Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

28 ratings
McCoy Estate: The Ultimate Base in Project Zomboid 42 Build
By Wauclain
Greetings, fellow survivors! Today, you will learn about the best location in Project Zomboid. Let's delve into the McCoy Estate withim the game and explore why it stands out as the prime base of operations.
Location Lore

Greetings, fellow survivors! Today, you will learn about the best location in Project Zomboid. Let's delve into the McCoy Estate withim the game and explore why it stands out as the prime base of operations.
Before the zombie apocalypse, McCoy was the owner of the largest timber harvesting network. In-game, you can encounter unfinished with containers bearing the name "McCoy". The estate lies near the town of Muldraugh, where McCoy had his largest lumber storage. Hidden deep in the forest, far from the town, an automobile is required to reach the estate.

Approaches to the Estate
There are two entrances to the estate. The first path starts with a small fence and gates, making in the longest route. The second, though initially appearing longer, involves driving past the railroad crossing and continuing on asphalt until you reach an open field. Among the trees, you'll find a narrow path where caution is advised due to the presence of zombies.



I recommend widening the driveway to avoid crashing into the fence.

Why McCoy Estate is Ideal for a Base
After clearing out the zombies, the serene environment, vast space, and strategic features make McCoy Estate a top choice. The estate boasts a garage with nunmerous workbenches to master the new crafting system.

A fishing pier by the lake, and a camping area on the opposite lake shore.

Gardens and animal pens provide a variety of crops and livestock areas. Surrounding woods offer ample resources, including deer sightings.

Multiplayer Benefits
With four bedrooms, one with two beds, McCoy Etate is perfect for multiplayer gameplay. There is ample storage space for boyh regular items and perishable food supplies.
Water sources are reliable, with a water cooler providing clean water:

And a well for dirty water:

Food production can be established with chickens, although egg-laying in winter may pose challenges.

During winter, the fireplace and fave wood-burning stoves will prevent freezing, while the garden will guarantee the growth of: Sunflowers, Sugar Beet, Cauliflower, Watermelon, Pumkin, Parsley, and a couple of other crops.
Accessibility and Resource Gathering
McCoy Ertate offers easy access to Muldraugh and West Point.

Nearby farmhouses provide opportunities to acquire animals for breeding. Transporting livestock is simplified by securing them in trailers. Even if a trailer owerturns, it can be righted using a vehicle. Overall, McCoy Estate shines as the premier base for both solo and multiplayer scenarios.

(McCoy Sawmill)
With abundant water, food sources, and strategic advantages, placing a generator at McCoy Estate ensures sustainability.

Thack you for exploring the McCoy Estate guide. Survive and thrive in the apocalypse!
DeathByNewports 11 Feb @ 9:52am 
idk if yall realize this or not, but it actually start with a generator, or at least it did in my runs. there is a little closet opposite from the butchering room, and it should spawn one in there
Bagpipe 8 Feb @ 8:34am 
Gahhh! Seeing this and then realizing my farm "base" is so close to that. If I had just kept searching a little tiny bit's killing me lol
Time for a move i s'pose
Wauclain  [author] 7 Feb @ 8:05am 
Make sure that you are playing on the 42nd version of the build before looking for this place.
bufaray 7 Feb @ 6:36am 
this is impossible to find pls help
KIRILL4IK 5 Feb @ 3:58am 
Jessian Kaanneo 29 Jan @ 7:44am 
just lost power and water in last run, reloading new game and heading here.
Wauclain  [author] 26 Jan @ 3:11am 
Okey it happens.
λlex 26 Jan @ 2:32am 
I'm sorry dude, I'm literally blind. It was 5am when I found this and didn't see build 42 in the title.
λlex 26 Jan @ 2:23am 
I have counted the squares on the map screenshot accordingly and there is nothing there for me. Maybe this building was added in a beta build of some sorts?