DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

Mages are OP (vol. 2)
Skoofy  [author] 9 Feb @ 8:06am 
@Bezbarier Woah It's the same guy who threw a tantrum in the comments under my vid, said that I should "learn" more about this game and then hit me with "Fume Knight has weakness to poison, should've use that" xd
Keep coping, cringelord.
Bezbarier 8 Feb @ 1:38pm 
"I'll use a fire-based attacks on a boss with high-resistances to Fire"

"SEEE? Mages aRe BaD"

I mean man. If you want to shittalk something, try better.
Dr. Jelly Goose 30 Jan @ 9:07am 
Pyromancy and you're attacking a dude called the FUME knight, in the ASH covered bottom of the brume tower, so i don't know what you expected
Craftihlo 27 Jan @ 9:05am 
Well actually this is pyromancy so youre a pyromancer, not a mage (nerdface emoji)
Reddy 16 Jan @ 5:31am 
give this man a greatsword