Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

501 ratings
Achievement Guide
By Tako!
Table flips not counting? RPG figurines not attacking?
This guide will help with getting all the achievements for Tabletop Simulator!
There are 27 achievements for this game.

They are pretty straightforward matching their descriptions, but this guide does offer some tips.

For starters, here's how the screen will look in-game:

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Tutorial Achievements
Did you do it?
Complete the in-game tutorial.

• Select "Tutorial" on the Main Menu screen, & follow the instructions to complete.
Speed Machine
Complete the tutorial in under 30 seconds.

• This may seem a bit tricky at first, but continue to do the Tutorial until you get the hang of it.

Singleplayer Achievements
All of these achievements can be completed in Singleplayer mode, but they could be done in Multiplayer as well. It's easiest to do them in Singleplayer if you're not the host of your own multiplayer game.

Attack of the Figurines!
Have two RPG figurines attack one another. They must hit!

• Select "Games", select "Classic", & then select "RPG". Move a figurine close to another. While having that figurine highlighted (by hovering your cursor over it), press the number 2 on your keyboard or numberpad to perform an attack.
Be Social
You posted a message in global chat, hurray!

• At the Main Menu, & while in Singleplayer & Multiplayer mode, there's a chat box at the bottom left of the screen. If no chat box is there, click on the chat bubble icon to make it reappear. While in the "Global" tab, hit the Enter key, type something, then hit Enter again to send the message.
Color me pretty
Tint 1000 objects a different color.

• Right-click an object & select "Color Tint". Then choose a color & select "Apply".
- Fastest way to do this is to spawn a game (under "Games" that has a lot of loose pieces (Chinese Checkers, RPG, etc.) select as many pieces as possible, right-click, choose a color, & select "Apply". Then repeat.
- You CANNOT color an object, "Rewind Time", & Color the same object again. It won't count.
Use your personal color page in the notebook.

• At the top of the screen, select "Notebook". When the notebook pops up, click on the box that says "White" (or whichever color your player color is) to open your personal notebook page.
Don't Touch!
Lock 5000 items over time.

• To lock an object, hover your cursor over an object to highlight it, then hit the L key to lock it. You can also right-click an object & checkmark the box for "Lock" under the "Toggles" menu.
- Fastest way to do this is to spawn a game (under "Games") that has a lot of loose
pieces (Chinese Checkers, RPG, etc.), select as many pieces as possible, right-click, & click the "Lock" button repeatedly.
- You CANNOT lock an object, "Rewind Time", & lock the same object again. It won't count.
Money, Money, Money
Spawn 10,000 poker chips!

• Fastest way to get this is to spawn "Poker" under "Games" & "Classic". Highlight all the poker chips by clicking a spot on the table & dragging your cursor over them. Push Ctrl+C to copy them, then push Ctrl+V repeatedly to quickly spawn more.
- The stacks of poker chips count as one chip instead of the total stack. You can unstack them to get this achievement a little faster.
Rage Quit
Flip the table in absolute rage... 100 times.

Ultimate Rage
Flip the table over 1000 times.

• Easiest way to get both table flip achievements is to select "Games" & choose one of the Classic games listed. Then click on "Flip" at the top & repeat.
- The table flipping should still count if you continue to click "Flip" after you already flipped one (it will still say you flipped the table in the chat box even though there's no table).
-You can also flip the table, "Rewind Time", & flip the table again.
Space Time Fun
Play a game in zero gravity.

• Select "Options", then "Game". Then slide the "Gravity" slider all the way to the left so it reads "0.00". Select "Apply" then "Save & Exit".
You spawned the developers' special figurines!

• Select "Objects". Then select "Components" then "Figurines". Spawn all of the figurines listed until the achievement appears.
Treasure Trove
Save 100 items to your Chest

• To save an item to your Chest, right-click an object & select "Save Object". A window will pop up asking for the object's name. Type something in (if it already didn't have a name set to it) & select "Save".
- You can continue saving the same item with the same name repeatedly. You don't have to save 100 different items if you don't want to.
- (To access stuff save to your chest, select "Objects", then "Saved Objects".)
Change your color more than 50 times.

• At the top right is a box with your username in it. Click on the box & select "Change Color" from the drop-down menu. Keep switching colors until you get the achievement.
Multiplayer Achievements
These achievements are only obtainable through playing Multiplayer.

To join a multiplayer game, select "Join" at the Main Menu, & "Server Browser" window will appear showing a list of people hosting games.
Selecting "Create", then selecting either "Multiplayer" or "Hotseat", will allow you to create your own multiplayer game.
Follow the leader
Play a game with someone on your friend's list

• Play a game with someone that's on your Steam Friends list.
Too weak
You tried to flip the table... and failed!

• You have to join a server, & the host has to have the "Table Flip" option un-checked in the "Permissions" tab in "Options" under "Options".
- You also have to be in that server for some time. You can't join, instantly try flipping the table, & leave. It won't count.
- You can't get this by being the host yourself, as the host can always flip the table.
- This achievement appears to be buggy at times. Sometimes it works when players are the host, & someone else tries to flip the table instead.
Complete Set
Play a game with a full room of 8 players.

• Join a game that has a maximum of 8 players possible, or create your own game & fill up the room.
- This achievement can also be obtained by joining a Hotseat multiplayer session as well.
Laser Light Show
Create an 8 player "light show" with the line drawing tool.

• Click on the "Line" icon, or press the F5 key, to use the tool. Click & drag to make a line on the table.
- All 8 players must be making lines at the same time to get the achievement.
Steam Workshop Achievement
Sharing is Caring
Upload at least 3 legitimate Steam Workshop items.

• Make something awesome; a new board or card game, maps to be used in RPG games, etc.
- Select "Upload", then "Workshop Upload". Follow the instructions on the window that pops up.
- From there, you'll have to go manage your item on Steam (adding screenshots, descriptions, visibility, etc.) before it's published to the Workshop for people to use.
- Once uploaded, the achievement bar should progress.

Time-Based Achievements
All of these achievements can be done in Singleplayer or Multiplayer, & by also having the game simply left running. The achievements will NOT count if left at the Main Menu.

Play the game for 1 hour without flipping the table.

A Spot of Tea?
Play a civilized game of Chess for 1 hour.

• Under "Games", choose "Classic", then Chess.
- The table CANNOT be flipped for an hour, or it won't count.
Good Times
Play Tabletop Simulator for over 10 hours.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 50 hours.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 100 hours.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 200 hours.

Play Tabletop Simulator for over 500 hours.

True Champion
Play Tabletop Simulator for over 1000 hours.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully this helps those achievement collectors out there!

If you have any additional information on how to complete these achievements, let me know & I'll add them in!
Mackeriah 4 Jan @ 6:18pm 
Anyone keen to get a group together for the laser show?
Mister_Farmling 28 Nov, 2024 @ 2:48pm 
who's interested in laser show or follow the leader achviement?
koomari 14 Aug, 2024 @ 7:11pm 
Added Ime who completed the laser light show achievement.
_My_Destiny_ 1 Aug, 2024 @ 11:27pm 
@FaceneedsABrush_Jnr im interested in light show achievement
FaceNeedsABrush_Jnr 25 Jul, 2024 @ 12:57am 
Anyone need the laser light show achievement? I need it and am looking fer people
Vilvert 21 Mar, 2024 @ 5:46am 
anyone who wants to do the laser light show achievement add me please
Bibzuda 21 Feb, 2024 @ 7:47pm 
The "Don't Touch" can also be done with just hotkey...just spawn a ton of Poker chips highlight them all and spam Ctrl+L to lock/unlock them. You'll get it in like 5 mins. Also counted for spawning poker chips for some reason maybe because they kept falling off
Zakare 19 Jan, 2024 @ 5:46pm 
For the Be asocial achievement, there are 2 ways but i only tested one
First one is by
Open the system console by using ' or the "~" tab in the Chat window and type:

say_global Thanks, BaDTR_P!

The other is to download a previous version of the game but i havent tested it, i can confirm tough that the first solution of typing in the console works
tf2 pomson enjoyer #FIXVACPLS 19 Jan, 2024 @ 6:50am 
Be Social
You posted a message in global chat, hurray!

- At the Main Menu, & while in Singleplayer & Multiplayer mode, there's a chat box at the bottom left of the screen. If no chat box is there, click on the chat bubble icon to make it reappear. While in the "Global" tab, hit the Enter key, type something, then hit Enter again to send the message.

Now you can't :(
Cheato 4 Jan, 2024 @ 6:05pm 
Add me for laser light show please thank you.