Stranded Deep

Stranded Deep

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"Boat hatch I can't get out of but a ladder right there! Argh. So I've lost this save because I can't jump out or climb."
6 Kommentare
SarcasmFairy  [Autor] 27. Jan. 2015 um 0:56 
I've found reloading a save makes the life raft disappear so I don't bother. I'm down to swimming to islands, haha. I wish the log raft actually was decent!
ClickingSounds 27. Jan. 2015 um 0:32 
oh damn, the rafts are so sketchy. I had the rescue raft last 7 days on game.
Started a new game and lost it off land the 1st day. I pull the boat up into the island every time now, seems to stay around more often :(
SarcasmFairy  [Autor] 27. Jan. 2015 um 0:24 
Is there? Argh. Ah well. Updates to come. More grouchy about the disappearing rafts, haha
ClickingSounds 27. Jan. 2015 um 0:23 
ohhhhhhh there's plenty more like it :S
SarcasmFairy  [Autor] 27. Jan. 2015 um 0:20 
Sounds like a good plan. I think it's just that one boat for now
ClickingSounds 27. Jan. 2015 um 0:18 
I have seen people recommend carrying a palm tree log onto the boat and angling it in (a 2 section log seems to work best) then they can walk/climb/jump out.