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Modifications: Sound Packs
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302.840 KB
24 nov 2014 om 21:19
1 wijzigingsnotitie (weergeven)

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Liked how this one came out, would probably do a shotgun now, Also sorry for the weird sounds in the video, was talking with a friend via Steam.
This mod replaces the "handling" sounds of the SKS for lewd ones.

Vid URL:

If this doesn't work for some reason, open up the console and type in snd_restart like in any other sound replacement mod.
36 opmerkingen
NickySins 18 mei 2018 om 20:01 
lol the name XD
Langley 12 mei 2018 om 23:04 
New update broke mods
Ephemeral Fetus 24 jan 2018 om 17:57 
is this legal?
Cat2246 27 dec 2017 om 6:46 
after I downloaded this mod, I keep reloading no matter what xD
Cloud Ascender 8 dec 2017 om 3:12 
nom nom 25 jul 2017 om 1:45 
Wtf xDD
Yuri 19 apr 2017 om 17:19 
Chaddyshack 8 nov 2015 om 16:06 
between my m1911 and my sks... i have never been more entertained during a firefight....
Mr Obongo longBOII Schlongo 13 jan 2015 om 21:53 
constant boner from running around with SKS 10/10 would Subscribe again
Blackore 16 dec 2014 om 12:30 
Sounds like she gets a "special" feeling when you insert your magazine to her magazine well.