Hero Siege

Hero Siege

219 ratings
Achievements Guide For Hero Siege
By Guimattar
This guide is meant to help everyone who want to complete the list of achievements for this game.
If you plan to complete all the achievments of Hero Siege this guide can help you to complete your task. In many of the achievements I give tips for you to complete it in a simple way.

If this helped you in any way do not forget to rate it.
Monster Killing

Kill 100 Monsters
You just need to kill 100 monsters in any difficulty.

Kill 400 Monsters
You just need to kill 400 monsters in any difficulty.

Kill 1600 Monsters
You just need to kill 1600 monsters in any difficulty.

Kill 6400 Monsters
You just need to kill 6400 monsters in any difficulty.

Kill 25400 Monsters
You just need to kill 25400 monsters in any difficulty.

Kill 50000 Monsters
You just need to kill 50000 monsters in any difficulty.

Ancient Slayer
Kill one Ancient Monster.
Level Achievements

Level 10
Reach the level 10 in the game with one character.

Level 20
Reach the level 20 in the game with one character.

Level 30
Reach the level 30 in the game with one single character.

Level 40
Reach the level 40 in the game with one single character.

Level 50
Reach the level 50 in the game with one single character.

Level 60
Reach the level 60 in the game with one single character.

Level 70
Reach the level 70 in the game with one single character.

Level 80
Reach the level 80 in the game with one single character.

Level 90
Reach the level 90 in the game with one single character.

Level 100
Reach the level 100 in the game with one single character.
Completing the game

Complete Nightmare
To unlock Nightmare mode you need to defeat the final boss in regular mode. If you've done this you just to win the game again but this time in Nightmare mode. (With any character)

Complete Hell
After completing the game on Nightmare difficulty you will unlock the Hell difficulty. For this achievement you need to complete the game one more time but this time in the new dificulty. (not necessarily need to be in Hardcore Mode)

Complete Normal
Complete the game in the Normal difficulty.

Complete Normal HC
Complete the game in the Normal difficulty but this time on Hardcore mode.

Complete Nightmare HC
Complete the game again on Nightmare difficulty and in Hardcore mode.

Complete Hell HC
After completing the game on Hell difficulty you will unlock the Inferno difficulty. Complete the game in the Hell difficulty and in Hardcore mode.

Complete Inferno
Complete the game once again but this time in Inferno difficulty.

Complete Inferno HC
Complete the game one more time but this time in Inferno difficulty and with Hardcore mode ON.

Complete Destruction HC
Complete the game in Destruction difficulty and with Hardcore mode ON.

Complete Agony
Complete the game again but this time in Agony difficulty. This is the last difficulty in the game.

Complete Agony HC
Complete the game one last time but this time in Agony difficulty and with Hardcore mode ON. This is the last difficulty in the game.

Complete Toxic
Beat the game in the new difficulty Toxic.The same way as always, kill the 4 bosses and complete the game.

Complete Toxic HC
Beat the game in the new difficulty Toxic. But this time with Hardcore mode ON.
Boss Killing

Kill Gurag the Demigod
Gurag can appear as the final boss of Act 1. There are three possibilities and one of them is the him. if you're lucky enough to find him you need to kill him.

Kill Death
The Death will appear as the final boss of Act 2. You need to kill it.

Kill Son of Lucifer
Son of Lucifer is one of three possible forms of the Act 3 boss Damien.

Kill Reincarnation of Ramses II
The boss of Act 4 can be three different ones, one of the possibilities is Ramses II. if you're lucky enough to find him you need to kill him.

Like a Boy
Kill one miniboss on Normal difficulty.

Like a Man
Kill one miniboss on Nightmare difficulty.

Like a Sir
Kill one miniboss on Hell difficulty.

Like a Boss
Kill one miniboss on Inferno difficulty.
DLC Achievements

Kill Gaforashyu (Needs The Karp of Doom DLC)
The boss of Act 5 can be three different ones, one of the possibilities is Gaforashyu. If you're lucky enough to find him you need to kill him. He is the rarest form of the Karp King.

Kill P'erkele (This one needs The Dephts of Hell DLC)
P'erkele is one of three possible forms of the Act 6 boss Satan. You just need to find him and kill. He is the rarest form of Satan.

Kill Uber Damien (You need The Karp of Doom and The Dephts of Hell DLC)
You need to summon the Uber Damien with the Prime Evil Artifact. To acquire the Prime Evil Artifact you need to collect 6 different parts: Gurag's Heart, Damien's Eye, Karp King's, Death's Sigil, Anubis' Ankh, Satan's Horn. This itens are random drops at the different bosses of the acts. Each boss drops one specific item, you need to collect them all. The dropchance is 28% at Inferno and 35% at Agony difficulty. Once you have the 6 objects you can summon the Uber Damien. And when you do this, kill him.

Hand of Satan (This one needs The Dephts of Hell DLC)
You need to destroy both hands of the boss Satan under 30 seconds.

Legend of Tarethiel (You need The Karp of Doom and The Dephts of Hell DLC)
You need to reach level 100 with ALL heroes, including the DLC heroes.

Kill Mevius the Rift God (You need the Wrath of Mevius DLC)
Kill the third variation of Mevius in the end of Act 7. He is called the Rift God.

Odin's Spirit
You can trigger Odin's Spirit only in the second or third arena, but you can rarelly find it on the first one. When you trigger the 4 levers the achievement will pop in your screen.

Fellowship of Tarethiel
You need to complete the game while playing with three more friends.

Solve a Puzzle
Just solve any puzzle in the game.

Full House Siege
Play a 4 player game in Siege Mode.

Siege Master
You need to reach the wave 100 in Siege Mode.

Simply destroy 5000 bushes while playing.

Find one Legendary loot.

Candy Land
Get to the Candy Land, a secret map that you can travel to using one portal.

Collect 100,000 Gold
Just do what the name of the achievment say.

Sarcaster's Coffee Club
Meet Sarcaster in the town of Unoya and accept the invitation to join the club.

Collect 1,000,000 Gold
Just do what the name of the achievment say (again).

Happy Halloween (Halloween Update)
You need to complete the new Halloween quest chain in order to unlock the halloween exclusive rewards.

Merry Christmas
You need to complete the new Christmas quest chain in order to unlock the Christmas exclusive rewards.
Testikel-knuser Karsten 6 Feb, 2023 @ 1:13am 
I have no clue, my best bet would be to ask on their Discord or Reddit, or perhaps check if they finally got their wiki up to date
Asuha 5 Feb, 2023 @ 10:07pm 
Karp of doom DLC disappeared, how do you get it now?
Testikel-knuser Karsten 1 May, 2021 @ 10:28am 
Boss Killing info
Gurag the Demigod, Death, Son of Lucifer and Reincarnation of Ramses II are the bosses in Inferno difficulty. They do not spawn randomly, they in fact always spawn on inferno. At least that's how it was last i played 2 months ago.
Twizterswe 9 Apr, 2021 @ 6:44am 
well, the "events" are a bit tricky.. ive tried getting the halloween one since its the last one i need, but i dont think they've put that event in last year :/
Proud Facebook Mom 8 Apr, 2021 @ 5:18pm 
I've played through ACT 2 dozens of times with multiple characters and never gotten the "kill death" achievement :(
katypso 8 Apr, 2021 @ 7:12am 
hey so, thank you for making the guide :) a couple of questions though.
it's not clear to me if all the achivements (like christmas + halloween) are still available. so is this game 100%able or no?
also, with the bosses that have different forms and require luck to meet them, is their chance set once per game or can you possibly keep reloading their levels in order to get a different one? if not, you'd have to start a new game each time they don't appear right?
HystericalPeanut 9 Feb, 2020 @ 4:07pm 
This guide is outdated because of the 3.0 update!
Noob Herder 5 Jun, 2019 @ 6:45pm 
For Legend of Tarethiel you don't need the DLCs. Just need to lvl 100 the 7 base characters.
PunkSteve 28 Oct, 2018 @ 4:33am 
Looks like Odins Spirit & Siege Master have been removed.I can't find them in my achievements list.
HystericalPeanut 25 Oct, 2017 @ 5:50pm 
Hey Teddybear! I unlocked the Happy Halloween 3 days before you did, I also followed the quest chain , so definitely it's still possible, even on hardcore!