Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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How to Convert Project Zomboid Save Game Into Sandbox Mode
By BlackSyX
Helping those of you who have already played Project Zomboid with Apocalypse, Survivor, and Builder modes to Custom Sandbox mode, without having to start from beginning the game you have started!
Step 1: Find Project Zomboid Save Game Location
To find the location of the save game from Project Zomboid, follow the path from the following folder:
And you can see several folders that match whatever game mode you have played. If you have never played Sandbox mode, you can create a folder named "Sandbox" with the following folder path:
Step 2: Duplicate Your Save Game
Select your save game according to the game mode you previously played, whether Apocalypse, Survivor, Builder, which folder adjusts to the mode you are playing. After that, select the save game you want to duplicate, usually the save game format has a name like the example "26-01-2025_07-31-49", if you are sure it is a save game, copy your save game folder to the Sandbox folder.
Step 3: Install Sandbox Menu Mod From Workshop
To be able to make changes to the settings in the Sandbox game, you need a mod in the Steam workshop created by a contributor.
Choose one of the mods that you think is the best, I myself choose to install both, if one doesn't work then there is still the other one.
Step 4: Added Sandbox Menu Mod Into Your Save Game
After installing the mods I recommend, launch the Project Zomboid game and select the "load" save game section, select the save game that you have duplicated which has the same save game title but a different mode, then select Sandbox mode, and at the bottom left of the screen select the "More" button and select the "Choose Mods" button and activate the mod that I previously recommended, namely "Changing Sandbox Option" and select the Enable button

Originally posted by author:
If mod is not work or does not appear, then the process can be repeated by disabling the mod and exiting the game and entering and then re-enable the mod, the problem that may occur is the difference in versions of Build 41 and Build 42, where Build 42 sometimes requires contributors to take longer to update or implement the mod to the latest version, considering that Build 42 is an unstable version and has updates every month.

After completing the steps above, you can immediately play your save game.
Step 5: You Can Convert to Any Mode Whatever You Want
Congratulations, you have finished converting your save game from any mode to Sandbox mode, but this does not only apply to Sandbox mode, but to all modes you want!

Enjoy playing and have fun! Happy Hunting & Surviving!
January 26, 2025 @ 19:40pm (V1.0)
The first version of the guide was created & published
January 30, 2025 @ 11:31pm (V1.1)
Small adjustment for step by step for build 42
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