Counter-Strike 2
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(IMPROVED) Dummies' guide to trading
โดย Dysk1ddy
This guide will ensure that you will profit and not get screwed over while trying to do so
The 3 most important rules of trading
2. Be patient. Do not quicksell unless in a dire situation. Do not give in to low offers for your rare item(s), etc.
3. Research on the items before trading for them. For example, research on their prices, price history, whether or not they are new, how high is the demand of the item, etc. These factors will make sure you are not getting screwed over (sharked) by your ignorance.
This is the website that you will be spending most of your time on. After you have entered the big leagues, you can try out CSGO's official trading reddit.

Set up your profile by entering your tradelink in your profile

Your tradelink can be found by going to 'Inventory', then 'Trade Offers', then 'Who can send me trade offers?' in your Steam profile

If your backpack cannot load, just spam 'Retry using steamcommunity api' and 'Retry using web api'. Alternatively, download 'LoungeDestroyer', another nifty Google Chrome addon that allows you to 'initiate backpack loading' so that you don't have to spam. Also, it has a ton of features that will make your life easier, like filtering trades and more.

Note - do not post a trade like this

Experienced traders will just know that this person is trading for profit because all the item he is offering is a lower price than all the listed skins, that why he listed the trade

Instead, set your trades looking for any offers or a 1 for 1 with a SINGLE SPECIFIC item, this way, people will not know that you are just trading for profit.

Avoiding common scams
Before actually trying to profit from trading, you need to know how to stay safe from scammers.

Here are some common scam methods

1) Click on my virus
- someone comments on your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trade and says something like "Hi bro, this is best offer (virus link)" or "1 in 3 in existence, rare. (virus link)"

2) Join my Teamspeak server with a plugin
- someone will randomly add you to tell you that they want to play competitive with you, and they are most likely a higher rank than you (to persuade you to be carried), but first they insist that you join their Teamspeak server. Unfortunately... the server requires a plugin
- as I said, DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING; the plugin will be a virus
- sometimes it is pretty obvious that these people who add you are scammers; one giveaway clue is that the scammer lives somewhere not even close to your country, but still insists to play with you

3) Join my server with 'anti-cheat'
- same as the previous one, someone will randomly add you to tell you that they want to play with you and refers you to a custom server. Unfortunately... to join the server you have to download an 'anti-cheat'. You should know thats ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ because VAC is already implemented
- if you follow the important rule of not downloading anything, you should be fine

4) Quitting CSGO
- someone will tell you that they are quitting CSGO to transfer to DoTA 2 (or some other game that you don't play) and has an item/knife that is worth quite an amount higher than your current item/knife
- they say that they are only looking for the 'rare' item to 1:1 trade
- they say that the person with the 'rare' item has blocked them and will refer you to the guy with the item. the truth is that the person with the 'rare' item is either a friend of the scammer (the guy with the higher tier item/knife) or an alt account of the scammer himself
- then, there are two ways the scam could go. The first way is that the item is unmarketable and thus you don't know the value of the item. Then, after you trade the item with your item/knife, the scammer will block you
- the second way is that the item is listed on the market for a hefty amount, but just so enough that it is cheap enough to lure you to buy it (it will be cheaper than the actual item/knife you want). The item usually has no market history but if they do, it shows that the listed price of the 'rare' item is waaaaay above the average price of the item. This is one of the giveaways that tell you that the person is a scammer. After buying the item, the scammer will block you and get funds in their alt account's wallet (if they use their scam account to list the item it is a little to obvious due to the profile picture). Here is an example of overpricing a rare item on the market -

5) I have rep, high steam level, donator status, etc. so you should trust me
- when trying to cashout your items, these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ will boast their donator status, high steam level and rep and say that you can trust them. In fact, just give a middlefinger to all those statistics. Who gives a ♥♥♥♥ about an account's prestige? Scammers nowadays are willing to fund their accounts to get to the next level of scamming
- to avoid being scammed by cashing out your items, just use
- to find out whether or not the person wanting to buy your item is a scammer or not, he must be able to pass all these requirements. 1, he must not have any reports on his Steamrep profile, let alone having a ban. 2, he must have at least decent amounts of hours spent into his games. If he only spent like 5 hrs in CSGO, he is most likely a scammer. If he has a ton of games but do not play them, he is most likely a scammer. 3, he must have a decent inventory. Most of the scammers' inventories are either private or entirely full of cheap ♥♥♥♥, like cases and 3 cent skins.
- avoid using PayPal. Why? Even if the scammer goes first and pays you, they can chargeback their cash and get a refund AFTER receiving your item, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you over. Bitcoin is a safer but slightly more complex method of transferring funds; it is a waaaay better alternative if you know how to use it

6) Steam wallet codes
- if someone offers you steam wallet codes for anything, just block and report them, no exceptions.
- for those who do not have a brain, there is no wallet code above 100 dollars
How I profit
This is my personal way of profiting. I traded from an AWP Asiimov FT to a Karambit Marble Fade with this method. Serious.

1) Open 5 tabs. 1 Steam tab. 2 tabs. 1 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tab. 1 music tab that can repeat music so I can relax while I'm trading ;P. Here is how a SteamAnalyst tab looks like -

2) Select the item that you wanna trade up with. I recommend something worth at least 10 keys to make it worth your time, like a Vulcan or AWP Asiimov
3) Login to the Steam tab so that you can look at the trade offers separately and easily when you have downloaded Steam Inventory Helper, a Google Chrome(internet explorer peasants get rekt) addon which can help you calculate prices of items in a trade offer quickly and it also do some other gimmicks, like auto-blocking phishing bots with level 0 accounts
4) Search the price of your item by going to the search bar and typing in the item name as shown -

Then, click on 'price list' on the left side of the page. Then, put in the average price of your item rounded down to the nearest whole number into the "min. price" text bar on the right side of the page. Then, add 30 dollars (or more) to the "min. price" and put the number into the "max price" text bar like so -

Now, click on 'GO' and a list of items above the price of your item will be shown (ignore the items equal or lower than your item's value if any appear)
5) Scroll down and find your item and look at the average price
6) Find an item with an average price higher than yours just so enough that you can trade up to it without getting rejected 9001 times, and that is your one of your 'staircases' to your goal, no matter if it is a Karambit Fade or a ST FN M9 Bayonet Crimson Web (well that escalated quickly).
7) Spam trade offers when your item's MARKET PRICE is above the trade-up item's MARKET PRICE so that the ignorant traders don't know that they are actually losing cash when they think they are profiting. Remember, you are shooting for the blue and green while being the light green -

8) One of the 30 trade offers pending will be accepted and voilà! You are one step closer to that Marble Fade.
9) Repeat steps 1 to 8 until you reach your goal.

Note - you can add items to increase your chances of your trade being accepted or add others' items so you get a larger profit while shrinking the chance of the person accepting the trade offer. Your call.
Things and people to avoid
- Scammers. Self-explanatory
- Quickbuyers. Be patient or you will lose out
- Lowballers. Just ignore them
- Highballers. Don't even try to offer these guys anything cos' they are too self-righteous to their prices
- People with a high negative rep. These people are usually the low/highballers or scammers. If not, they are just plain-out toxic, rude, and in-general, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

- low supply, low demand (AKA Rare items) items. If you paid full price for a factory new gut knife safari mesh stattrak, you are pretty much screwed unless some collector saves your ass. Even something like this took a few weeks to get a low price -
- new items. Since they are new, their prices will be dropping constantly. Consider getting an item that is at least 2 months old to avoid losing money overtime
Another way to profit
You can attempt to trade for rare items for cheap. Since the item is rare, the owners of the items are prone to offers. After getting the rare item, you can attempt to resell it at a price (way) higher than the price you paid for it.

Note that this method is risky
but if you know what you are doing, you should be fine.
High-tier trading (items above market cap)
Congratulations for making it this far! (unless you stole your mom's credit card or live in Dubai topkek)

Welcome to the big leagues. This is the part where trading gets a little more complex.

There is a way to avoid high-tier trading if you are not prepared for it, which is downgrading your item to items within the market cap. If you get stuck in the high-tier league, you can always downgrade, no worries.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is still effective for high-tier trading, but an alternative site is even more useful. It is called /r/globaloffensivetrade, the subreddit of the biggest CSGO trading forum. There, you can find the best deals and quality ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. From deals at 80% market to a DLore for 11000 USD, you can assure yourself there will be good trades going on there.

To register, you first need to create a reddit account (if you don't have one in the first place). Then, while signed-in, go to . It will ask you to get your steam account linked to your reddit account to get a flair beside your username, which is something that shows the username of your steam profile (e.g. Click on this[] to register your flair after reading the rules (so that you don't get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the Nazi mods that run the subreddit. lel).

After doing so, the page will be available like so -

Directly above the search bar should say 'New trade' where you can post your own trade, discussion, or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. It has been disabled for me cos' I got banned after saying the words 'greedy jew'. So yeah, read the rules.... (i hate my life)

Lowball - underpaying an item by a large sum. Fagg0t traders will use this term when someone underpays them even the tiniest amount. Just ignore them

Highball - overpricing an item

BS - Battle-scarred

WW - Well-worn

FT - Field-tested

MW - Minimal Wear

FN - Factory New

ST - Stattrak

CH - Case Hardened

CW - Crimson Web

UV - Ultraviolet

TT - Tiger Tooth

'nilla' at the end of a knife name - Vanilla knife (no paint)

PC - Pricecheck

[H] - Have

[W] - With

B/O - Buyout

C/O - Current offer

FV - Float value, the amount of wear an item has. The lower the FV, the more paint the item has, or for some items, brightness.
Stay safe, good luck, and most importantly, have fun trading! ^-^
Disclaimer from September 2017
This guide is now outdated as ♥♥♥♥. While some of the rules of not being scammed still can be applied, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is now dead and the abilty to get profits are slimmed
26 ความเห็น
G1tory ⇄ 26 ธ.ค. 2022 @ 12: 14pm 
:fire_fire_fire:trade(ОБМЕН): :fire_fire_fire:
:cddisk:Gut Knife | Marble Fade (FIDE&ACE №7)
:cddisk:MAC-10 | Disco Tech (0.19)
:cddisk: USP-S | Neo-Noir (0.26)
L 22 ก.ค. 2018 @ 12: 49pm 
Dysk1ddy bro can u help me price my redline. Redline ft float 0.22 astralis cologne foil combo 4x
worth 7-8 dollar u r expert pls help
⭕⃤ Black Pain ⭕⃤ 11 มิ.ย. 2018 @ 7: 59am 
AWP Viper have stickers:
1. Titan kato 14 (in scope)
2. Fnatic (Holo) kato 14 (down from scope)
3. Clan-Mystic kato 14 (in back)
M4A1-S dark water have stickers:
1. Ninjas in Pyjamas kato 14 (in top)
2. Titan kato 14 (in top2)
SG 553 Wave spray have stickers (bantrade to 15 June to 8 h.):
1. Reason Gaming kato 14
2. Titan (holo) kato 14
3. LDLC kato 14
StatTrak AK Jaguar have sticker (bantrade to 12 June to 8 h.):
1. Headhunter (Foil)
Look my inventory:
Knife, keys, any skins
muffy 28 มิ.ย. 2016 @ 8: 22am 
I tried the trading method that you used with two items: AWP asiimov FT and AK-47 Vulcan ft. I went on steamanalyst and chose items to trade for worth 1-3 dollars more than my own item. All the offers i have sent have been declined. Im pretty stuck, what do i do?
-A noob trader
Kontra 18 ม.ค. 2016 @ 10: 45am 
Zeph is a Bayonet doppler a good starting skin to trade up with?

My goal is to trade up to a 305 Euro M9 Bayonet doppler

If i do ur tactic can i get it in less than 2 weeks?
Please respond :).
Dysk1ddy  [ผู้สร้าง] 15 ม.ค. 2016 @ 7: 37am 
@Swishee I highly recommend you to start with at least a hundred to be trading efficiently. Otherwise, it won't be worth your time.

On a side note, just do 1:1s with items worth more using the same tactic. It might be harder though, becos the items are listed and sold more frequently. You could also flip katowice 14 skins, which is a more complicated but faster route if you have the knowledge and skill to sell them for a profit
Swishee 15 ม.ค. 2016 @ 7: 21am 
Any advice for people who are starting out with lower-tier items (a few dollars)?
Pej 19 ธ.ค. 2015 @ 3: 47pm 
That dick is a solid 8.73/10
Mahbro 13 พ.ย. 2015 @ 9: 45pm 
awesome guide xddddddddd
Fiision 30 ต.ค. 2015 @ 10: 23pm 
Great guide for noobs to trading.