodded-main. Move this interior folder into your Mods folder. Ensure there is more than a single folder inside"

This step is kind of not written well (the mod authors wrote it).

In the AppData-> Roaming -> Balatro -> Mods folder

You basically paste everything into that folder. Paste the steammodded file there, paste all your mods there
zZMaDsKILLsZz  [author] 29 Jan @ 3:53pm 
@DraconianChaos ok. If you've gotten to the point where the game loads, but lovely crashes and its giving error values; first I'd try removing all of your mods from the 'Mods' folder.

Then copy them in one at a time and see if the game runs. It might be conflicting mods.