Batman™: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition

Batman™: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition

46 ratings
Defeat All Boss
By Spit Fire
This Guide is perfect for you if you have difficulty defeating the bosses. This guide contains a step by step walkthrough to defeat the 3 miniboss (Deadshot, Solomon Grundy and Bronze Tiger), the 3 boss (Joker, Penguin and Black Mask) and the main Boss (Catwoman).

So if you find this guide helpful please rate this up.

And also this is my first guide so if you find any wrong spelling/grammar or any suggestions to improve this guide please leave a comment of your suggestion or ideas. And also please dont forget to rate this up
Bronze Tiger

In the first phase, you'll have to watch for his attack patterns and counter at the correct time. simply counter when the blue lines appear above Bronze Tiger's head, then do a cape swing. When he is dizzy just attack him until he drops to the floor.

Do this for two times. If you hit him enough, Bronze Tiger will go flying into the electric fence.

The next phase will have Bronze Tiger jump into the air and come crashing down with his fists. Roll out of the way and wait for his fists get stuck in the ground. Now use a Spin Attack, and continuously punch him like before.

Bronze Tiger will continue this pattern, but this time he will use his jump attack several times before getting stuck in the ground. The first jump would be like before but his second jump will become much lower and to avoid it just roll out of the way.
[previewimg=2378439;sizeThumb,floatLeft;shdffgdsdfsdfsdfds.jpg][/previewimg] [previewimg=2378440;sizeThumb,floatRight;shdffgdsdfsdfsdfdsew.jpg][/previewimg] The third and final phase is the really easy; it’s pretty much the same as the first just countering Bronze TigeBronze Tiger will continue this pattern, but this time he will use his jump attack several times before getting stuck in the ground. The first jump would be like before but his second jump will become much lower and to avoid it just roll out of the way.

The third and final phase is the really easy; it’s pretty much the same as the first just countering Bronze Tiger's attacks whenever blue lines appear above his head. Do this several times in a row, and then use a Spin Attack when the icon appears.

Continue this until you defeat Bronze Tiger.

For the first phase, Whenever Deadshot is about to shoot, take cover behind any object. And run to the left while avoiding Deadshot's gun fires.

When you reach the spotlight, Deadshot will shoot it down. You can use your Batarang to bring it back up, That will blinding Deadshot giving you time to continue moving to the left.

On the far left there will be a dead end, use you’re grappling gun to go up. Then continue moving to the left and enter the building.

For the next phase, you will need to fight a couple of thugs, after beating them , use you’re grappling gun to go up to the ledge.

For the next phase, you will need to fight a couple of thugs, after beating them all up, use you’re grappling gun to the ledge while avoiding Deadshots gun fire

And for the final phase, hit the spotlight with your Batarang to blind Deadshot. This will buy you enough time to stand up and use the Line Launcher
Solomon Grundy

Before doing anything, scan the place. There are three electric box, two sewer drains and a puddle of water

After scanning the area head to the right side of the door and investigate the shut canal door. Hack the nearby terminal to slightly open the it.

Unfortunately, this also releases Solomon Grundy who comes crashing through the wall on the left and your punches will have no effect on this hulking zombie, so you need to knock him out with the environment.

As Solomon Grundy come’s charging at you just roll under him to avoid damage.

In the first phase, shoot explosive gel onto the electrical power box of the left side of the canal door with the wire that goes across the floor. Detonate the explosive as Solomon Grundy draws near, which will electrocute him when he runs over the wire. He'll rage around, disabling one power box but causing the other to drop.

In the next phase, with the panel busted, you’ll need to find another way to hurt Solomon Grundy. The next panel is on the far right of the canal door. And you’ll see the wire loose on the wall, so you'll need to detonate one of the sewer drains to have Solomon Grundy stand up to get him electrocuted. If you don’t blind him using the explosive sewer drain He won’t be electrocuted.

The third and final phase, simply repeat the 2nd phase on the remaining sewer drain and electrical box pairing when he’s electrified perform some normal attacks on Solomon Grundy's head to take him out. And you will be able to use your grappling gun to go up the door.

NOTE: If you’re aiming for the achievement Bad Case of the Mondays (Defeat Grundy using the Shock Batarang and water combination) Instead of using the electric box, use your electrified batarang to electrocute Grundy

Penguin will have two guards protecting him. These guards are nearly invincible, so you'll want to stay clear of their line of vision. If they do see you, they'll mow you down, leaving little room to escape.

For the first phase scan the room to find a number of fire extinguishers that you can hit with your Batarang to distract the two guards and lure them away from Penguin. And if you manage to separate the two guards from each other, use the Batclaw on one of the guards to pull off their pack, which will knock them out instantly. Be sure that the two are separated, otherwise the other guard will be alerted and stop you in the process.

When the guards are far enough away from Penguin, glide kick Penguin, then perform a Takedown to take a third of his health away.

And for the next phase Penguin will release a third guard and a patrol drone on the upper level that will alert the guards of your location if you pass through its light. Make sure to play very carefully for this segment; there's no checkpoint, and being spotted even once will result in certain death.

Continue to lure the guards into a single location by hitting one of the fire extinguishers. Once they are all away from Penguin, perform the Glide Kick and the Takedown to take out another third of Penguin's health bar.

And the final Phase, This is basically the same as the second phase, but now there are four guards and two drones to deal with. Just like last time, divert the guards attention to another section of the map, then attack Penguin when he is alone to defeat him.

Use the Line Launcher when The Joker is across the other side of the room. This will knock him over and take out a small chunk of health.

For the next phase the Joker will pull out his pistol. Roll whenever the cross hair closes in onBatman After three shots, Joker will need to reload; run up to him and punch him when he's distracted. Do this two times and Proceed onto the next phase.

For the third phase, Joker will pull out an electrified baton and start charging maniacally at you. Stand in place as joker runs towards you. Right at the last second, use the Line Launcher to cross over to the other side, then immediately use it again to return and hit The Joker. Do this a second time to move onto the next phase.

The fourth and final phase combines the gun and electrified baton, With the gas pumping into the room and the time ticking. Simply use the same strategies depending on the Joker's weapon of choice, and he'll finally get knocked out of commission.
Black Mask

The first phase is to fight all the thugs like you would any other time while avoiding the grenades, but you'll need to do it quickly, and stay away from the center as Black Mask will occasionally use his assault rifle from above.

For the second Phase, once all the thugs are taken out, Black Mask will run through the door behind you, leaving you behind with three overpowered generators and a gel detonation puzzle, where you have all the time in the world

And for the final phase, after you catch up with Black Mask, do not run under the light. Or you'll die instantly with his dual pistols.

Hit the alarm on the right side of the room with your Batarang , causing Black Mask to shoot in that direction like crazy and making him distracted

While distracted, immediately break the nearest light with a Batarang

With the light gone, enter the vents. Use them to cross over to the other side of the room.

Exit the vent when you reach the far right side. Then throw a Batarang at the alarm on the left side of the room to have Black Mask start walking in that direction.

Then duck into the vent and sneak towards the Black Mask. . Once the Takedown action appears, hit it to defeat Black Mask.

In he first phase, It's just like fighting Bronze Tiger Boss fight. Counter Catwoman's attacks whenever the blue line appear above her head. And simply use your Cape Stun on Catwoman, followed by some normal punches to take out some health. Roll-dodging out of the way if she leaps in the air. Repeat this two more times to knock out another chunk of health.

The next phase begins after Catoman throws a flash grenade and temporarily blinds Batman. In the dark, Wait until you see the glint of Catwoman's red goggles and hear the distinctive "shink!" sound., counter her attack, then use Cape Stun and punch her. Do this a second time to move to the next phase.

In the third and final phase of the fight, multiple images of Catwoman will start spawning around you. Some will jump at you, but stay still. Wait for one to jump at you with the blue lines above her head. Counter the attacks, then Cape Stun and use your normal attacks. Do this a second time to defeat Catwoman.

NOTE: If your having difficulty beating Catwoman, use your Darkest Night Costume this will make you immune to Catwoman’s attack.
Laeman 28 May, 2023 @ 9:36am 
thanks @astro for the tip. Fucking assholes to allow such a flaw in the game and especially in the final boss fight.
L!FEz^Nexus Asia 7 Aug, 2022 @ 9:31am 
@Aytgh @Arucard this is because the game code is flawed. The right mouse click doesn't work for the 2nd block (after Batman gets blinded), you have to use the keyboard K button to block her

this almost gave me aids till i found out, so annoying...
✵ Moroz780 ☣ 31 Jan, 2021 @ 12:17pm 
Thanks) :47_thumb_up:
FragMac_forever 20 Aug, 2019 @ 11:34pm 
One thing that should be corrected in this guide is for Jokers third phase with his electrified baton. You can nullify the electric charge of the baton with a shock batarang, when he runs up to you. Joker will then stop and whack his baton to get it turned on again (like the reloading with the pistol in the second phase). During that time you can beat him up. Much easier than trying to hit him with the Line Launcher.
Arucard 5 Jun, 2018 @ 6:58am 
I'm having the same problem, hit her once and it seems like you have to counter faster, but now when I do counter he's trying to punch her automatically and she just runs off. I can't stun because she runs off if I block.
Aytgh 28 Feb, 2017 @ 6:21am 
The first counter works perfectly, at the next counter she evades me.
Aytgh 28 Feb, 2017 @ 6:14am 
@Spit Fire Except that every time I see her goggles and her the sound I immediately use the counter and she still hits me.:Catwoman_Emoticon::Batman_Emoticon:
Spit Fire  [author] 27 Feb, 2017 @ 2:40am 
Counter her and use capestun, then punch her continuously
Aytgh 25 Feb, 2017 @ 9:24pm 
How the fuck do I get past the second to last part of Catwoman?:Catwoman_Emoticon: Every time I hear the sound and see her goggles I counter and most of the time it fails miserably. I have the Darkest Night Costume.
VERSAT1L 8 Feb, 2017 @ 8:13pm 
The game sucks so much that I just can't beat Penguin properly without being annoyed by bugs and shitty programming.