XCOM: Enemy Unknown
How to get the best out of your assault Mecs
โดย Kirron
In this I will say what I bellive is the best type of ability and upgraded choices for assault mecs. (Note: This is my own opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone. Please suggest what abilitys you pick for your mecs in the coments). If I find any new good combonations for differnt classes of mecs (e.g. Heavy or Support mecs) I will add them.
Assault Mecs
If you are going to turn an assault into a Mec, these are what I would recomend for that trooper.

Mec upgrades: KSM (Kinetic Strike Module), Grenade Launcher and the 3rd upgrade is your choice.
Trooper Abilitys: Deep storage, Jetboot module, Reactive sensores, all other abilitys are your choice.

Notes: Damage roulay is inadvisable as a second wave option. In the foundry (after reaserching UFO power cores (I think) you are able to improve the KSM by upgrading its damage by half. If you have any Mec with the KSM, absolute criticall is highly advisable as a second wave option turned on. It will turn the base KSM damage up to 18 instead of 12 and upgraded KSM up to 27 damage.)
8 ความเห็น
clcman 7 เม.ย. 2016 @ 2: 35pm 
Force Multiplier/Squad Assistance MECs are built to serve their squad, rather than dealing all of the damage themselves. They are almost always Support class troopers and equip the Flamethrower, Healing Mist and Mine Thrower. Force Multipliers usually stand in the middle of their squad to draw fire and provide the distortion field. Their abilities vary based on your preferences, but I like One For All, Advanced Fire Control and Reactive Targeting Sensors. Expanded Storage, however, is a must, so you can use your gadgets (especially Heal Mist) as many times as possible. Force Multiplier MECs are useful in almost any situation, and are the one I'd recommend if you can only build one of the three.

Anyways, that's my general view on using MECs (feel free to use any of this in your guide or not). Obviously these are all very specialized, and the average player probably lacks the Meld to field all three (especially if they also use Gene Mods), so hybrid/multirole MECs are usually a must.
clcman 7 เม.ย. 2016 @ 2: 34pm 
Artillery MECs stay back and shoot from a distance, so Snipers are the best class for them, and Flamethrower/Grenade Launcher/Mine Thrower is the best loadout. Since they are shot at much less, their abilities should focus on scoring hits and dealing damage (Advanced Fire Control, Vital Point Targeting, Expanded Storage, Reactive Targeting Sensors and usually Jetbook Modules so they can gain height). They are great for defensive missions, like EXALT ops, as they work best when they stay in one place (at Major rank capable of firing twice with +10 accuracy). They are also great if your cloaked scout has detected a Sectopod, as you can coat it with mines and then grenade it, all while out of range.
clcman 7 เม.ย. 2016 @ 2: 34pm 
I divide my MECs into three categories, based not on their class of origin but on their intended role: CQB (close quarters battle), Artillery and Force Multiplier/Squad Assistance. CQB MECs are usually Assault or Heavy soldiers with a KSM, the Healing Mist and EMP blast loadout and abilities focused around survival and mobility (so Automated Threat Assessment, Damage Control, Jetboots, Repair Servos and Absorption Fields). CQBs are built to charge forwards and use the KSM and the EMP as much as possible, dealing great damage at great personal risk. As such, they take more shots than any other MEC. Ghost Grenades are a good item to have in their squad, to help them get closer without getting shot up.
Kikilis 27 มี.ค. 2016 @ 9: 04am 
Alca Goitas 23 มี.ค. 2015 @ 7: 43am 
Not finished but usefull thus far for me
Nuked 22 มี.ค. 2015 @ 6: 39am 
Could you please add more? Love it so far
DestinyHMX 20 มี.ค. 2015 @ 11: 46am 
so far i like keep up the good work
Kirron  [ผู้สร้าง] 17 มี.ค. 2015 @ 12: 30pm 
Please note that this guide is far from finished.