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Improving laptop performance and eliminating the scrambled polygon bug.
By Ilya
A step-by-step guide for Improving performance on laptops, as well as eliminating the scrambled polygons/textures bug.
Hello, this is a guide on how to improve laptop performance for games. This will work for all games, not only Miscreated. This will also get rid of the scrambled polygons/textures on your character, if you are experiencing that bug.

By default the computer uses the on-board chipset (graphics card). I have an Alienware myself, so I can confirm this as a fact. I tested Miscreated on my Alienware laptop using the onboard GPU and it did the same thing with the polygons. Now this is something that you can easily change, and will it not only improve performance on Miscreated (and hopefully fix the polygon issue), but will improve performance on other games as well.

Now I have an Nvidia card on the Alienware, so I can help you change it. I am going to see if I can get someone with AMD to help me with an AMD guide.
Nvidia Cards
Go to your Nvidia Control Panel.
If you are on Windows, you can simply type Nvidia in the search bar when you press the Start button and it should come up.
You can also find it in the Control Panel under Hardware and Sound.
It can also be found in your System Tray, down near the clock on the bottom-right. Click the little up arrow, and you should see it.

Once you have the Nvidia Control Panel open, please try the following.

Image Settings
  • On the left hand side in the column you will see 4 expandable boxes.
  • Expand the 3D Settings box.
  • Click on Adjust image settings with preview.
  • You will see the Nvidia icon rotating under where it says Preview:, under that you will see 3 radio buttons labeled. Under that you will see a slider, on the left it says Performance and on the right it says Quality.
  • Go down to the slider, and slide it all the way to right, having the system prefer Quality over Performance.
  • Next, click the radio button that says Use my preference emphasizing: Quality. Since you changed the slider, it should say Quality.
  • On the bottom-right of the window, click Apply to save the changes. Your computer may pause for a moment while the settings are applied.
It should look like this when you are done.

3D Settings
  • In the last set of steps, you selected the Adjust image settings with preview. Underneath that, you should see Manage 3D settings. Click and select it.
  • You should see black text saying: I would like to use the following 3D settings: with 2 tabs under it called: Global Settings and Program Settings.
  • If it is not already selected, select the Global Settings tab.
  • You should see a drop down box labeled: Preferred graphics processor.
  • Click this drop down box and set it to: High-performance NVIDIA processor. This will force the laptop to use the Nvidia card for all applications, instead of defaulting to the onboard chipset.
  • On the bottom-right of the window, click Apply to save the changes. Your computer may pause for a moment while the settings are applied.
It should look like this when you are done.

AMD Cards
Guide Coming! If anyone wants to help, please do. I do not own an AMD computer, so I have to get help with this one.
Other Things To Help
  • Make sure the laptop is plugged in, especially while gaming. When you use a laptop without the charger plugged in, the computer automatically attempts to conserve power, and lowers the speeds on your GPU and CPU. This will drastically drop performance while gaming.
  • Make sure that in your Power Options, which can be found under the Control Panel. That you have it set to High Performance Power Plan for when the laptop is plugged in. This will help improve performance a lot.

Hope this helps guys, let me know if works for you. I tested it on my father's M17x and it worked great, and fixed the polygon issue.
NightOwlPC 19 Jun, 2015 @ 9:30pm 
Please make an AMD Guide, I've been dying to play this game :) Thanks
GenezisO 19 Jan, 2015 @ 1:41pm 
AMD guide please :)
SmittyTales 23 Dec, 2014 @ 5:23pm 
What Burning said Please put a fix for intel graphics cards for those of us able to buy games but not graphics cards.
Nurt Kilsen 21 Dec, 2014 @ 7:17am 
fix for intel :D? i have the polygonal mess thingy
Ilya  [author] 17 Dec, 2014 @ 8:54am 
Though a lot of people do not know this, so I just wanted make sure! :)
Munk 17 Dec, 2014 @ 3:07am 
Dont get me wrong Jen, but this is just how to optimize your graphic card.i do own an M17x too and i did all what you said the first day i had the laptop.
Henko Hallows 16 Dec, 2014 @ 11:19pm 
Thank the lord :O

Lord Gaben hOohhh:fierypepper:
Engoa 16 Dec, 2014 @ 12:54pm 
Well done Jen!