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Terminids: Evolutionary Hierarchy, Biology and Morphology
By Raz²
The Terminids are a family of diverse yet related arthropod-like species with distinct evolutionary traits. In this guide, I have attempted to organize and document various aspects of the Terminids' evolutionary hierarchy, biology, and morphology.
Note: I am not a biologist, lol! These are just my observations about a cool video game, however if you happen to be a biologist I would love if you could provide some insights into the biology of the Terminids!
Origins of the Terminids (Under Development)
The following section has been taken directly from the Helldivers 2 wiki

Terminid Biology and Morphology
Terminids are a species of extraterrestrial insectoids, sharing many similarities with arthropods native to Earth, such as multiple limbs, insect-like mandibles, and an exoskeleton. Terminid hives rely heavily on spores, as they are present near every Terminid hive structure. This suggests that Terminids are either two separate species, one animal and one fungal working in a symbiotic relationship, or a single animal-like species capable of producing fungal-like spores. The existence of very fungal structures made to produce either spores or eggs further complicates their relationship.

Terminids are descendants of the Bugs fought in the First Galactic War. However, they are considerably different, probably due to either large-scale genetic alteration by Super Earth or heavy mutation from confined populations. Sometime before or during the First Galactic War, Super Earth discovered that dead bug bodies decay into an oil-like substance which they named Element 710, the pursuit of which ensured that peace would never be an option.

With the end of the First Galactic War, the Bugs were put onto specific planets to farm them for Element 710. Super Earth then proceeded to perform genetic experiments on Terminids to increase their Element 710 production and possibly create new breeds. This experimentation resulted in the body chemistry of some Terminids becoming highly unstable, producing massive amounts of a highly acidic substance called "Bile". This resulted in the creation of the Bile breed, a species that can spew the corrosive acid at their targets. Other mutations resulting from this experimentation include gigantism and near invisibility.
Evolutionary Hierarchy: Part 1 (Under Development)
Each genus within the Terminid family originates from a basic adolescent form. Currently, there are three distinct adolescent bugs and three respective genera in Helldivers 2. The Pouncer, the Scavenger, and the Bile Spitter.

1. Annoytica Genus
The Pouncers belong to a unique, winged, white-skinned genus of Terminids, which I’ll refer to as the Annoytica genus, due to their irritating nature. This genus includes the Pouncer, Hunter, Shrieker, and Stalker. All members of the Annoytica genus share several evolutionary traits: they are winged, agile, possess white skin with orange undertones, and are capable of quickly killing if you're not paying attention. The Annoytica genus likely evolved as a lighter, more mobile counterpart to the Bellatorus genus, serving roles such as scouts, foragers, or workers. The Scavenger from the Bellatorus genus shares a close evolutionary relationship with the Pouncer, which makes sense given their similar roles within the broader Terminid evolutionary structure.

2. Bellatorus Genus
The Scavenger represents the origin of most Terminids, and this genus, which I will call Bellatorus (from the Latin bellator, meaning "warrior"), includes the Scavenger, Warrior, Alpha Warrior, Bile Warrior, Hive Guard, Charger, Spore Charger, Behemoth, Impaler, Brood Commander, and Alpha Commander. These Terminids have all evolved for the defense of Terminid nests, sporting medium to heavy armor, razor sharp appendages, and combat oriented exo-skeleton structures.

It’s worth noting that the Brood Commander and Alpha Commander are very similar, and may even be the same species. Both belong to a nearly extinct leadership genus of Terminids.

3. Bilexus Genus
The Bilexus genus is the smallest bile-producing genus, consisting of just three Terminids: the Bile Spitter, Nursing Spewer, and Bile Spewer. These species are named for their ability to spit bile, a feature that may have evolved to help carve through rock and other materials, allowing for the construction of Terminid nests, hives, and tunnels. Additionally, members of the Bilexus genus may play a role in caring for Terminid larvae within the nest or hive.
Evolutionary Hierarchy: Part 2, Illustrated! (Under Development)

The flowchart provided above is my idea of an evolutionary/growth tree for the Terminids. Its very possible the evolutionary/growth tree is far less linear then I have imagined, Terminids may be able to morph into different roles if required or stop their growth at certain points like certain fish, amphibians and reptiles due to scare resources or the needs of the hive/nest.

The Impaler stands out as unique due to a significant evolutionary leap from its closest relative, the Behemoth, in terms of design. Unlike the Behemoth, the Impaler features three distinctive tentacle-like appendages. Tentacles are entirely unique to the impaler, no other Terminid species has evolved similar appendages. Their specific evolutionary function remains unclear, possibly a severe mutation caused by Super Earths genetic experiments.

The following section has been taken directly from the Helldivers 2 wiki

"When outside the safety of Super Earth's E-710 farms, Terminids form a crude, fascistic hierarchy based around a particular Terminid's genetic composition. Certain Terminids, such as the Brood and Alpha Commanders, seem to be able to give rudimentary commands to other Terminids through pheromones. This command is fragile, however, as bugs will often lose all control and formation when in the presence of Helldivers and attack mindlessly.

Regardless, it can be noticed that certain bugs, such as the Bile Titan and Impaler, are the most elite amongst the Terminid horde, as they often patrol alone if they ever happen to spawn naturally at a Nest or Minor Point of Interest."
Terminid Biology: B is for Bile (Under Development)
The Bile Terminids are a collection of 5 bugs that have specifically evolved/been genetically altered to use bile as a means of defense, offense, and utility.

Bile Spitter

The Bile Spitter is the smallest of the Bile Terminids, being the size of medium dog. it appears to be the younger form of the Nursing Spewer and Bile Spewer. It has a very short range, being only capable of spewing bile a few feet, that paired with virtually no armor means the Bile Spitter is Terminid cannon fodder.

Bile Spewer

The Bile Spewer is an adult version of the Bile Spitter, being much larger and much more dangerous. It has much heavier armor plating on its head and along the top of its bile sack compared to the Nursing Spewer. The Bile Spewer seems to have evolved it's highly acidic stomach bile to carve through rock and other tough materials to aid in the construction of Terminid nests. The Bile Spewer and Nursing Spewer are both about the size of a school bus.

Nursing Spewer

The Nursing Spewer appears closely related to the Bile Spewer, however there are significant differences. The Nursing Spewer seems to be the only Terminid that has evolved specifically to take care of and potentially raise young Terminids. It's back half appears to be a mobile incubator, with various eggs of all sizes living within. We can observe Terminid eggs separately from Nursing Spewers around and within bug nests, suggesting the bugs can reproduce without these specialized caregivers.

Bile Warrior

The Bile Warrior is a genetically modified/evolved/mutated version of the Warrior, and the adolescent version of the Bile Titan. Despite the "Bile" in it's name, the Bile Warrior is seemingly unable to spit bile until it reaches adulthood, it hasn't yet developed the bile sack of the Bile Titan. It's about the size of a small, compact car.

Bile Titan

The Bile Titan is the evolutionary apex of the Bile Terminids, it appears to be the final growth stage of the Bile Warrior. It has a multi-layered thick and armored carapace along its back, 4 very long, thin, and tall legs, and a large bile sack on its underside. It's size is difficult to estimate, if we compare it to the buildings found at Super Earth settlements, its at least four stories tall.
Terminid Biology: The Warrior Caste (Under Development)
The Warrior Caste is a collection of 10 Terminids who have specifically evolved for combat, whether that be offensive or defensive.


The Scavenger is the smallest and weakest bug of the Terminid family, and the most basic evolutionary speaking. It has a very thin carapace, moves on four legs and uses two front forelegs to manipulate, attack, and eat its prey. It appears to be the younger form of the Warrior. The Scavenger acts as both a scout for the Terminid forces and a distraction for the SEAF, regularly appearing in large numbers within patrols. They use swarm tactics to overwhelm and kill lone Helldivers and Super Earth soldiers. Scavengers are about the size of a large domestic cat and can be stomped to death.


"Warriors are the natural end result of a species optimized for mindless expansion. In controlled environments, they have eviscerated innocent baby cows in under a second. One can only imagine what they would do to innocent baby humans."

The Warrior makes up the bulk of the Terminids fighting force, a much tougher, quicker, larger and of course much more deadly version of the Scavenger. They have a lightly armored carapace and head, they can quickly close a large distance between a Helldiver using their four legs and if the Helldiver isn't paying attention, quickly slash them to bits with their razor sharp forelegs. Warriors are similar in size to the bears of Earth.

Brood Commander

A specialized leadership form of the Warrior, the Brood Commander is the predecessor to the Alpha Commander, like its older brother the Brood Commander behaves as a part of the near extinct Terminid Leadership Caste. It has a distinctive reddish-orange coloring that it shares with Alpha Warriors/Alpha Commanders. It is a capable warrior, capable of stun locking and killing a Helldiver within seconds if they aren't paying attention.

Alpha Warrior
A unique elite variant of the Warrior that can only appear within the presence of an Alpha Commander. Alpha Warriors are faster, deadlier and heavier than regular Warriors. They share their reddish-orange coloring with their Alpha Commanders.

Alpha Commander
Alpha Commanders seem to be among the most elite Terminid forces, they are at the top of the fragile Terminid leadership caste. They closely resemble Brood Commanders, the major differences being damage output, speed, and armor. An Alpha Commander can ragdoll, stun and kill a Helldiver within less than a second.

Hive guard

An evolutionary jump from the Warrior, Hive Guards have specifically evolved to protect and guard Terminid nests/bug holes. They can plug bug holes (Intentionally or not) in gameplay with their large, medium armored heads and forelegs, preventing grenades from entering and destroying the nest. They are difficult to kill head-on with regular weaponry due to their medium armor, and are quite slow despite their size.


The Charger is a larger form of the Hive guard. They are heavily armored, difficult to kill and surprisingly agile despite their size. They have a heavy, thick and layered carapace along with a set of four armored legs, they have a set of forelegs which are tucked into their chest most of the time.

Spore Charger

Spore Chargers are Chargers who have been mutated/rapidly evolved by The Gloom. They constantly release a large amount of spores from their body, blanketing the surrounding area in a yellow/greenish fog. Their combat tactics and basic biology/armor remain the same as normal Chargers.


An even heavier evolution of the Charger, the Behemoth has developed a much more menacing physical appearance. It's legs, head and back have developed sharp spines/spires, the head specifically has developed a set of tusks which it uses to ram Helldivers. It's armor has thickened and it's stomach is less vulnerable. It's behavior is much the same to the regular Charger.


The Impaler is by far the largest Terminid, dwarfing even the Bile Titan in terms of mass, despite its massive size and heavy armor, it prefers to attack from a distance with its set of 3 burrowing tentacles. It is evolutionarily distinct from all Terminids, it's size, armor, and use of tentacles is unique to it alone.

Terminid Biology: The Worker Caste? (Under Development)
The Worker Caste is a collection of four Terminids who appear to have evolved for the purposes of reconnaissance, foraging, quick movement and hive construction. The wings and extreme mobility of the Worker Caste are features unique to the Worker Caste alone, no other Terminid sub-species/genus has these features.


The Pouncer is the smallest bug in the Worker Caste. It is capable of rapidly closing distance by flying for short periods using its relatively large pair of wings, and can be very annoying to deal with due to their ranged attacks. The Pouncer appears to be a younger form of the


The Hunter is in essence a larger Pouncer, it uses similar tactics to its younger counterpart. Hunters will typically run down helldivers, swarm or corner them, pin or stun and then quickly kill them.


The Shrieker is the most mobile and agile Terminid, it has evolved the unique ability of flight, giving it unrivaled speed and range. Shriekers appear to live in and incubate within Shirker Nests, living separately from the main Terminid hives, similar to the Stalker.


"A side effect of Terminid gene splicing research, Stalkers can camouflage themselves almost to the point of invisibility. But mothing can hide from the cleansing light of Freedom forever."

Stalkers are a larger, mutated version of regular Hunters. They reside within Stalker layers, living seprately from the main Terminid hives. Stalkers have possibly, what is the fastest kill time out of any Terminids. They can rapidly close a large distance while maintaining near complete invisibility and being mostly silent, this is an especially deadly ability when paired with spore clouds/fog. Stalkers work in groups, meaning they can quickly ragdoll a helldiver and lash them to death with their "tongue".
Terminid Biology: Predator Strain (Under Development)
The Predator Strain is a subclass of the worker caste that has been mutated by the gloom.

Predator Stalker:
The Predator Stalker is a mutated version of the Stalker, it has lost its ability to cloak and exhibits significant behavioral changes. Instead of the regular hit and run techniques employed by the regular Stalker, the Predator Stalker attacks Helldivers head-on, often in large packs. Predator Stalkers do not retreat after being injured, they fight until their whole pack has been killed.

Predator Hunter:
A mutated form of the Hunter that has been given the ability to cloak like the regular Stalker. Its behavior is more aggressive compared to that of the regular Hunter, it moves quicker and leaps further to out maneuver Helldivers.
Hives and Nests: Terminid Structures and Other Stuff (Under Development)
The Terminids are associated with a variety of unique structures. These include:

Fungal Like:

Spore Spewers

The Spore Spewers are large tree/mushroom like structures that release a gas cloud into the surrounding area, reducing visibility for nearby Helldivers. Its likely these Spore Spewers produce some form of Element 710, to spread the Terminid presence across a planet.

Shrieker Nests

Shriekers, like Stalkers are one of the few Terminids that seem to live seperately from the main Terminid nests. They live within these tree/mushroom like structures that naturally produce light. It's possible the small spheres we see on the underside of the Shrieker Nests are eggs/incubating Shriekers or some form of larval stage.

Tunneled structures:

Stalker Lairs

The Stalker Lairs are the apparent homes of the Stalker Terminids, these are often found alongside regular bug holes. It's possible Stalkers live separately from Terminid Nests because they fill the previously mentioned scout/lookout/forager role.

Terminid Nests

The Terminid Nests, also called "Terminid Hives" are large collections of bug holes (and a massive intricate network of underground tunnels and chambers) that are the apparent main breeding grounds of the Terminids. Almost all nests rest within either a natural crater, sinkhole, valley or constructed depression in the ground. This seems to be an intentional design choice, it's likely this nest design offers more protection. These Terminid Nests scale in the following order: Small, Medium, Large and Mega.



These odd holes are commonly seen around Terminid hives/nests, its likely these holes held incubating Terminid eggs, their odd greenish/yellowish color is probably from a Bile Spitters bile, used to carve a hole into the rock.

Terminid Goo/spit?

Around Stalker Lairs, Bug Holes, Terminid Nests and other structures an odd stringy and possibly sticky goo can be seen. (Pictured below) Its purpose remains unclear. I hypnotize that this is a substance that certain Terminids can produce which aids in the construction of nests. It's possible it can join rock and other organic material and harden over time. This would be an especially useful tool for the construction of underground Terminid nests, serving to reinforce weak soil/sediment.

The Gloom

The Gloom is an extremely large group of interstellar Terminid spores located on the eastern front of the galaxy. The intense spore density has caused drastic mutations in some Terminids, being responsible for the return of the massive Impalers and the new Spore Charger. Its likely that an extremely large network of interconnected Spore Spewers and potential Supercolonies hidden in The Gloom are responsible for the creation of this massive spore cloud.

Hive Lords

Hive Lords are an extremely large species of tunneling worms that specialize is the creation of nests and terra-forming of planets. They have yet to appear in Helldivers 2, however, large skeletal remains resembling that of the Hive Lord have been reported.

Terminid Supercolonies

A Supercolony is basically a planet that has been turned into one big Terminid nest, intentionally terraformed by the Terminids to be a reproductive powerhouse. There has only been one Supercolony in the history of Helldivers 2, that of Meridia, the failure of the TCS system caused drastic mutations in the local Terminid population. Terminid reproduction increased rapidly and the planet was quickly overrun and turned into a Supercolony. The following quote from the Helldivers 2 Wiki goes into more detail:

"The topography and ecology of Meridia was changed drastically after the loss of the planet on the April 29th, following the failure of the TCS Towers. Orbital observations by the Super Earth Navy confirmed that Meridia had been transformed from a lush, blue and green jungle world to a gigantic, undemocractic insect hive. The atmosphere and oceans became a sickly brown, filled with a mix of termicide and mutated terminid spores. The bugs bred like rats, choking the life out of most other fauna and flora on the surface.

The Ministry of Science concluded that Meridia had undergone a process of proto-terraforming (or Termaforming) that effectively turned the entire planet into one gargantuan nest, dubbed a "Terminid Super Colony". The terrain now consisted of dead indigenous plant life interspersed with vast terminid mound and hive structures, including 'forests' of spore spewers and shrieker nests. Meridia's numerous active volcanoes were the only remnants of the planet left untouched by the bugs.

The implications, as fascinating as they are, have been horrifying for the scientific community. Meridia stands as stark proof that the Terminids can essentially, and probably irreversibly, DESTROY the environments of planets. Prior to its destruction, Meridia stood as a monument to scientific hubris as the only Supercolony. We can only pray now that this once beautiful world will be the exception, rather than the rule going forward."

End Section: Notes (Under Development)
Please leave any theories regarding the Terminids in the guide comment section, I'll probably add some!
ddklizard 18 Feb @ 12:18pm 
Raz²  [author] 18 Feb @ 12:04pm 
Predator Strain section has been added, I will try to gather information on the new gloom variants.
ddklizard 4 Feb @ 1:31pm 
Raz²  [author] 4 Feb @ 1:31pm 
I'll credit theories and information that are suggested in the comments.
Gorpo 4 Feb @ 1:29pm 
This will be surveyed for treason by the Ministry of Truth.
ddklizard 2 Feb @ 1:33pm 
Or hive guard to implaler
ddklizard 2 Feb @ 1:33pm 
I believe the the charger dosent lead to the behemoth like in the chart but the hive guard splits into the charger and behemoth, with the charger than leading to the impaler
ddklizard 2 Feb @ 1:31pm 
Raz, could you credit information in the guide to the people suggested things (I don’t care about the “plagarism” but yeah)
ddklizard 2 Feb @ 1:29pm 
Impaler is a sibling to chargers, being very similar visually and both can hit and stun players, the only difference being the tentacles
Raz²  [author] 2 Feb @ 12:26am 
Updated bile section, warrior caste, and minor edits to other sections, included some suggestions from comments.