Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals

105 ratings
In-Depth Celestial Rocket Guide(PC) - [Updated For Season 1]
By and 1 collaborators
A comprehensive guide containing everything you need to know to master Rocket the Raccoon and begin climbing in Ranked! Written by a Celestial Rocket {LINK REMOVED}. This is practically an encyclopedia of Rocket knowledge that covers everything so that even an inexperienced player can master this character and attain their ideal rank! Contains statistics, in-depth ability breakdowns, positioning tips, playstyle tips, Settings recommendations, gameplay mechanics, patch notes and general knowledge for the game. The guide will be kept up to date for the current season.
Welcome to my guide!
Thanks for checking it out! I am currently a Celestial Lord Rocket in season 1, with 22 hours in competitive play, with a 65.9% Winrate (99W // 51L) and a 5.5//5.1//24.4 K.D.A average. You can check out my stats here:

I started as a Mantis main, climbing steadily until I hit Diamond. That’s where I hit a wall—Mantis lacked the survivability I needed to progress further. I thought Diamond was my ceiling until my friend, Mirr, reached GM by one-tricking Rocket. Mirr taught me just how powerful Rocket is, and I’ve never looked back. Rocket is hugely underrated, and even in GM, many players don’t understand how busted his kit is. With unparalleled mobility and self-sufficiency, Rocket transformed my Diamond struggles into perfect KDA GM games—even when my team wiped repeatedly.

To me, meta strategists like Luna Snow and Mantis are too team-dependent, requiring constant babysitting to survive against skilled flankers. This reliance often frustrates supports who end up raging when there’s no peel. Rocket, on the other hand, needs no peel. He can escape almost any situation and heal himself with no cooldown. I initially dismissed Rocket’s ultimate as underpowered, but as I climbed and played with more competent teammates, I realized how much value it provides—especially when the team capitalizes on its significant advantage.

While Rocket’s damage is lower than other strategists, his mobility, survivability, resurrection ability, and Z-Pack infinite ammo make him stand out. He lacks burst healing and raw damage, but his consistent healing is deceptively strong. I often out-heal other strategists by 10-20k by the end of the game. For climbing in GM, even when Luna isn’t banned, Rocket is my go-to pick. I truly believe he’s a sleeper OP hero.

With the new buffs given to rocket for season 1, he is an even more dominant pick, and I was able to climb to Celestial after peaking at GM 2 with rocket in season 0.

I hope this guide can help you pick up tips and tricks to carry your games and hit your goals this season! If you have any questions, or want to learn more, I'm almost always live streaming on

P.S. - The GM player, Mirr, who taught me Rocket, also wrote an excellent Reddit post full of useful tips. If you’re looking to improve, I highly recommend checking it out:
Settings Overview
Many characters have unique settings that fundamentally change how they operate. You can access these settings by navigating to:
Keyboard → Click on All Heroes → Select Rocket Raccoon → Scroll down to the Hero section.

Experimenting with these settings in the practice range is a great way to discover what works best for your playstyle. Below, I’ll share my personal preferences and reasoning behind them.

Hold to Run on Walls
This setting changes whether or not you need to hold space bar in order to stay on a wall. When it is disabled, it will become a toggle, meaning pressing the space bar once will attach you to the wall, and you will stay attached until you press space bar again. This setting is enabled by default, meaning that in order to stay on a wall you will need to hold space bar. I personally keep this setting disabled, because when I need to use my wall running to escape, i want to be focused on dodging shots and healing the team, not holding space bar. I also feel that when i'm in the heat of the moment it was too easy to mess up with hold to run on walls enabled leading to unnecessary deaths.

Direction of Wall Crawling
This setting adjusts how you control rockets movement when you are running on a wall. By default, this is set to Advance Vertically Upwards which means that when you attach to a wall, you will run upwards by default, and then can control your movement using WASD. The other option is to Advance Towards Crosshair which will make it so you control your movement with your mouse, instead of WASD. I personally have Advance Towards Crosshair enabled because it makes your movement a bit less predictable, which I find useful because I am only running on walls if i need to dodge incoming shots or reposition quickly.

Auto Reload
Rocket technically has 2 separate forms of ammo that share the same gun, your right click, has 8 shots a clip, and your primary fire, has 45. When this setting is disabled, you will need to use all of your ammunition from both guns before reloading. By default this setting is enabled, meaning you will reload after using 8 shots of healing, even if you are full ammo with your primary fire. I personally see no reason to turn this setting off, Rocket is primarily a healer, and there are many times when i need to reload only my healing.

Hold to Fall Slowly
This setting determines whether or not your jet pack is a toggle, or whether you need to hold space bar, similar to the wall running setting. I personally keep mine enabled, because it is important to avoid falling at a consistent speed since that will make you easy to hit. I will press space bar sporadically so that i am hovering at falling at inconsistent speeds to make it less easy to predict.

Auto Slow-Fall
When enabled, this setting will automatically toggle on your jet pack after using your L-Shift dash. I personally have this setting disabled, because i don't spend much time flying.

Hold to Exit Riding
I can't figure out what this setting even does, so i leave it off.

Healing Reticle Feedback
When enabled, you will see a green aura around your cross-hair, when you are healing a target. I can see how this setting could be useful, but i leave mine disabled, because i use the sound effects to tell whether or not I am healing a target.

Allied Health Bars
You are a healer, this needs to be on, it is important information.

Jetpack Dash (L-Shift)
Jetpack Dash has two charges, and you should use it frequently for mobility and evasion. One effective technique is to Dash into a wall and transition into WallRunning to reposition when under pressure from a flanker. Mastery of this ability allows precise movement—jump off a high ground and Dash into a lower-floor window, or reverse the maneuver to loop a flanker and make yourself harder to target.

Jetpack Dash is also excellent for dodging enemy ultimates. When you hear an ult activate, use one or both charges to reach cover. Surviving an ult is always worth burning both charges. Additionally, Dash can help reposition quickly for healing teammates who are out of your line of sight.

Although you can use Dash to launch yourself skyward and hover while healing, do this sparingly as it exposes you to enemy fire. In crowd-control situations like Groot's ultimate, spamming Dash ensures a quick escape the moment the CC effect ends. Notably, well-timed Dashes can even counter abilities like Jeff's suicide leap by lifting you above the danger zone.
  • Rocket also has the ability to "Super Jump" by attaching to a wall, and pressing L-Shift, and can be done either vertically or horizontally, based on the direction you are facing when you use Jetpack Dash

B.R.B. (E)
B.R.B. generates armor packs (+25 health) and a jump pack (blue) that launches players upward when used. The jump pack is always the fourth item produced, and the packs spawn in a cross shape around the device. At the start of capture maps, place B.R.B. in the spawn room to give your team a head start with armor. Afterward, despawn it to reset the cooldown to 5seconds. B.R.B. will always have a 5second cooldown if undamaged, so it's a good idea to reposition it when you notice it's not in range to resurrect or is about to be focused.

Armor packs may seem minor but can prevent allies from being one-shot, enabling clutch plays or key heals. Remind your team to pick up packs and ping their location frequently. Not many people know what these armor packs do, or remember to pick them up, so you should remind your team and ping their location every game.

B.R.B. also serves as a resurrection device. When an ally dies within 50 meters, B.R.B. resurrects them but is consumed, triggering a 45-second cooldown. Protect it by placing it in hidden locations, preferably near objectives or on rooftops, where it can provide armor and jump packs without being easily destroyed. If you notice it is about to be destroyed, quickly despawn it before it takes damage to minimize the cooldown time which is based on it's current health. Strive for near 100% uptime on B.R.B. while keeping it safe.

  • Will reset when you die, which means if it has a full cooldown because it was focused, and your entire team wiped, it can be worth dying to reset the cooldown.
  • If you and another team mate die at the same time, it will resurrect them before resetting the cooldown.

C.Y.A. (Q)
This ultimate grants allies a 40% damage boost within line of sight for a moderate duration. Its quick charge rate allows frequent use(~1ult every minute), especially at the start of a match when an early ult can secure momentum.

I prefer to use it when a majority of my allies are alive and are contesting the objective. As long as everyone is shooting the enemy i feel like the ultimate was a success, the worst case scenario is using it when the point is already cleared, or using it too far back and your team pushing up so it becomes irrelevant.

C.Y.A. can also be focused down, but simultaneously requires line of sight in order to provide its damage boost, so you have to make a judgement call regarding optimal placement, in general, i prioritize line of sight over surviability. Avoid using this ability during enemy support ultimate's like Mantis & Luna, and instead place it right when their ultimates end. C.Y.A does not provide a healing bonus, so it isn't a bad idea to weave in some damage during its duration to maximize its value.

Ammo Invention - Z-Pack (Z)
You throw down an indestructible device (it cannot be killed) which provide an infinite ammo aura and increased attack speed for both punisher and winter soldier. This ability is incredibly strong and should practically be used on cooldown.

Avoid using it on punisher while he is in turret form, because he will get no benefit from the aura. Since it increases attack speed it is useful to place on Punisher during his ultimate. This ability has great synergy with your ultimate, and a well timed Z-Pack + C.Y.A. combo can deal devastating damage.

  • Use Z-Pack anytime he is not in turret form
  • Use Z-Pack right when his turret form ends
  • Avoid using Z-Pack during his ultimate
Winter Soldier
  • Avoid using Z-Pack during his ultimate (he just dashes out)
  • Use on cooldown
Old Friends - (C)
This ability allows you to ride Groot like a horse, and also provides a 60% damage reduction while active. This team up is fantastic for hiding from Flankers like spider man and psylocke due to the damage reduction it provides, it essentially forces them to focus the tank which puts them in a terrible position.

The main problem with this ability is how it compromises your positioning and puts you in the frontline, where you are likely to get hit by enemy ultimates. This is very useful for making sure you don't miss your heals on Groot however, since you are on top of him and can't miss, i will generally aim towards my allies by facing backwards, or provide damage in between healing orbs on whoever Groot is focusing. This ability can be very useful but don't get baited into sitting on Groot all game eating enemy ultimates, prioritize your own positioning.

"Datu:I would also like to add some tips on using Groot's Team Link. Treat it as a "Get Off Me" ability when you're being dove and abuse the 60% damage reduction to fix yourself up so you can reliably heal again. You can also use Groot Team Link as a pseudo-dash ability since the active range of that ability is pretty decent."
The Gun
Bombard Mode - Primary Fire - (Left Click)

Rocket’s primary fire launches projectiles from his mini-gun, functioning similarly to a shotgun with significant damage falloff at range. To maximize effectiveness:
  • Aim Ahead: Lead your shots to account for projectile travel time.
  • Position Wisely: Focus on mid-to-close range engagements, as damage falls off sharply at long distances. Avoid "sniping" from afar; prioritize healing or repositioning instead.
  • Weave Damage: Use the small windows between healing orb casts to deal damage. This is especially effective when your target is already receiving healing or is momentarily safe.
  • Capitalize on Headshots: Land headshots to significantly boost damage. Combining this with your ultimate can melt even high-HP targets, especially if they’re crowd-controlled (CC’d) or stationary.
  • Switch Smartly: There’s a slight delay when switching between primary and secondary fire. Learn to assess whether you should weave in damage or continue focusing on healing, depending on the situation.
  • Pick Prioritization: If a target is low on health or CC’d, prioritize damage to secure the elimination.
Pro Tip: Use Bombard Mode sparingly during moments where healing is critical. However, don’t miss opportunities to maximize damage output when your team has temporary breathing room.

Repair Mode - Secondary Fire - (Right Click)
Rocket’s secondary fire launches fast-moving orbs that bounce off walls and slow down when they begin healing. Proper use of these orbs is essential for effective team support:

Healing Mechanics:

  • Each orb heals a target for 70 health per second, and will heal targets for 2 seconds before speeding up again. (~140health per orb)
  • Each orb heals one target at a time, but the same orb can heal multiple allies simultaneously if they’re clustered together.
  • Firing a second orb at an already-healed target won’t increase healing, as the first orb remains active until it completes its work. The second orb will not slow down, and will richochet off walls until finding a target.
  • Each orb can bounce up to 10 times, and will continue to provide healing after bouncing until they expire.

Orb Prioritization:
  • If you’re injured, your first orb will always prioritize healing you. Fire a second orb to heal distant allies while ensuring your own survival.
  • Align teammates in a “healing chain” where one orb heals multiple targets in sequence. This maximizes efficiency and ensures consistent output.
Creative Healing Angles:
  • Use orb bounce mechanics to heal allies around corners or in areas without direct line-of-sight.
  • For out-of-sight allies, aim into enclosed spaces to create “healing boxes” where orbs ricochet and potentially reach multiple teammates.
  • Experiment with angles to heal targets across the map, relying on orb physics and RNG (random chance) for surprising plays.
  • Make it so when your orbs bounce, they will hit the target they already healed for a 2nd time, and bounce back and hit them for a 3rd time, this is deceptively strong.

Pro Tip: When in tight corridors or enclosed spaces, bounce your orbs strategically to blanket the area with healing, ensuring maximum coverage.

Final Thoughts:
Mastering the interplay between Bombard Mode and Repair Mode is crucial. Striking a balance between healing and damage will make Rocket an invaluable asset to your team. Be aware of your positioning and maintain adaptability to leverage both modes effectively. Rocket can do a surprising amount of damage while having some of the highest healing in the game, 5k damage a round is a good benchmark.
"Positioning is life... and sometimes death."

Positioning is all about knowing where to stand and what to do in any given moment. As Rocket you're a strategist, healer, and opportunistic damage dealer, all rolled into one scrappy raccoon.

General Philosophy
Rocket’s role revolves around:
  1. Healing and staying alive. You’re the lifeline of your team—literally. If you’re dead, your B.R.B. (resurrect beacon) is dead, and that’s one of your biggest contributions gone.
  2. Strategic damage-dealing. Dead enemies can't contest objectives or use abilities. However, your first priority is healing, and damage should come second unless it’s "free."

Rocket's Golden Rules
  • Don’t die. Seriously, if you die, it’s your fault. Own it.
  • Stand behind your team: You should never be in front of your team, you need cover.
  • Prioritize your team. Know when to healbot, when to commit to kills, and when to fall back to regroup. You’re not a flanker. You’re here to support your team’s strategy.
  • Softening vs. securing. Your damage is often to create pressure and soften targets for your DPS to finish off. But when the opportunity arises, secure free kills!
  • Prioritize damaging stationary objectives (Penni’s nest, Loki’s runes, etc.)

The Two Positioning Mentalities
Rocket’s positioning can shift between two styles based on your team's needs:

Brawler Positioning
In this mode, you’re up close, weaving damage into your healing. Think of your gun as a shotgun—it excels at close range. Stay behind your team.

Good Times for Brawler Positioning:
  • Overtime: Bodies on the point are critical, and a little extra damage can turn the tide.
  • Team advantage: If your team has already picked a few enemies, add your damage to push the advantage.
  • Scary flankers: Stick close to your tanks and other teammates to avoid being isolated and targeted.

Healbot Positioning
This is your safe, healing-first mindset. Focus on staying alive and maximizing healing when your team has the upper hand.

Good Times for Healbot Positioning:
  • Team steamrolling: Don’t fix what isn’t broken—stay alive and keep the healing flowing.
  • Great line of sight: When you can safely heal everyone from a distance, there’s no need to take risks.
  • Numbers disadvantage: When down a few players, the likelihood of you getting picked for trying to do a bit of damage are very high, regroup and then go into brawler positioning
  • No one’s focusing you: Enjoy the peace while it lasts and keep your team healthy.

Tips for Healbot Positioning:
  • Stand behind your team to maintain vision of all allies.
  • Use your B.R.B. jump pack creatively to escape or reposition.
  • Line up your healing orbs to hit multiple allies—be efficient!

When to Shift Modes
Knowing when to switch between Brawler and Healbot positioning is the secret sauce to mastering Rocket. Ask yourself:
  • What does my team need right now?
  • Am I in immediate danger?
  • Is this a high-risk, high-reward situation?
  • If you’re unsure, default to Healbot. It’s always better to stay alive and heal than to die chasing a kill.
Positioning Tips for Success
  1. Maintain the High Ground:
    High ground is king. Many enemies lack vertical mobility, making you harder to reach. Plus, it’s easier to land headshots and heal from up high. If they can't find the stairs, they can't touch you. You will need to drop from the highground occasionally, but you can reset when necessary by using your L-Shift(Rocket Dash) or wall climb.

  2. Stand Behind Your Team:
    Your heals have no range fall-off, so take advantage of that.You can't heal people you can't see, Staying back keeps you safe and gives you a clear view of your team’s health bars.

  3. Push With Your Allies:
    When your team pushes forward after getting picks, don’t hang back like a hermit. Keep your team in line of sight and heal aggressively. Just don’t overextend!

  4. Know How to Handle Flankers:
    When you are getting dived you essentially have two options as Rocket, to run away, or to run towards your team. Often times staying close to your team, can make it difficult for the flankers to focus you without getting caught out. Other times, you can easily escape, and find a new highground where you can rain healing on your team uncontested because the enemy is sick of trying to chase you. You can also use your jump pack from B.R.B. to quickly launch yourself in the sky to reposition.

  5. Move Close for Damage:
    Your damage falloff is brutal at long range, so only go for kills when you’re at medium to close range. Play smart—don’t trade your life for damage unless it’s a game-winning moment.

Mistakes to Avoid
  • Overextending: You’re not a tank or a flanker. Don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger.
  • Ignoring the High Ground: If you’re playing on flat ground all game, you’re making it easier for the enemy to focus you.
  • Neglecting Healing: Damage is fun, but it’s not your primary job. Heal first.
  • Getting Isolated: Always keep your team in sight. Lone Rocket = dead Rocket.
Final Thoughts
Rocket thrives on adaptability. Mastering the balance between Brawler and Healbot positioning is your key to success. Know when to play it safe, when to go for blood, and when to reset.
Patch Notes
Rocket received some significant buffs from the Season 1 patch. In this section we will keep track of any updates to Rocket to keep the guide up to date, as well as provide suggestions for what adjustments can be made to your gameplay based on those changes.

You can find a complete copy of the season 1 balance changes here:

Healing Orb Buff
Rocket could use an enhancement to his healing capability.
-Increase the healing of Repair Mode from 60 per/s to 70 per/s

  • This is a significant buff to our healing throughput, and provides a noticeable boost.

Rocket Racccoon - The Punisher - Winter Soldier
One of Rocket's best tools will be available more often!
-Reduce the cooldown of Ammo Invention from 45s to 40s

  • Don't be misled by the fact that the cooldown is only going down by 5seconds. Z-Pack is one of the strongest Team-Up Abilities in Marvel Rivals that needs to be abused as often as possible.

These changes make Rocket even better then he was in Season 0, and enabled me to climb out of GM to reach Celestial for the first time. Let's pray everyone continues to mistakenly assume rocket is under-powered so we can get even more buffs we didn't need in the first place!

I hope you enjoyed the guide!

If you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know in the comments! I consider this a work in progress and hope to add more information and improve the formatting over time. My goal is to make a YouTube video version soon for those who are visual learners and prefer not to read.

Now go get your dream rank Rocket!

If you have any questions, or want to see some live gameplay, I would sincerely appreciate it if you would consider checking out my twitch, i stream almost daily! -

13 Comments  [author] 7 Feb @ 5:40pm 
@[Bio] Orangecoke - Thank you so much! - You are correct that being on high-ground can make your bounces slightly less effective. But i would argue that the survivability advantage is worth it. I do think it can be very valuable to jump down from the highground to get good angles and then reset to the highground with rocket boost. Overall i think you want to do your best to consider good healing angles, while simultaneously abusing the survivability advantage the highground provides.

@A_Fox_But_Purple - I hear you! Very funny! Luckily people still hate Rocket somehow and we may even get more buffs because of their silly incorrect opinions! They aren't like us, only people with brain cells can understand the true value of Rocket!

@datu - Congratulations! I hope you've continued to climb! Thanks for the useful addition, I think it was really well phrased! I might add it to the guide if you're ok with it.
[BIO] Orangecoke 16 Jan @ 9:53am 
This is a fantastic guide, thank you for taking the time to write it! I did have a question about the high ground tip. If you are up high, doesn’t that mess up the angle of your healing orbs and make them bounce off the floor and into the air etc?
AFoxButPurple 14 Jan @ 1:44am 
I love the guide but please DELETE IT /jk, if people realize rocket's hidden potential i wont get to play my main anymore cus he gets banned or insta locked- XD been playing him since the beta's
datu 12 Jan @ 1:20pm 
I reached GM2 solo queuing as Rocket in S0. Just stumbled onto this guide and you elaborated everything really well, from when to prioritize shooting over healing to positioning and creativity of healing etc. Well-thought out guide! Kudos to you!

I would also like to add some tips on using Groot's Team Link. Treat it as a "Get Off Me" ability when you're being dove and abuse the 60% damage reduction to fix yourself up so you can reliably heal again. You can also use Groot Team Link as a pseudo-dash ability since the active range of that ability is pretty decent  [author] 12 Jan @ 1:27am 
@ping_95 Diamond 3 is really good! nice job bro! I agree more people should be playing rocket he is really sleeper OP in my onion. Also ty so much @homer uchiha and @godfatherluigi11 for leaving comments. I really appreciate it. I'm going to be updating the guide for season 1 VERY soon.
pingo 11 Jan @ 3:13pm 
really good guide. rocket is currently my most played character and i was able to rank up to diamond III in season 0 playing mostly as him and dr strange. im honestly surprised more people dont play him. :steamhappy:
edwin 10 Jan @ 5:48pm 
looks great, gonna try this soon, ty  [author] 10 Jan @ 5:22pm 
@Literally_Derek - I'm really glad you found it useful! That means a lot to me! I also find myself doing too little damage, even in my GM games, it's kind of scary to get your damage in because it feels like we may delay our healing and end up losing someone. I do think it's worth it to look for damage when possible, especially in the beginning of the fight when most people are near full health. I also try to focus on getting last hits by securing kills during ally ultimates, which doesn't increase my damage, but low damage and high last hits is actually fantastic because it doesn't feed the enemy ult charge. It's all about timing, because i do agree with you that I've had that same issue, sometimes healbotting is 100% the correct choice because you have no option, a little bit of damage isn't worth letting a team mate die you know?
Literally_Derek 10 Jan @ 7:38am 
Thanks for all the input, as someone who mains rocket this is actually very useful. My largest problem is that I never do enough damage usually since the delay of the healing orb firing rate and the blasting is just to far in delay with one another to the point to where if I even dare to do even slightly some dps, my entire team just immediately dies in 3 seconds more often than not. Like rocket in my opinion has one of the best healing potentials I have experienced, but to keep everyone alive it is so hard for me to do damage potential in comparison to Mantis and Luna Snow.