Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals

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By ctf_landfall glazer
You want to play Magik? Read this guide and apply what you've read to the game.
This is Magik
Magik is a duelist that's rated a 3/5 on the difficulty scale. She isn't an easy character to learn, but if you manage to play her effectively you will be able to carry games. She is a melee character which means she likes to get close to her enemies to secure kills. But being close to enemies is more often than not a death sentence. Which means that you need to pick and choose your battles wisely with her. You will also need to manage your colldowns carefully, because your abilities are used to engage and disengage battles.

Let's start with the mindset you should have while playing her, and what you need to pay attention to.
1. ๐™๐™š๐™ง๐™ง๐™ค๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฏ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™—๐™–๐™˜๐™ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š

The image above shows your main targets. As a Magik player you will need to develop an unhealthy obsession with killing the enemy healers, or in this case "strategists". You must not, under any circumstances, let them live.

The best way to get to them is flanking. Use backdoor's, and flank routes to get behind them and hit them with the one two insta kill combo. Close the distance with your abilities when necessary. Magic has multiple combos to secure kills. Here is a few:

1. Primary attack + E (Umbral Incursion) + Primary attack + Melee
2. Shift (Stepping Discs) + Left click (Eldritch whirl) + E (Umbral Incursion) + Primary attack + Melee
3. Right click (Magik Slash) + E (Umbral Incursion) + Primary attack

Note: For the last combo to work, the right click needs to be fully charged.

When you're done with the strategists, your next targets should be other duelists. Much like you they are focused on killing strategists. So get rid of them as soon as possible and protect your own healers.

And last on your list should be the vanguards. Given that they have a huge health pool, you will struggle with dealing with them. Your combos aren't enough to secure kills on them, and your attack speed isn't fast enough to deal with them in a timely manner. Your best bet is to organize a assault with your teammates and deal with the vanguard together.

2. ๐™Ž๐™ช๐™ง๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š
While Magik possesses demonic powers, she isn't hard to deal with if the enemy team is competent. But the beautiful thing is that her abilities can set her up for success. Get a load of this.

Did you notice? It says that you are invincible while you teleport. Which means that you can avoid ultimate's. Keep in mind tho that the invincibility window is very small. So you will need to practice the timing. But once you get the hang of it, you can survive team wipe ultimate's like Jeff's, Iron-Man's or Wanda's.

You can avoid other ultimate's with your E ability. But note that once you are stunned you are not able to use your abilities to escape. So keep your distance when Spider-Man or Groot are ulting. Also most strategists have a way to stun you. So watch out when you engage with the likes of Mantis or Luna Snow.

When your abilities are on cooldown, you will either have to rely on your strategists to out heal the damage you are sustaining, or use your game sense and go back to the basics, that being picking your battles.

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Magik likes dive comps. You can pair her up with Black Panther or Psylocke to ensure more survivability for your team. Venom, Strange and Spidey can also be super good with her. If you combo in her ultimate with a vanguard sponge next to her, you will be a nightmare for the enemy team. The ultimate lowers the cooldown time for her abilities, which increases your survivability, pairing that up with a tank that protects you will lead to a team wipe, or at the very least you will kill the supports.
4. ๐™‹๐™ง๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™˜๐™š ๐™ข๐™–๐™ ๐™š๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™›๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ
It's ok to make mistakes. You will get better with time. Magik, as stated before, isn't an easy character to grasp. The most important thing is to play and learn through trial and error. Just have fun and enjoy the journey.

That's all from me. Later.
ctf_landfall glazer  [author] 26 Jan @ 3:46am 
Her shield restore does make her good to bully tanks. But more often than not it's hard to secure kills on them. Mostly because the support heal bots them. So they will out heal your damage, unless you're able to organize a push with your teammate.

But yeah you can be annoying. You can make space with your E, our damage their shield with the little demon.
The Quibbler 25 Jan @ 9:36pm 
her shift + right click is underrated
suspectedvirus7 25 Jan @ 2:34am 
in my experience magik is very good at bullying tanks (Vangaurds) using her shift + right click.
basically don't sleep on her right click it's extremely useful if the enemy team has stubborn tanks (or a wolverine)
lostime 22 Jan @ 8:34pm 
best guide ive ever seen:ninjavictory: actually useful
generic101 20 Jan @ 8:32am 
gay sex
C3HKA 17 Jan @ 12:49pm 