Fallout Tactics

Fallout Tactics

330 ratings
Windows 8/10 Fullscreen FIX !!!
By meatee
I found a super-easy fix for the Windows 8/10 "C:\dev\phoenix..." fullscreen error. Here it is!
3 Easy Steps...
I posted this in the forums a long time ago, but realized it would be more visible as a guide.

OK, after messing around with this for a while, I found a super-easy fix for the Windows 8 "C:\dev\phoenix..." fullscreen error. Here it is:
  1. Start up the game using the "Windowed (Workaround for Windows 8)" option
  2. From the main menu, go to "Options / Display" and click the "Default" option at the bottom of the screen. Your game window should automatically resize itself.
  3. Exit the game, then start the game again using the normal "Play Fallout Tactics" option
Congratulations, now you're playing in fullscreen!

Widescreen, too!
If you like playing in the original resolution, but also would like widescreen, go to your video card control panel and add a custom resolution of 1066x600, then select that in-game. Best of both worlds!

For NVIDIA cards, open the Control Panel, click "Change Resolution" on the left panel, under the list of resolutions there's a "Customize..." button. Click that, then click "Create Custom Resolution..." Once there, enter 1066 for Horizontal and 600 for Vertical, and leave everything else default. Click Test and it should work! Once you've added that to your list of resolutions, it will show up as an option inside the game.
Gamer_Belle 4 Mar @ 5:47am 
This trick worked for me as well on my windows 10 platform as i have an all in one machine granted it in 800 x 600 but most older games tend to do that with modern tech exsplicly with a direct x that didn't exist when the game was first published but it also for me was my AMD instead of NVIDIA. Still this was helpful thanks so much.:steamthumbsup:
mechakisc 29 Jul, 2024 @ 3:04pm 
Are you a wizard?
The Marcus 29 Jun, 2024 @ 3:26am 
Lisan al gaib you have shown us the way
TheLoneCastaway 28 May, 2024 @ 8:03pm 
Worked on Windows 11 for me, thank you!
Generalisator 5 May, 2024 @ 2:18pm 
@HØWL Start in Win8 option, windowed. Then follow guide. Just like mentioned from OP.
HØWL 28 Apr, 2024 @ 12:52am 
How to make it work on windows 10?
madꑭFacerolla 20 Apr, 2024 @ 9:04am 
Worked, thanks!:cactusrum:
david.d.moreton 2 Mar, 2024 @ 12:50pm 
@Ibertolotti - I also have Win 11. I just tried this and it worked 1st try. Sorry it hasn't worked for you.
lbertolotti 17 Feb, 2024 @ 10:23am 
Doesn't work on Windows 11. Any ideas why?
Darko 11 Feb, 2024 @ 3:31pm 
Works well, TY!