50 ratings
How to finally quit Elden Ring for DS2
By I'm on the top floor rn
DS2 is short for Dark Souls 2, I'm just using slang guys.
1. Admit your fault
The first step to recovery is admitting you faults. You can start by telling close friends and family about your crippling Elden Ring addiction, and admit that there's healthier, objectively better games to be addicted to, like DS2.

2. Try to quit
Quitting may be difficult, but its easier to try to ween it off. Try less and less Elden Ring every day, and replace that time with DS2. You might even find yourself jonesing for DS2 already, or reccomending it to all of your friends.
3. Quit Elden Ring entirely, embrace DS2 (peak)
And finally, once all of that Elden Ring has left your system, you an really sit back and appreciate the world of DS2. For example, the long winded running sections, where you actually get off your ass and do it instead of having a horse do it for you. You can also say hi to the NPCs, my personal favorite is the cat.
Why DS2 is objectively better
Space Pony 31 Jan @ 5:27pm 
miyazaki directed dark souls 2 yes very truth much real so based
HunterElitest 31 Jan @ 3:12am 
meme would actually make sense if Hidetaka Miyazaki directed DS2.
DS2 was directed by Tomohiro Shibuya Yui Tanimura.
nice try tho.
XxX_pR0G3ym3R69_xXx [FaZe] 30 Jan @ 12:55am 
Preacher 29 Jan @ 9:52am 
Dark souls 2 actually good game
Kumagaii 29 Jan @ 9:27am 
W rage bait
Kvasier 27 Jan @ 7:39am 
Bruh im downloading that last image. Shit is funny.
Pliskin 26 Jan @ 8:19pm 
W rage bait
ehh Pumbaa 26 Jan @ 6:06am 
ScrubLord 25 Jan @ 5:18am 
L rage bait
Heretic the Schizophrenic 24 Jan @ 5:49pm 
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