Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

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How to run GTA Vice City Next Gen through Steam (ENG)
By Kravys
So you want to run GTA Vice City Next Gen on the Steam version of GTA VC? Well, it’s as simple as making a cup of instant noodles, PRICKS! Here’s how you do it:
Guide (duh)
You can get GTA Vice City Next Gen working through Steam with all its functionalities, including the Steam overlay and accurate playtime tracking, by following these steps:

1. Install GTA Vice City via Steam.

2. Navigate to the GTA Vice City directory and delete all files and folders inside it.

3. Copy the entire contents of the GTA Vice City Next Gen package into the GTA Vice City folder.

4. Rename "vcNElaunch.exe" to "gta-vc"

5. Launch the game through Steam.

It's as simple as that!
Борисоглеб 4 Feb @ 12:16pm 
Пидо расы с T2 сос ать
Kravys  [author] 27 Jan @ 11:44pm 
@Sol3k 2.0
Sometimes this trick just doesn’t seem to work; there are often additional steps needed for it to function properly, depending on the game. For example, some games require you to rename engine-related files for Steam to recognize them as the actual game.

Come to think of it, the GTA Vice City Next Gen Package already contains two .exe files named "LaunchGTAIV" and "GTAIV.exe." I don’t think you can rename vcNElaunch.exe to replace either of these files and expect the mod to work properly, but it might be worth a try.
Sol3K 2.0 27 Jan @ 12:44pm 
Will it work with GTA IV: The Complete Edition?