DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

28 ratings
All Dark Souls 2 SOTFS Armor Sets
By Donfimy
A List with all the armor sets.
Unique Armor Pieces
Armor pieces that consist in single part pieces.
Base Game

Engraved Gauntlets Found in Brightstone Cove Tseldora, in a chest behind a sand trap just before crystal mine. The inner door is unlocked with Tseldora Den Key[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] received after helping either Mild Mannered Pate[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] or Creighton the Wanderer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com].

Flying Feline Boots Sold by Sweet Shalquoir[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once both Royal Rat Authority[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] and Royal Rat Vanguard[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] are defeated.

Singer's Dress Found in Shrine of Amana, in a cave covered with tree roots and guarded by an Ogre[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], just before Rhoy's Resting Place bonfire.

Warlock Mask Dropped by petrified Lion Warrior[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Shaded Woods, the one farthest from Shaded Ruins bonfire.
Dropped by regular Lion Warriors[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (rare) in the same area (Confirmed in NG+).

DLC Crown of the Sunken King

Sanctum Soldier Gauntlets Dropped by Sanctum Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Shulva, Sanctum City.

Crown of the Sunken King Picked up from a pillar of light in the domain of Sinh, The Slumbering Dragon[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com].

Sanctum Priestess Tiara Dropped by Sanctum Priestesses[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Dragon's Sanctum.
Also dropped by NPC invader Fencer Sharron[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (rare) in Iron Keep and Dragon Aerie.

Flower Skirt Found in a chest in Cave of the Dead, past boss fight and just before the exit to Dragon's Sanctum.

DLC Crown of the Ivory King

Crown of the Ivory KingPicked up from a pillar of light that appears once Burnt Ivory King[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is defeated in The Old Chaos.

Retainer Robe dropped from Retainers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]sitting around Eleum Loyce.

Old Bell Helm Found in Frozen Eleum Loyce: just before dropping down to the second bonfire (Abandoned Dwelling), turn the opposite direction, pass a room with a Hollow Prisoner[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], and mount an icy slope.

Symbol of Avarice Dropped by a Mimic[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] found in Frozen Eleum Loyce, in a room next to Inner Wall bonfire. Note that all mimics in the area are frozen until Alsanna[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] stops the storm.

Durgo's Hat Found in Frozen Eleum Loyce, on a bridge with ballistae, in a chest behind a wall revealed with Pharros' contraption (requires stopping the storm first with Alsanna's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] help).

DLC Crown of the Old Iron King

Crown of the Old Iron King Found on the remains of Nadalia, Bride of Ash[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], past Fume Knight's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] arena.

Minotaur Helm Dropped by Iron Warriors[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Brume Tower and Iron Passage.
Also dropped by NPC invader Oliver the Collector[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Iron Keep (rare).

Pharros Mask Found in Iron Passage, on a corpse past Aged Smelter Demon's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] arena.

Hollow Skin Found in Brume Tower: After placing the Scorching Iron Scepter next to the Foyer bonfire, take the elevator up, step out and go to the next elevator going up. As soon as you step on the elevator move close to the front wall and keep pressing the "interact" button as it goes up. When it comes down an illusory wall will be open, roll into that room and open the chest that contains the Hollow Skin.
If you find a armor set that's missing or if you know a better source of image for some armor, or you just spoted something that's incorrect please leave a comment
Agdayne's Set
Agdayne's Black Robe
Agdayne's Cuffs
Agdayne's Black Kilt
How to Acquired
  • Received from Grave Warden Agdayne[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] after obtaining the King's Ring.
  • (Agdayne's Black Kilt)drop from Agdayne[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]. Tunic and cuffs are sold by Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]

Agdayne's Cuffs: FTH +1
Alonne Captain Set
Alonne Captain Helm
Alonne Captain Armor
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Alonne Knight Captains[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Iron Keep and Memory of the Old Iron King.

Alonne Captain Armor: Additional Fire Resistance
Alonne Knight Set
Alonne Knight Helm
Alonne Knight Armor
Alonne Knight Gauntlets
Alonne Knight Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Alonne Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Iron Keep.
Alonne's Set
Alonne's Helm
Alonne's Armor
Alonne's Gauntlets
Alonne's Leggings
How to Acquire
Alva Set
Alva Helm
Alva Armor
Alva Gauntlets
Alva Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once 15k Souls have been spent at his shop
Archdrake Set
Archdrake Helm
Archdrake Robes
Archdrake Gloves
Archdrake Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Archdrake Pilgrims[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Shrine of Amana and The Lost Bastille inside a hidden room

Archdrake Helm: INT +1
Astrologist's Set
Moon Hat
Astrologist's Robe
Astrologist's Gauntlets
Astrologist's Bottoms
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Royal Sorcerer Navlaan[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Aldia's Keep once his questline is fulfilled (you need to be hollow) or once he's released via nearby lever (you need to be human).
  • Dropped by Astrologists[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Iron Passage (no hood)

Moon Hat: INT +2
Aurous Set
Helm of Aurous(Invisible)
Armor of Aurous(Invisible)
Gauntlets of Aurous(Invisible)
Leggings of Aurous(Invisible)
Helm of Aurous(Visible)
Armor of Aurous(Visible)
Gauntlets of Aurous(Visible)
Leggings of Aurous(Visible)

How to Acquire
  • Spend 15k Souls at Maughlin's shop[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Majula, then come back with zero souls. Talk to him and he'll give you the Invisible set.
  • Dropped by dark spirit Rhoy the Explorer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Grave of Saints.
  • Inside a chest at The Gutter(non-invisible)

(invisible) Helm of Aurous: Equipment Load increased
(invisible) Armor of Aurous: Equipment Load increased
(Invisible) Gauntlets of Aurous: Equipment Load increased
(invisible) Leggings of Aurous: Equipment Load increased
Bandit Set
Spiked Bandit Helm
Bandit Armor
Bandit Gauntlets
Bandit Boots
(boobs are covered if your character is a woman)
Can be acquired by
Bell Keeper Set
Bell Keeper Helmet
Bell Keeper Bellyband
Bell Keeper Cuffs
Bell Keeper Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Reach Rank 3 in the Bell Keeper covenant[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] by invading as a grey spirit or by killing grey invaders in either Belfry Luna or Belfry Sol. Killing Mad Warrior[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in offline mode counts as well.
Benhart's Set
Benhart's Helm
Benhart's Armor
Benhart's Gauntlets
Benhart's Boots
How to Acquire
  • Complete Benhart's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] achievement, "Moonlight Greatsword" by successfully defeating three bosses with him, then speak to him next to Giant Tree that gives access to Memory of Orro
  • Sold by Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] upon Benhart's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] death
Black Dragon Set
Black Dragon Helm
Black Dragon Armor
Black Dragon Gauntlets
Black Dragon Leggings
How to Acquire
Black Hollow Mage Set
Black Hollow Mage Hood
Black Hollow Mage Robe
Can be acquired by
  • Choosing the Sorcerer Class (Only Roby)
  • Dropped by Necromancers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] at Huntsman's Copse and Undead Purgatory
  • Hood can be dropped by Astrologists[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] at Iron Passage.

Black Hollow Mage Hood: INT +1
Black Leather Set
Thief Mask
Black Leather Armor
Black Leather Gloves
Black Leather Boots
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Laddersmith Gilligan[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] who is found in Earthen Peak and later in Majula
Black Set
Black Hood
Black Robes
Black Gloves
Black Boots
How to Acquire
  • Obtained from Straid of Olaphis[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] by trading him 4 boss souls and speaking to him
  • Sold by Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (no hood) if Straid[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is killed

Black Hood: INT +2, FTH +2, Improves Casting Speed
Black Witch Set
Black Witch Hat

Black Witch Veil

Domino Mask
Black Witch Robe
Black Witch Gloves
Black Witch Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Royal Sorcerer Navlaan[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]: speak to him while Hollow after completing his quest line or release him and speak to him while in Human form
  • The entire set (not hat) and Black Witch Veil are a guaranteed drop from NPC invader Gutter Denizen[darksouls.fandom.com] in The Gutter, who is encountered past Central Gutter bonfire, at the bottom of the pit (all sconces in the area must be lit for the invader to appear)
  • Black Witch Domino Mask is dropped by two Dual Avelyn Guardian phantom[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Belfry Sol, who only spawn once per ascetic/playthrough (very rare drop)
  • Black Witch Veil is dropped by phantom wearing the Astrologist set, who is found at the very start of Belfry Sol and only spawns once per ascetic/playthrough (very rare drop)

Black Witch Domino Mask: Increases magic damage by 3%, Reduces maximum HP by 15%
Black Witch Hat:Spell Slot +1
Bone King Set
Bone Crown
Bone King Robe
Bone King Cuffs
Bone King Skirt
How to Acquire
Brigand Set
Brigand Hood
Brigand Armor
Brigand Gauntlets
Brigand Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Found in No-Man's Wharf, in a chest in living quarters (past the bridge, up the stone stairs and through the carts on the right)
Cale's Set
Cale's Helm
Cale's Leather Armor
Cale's Shoes
How to Acquire
  • Talk to Cale[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in abandoned house after lighting all regular bonfires.

Cale's Helm: DEX +2, END +1
Catarina Set 🧅
Catarina Helm
Catarina Armor
Catarina Gauntlets
Catarina Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Rare drop from NPC Dark Spirit Catarina Knight[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Forest of Fallen Giants (NG+)
  • Helm is in one of the 5 chests in a room right after the entrance to Dragon's Sanctum (Crown of the Sunken King DLC)
  • Gauntlets and leggings are found behind a breakable wall in the room past the Foyer bonfire in Brume Tower (Crown of the Old Iron King DLC). The wall can be destroyed by blowing up a Barrel Carrier next to it (firebombs won't do)
  • Chestpiece is found in Frozen Eleum Loyce (Crown of the Ivory King DLC), in one of the 5 frozen chests before the bridge on the way to Inner Wall bonfire
Holly Molly
Chaos Set
Chaos Hood
Chaos Robe
Chaos Gloves
Chaos Boots
How to Acquire
Chaos Hood:INT +3, Improves Casting Speed
Charred Loyce Set
Charred Loyce Helm
Charred Loyce Armor
Charred Loyce Gauntlets
Charred Loyce Leggings
How to Acquire
Creighton's Set (tarnished from ER :0)
Creighton's Steel Mask
Creighton's Chainmail
Creighton's Chain Gloves
Creighton's Chain Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Mask is dropped by Creighton the Wanderer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] or received from Pate[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] if you decide to go against Creighton in their fight
  • Chestpiece and leggings (but not gloves) are sold by Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once Creighton's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] killed either by Pate[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]'s hand or yours
  • The entire set is obtained by helping Creighton in their fight with Pate
  • The family crest is the same as on Benhart's Set, so it's likely belonged to the knight order in Mirrah. Note that this is a replica, while Benhart found the true armor in Mirrah
Dark Set
Dark Mask
Dark Armor
Dark Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Obtaining the full set requires getting the King's Ring[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] and progressing to Aldia's Keep. All pieces of the set are found in mimic chests[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
  • Dark Leggings are found at the entrance to Doors of Pharros[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], just before the first bonfire, along with Black Scorpion Stinger.[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] This mimic is moved futher down the way to Brightstone Cove Tseldora – jump into the well found near the first bonfire and follow the path to a broken house. Also, in this version the other item is Staff of Wisdom[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
  • Dark Gauntlets are found in Earthen Peak, in a small storage room above mist gate to Mytha, filled with poison jars and stone bugs. Bonus item is Work Hook[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
  • Dark Armor is found in Iron Keep. Travel to the second bonfire, proceed to cross the platform above the lava (where Ironclad Soldier tries to smash the bridge) and enter the room filled with falling platforms. Pull the lever to lower the platforms into the lava, then go up the stairs and along the platforms to the ladder that has been descended. Climb up, and a mimic will be directly to your right. Bonus item is lightning-infused Winged Spear[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
    The mimic has been moved to The Gutter. From the first Bonfire in The Gutter move straight ahead over the first wooden bridge. Mind the hole on the first platform and move past it, over another wooden bridge. After crossing the bridge go right up some ramps and follow it to the top (should be two or three ramps). Look to the right as you come to the top and jump down to a platform filled with oil pools and some hollows.

    Dispatch the hollows and either avoid the oil pools or kill the Darksuckers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] that spawn out of them. Look straight ahead to the cave wall and follow it (should be towards the left from where you dropped down.) Follow the wall and drop down to a new section of the cave that houses a small tower. Dispatch the hollows around the tower and locate the ladder on the side of the tower and climb to the top. Once at the top, jump over to an iron chest on a cave ledge. Turn around to face the tower again and you will see a hole/door in the side of it, run towards it (don’t jump) and you will fall into it.

    Inside is the mimic containing the Dark Armor chest piece. Killing this mimic may cause the item to drop a single floor down and not all the way down. If this happens you will need to role into the second floor from the hole in the floor the mimic is located on. Because of this it is advised to use a Lloyd's Talisman[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] to put the mimic to sleep and grab the loot that way
  • Dark Mask is found near Foregarden bonfire in Aldia's Keep (requires the King's Ring[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] to enter): search a patch of grass along the wall to find a metal mimic chest that also contains Malformed Skull[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]

Dark Mask:INT +1, FTH +1

WTF is this
Desert Sorceress Set
Desert Sorceress Hood
Desert Sorceress Top
Desert Sorceress Gloves
Desert Sorceress Gloves
How to Acquire
Desert Sorceress Hood: INT +3
Dingy Set
Dingy Hood
Dingy Robe
Dingy Cuffs
Blood Stained Skirt
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by dark spirit Firekeeper found at the bottom of Grave of Saints on NG+ (along with dark spirit Faraam Knight[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com])
  • Only obtainable in true NG+, using a Bonfire Ascetic won't do
Dragon Acolyte Set
Dragon Acolyte Mask

Dragon Sage Hood
Dragon Acolyte Robe
Dragon Acolyte Gloves
Dragon Acolyte Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Dragon Acolytes[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Aldia's Keep, except for mask
  • Dragon Acolyte Mask is a guaranteed drop from petrified Ogre[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] blocking the way to the top of the stairs in the entrance hall of Aldia's Keep
  • Alternative mask Dragon Sage Hood is dropped by Giant Basilisk[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] found in the cage at the top of the stairs

Dragon Sage Hood: INT +1, FTH +1
Dragonrider Set
Dragonrider Helm
Dragonrider Armor
Dragonrider Gauntlets
Dragonrider Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Must kill Twin Dragonriders[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Drangleic Castle to unlock this armor
  • Sold by Magerold of Lanafir[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Iron Keep when the 1st bonfire's intensity at 2 (NG+ or Bonfire Ascetic[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com])
Drakeblood Set
Drakeblood Helm
Drakeblood Armor
Drakeblood Gauntlets
Drakeblood Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Found in upper Dragon's Sanctum, close to final drop to Dragon's Rest[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], on a corpse next to 5 empty chests just below Sanctum Interior bonfire (the one hidden behind a completely nondistinctive wall)
Drakekeeper Set
Drakekeeper Helm
Drakekeeper Armor
Drakekeeper Gauntlets
Drakekeeper Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Drakekeepers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Dragon Shrine
Drangleic Set
Drangleic Helm
Drangleic Mail
Drangleic Gauntlets
Drangleic Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Drangleic Set (without helm) is found past Pursuer's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] main arena in Forest of Fallen Giants: go a bit forward and drop into the hole, then follow the slope to find a corpse next to inner wall. Loot also includes Drangleic Sword and Drangleic Shield
  • Drangleic Helm is obtained from Captain Drummond[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Memory of Vammar: speak to him after defeating Giant Lord[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Memory of Jeigh (with or without Drummond's aid or even without speaking to Drummond prior to the fight).
Elite Knight Set
Elite Knight Helm
Elite Knight Armor
Elite Knight Gloves
Elite Knight Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Majula. The player must spend at least 1,000 souls at Maughlin's shop, leave, rest at a bonfire, and return
  • Elite Knights in Eleum Loyce (one at the bridge, next to Pharros contraption, one just before Inner Wall bonfire) drop pieces of this set.
Executioner Set
Executioner Helm
Executioner Armor
Executioner Gauntlets
Executioner Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Titchy Gren[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once Drangleic Castle has been reached
Faraam Set
Faraam Helm
Faraam Armor
Faraam Gauntlets
Faraam Boots
How to Acquire
  • Found in Drangleic Castle, next to King's Gate bonfire: enter the hall with six sealed doors and kill Stone Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] next to the door on far left (Ruin Sentinel[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] will be behind it). Drop into the hole (Ruin Sentinel is likely to follow you if not killed) to find the set, a Darkdweller[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], and another bonfire
  • Also dropped by dark spirit Faraam Knight[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (not guaranteed) in Frigid Outskirts on NG+
Falconer Set
Falconer Helm
Falconer Armor
Falconer Gloves
Falconer Boots
Can be acquired by
  • Choosing the Knight Class (helmet not included)
  • buying from Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
  • Dropped by Falconers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] at Shaded Woods and in Brightstone Cove Tseldora. If you're in NG+ they can be found in Things Betwixt.
Forlon Set
Hood of the Forlorn
Armor of the Forlorn
Gauntlets of the Forlorn
Leggings of the Forlorn
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Straid of Olaphis[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], with one more piece unlocked every time a dark spirit Forlorn is defeated. Kill him 4 times Big boy.. or girl
Fume Sorcerer Set
Fume Sorcerer Mask
Fume Sorcerer Robes
Fume Sorcerer Gloves
Fume Sorcerer Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Fume Sorcerers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Brume Tower
Grave Warden Set
Grave Warden Mask
Grave Warden Top
Grave Warden Cuffs
Grave Warden Bottoms
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Grave Wardens[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] at Earthen Peak and Undead Crypt.
Gyrm Set
Gyrm Helm
Gyrm Armor
Gyrm Gloves
Gyrm Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by regular Gyrms[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Shaded Woods and in Doors of Pharros.
Gyrm Warrior Set
Gyrm Warrior Helm

Gyrm Warrior Greathelm
Gyrm Warrior Armor
Gyrm Warrior Gloves
Gyrm Warrior Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Gyrm Warriors[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Doors of Pharros.
  • Gyrm Warrior Greathelm is a rare drop from Gyrm Warriors[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], and it only drops from those wearing the Greathelm except Gavlan[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
Hard Leather Set
Standard Helm
Hard Leather Armor
Hard Leather Gauntlets
Hard Leather Boots
Can be acquired by
Havel's Set
Havel's Helm
Havel's Armor
Havel's Gauntlets
Havel's Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Found in The Gutter, past a door unlocked with Forgotten Key.[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] from the first bonfire, cross a small bridge, turn left, jump down to a ring of sconces and climb the ladder.
Heide Knight Set
Heide Knight Greathelm

Heide Knight Iron Mask
Heide Knight Chainmail
Heide Knight Gauntlets
Heide Knight Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Heide Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Heide's Tower of Flame, Forest of Fallen Giants, The Lost Bastille, Sinner's Rise and at the exit from Shrine of Winter
  • Heide Knight Iron Mask is found in Cathedral of Blue, in a chest next to Blue Sentinel Targray[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
  • Heide Knight Iron Mask is a guaranteed drop on NG (still drop on NG+) from a Heide Knight found in The Gutter (spawns once) find the first Swollen Mongrel[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] past a long bridge, turn in the opposite direction, cross the house and drop down.
Hexer's Set
Hexer's Hood
Hexer's Robes
Hexer's Gloves
Hexer's Boots
How to Acquire
  • Acquired from Felkin the Outcast[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Huntsman's Copse after talking to him while having 20 INT and 20 FTH (Ring of Knowledge and Ring of Prayer do not count)
  • Purchased from Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] if Felkin[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is killed

Hexer's Hood: INT +1, FTH +1, Adds additional Spell Casts
Hollow Infantry Set
Hollow Infantry Helm
Hollow Infantry Armor
Hollow Infantry Gloves
Hollow Infantry Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Hollow Infantry[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Forest of Fallen Giants and No-Man's Wharf.
Hollow Soldier Set
Hollow Soldier Helmet
Hollow Soldier Armor
Hollow Soldier Gauntlets
Hollow Soldier Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Hollow Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Forest of Fallen Giants.
Hunter Set/Leather Set
Hunter's Hat
Leather Armor
Leather Gloves
Leather Boots
How to Acquire
  • Found in Forest of Fallen Giants, in a chest next to Soldier's Rest bonfire
    (Soldier Key[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is required to access this area)
Imperious Set
Imperious Helm
Imperious Armor
Imperious Gauntlets
Imperious Leggings
How to Acquire
Imported Set
Imported Hood
Imported Tunic
Imported Manchettes
Imported Trousers
Can be acquired by
  • ExIstINg (you are born with it)
  • killing a invader in NG+ at Things Betwixt
Infantry Set
Infantry Helm
Infantry Armor
Infantry Gloves
Infantry Boots
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (no helm)
  • Helm is found in Forest of Fallen Giants, in a chest above a yard filled with powder barrels, right next to bomb-throwing Hollow Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
Insolent Set
Insolent Helm
Insolent Armor
Insolent Gloves
Insolent Boots
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Grave Warden Agdayne[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Undead Crypt
  • Pieces are dropped by any of the 11 Insolent Spirits[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] that spawn throughout Undead Crypt once two sconces next to Undead Ditch bonfire are lit. Spirits do not respawn and drops are not fixed (except for 2), Bonfire Ascetic[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] might be required to farm the entire set

Insolent Helm: FTH +2
Ironclad Set
Ironclad Helm
Ironclad Armor
Ironclad Gauntlets
Ironclad Leggings
How to Acquire
Ironclad Armor: Prevents Back Stabs
Ivory King Set
Ivory King Helm
Ivory King Chest
Ivory King Gauntlets
Leggings of the Forlorn
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once 50 Loyce Souls[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] are collected and Alsanna[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] has been spoken to (spend 15k Souls at Maughlin's shop to unlock boss armor sets)
Jester's Set (steam points farm armor set)
Jester's Cap
Jester's Robes
Jester's Gloves
Jester's Tights
How to Acquire
Jester's Cap: Item Discovery Bonus
Jester's Robes: Prevents Critical Damage
Jester's Gloves: Increases Souls acquired by 10%
Jester's Tights: Reduces Falling Damage
Judgment Set
Mask of Judgment
Robe of Judgment
Manchettes of Judgment
Tights of Judgment
How to Acquire
  • Found in Dragon Shrine, in a chest past an illusory wall revealed with Pharros' contraption[darksouls.fandom.com], under the stairs next to the first Drakekeeper[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
  • Dropped (in pieces) by a Darkdweller[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] found next to Under Castle Drangleic bonfire in Drangleic Castle.
King's Set
King's Crown
King's Armor
King's Gauntlets
King's Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Found past the Crumbled Ruins bonfire in Shrine of Amana, behind the door on the left, past a narrow stone bridge guarded by a Dragonrider[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]. The door only opens once Vendrick[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is defeated and the player must be in human form to unlock the door

King's Crown: INT +3, FTH +3, Prevents hollowing after obtaining Vendrick's Blessing
Knight Set
Knight Helm
Knight Armor
Knight Gauntlets
Knight Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Found in Heide's Tower of Flame, past Tower of Flame bonfire: find a flooded hall with an Old Knight[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], ascend the stairs, turn right(Fragrant Branch of Yore[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is required to unlock the path and inner room is guarded by a Primal Knight[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com])
  • Also dropped by Knight dark spirits in Forest of Fallen Giants on NG+ (one next to Mild-mannered Pate[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], another one next to King's gate accessed with Soldier Key[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]) and by a Knight in Frozen Eleum Loyce (found on the bridge with ballistae)
Leydia Black Set
Leydia Black Hood
Leydia Black Robe
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Leydia Witches[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Undead Crypt.

Leydia Black Hood: INT +1, FTH +1
Leydia White Set
Leydia White Hood
Leydia White Robe
Leydia Gauntlets
How to Acquire
Lion Mage Set
Lion Mage Robe
Lion Mage Cuffs
Lion Mage Skirt
How to Acquire
  • Found in Shaded Woods, around Shaded Ruins bonfire, in a chest past a petrified Lion Warrior[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] and guarded by a Basilisk[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (there's another chest with only petrified Lion Warrior next to it)
    The chest also contains a Fragrant Branch of Yore[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], so a branch is not lost in collecting this armor.

Lion Mage Robe: Improves Casting speed
Lion Mage Cuffs: Improves Casting speed
Lion Mage Skirt: Improves Casting speed
Lion Warrior Set
Only found this one
Lion Warrior Helm
Lion Warrior Cape
Red Lion Warrior Cape
Lion Warrior Cuffs
Lion Warrior Skirt
How to Acquire
  • Cape, cuffs and skirt are dropped by Lion Clan Warrior[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Shaded Woods (only found next to Shaded Ruins bonfire)
  • Helm and alternative chestpiece Red Lion Warrior Cape are dropped by Golden-maned Lion Warrior[darksouls.fandom.com] found in the ruins straight on the path from bonfire. That lion spawns only once and both items are rare drops

Lion Warrior Cape: Reduces Falling damage
Lion Warrior Skirt: Reduces Falling Damage
Llewellyn Set
Llewellyn Armor
Llewellyn Gloves
Llewellyn Shoes
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Stone Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in King's Passage
  • Given by Chancellor Wellager[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in once Giant Lord is defeated
Looking Glass Set
Looking Glass Helm
Looking Glass Armor
Looking Glass Gauntlets
Looking Glass Leggings
How to Acquire
Loyce Set
Loyce Helm
Loyce Armor
Loyce Gauntlets
Loyce Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Given in pieces by Alsanna, Silent Oracle[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] for collecting Loyce Souls[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] from Charred Loyce Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in The Old Chaos:
    5 souls – gauntlets and leggings
    15 souls – armor (chestpiece)
    35 souls – helm
Lucatiel's Set
Lucatiel's Mask

Mirrah Hat
Lucatiel's Vest
Lucatiel's Gloves
Lucatiel's Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Given by Lucatiel of Mirrah[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Aldia's Keep if she had been summoned and survived 3 boss encounters
  • Mask drops from Lucatiel if she is killed, other pieces are sold by Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com]
  • Mirrah Hat[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] can be obtained in Crown of the Ivory King DLC
Mad Warrior Set
Mad Warrior Mask
Mad Warrior Armor
Mad Warrior Gauntlets
Mad Warrior Leggings
How to Acquire
Mad Warrior Mask: ADP +2
Manikin Set
Manikin Mask
Manikin Top
Manikin Gloves
Manikin Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Manikins[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Earthen Peak (no mask)
  • Mask is found just above Central Earthen Peak bonfire, next to jars filled with poison
Mastodon Set
Mastodon Helm
Mastodon Armor
Mastodon Gauntlets
Mastodon Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Primal Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] at the entrance of Drangleic Castle
Monastery Set
Monastery Headcloth
Monastery Longshirt
Monastery Long Gloves
Monastery Skirt
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by dark spirit Painting Guardian[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Aldia's Keep on NG+ (along with Monastery Scimitar). Note: this dark spirit does not respawn, drops are not guaranteed and do repeat
Moon Butterfly Set
Moon Butterfly Hat
Moon Butterfly Wings
Moon Butterfly Cuffs
Moon Butterfly Skirt
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] on NG+ (no hat) and NG+2 (hat)

    Moon Butterfly Hat: INT +1, Poisons nearby foes (and NPC's)
    Moon Butterfly Wings: Creates Poison Aura, Improves Jump distance
    Moon Butterfly Cuffs: Creates Poison Aura
    Moon Butterfly Skirt: Creates Poison Aura, Improves Jump distance
Nahr Alma Set
Nahr Alma Hood
Nahr Alma Robes
How to Acquire
Nahr Alma Hood: Increases Souls acquired by 2.5%
Nahr Alma Robes: Increases Souls acquired by 10%
Northwarder Set
Northwarder Hood
Northwarder Robe
Northwarder Manchettes
Northwarder Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Crown of the Ivory King DLC Armor. Found in Frozen Eleum Loyce: enter a side room past the first bunch of Rampart Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], go up the ladder, pick up loot from the corpse. The entrance to that side room is blocked by a platform filled with coffins; to move it, travel forth from the Abandoned Dwelling bonfire, reach the bridge, turn left and find a small room with a lever just before the exit to another open area.

Northwarder Hood: Increases spell duration by 5%
Northwarder Robe: Increases spell duration by 2.5%
Northwarder Manchettes: Increases spell duration by 12.5%
Northwarder Trousers: Increases spell duration by 2.5%
Old Ironclad Set
Old Ironclad Helm
Old Ironclad Armor
Old Ironclad Gauntlets
Old Ironclad Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Ironclad Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Forest of Fallen Giants
Old Knight Set
Old Knight Helm
Old Knight Armor
Old Knight Gauntlets
Old Knight Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Old Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Heide's Tower of Flame, Drangleic Castle and Shrine of Amana
Pate's Set
Pate's Helm
Pate's Armor
Pate's Armor
Pate's Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Given by Mild-mannered Pate[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] upon finding him in Earthen Peak if he had been summoned to The Last Giant[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] boss fight and survived
  • Sold by Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] if Pate[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is killed at any point of the game
Peasant Set
Peasant Hat
Peasant Attire
Peasant Long Gloves
Peasant Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Hollow Peasants[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Brightstone Cove Tseldora

Peasant Hat: FTH +2, INT -1
Peasant Attire: +2 ADP, -1 INT
Peasant Long Gloves: +2 ADP, -1 INT
Peasant Trousers: +2 ADP, -1 INT
Penal Set (need muscular physical to look cool)
Penal Mask
Penal Straight Jacket
Penal Handcuffs
Penal Skirt
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once The Lost Sinner[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is defeated (you need to spend 15k Souls at Maughlin's shop to unlock boss armor sets)

Penal Mask: Equipment Load increased
Penal Handcuffs: Improves Pyromancy Damage by 7.5%
Priestess Set
Priestess Headpiece
Priestess Robe
Priestess Gloves
Priestess Skirt
How to Acquire
  • Full set is found behind an illusory wall in Brightstone Cove Tseldora, just before Prowling Magus and Congregation boss.[http//Prowling+Magus+and+Congregation+boss.] On NG+ pieces of the set are also dropped by dark spirit Dark Priestess[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] found in the same room.
  • Dropped by Dark Priestess[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Dragon Aerie, who is found on a side path next to second wyvern's nest.
  • Dropped by Dark Priestess[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Dragon Shrine
  • Dropped by NPC invaders Merciless Roenna[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Huntsman's Copse and Peculiar Kindalur[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Shrine of Amana.

Priestess Headpiece: FTH +2
Prisoner's Set
Prisoner's Hood
Prisoner's Tatters
Prisoner's Gloves
Prisoner's Waistcloth
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Hollow Prisoners[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in No-Man's Wharf, Huntsman's Copse, Harvest Valley, The Gutter, Undead Crypt and Frigid Outskirts
  • Prisoners in Harvest Valley and The Gutter drop alternative versions of Hood and Tatters

Prisoner's Hood: Item Discovery Bonus
Prisoner's Tatters: Item Discovery Bonus
Raime's Set
Raime's Helm
Raime's Armor
Raime's Gauntlets
Raime's Leggings
How to Acquire
Rampart Golem Set
Rampart Golem Helm
Rampart Golem Armor
Rampart Golem Gauntlets
Rampart Golem Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Rampart Golems[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Frozen Eleum Loyce (also encountered in Frigid Outskirts as dark spirits on NG+2)
Rogue Set
Rogue Hood
Rogue Armor
Rogue Gauntlets
Rogue Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Hollow Rogues[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Huntsman's Copse.
Royal Soldier Set
Royal Soldier Helm
Royal Soldier Armor
Royal Soldier Gauntlets
Royal Soldier Gauntlets
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Majula (Only avaliable after spending 1000+ Souls)
Royal Swordsman Set
Royal Swordman Helm
Royal Swordsman Armor
Royal Swordsman Gloves
Royal Swordsman Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Royal Swordsmen[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in The Lost Bastille and Drangleic Castle
  • Dropped by NPC invader Bowman Guthry[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] encountered in Doors of Pharros, Brightstone Cove Tseldora and in Forest of Fallen Giants (on the path to Pursuer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com])
  • The Chestpiece also drops from Maldron the Assasin[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Eleum Loyce dlc
Oh my God, It's the happy souls guy
Ruin Set
Ruin Helm
Ruin Armor
Ruin Gauntlets
Ruin Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Ruin Sentinels[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Drangleic Castle(rare drop, so it's recommended to use equipment that raises drop rate or to join Company of Champions[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] to have Sentinels respawning permanently)
Rusted Mastodon Set
Rusted Mastodon Helm
Rusted Mastodon Armor
Rusted Mastodon Gauntlets
Rusted Mastodon Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Primal Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Doors of Pharros
Saint's Set
Saint's Hood
Saint's Dress
Saint's Long Gloves
Saint's Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Received from Licia of Lindeldt[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] when player has 30 Faith
  • Dropped by Licia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] if she is invaded with Crushed Eye Orb[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] or killed directly
  • Sold by Merchant Hag Melentia[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once Licia is killed

Saint's Hood: FTH +1, Adds additional Spell Casts
Sanctum Knight Set
Sanctum Knight Helm
Sanctum Knight Armor
Sanctum Knight Gauntlets
Sanctum Knight Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Sanctum Knights[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Dragon's Sanctum
  • Helm is also found in the room with 5 knights' corpses in Dragon's Sanctum

Sanctum Knight Leggings: Reduces Falling Damage and Removes footstep sounds
Shadow Set
Shadow Mask
Shadow Top
Shadow Gauntlets
Shadow Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Nimble Shadows[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in No Man's Wharf (NG+ Flexile Sentry[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] boss fight)
  • Nimble Shadows[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] appear as regular enemies in No-Man's Wharf (two, next to house at pier exit), The Lost Bastille (one, in the storage with 5 metal chests) and in Earthen Peak (one, next to boss exit).

Shadow Gauntlets: Increases Bleed Damage of melee attacks
Smelter Demon Set
Smelter Demon Helm
Smelter Demon Armor
Smelter Demon Gauntlets
Smelter Demon Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Sold by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] once Smelter Demon[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] is defeated (spend 15k Souls at Maughlin's[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] shop to unlock boss armor sets)
Steel Set
Steel Helm
Steel Armor
Steel Gauntlets
Steel Leggings
How to Acquire
Syan's Set
Syan's Helm
Syan's Armor
Syan's Gauntlets
Syan's Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Syan Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Drangleic Castle and Undead Crypt
  • Non-respawning Syan Soldiers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] are also found in a number of spots listed below, most of them guarding chests containing Sublime Bone Dust:
    1. next to King's Gate in Forest of Fallen Giants;
    2. in the sewers at the exit from Heide's Tower of Flame;
    3. next to Shaded Ruins bonfire and next to King's Gate in Shaded Woods;
    4. at the bottom of Grave of Saints;
    5. below Undead Lockaway bonfire in Huntsman's Copse
Targray's Set
Targray's Helm
Targray's Armor
Targray's Manifers
Targray's Leggings
How to Acquire
Tattered Cloth Set
Tattered Cloth Hood
Tattered Cloth Robe
Tattered Cloth Manchettes
Heavy Boots
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by the Darkdwellers[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in No-man's Wharf
  • Full set is found in The Gutter: find a Swollen Mongrel[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] past the first long bridge, face the opposite direction, cross the house, drop down. Note: there's Heide Knight[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] right below that place
Throne Defender Set
Throne Defender Helm
Throne Defender Armor
Throne Defender Gauntlets
Throne Defender Leggings
How to Acquire
Throne Watcher Set
Throne Watcher Helm
Throne Watcher Armor
Throne Watcher Gauntlets
Throne Watcher Leggings
How to Acquire
Traveling Merchant Set
Traveling Merchant Hat
Traveling Merchant Coat
Traveling Merchant Gloves
Traveling Merchant Boots
Can be acquired by
Traveling Merchant Hat: Item Discovery Bonus
Tseldora Set
Tseldora Cap
Tseldora Robe
Tseldora Manchettes
Tseldora Trousers
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Spider Drones[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Brightstone Cove Tseldora
  • Very rare drop from Parasite Spiders[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in the same area
  • Full set is dropped by Maughlin the Armourer[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] if he is killed

Tseldora Cap: Increases Souls acquired by 2.5%
Tseldora Robe: Increases Souls acquired by 5%
Tseldora Manchettes: Increases Souls acquired by 10%
Tseldora Trousers: Increases Souls acquired by 5%
Varangian Set
Varangian Helm
Varangian Armor
Varangian Cuffs
Varangian Leggings
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Varangian Pirates[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in No-Man's Wharf. Two extra pirates are found at back entrance to The Lost Bastille, close to Exile Holding Cells bonfire.
Velstadt's Set
Velstadt's Helm
Velstadt's Armor
Velstadt's Gauntlets
Velstadt's Leggings
How to Acquire
Velstadt's Helm: END +1,VIT +1
Vengarl's Set
Vengarl's Helm
Vengarl's Armor
Vengarl's Gloves
Vengarl's Boots
How to Acquire
  • Helm is given by Head of Vengarl[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] found in the clearing of the foggy part of Shaded Woods. Exhaust all of his dialogue options to receive the helm
  • Other pieces are dropped by Vengarl's body[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com], Vengarl's body is found in Shaded Woods, past Shaded Ruins bonfire, below the arena occupied by Manscorpion Tark[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (petrified Lion Warriors[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] on either side, revive one of them to pass).

Vengarl's Helm: VIT +2
Wanderer Set
Wanderer Hood
Wanderer Coat
Wanderer Manchettes
Wanderer Boots
Can be acquired by
White Hollow Mage Set
White Hollow Mage Hood
White Hollow Mage Robe
How to Acquire
  • Dropped by Hollow Mages[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] in Brightstone Cove Tseldora

White Hollow Mage Hood: INT +1
White Priest Set
White Priest Headpiece
White Priest Robe
White Priest Gloves
White Priest Skirt
How to Acquire
White Priest Headpiece: FTH +1
Xanthous Set
Xanthous Crown
Xanthous Overcoat
Xanthous Gloves
Xanthous Waistcloth
How to Acquire
  • Given by Darkdiver Grandahl[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] upon reaching rank 3 in Pilgrims of Darkcovenant[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com] (that includes killing Darklurker[darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com])
  • This armor set is only given once per character; killing Darklurker again on NG+ won't help
Donfimy  [author] 1 Mar @ 4:10pm 
fixed some images missing and added some armor pieces:cupup::estusfull:
Donfimy  [author] 1 Feb @ 9:49am 
9 1 Feb @ 1:37am 
But yeah that's a huge help too thanks a lot! :BR_Heart:
9 1 Feb @ 1:37am 
Sorry It's +3 not 6 but you got what I meant XD
Donfimy  [author] 31 Jan @ 6:56pm 
9 30 Jan @ 11:19pm 
Are you able to re edit the guide specifcially on the equipment that gives status bonuses? Like the Desert Sorceress Hood gives +6 int
9 30 Jan @ 11:17pm 
Nice work
Decimus Maxentius 23 Jan @ 5:31am 
Actually you can be banned for using hacked mule save files. Be careful, use only ones with highest rating and positive feedback. Not every mule is safe to use!
repose 23 Jan @ 3:07am 
there are save files called mules, you can download them and they have every weapon and armor set right away. you won't be banned after installing them so feel free to use them, there are many you can find on the internet
wildflower 23 Jan @ 12:07am 
Thank you this is very helpful for knowing when i should actually be farming lol