Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Multiplayer

115 ratings
How to join FaZe (In depth tutorial)
By MikyMaster
have you ever sat their playing call of duty black ops 2 and thought to yourself "i am so good, i should join FaZe, but how?". Well children of the 21st century my name is FaZe MikyMaster and im going to give an indepth tutorial on how to become a FaZe clan member.
The begginging of the process is always tricky, you have to evaluate your skill and make sure you are ready to take part in one of the biggest call of duty clans to date. If you know you have what it takes then you may proceed to the next step which will take you throught the basics of what you will need to do to become a FaZe clan member.
You may be asking yourself "what do i need other than good looks and a smahing K/D to become a FaZe clan member?", well the requirments go as followed;

Requirment 1
If you cant tell from the picture already the first requirment of this tutorial is for you to purchase if you already havent a pair of KontrolFreek analog extenders for either the Xbox or playstation, sorry wii users. These are vital peices of equipment that not only makes you play better but also are needed to join FaZe clan. You may be thinking "Why do i need these? FaZe wont know if i have them or not." well young child upon being excepted to FaZe 27 secret agents come to your home and inspect you and your equipment making sure you have all the requirments, if their search isnt sucessfull you will not be aloud a second chance. Secondly Kontrol Freek is one of FaZe clans biggest sponsors meaning if all FaZe clan members dont own any of their merchandise it will look disrespectful.

Requirment 2
The second requirment is to have photographic or video evidence of your talent. This requirment can be very difficult for people if they dont know how to make a video. A good guide for making a video is to create a new youtube account and give it a name that include alot of underscores and X's (Example = XXXXX___sdfgsdfsd___XXXXX) making it symetrical can also help because it is very eye catchy. After you have created your channel grab a friend and go into a private lobby and perform trickshots on him while he stands still, try making the game look as real as possible for emersion because every trickshot video to date is staged so it doesnt matter anyways. After you gather a couple of clips maybe 5-10 or more you complate them in windows movie makers with as much special affects as possible. FaZe like to pick out players who can make a video where you cant ever see the gameplay but instead graphics and effects. This also helps because if your clips arent very good the graphics and effects you include will hide them. a good example is incuded below.
NOTE - Recording your monitor with a camera or phone instead of capture software adds good qulity to your videos. It also helps to include loud and obnoxious ♥♥♥♥♥♥ music that is in no way synced with the gameplay.

Requirment 3
Requirment 3 is to have the lowest possible K/D as you can. You may be thinking to yourself "but wont that make me look bad at the game?" as the virgin mary said "Nope" this is because FaZe are a trickshotting clan meaning the lower the kills to death ratio you have the more trickshotting you have been doing. This sends a possitive message you FaZe, upon viewing your profile. If you have a high K/D i suggest you lower it as soon as possible, the easiest way to do this is explained in the video below.


Application process
FaZe require applications to be able to enter, these applications should be written formally and should contain information about yourself. These applications are quite difficult as the sucessful ones have been written with up to 10,000 words. If you dont know how to start or even how to write a FaZe application then dont fear as i will provide a template for anyone to use below.

FaZe Application Template!

Name -
Ingame name -
Age -
Gender -
*Home adress* -
K/D -
Video evidence -
*Penls size or boob size depending on your gender* -
Weapon of choice -
Information about your daily activitys and if you give full permission to FaZe to install tiny cameras
throughtout your home to record everything you do -
Personal life -
*Fetishes* -

None essential fields dont have to be filled in, once all the required fields are filled in you will post the document on reddit with the caption "I'm so horny, come ♥♥♥♥ me" this will give FaZe time to asses your application. Applications to FaZe can take 1-10 centuries (This information may be false as the FaZe clan leader Temperrr wants kids to die thinking they had a chance). Strange people may show up at your home asking weird questions or demanding things, you have to complie with them and do whatever they say because this is part of the whole process.
If you followed all the previous steps above i am happy to say congradulations! You have completed the process of getting into FaZe, all you have to do now is wait!!! isnt it great? you've done all the heavy lifting and now all you have to do is relax and wait for your application to be accepted as i garantee if you followed this tutorial you are bound to be accpeted or your money back, and since this was free i dont really have to give you anything. Good luck.
pradagoth 26 Apr, 2020 @ 9:32pm 
bro wtf I literally did all of this and I didn't get in
HamString 26 Apr, 2020 @ 6:31am 
very useful
Ramzy 4 Feb, 2020 @ 5:01pm 
fand ich dope bruder hast nen like!
Weisse 15 Sep, 2019 @ 9:12pm 
Instructions unclear got my dick stuck to a toaster
heliga hinken 10 Jun, 2019 @ 11:37am 
can i join
i play golf
whit my grand grand garnd grand pa
so im pro not lynig.i have vioc mod and it so lagy owo uwu öwöw åwåw äwä dog noic ting
wna do epic fortnite moments slime elsa 24/7 calenges and i poopt my self tatday batel flip omfg i foudn a snake in a brige and adn ant that was ugly and i also spelt on fly poop in a bag oof tamatos wen i died also i have a plastik straw to kill sea turtels
MikyMaster  [author] 7 May, 2019 @ 5:06am 
@ConePuncher Lmao
LaMelo Ball 7 May, 2019 @ 4:09am 
Kid... You're an idiot
Šΰpę®măή 15 Oct, 2018 @ 8:25am 
hi there my name is Dominick i really want to join faze because you gyes are awsome i love everyone in the house.

I am 13 years old

I live in Norway and i live in Bodø
Froggy 13 Jun, 2018 @ 11:50pm 
Name -Freddie Freaker
Ingame name -XxxSUPREMEmemeMACHINExxX
Age -69
Gender - ur mum lel
*Home adress* -69420 Dank Weed Drive
K/D -6.9
Video evidence - on xvideos
*Penls size or boob size depending on your gender* - 14 inches flacid 17 at full length
Weapon of choice -Smoke Grenades
Information about your daily activitys and if you give full permission to FaZe to install tiny cameras
throughtout your home to record everything you do -
Personal life -
*Fetishes* - ur mum
*Sexuality*-ur mum
Sfekke 26 May, 2018 @ 12:35am 
Or you just don't join that bunch of assholes ;)