Rome: Total War

Rome: Total War

524 ratings
Rome: Total War Cheat Guide (inc. Barbarian Invasion) [2004]
By MightyOwl
This guide provides all working cheat codes for Rome: Total War [2004].
Codes to enter in the in-game console are displayed in boxes like this
with a description of its function displayed underneath each box.

It is believed that all of these codes also work for both DLCs, Barbarian Invasion (BI) and Alexander. DLC Unit IDs are also contained in this guide.

Any and all feedback is appreciated, enjoy!
Opening the Console
To open the console in which to enter the cheats given in this guide, firstly open a game of Rome: Total War and then press once the `¬ (tilde) key in the top left of the keyboard
A console should now open in which you can now type the codes given in italics throughout the rest of the guide.
add_money "value eg. 20000"
Adds the given amount of money to your funds. Max 40000; pressing the up arrow autofills the most recently used code, allowing quick repetition to add more than 40000 by doing it multiple times.

Reduces the cost of units by 10%. Must be done when on the map (not in the recruitment screen), and is not stackable to increase the discount; max 10%.
process_cq "name_of_settlement"
Completes the building queue for that settlement.

add_population "name_of_settlement" "number of population to add"
Adds the given amount of population to that settlement.

Note - Settlements with spaces in their names must have underscores in those places when using these codes. For example, Colonia Dacia should be Colonia_Dacia
auto_win attacker
Attacker automatically wins the next auto-resolved battle.

auto_win defender
Defender automatically wins the next auto-resolved battle.

A draw occurred, why?
Originally posted by ETW Commander:
A draw is likely to occur if a settlement is under siege and the defender counter attacks. This is because it confuses the game, so it just gets called a draw.
Character Traits
Give Generals a Specific Retinue Trait
give_ancillary "character name" "catamite"
Give 'Retinue', e.g. Catamite, to a general.

There are over two hundred and fifty, 252 to be precise, available retinues (ancillaries) including "bodyguard", "charioteer", "doctor", "idiot", "priest_of_Zeus" etc. These are too many to list within this guide; please refer to this dedicated page on the Soharic Media[] website.

Give Characters Traits

give_trait "character name" "GoodDiplomat" 1-5
Gives the specified character between 1-5 influence.

give_trait "character name" "GoodSpy" 1-5
Gives the specified character between 1-5 subterfuge.

give_trait "character name" "GoodAssassin" 1-5
Gives the specified character between 1-5 subterfuge.

For the ones that give values of 1-5, enter either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

Originally posted by Halal Kormos:
A complete list of traits can be found here.[]

All of these are case sensitive; characters must have the correct capitalisation as displayed in-game and the traits used must have correct capitalisation. This is further confused however, as "catamite" (for example) correctly has no capitals, while "GoodSpy" correctly has capitals.
Disables ai, supposedly allowing you to roam the map freely without attacks.

Re-enables ai.
Makes elephants 40% larger. Be aware, this can crash the game easily, causing you to lose any unsaved progress.

Makes the walls of a settlement fall when in battle.

Toggles the fog of war.
Base Game Factions
Initial starting factions:
  • Roman: The House of Brutii
  • Roman: The House of Julii
  • Roman: The House of Scipii

Beat (complete) the campaign once (it doesn't matter if you use cheats) to unlock the following factions:
  • Barbaric: Gaul
  • Barbaric: Germania
  • Greek: The Greek Cities

Other factions listed as playable:
  • Barbaric: Britannia
  • Carthaginian: Carthage
  • Eastern: Parthia
  • Egyptian: Egypt
  • Greek: Seleucid Empire

Factions listed as non-playable:
  • Barbaric: Dacia
  • Barbaric: Scythia
  • Barbaric: Spain
  • Carthaginian: Numidia
  • Eastern: Armenia
  • Eastern: Pontus
  • Greek: Macedon
  • Greek: Thrace
  • Roman: SPQR

Rebel, Slave and Mercenary factions:
  • Slave: Slave
  • Slave: Mercenary

It is possible to play as all 20 base game factions (excluding Slave and Mercenary) by editing one of the game's files. Instructions on this are not included in this guide.

Barbarian Invasion Factions

Factions listed as playable:
  • Barbarian: Alemanni
  • Barbarian: Franks
  • Barbarian: Saxons
  • Eastern: Sassanids
  • Hun: Huns
  • Nomad: Goths
  • Nomad: Sarmatians
  • Nomad: Vandals
  • Roman: Eastern Roman Empire
  • Roman: Western Roman Empire

Factions listed as non-playable:
  • Barbarian: Burgundii
  • Barbarian: Celts
  • Barbarian: Lombardi
  • Carthaginian: Berbers
  • Nomad: Ostrogoths
  • Nomad: Roxolani
  • Nomad: Slavs
  • Roman: Romano British

Rebel, Slave and Mercenary factions:
  • Roman: Eastern Roman Rebels
  • Roman: Western Roman Rebels
  • Slave: Slave
  • Slave: Mercenary

Alexander Factions

Factions listed as playable:
  • Macedonians

Faction IDs
This is a dump of the base game faction IDs:
create_unit "name of settlement or leader of army" "unit ID" level of exp/armour/weapon
Creates a unit in the given settlement or character's army with the given stats.
Note - Any unit from any faction can be created, however if you create a unit that is not from your faction they will still function fully in battle but will have the icon of a peasant.
Note - Settlement/Leader and unit ID must be in quotation marks " ".
Originally posted by Reallly Spooky ColePhelps:
This code would appear to be unreliable when number lock is on.

move_character "name of character" "X,Y"
Moves the specified character to the coordinates specified (X, Y).

Unit IDs are sorted by faction within the region sections which follow. Barbarian Invasion units are in the BI sections and Alexander units are in the AX sections.

Please Note: Some units are shared between multiple factions, but will only appear in one of the factions that they could be from. For example:
a) a lot of Spain and Numidia's units are Carthage units, and only appear in the Carthage list.
b) most units in game can be used by slaves, but only those that cannot be used by another faction appear in the slaves list.
c) Mercenaries (which can be hired by any faction) appear under the Slave sections.

Units: Barbarian
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
barb peasant briton
Light Infantry
barb infantry briton
Light Infantry
barb druids briton
Light Infantry
warband sword briton
Heavy Infantry
Chosen Swordsmen
barb warguard briton
Heavy Infantry
Woad Warriors
warband woad briton
Heavy Infantry
barb slinger briton
Missile Infantry
Head Hurlers
warband hurler briton
Missile Infantry
barb wardogs briton
Heavy Handler
British Heavy Chariots
barb chariot heavy briton
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Warlord
barb british general briton
Heavy Cavalry
British Light Chariots
barb chariot light briton
Missile Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
barb peasant dacian
Light Infantry
barb infantry dacian
Light Infantry
warband falx dacian
Heavy Infantry
Chosen Swordsmen
barb warguard dacian
Heavy Infantry
Naked Fanatics
barb naked fanatics dacian
Heavy Infantry
Archer Warband
barb archer dacian
Missile Infantry
Chosen Archer Warband
warband archer dacian
Missile Infantry
barb wardogs dacian
Heavy Handler
Barbarian Cavalry
barb cavalry dacian
Light Cavalry
Barbarian Noble
barb noble cavalry dacian
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry early dacian
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Chosen Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry dacian
Heavy Cavalry
barb ballista dacian
Missile Siege
barb onager dacian
Missile Siege

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
barb peasant gaul
Light Infantry
barb infantry gaul
Light Infantry
barb druids gaul
Light Infantry
warband sword gaul
Heavy Infantry
Chosen Swordsmen
barb warguard gaul
Heavy Infantry
Naked Fanatics
barb naked fanatics gaul
Heavy Infantry
Skirmisher Warband
barb peltast gaul
Missile Infantry
Forester Warband
warband huntsman gaul
Missile Infantry
barb wardogs gaul
Heavy Handler
Barbarian Cavalry
barb cavalry gaul
Light Cavalry
Barbarian Noble Cavalry
barb noble cavalry gaul
Heavy Cavalry
British Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry early gaul
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Chosen Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry gaul
Heavy Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
barb peasant german
Light Infantry
barb berserker german
Light Infantry
Screeching Women
barb screeching women german
Light Infantry
Spear Warband
warband spear german
Spearmen Infantry
warband axe german
Heavy Infantry
Chosen Axemen
warband dhaxe german
Heavy Infantry
Naked Fanatics
barb naked fanatics german
Heavy Infantry
Night Raiders
barb night raiders german
Heavy Infantry
Skirmisher Warband
barb peltast german
Missile Infantry
Chosen Archer Warband
warband archer german
Missile Infantry
barb wardogs german
Heavy Handler
Barbarian Cavalry
barb cavalry german
Light Cavalry
Barbarian Noble Cavalry
barb noble cavalry german
Heavy Cavalry
Gothic Cavalry
barb gothic cavalry german
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry early german
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Chosen Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry german
Heavy Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
barb peasant scythian
Light Infantry
warband axe scythian
Heavy Infantry
Archer Warband
barb archer scythian
Missile Infantry
Chosen Archer Warband
warband archer scythian
Missile Infantry
barb wardogs scythian
Heavy Handler
Barbarian Cavalry
barb cavalry scythian
Light Cavalry
Head Hunting Maidens
head hunting maidens scythian
Light Cavalry
Scythian Nobles
scythian nobles scythian
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry early scythian
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Chosen Warlord
barb scythian chieftain cavalry scythian
Heavy Cavalry
Scythian Horse Archers
barb horse archers scythian
Missile Cavalry
Scythian Noble Archers
barb noble horse archers scythian
Missile Cavalry
Scythian Noble Women
scythian noble women scythian
Missile Cavalry
barb onagers scythian
Missile Siege

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
spanish scutarii
Light Infantry
Bull Warriors
spanish bull warriors
Heavy Infantry
Naked Fanatics
barb naked fanatics spain
Heavy Infantry
carthaginian warhounds
Heavy Handler
Units: Carthaginian
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Carthaginian Peasants
carthaginian peasant
Light Infantry
Town Militia
carthaginian city militia
Light Infantry
Iberian Infantry
carthaginian infantry
Light Infantry
Poeni Infantry
carthaginian heavy infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Sacred Band
carthaginian sacred band infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Libyan Spearmen
carthaginian medium infantry
Spearmen Infantry
carthaginian peltast
Missile Infantry
carthaginian slinger
Missile Infantry
Round Shield Cavalry
carthaginian cavalry
Light Cavalry
Long Shield Cavalry
carthaginian medium cavalry
Light Cavalry
Sacred Band Cavalry
carthaginian royal cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
carthaginian elephant forest
Heavy Cavalry
War Elephants
carthaginian elephant african
Heavy Cavalry
Armoured Elephants
carthaginian elephant african cataphract
Heavy Cavalry
General's Bodyguard
carthaginian general's cavalry early
Heavy Cavalry
General's Armoured Bodyguard
carthaginian general's cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
carthaginian onager
Missile Siege
Heavy Onagers
carthaginian heavy onager
Missile Siege

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Desert Infantry
numidian desert warriors
Spearmen Infantry
Numidian Legionaries
numidian legionaries
Heavy Infantry
carthaginian archer
Missile Infantry
numidian javelinmen
Missile Infantry
Numidian Camel Riders
numidian camel riders
Light Cavalry
Numidian Cavalry
numidian cavalry
Missile Cavalry
Units: Eastern
All Eastern Factions
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
east peasant
Light Infantry
east hillmen
Light Infantry
Eastern Infantry
east infantry
Light Infantry
east archer
Missile Infantry
Eastern General
east generals cavalry early
Heavy Cavalry
east onager
Missile Siege

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Heavy Spearmen
east heavy infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Armenian Legionaries
east legionary
Heavy Infantry
Cataphract Archers
east cataphract archer
Missile Infantry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
east slinger
Missile Infantry
east heavy cataphract
Heavy Cavalry
Cataphract Camels
east camel cataphract
Heavy Cavalry
War Elephants
east elephant
Heavy Cavalry
Armoured Eastern General
east generals cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Persian Cavalry
east persian cavalry
Missile Cavalry
Horse Archers
east horse archer
Missile Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Phalanx Pikemen
east hoplite
Spearmen Infantry
Bronze Shields
east hoplite brazen shield
Spearmen Infantry
east peltast
Missile Infantry
Pontic Light Cavalry
east cavalry
Light Cavalry
Pontic Heavy Cavalry
east heavy cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Cappodocian Cavalry
east cappodocian cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Scythed Chariots
east scythed chariot
Heavy Cavalry
Eastern General
east pontic general
Heavy Cavalry
Chariot Archers
east chariot archer
Missile Cavalry
Units: Egyptian
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
egyptian peasant
Light Infantry
Nubian Spearmen
egyptian nubian spearmen
Spearmen Infantry
Nile Spearmen
egyptian nile infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Pharaoh's Guards
egyptian elite guards
Spearmen Infantry
Desert Axemen
egyptian infantry
Heavy Infantry
egyptian peltast
Missile Infantry
egyptian slingers
Missile Infantry
egyptian archer
Missile Infantry
Pharaoh's Bowmen
egyptian archer elite
Missile Infantry
Desert Cavalry
egyptian cavalry
Light Cavalry
Nubian Cavalry
egyptian nubian cavalry
Light Cavalry
Nile Cavalry
egyptian cleruch
Heavy Cavalry
Egyptian Chariots
egyptian chariot
Heavy Cavalry
Egyptian Chariot General
egyptian general's bodyguard early
Heavy Cavalry
Egyptian Cavalry General
egyptian general's bodyguard
Heavy Cavalry
Camel Archers
egyptian bedouin
Missile Cavalry
Egyptian Chariot Archers
egyptian chariot archer
Missile Cavalry
egyptian onager
Missile Siege
Heavy Onagers
egyptian heavy onager
Missile Siege
Units: Greek
All Greek Factions
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
greek peasant
Light Infantry
Hoplite Militia
greek hoplite militia
Spearmen Infantry
greek peltast
Missile Infantry
Heavy Peltasts
greek heavy peltast
Missile Infantry
greek archer
Missile Infantry
Greek Cavalry
greek medium cavalry
Light Cavalry
greek heavy onagers
Missile Siege

The Greek Cities
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
greek hoplite
Spearmen Infantry
Armoured Hoplites
greek hoplite elite
Spearmen Infantry
Spartan Hoplites
greek hoplite spartan
Spearmen Infantry
Incendiary Pigs
greek pigs
Heavy Handler
General's Bodyguard
greek generals guard cavalry early
Heavy Cavalry
General's Armoured Bodyguard
greek generals guard cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Militia Cavalry
greek cavalry
Missile Cavalry
greek ballistas
Missile Siege

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Levy Pikemen
greek levy pikemen
Spearmen Infantry
Phalanx Pikemen
greek pikemen
Spearmen Infantry
Royal Pikemen
greek royal pikemen
Spearmen Infantry
Light Lancers
greek light lancer
Light Cavalry
Macedonian Cavalry
greek heavy cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Companion Cavalry
greek royal cavalry
Heavy Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
warband falx thracian
Heavy Infantry
greek bastarnae
Heavy Infantry
General's Bodyguard
thracian generals guard cavalry early
Heavy Cavarly
General's Armoured Bodyguard
thracian generals guard cavalry
Heavy Cavalry

The Seleucid Empire
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Silver Shield Pikemen
greek silver shield pikemen
Spearmen Infantry
Silver Shield Legionaries
greek argyraspid
Heavy Infantry
Scythed Chariots
greek scythed chariots
Heavy Cavalry
greek elephant small
Heavy Cavalry
War Elephants
greek elephant african
Heavy Cavalry
Armoured Elephants
greek elephant armoured
Heavy Cavalry
Units: Roman
All Roman Factions
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
roman peasant
Light Infantry
Town Watch
roman city militia
Light Infantry
roman hastati
Light Infantry
roman velite
Missile Infantry
roman light cavalry
Light Cavalry

The House of Brutii
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Velite Gladiators
roman velite gladiator
Light Infantry

The House of Julii
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
roman infantry auxillia
Light Infantry
roman triarii
Spearmen Infantry
roman princeps
Heavy Infantry
Early Legionary Cohort
roman legionary cohort i
Heavy Infantry
Early Legionary First Cohort
roman legionary first cohort ii
Heavy Infantry
Legionary Cohort
roman legionary cohort ii
Heavy Infantry
Legionary First Cohort
roman legionary first cohort ii
Heavy Infantry
Praetorian Cohort
roman praetorian cohort i
Heavy Infantry
Urban Cohort
roman praetorian cohort urban i
Heavy Infantry
roman arcani
Heavy Infantry
Samnite Gladiators
roman samnite gladiator
Heavy Infantry
Roman Archers
roman archer
Missile Infantry
Archer Auxilia
roman archer auxillia
Missile Infantry
Light Auxilia
roman light infantry
Missile Infantry
roman wardogs
Light Handler
Incendiary Pigs
roman incendiary pigs
Light Handler
Roman Cavalry
roman medium cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Legionary Cavalry
roman heavy cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Praetorian Cavalry
roman praetorian cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Roman General
roman generals guard cavalry early
Heavy Cavalry
Roman Armoured General
roman generals guard cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Cavalry Auxilia
roman cavalry auxillia
Missile Cavalry
roman ballista
Missile Siege
roman scorpion
Missile Siege
roman onager
Missile Siege
Heavy Onagers
roman heavy onager
Missile Siege
Repeating Ballistas
roman repeating ballistae
Missile Siege

The House of Scipii
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Mirmillo Gladiators
roman mirmillo gladiator
Heavy Infantry

The Roman Senate
No faction specific units although most of the House of Julii units (as well as the "all Roman" units) work.
Units: Slave
Be very careful with the Yubtseb Elephants - they can easily break the game.

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
barb peasant slave
Light Infantry
barb infantry slave
Light Infantry
druids slave
Light Infantry
Judean Zealots
judean zealots
Light Infantry
Naked Fanatics
naked fanatics slave
Heavy Infantry
Archer Warband
barb archer slave
Missile Infantry
Barbarian Cavalry
barb cavalry slave
Light Cavalry
Rebel General
generic rebel general
Heavy Cavalry
Rebel General
eastern rebel generals
Heavy Cavalry
Rebel General
barb rebel general
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Noble Cavalry
barb noble cavalry slave
Heavy Cavalry
British Heavy Chariots
barb chariot heavy slave
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Warlord
barb chieftain cavalry early slave
Heavy Cavalry
Yubtseb Elephants
cheat oliphants
Heavy Cavalry
Scythian Horse Archers
barb horse archers slave
Missile Cavalry
Amazon Chariots
amazon chariots
Missile Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Cilician Pirates
merc cilician pirate
Light Infantry
Spanish Mercenaries
merc spanish infantry
Light Infantry
Barbarian Mercenaries
merc barbarian infantry
Light Infantry
Thracian Mercenaries
merc thracian
Light Infantry
Samnite Mercenaries
merc samnite
Light Infantry
Eastern Mercenaries
merc eastern infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Mercenary Hoplites
merc greek hoplites
Spearmen Infantry
Bastarnae Mercenaries
merc bastarnae
Heavy Infantry
Mercenary Peltasts
merc peltast
Missile Infantry
Balearic Slingers
merc balearic slingers
Missile Infantry
Rhodian Slingers
merc rhodian slingers
Missile Infantry
Illyrian Mercenaries
merc illyrian
Missile Infantry
Libyan Mercenaries
merc libyan infantry
Missile Infantry
Bedouin Archers
merc bedouin archers
Missile Infantry
Cretan Archers
merc cretan archers
Missile Infantry
Arab Cavalry
merc arab cavalry
Light Cavalry
Bedouin Warriors
merc bedouin
Light Cavalry
Barbarian Cavalry Mercenaries
merc barbarian cavalry
Light Cavalry
Sarmatian Mercenaries
merc sarmatian cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Mercenary War Elephants
merc elephants
Heavy Cavalry (Merc)
Scythian Mercenaries
merc horse archers
Missile Cavalry
Numidian Mercenaries
merc numidian cavalry
Missile Cavalry
Units: Naval
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Native Faction/s
naval bireme
Light Ship
Roman, Greek, Carthaginian, Eastern, Egypt
naval triremes
Heavy Ship
Roman, Greek, Carthaginian, Eastern, Egypt
naval quinquiremes
Heavy Ship
Roman, Greek, Carthaginian, Eastern, Egypt
Corvus Quinquireme
naval corvus quinquireme
Heavy Ship
Roman, Greek, Carthage, Eastern, Egypt
naval deceres
Heavy Ship
Roman, Greek, Carthaginian, Eastern, Egypt
naval boats
Light Ship
Large Boats
naval large boats
Heavy Ship
Pirate Ships
naval pirate ships
Light Ship
BI Units: Barbarian
All Alemanni units can be used by Burgundii and Lombardi.

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
western peasant alemanni
Light Infantry
Spear Warband
spear warband alemanni
Spearmen Infantry
Chosen Axemen
chosen axemen alemanni
Heavy Infantry
Lombard Berserkers
lombard berserkers
Heavy Infantry
Golden Band
golden band
Heavy Infantry
Lombard Archers
lomard archers
Missile Infantry
Chosen Archers
chosen archer alemanni
Missile Infantry
alemanni warhounds
Light Handler
Barbarian Cavalry
cavalry alemanni
Light Cavalry
Night Raiders
night raiders alemanni
Light Cavalry
Barbarian Noble Cavalry
noble cavalry alemanni
Heavy Cavalry
Burgundian Lancers
burgundian lancer
Heavy Cavalry
Chosen Warlord
chosen warlord alemanni
Heavy Cavalry
alemanni onager
Missile Siege

No faction specific units. All of their units are primarily used by the Alemanni.

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
western peasant celt
Light Infantry
celtic kerns
Light Infantry
Pictish Spearmen
celtic spearman
Spearmen Infantry
Heavy Infantry
Hounds of Culann
hounds of culann
Heavy Infantry
Heavy Infantry
Pictish Crossbowmen
celtic crossbowmen
Missile Infantry
celtic slingers
Missile Infantry
celtish wolfhounds
Light Handler
Scotti Chariots
scotti chariots
Light Cavalry
Noble Clansmen
noble clansmen celt
Heavy Cavalry
celtic warlord
Heavy Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
western peasant frank
Light Infantry
Horde Peasants
barb horde peasants
Light Infantry
Levy Spearmen
levy spearmen frank
Spearmen Infantry
Horde Spearmen
barb horde spearmen
Spearmen Infantry
Horde Chosen Swordsmen
barb horde chosen swordsmen
Heavy Infantry
Sword Heerbann
sword heerbann
Heavy Infantry
Axe Heerbann
axe heerbann
Heavy Infantry
Francisca Heerbann
francisca heeban
Heavy Infantry
Horde Hunters
barb horde hunter
Missile Infantry
Horde Raiders
barb horde raider
Light Cavalry
frankish raiders
Light Cavalry
frankish paladins
Heavy Cavalry
Noble Warriors
noble warriors frank
Heavy Cavalry
Paladin Bodyguard
frankish paladin bodyguard
Heavy Cavalry
frankish onager
Missile Siege
frankish ballistae
Missile Siege

No faction specific units. Most of their units are primarily used in the Alemanni and Franks.

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Barbarian Peasants
western peasant saxon
Light Infantry
Levy Spearmen
levy spearmen saxon
Spearmen Infantry
Saxon Keel
saxon keels
Spearmen Infantry
Saxon Hearth Troops
saxon hearth troops
Heavy Infantry
saxon hunters
Missile Infantry
Saxon Sea Raiders
saxon sea raiders
Light Cavalry
Mounted Nobles
saxon mounted nobles
Heavy Cavalry
saxon warlord
Heavy Cavalry
BI Units: Carthaginian
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
african peasant
Light Infantry
Berber Axemen
berber axemen
Light Infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Mountain Men
mountain men
Spearmen Infantry
Desert Archers
desert archers african
Missile Infantry
Berber Lancers
berber lancers
Light Cavalry
Moorish Raiders
moorish raiders
Light Cavalry
Desert Chieftain
desert chieftain
Heavy Cavalry
Desert Cavalry
desert cavalry
Missile Cavalry
BI Units: Eastern
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
sassanid peasant
Light Infantry
Kurdish Javelinmen
kurdish javalinmen
Light Infantry
Levy Spearmen
levy spearmen sassanid
Spearmen Infantry
Sughdian Warriors
sughdian warriors
Heavy Infantry
Mountain Slingers
mountain slinger
Missile Infantry
Desert Archers
desert archers sassanid
Missile Infantry
Camel Riders
camel riders
Light Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Armoured Camel Riders
armoured camel riders
Heavy Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Clibinarii Immortals
clibinarii immortals
Heavy Cavalry
Nomad Archer Cavalry
nomad archer cavalry
Missile Cavalry
sassanid onagers
Missile Siege
sassanid ballistae
Missile Siege
Heavy Onagers
sassanid heavy onager
Missile Siege
BI Units: Hun
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Steppe Spearmen
steppe spearmen hun
Spearmen Infantry
Hun Horde Spearmen
hun horde spearmen
Spearmen Infantry
Steppe Heavy Spearmen
steppe heavy spearmen hun
Spearmen Infantry
Steppe Swordsmen
steppe swordsmen hun
Heavy Infantry
herdsmen hun
Light Cavalry
Horde Herdsmen
hun horde peasants
Light Cavalry
Hun Lancers
hunnic lancers
Light Cavalry
Tribal Cavalry
tribal cavalry
Light Cavalry
Hun Horde Chosen Warriors
hun horde chosen warriors
Heavy Cavalry
Hunnic Heavy Cavalry
hunnic heavy cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
hunnic warlords
Heavy Cavalry
Hun Horde Horsemen
hun horde horse
Missile Cavalry
Hunnic Elite Warriors
hunnic elite warriors
Missile Cavalry
Hunnic Archers
hunnic archers
Missile Cavalry
BI Units: Nomad
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
peasant gothic
Light Infantry
Arian Priests
arian priests
Light Infantry
Gothic Spearmen
gothic spearmen
Spearmen Infantry
Gothic Warriors
gothic warriors
Heavy Infantry
Goth Raiders
goth raiders
Missile Infantry
Goth Lancer
gothic lancer
Light Cavalry
Goth Noble Warriors
gothic warrior nobles
Heavy Cavalry
goth warlords
Heavy Cavalry
Goth Horse Archers
gothic horse archers
Missile Cavalry

No faction specific units. All units used by the Goths can be used, among other Nomad units.

No faction specific units. All units used by the Sarmatians can be used.

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Steppe Horde Peasants
steppe horde peasants
Light Infantry
Runaway Slave Spearmen
runaway slave spearmen
Spearmen Infantry
Steppe Horde Spearmen
steppe horde spearmen
Spearmen Infantry
Bosphoran Infantry
bosphoran infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Steppe Horde Chosen Warriors
steppe horde chosen warriors
Heavy Infantry
Sarmatian Virign Foot Archers
sarmatian virgin archers
Missile Infantry
herdsmen sarmatian
Light Cavalry
Sarmatian Virgin Cavalry
sarmatian virgin cavalry
Light Cavalry
Sarmatian Noble Cavalry
sarmatian noble cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Alan Noble Cavalry
alan noble cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
sarmatian warlord
Heavy Cavalry
Steppe Horde Horsemen
steppe horde horse
Missile Cavalry
Sarmatian Armoured Archers
sarmatian armoured archers
Missile Cavalry
Alan Horse Archers
alan horse archers
Missile Cavalry
Virgin Horse Archers
sarmatian virgin archers horse
Missile Cavalry

No faction specific units. All units used by the Vandals can be used.

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
peasant vandal
Light Infantry
Steppe Spearmen
steppe spearmen vandal
Spearmen Infantry
Steppe Heavy Spearmen
steppe heavy spearmen vandal
Spearmen Infantry
Steppe Swordsmen
steppe swordsmen vandal
Heavy Infantry
Steppe Raiders
steppe raiders
Missile Infantry
Steppe Lancers
steppe lancers
Light Cavalry
Mounted Arian Priests
mounted arian priests
Light Cavalry
Stepper Warriors
steppe warriors
Heavy Cavarlry
Steppe Nobles
steppe nobles
Heavy Cavalry
steppe warlords
Heavy Cavalry
Steppe Horse Archers
steppe horse archers
Missile Cavalry
BI Units: Roman
Eastern Roman Empire
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Orthodox Priest
orthodox priest
Light Infantry
Legio Lanciarii
legio lanciarii
Spearmen Infantry
Eastern Archers
eastern archer
Missile Infantry
Equites Auxilia
equites auxilia
Light Cavalry
Light Cavalry
Equites Clibinarii
equites clibinarii
Heavy Cavalry
Equites Catafractarii
equites catafractarii
Heavy Cavalry
Imperial Household Bodyguard
imperial household bodyguard
Heavy Cavalry
hippo toxotai
Missile Cavalry

Eastern Roman Rebels
No faction specific units. All Eastern Roman Empire units can be used.

Western Roman Empire
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
western peasant
Light Infantry
Catholic Priest
roman priest
Light Infantry
Light Infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Foederati Infantry
foederati infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Auxilia Palatina
auxilia palatinii
Spearmen Infantry
Heavy Infantry
Coitatenses First Cohort
comitatenses first cohort
Heavy Infantry
Heavy Infantry
western archer
Missile Infantry
Missile Infantry
Foederati Cavalry
foederati cavalry
Light Cavalry
Scholae Palatinae
scholae palatinae
Heavy Cavalry
Sarmatian Auxilia
sarmatian auxilia
Heavy Cavalry
Imperial German Bodyguard
imperial german bodyguard
Heavy Cavalry
Equites Sagittarii
equites sagittarii
Missile Cavalry
Carriage Ballistae
carriage ballistae
Missile Cavalry
roman onagers
Missile Siege
roman ballistae
Missile Siege
Heavy Onagers
roman heavy onager
Missile Siege
Repeating Ballistae
roman repeating ballistae
Missile Siege
roman scorpion
Missile Siege

Western Roman Rebels
No faction specific units. All Western Roman Empire units can be used.

Romano British
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
romano british monks
Light Infantry
Coastal Levies
coastal levies
Spearmen Infantry
British Legionaries
british legionaries
Heavy Infantry
Graal Knights
graal knights
Heavy Cavalry
romano british warlords
Heavy Cavalry
BI Units: Slave
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Rebel General
generic rebel general
Heavy Cavalry
Eastern Rebel General
eastern rebel generals
Heavy Cavalry
Barbarian Rebel General
barb rebel general
Heavy Cavalry

Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Mercenary Kerns
merc kerns
Light Infantry
Mercenary Foesderati Infantry
merc foederati infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Bosphoran Mercenaries
merc bosphoran infantry
Spearmen Infantry
Mercenary Veteranii
merc veteranii
Heavy Infantry
Mercenary Gallowglass
merc gallowglass
Heavy Infantry
Hounds of Culann
merc hounds of culann
Heavy Infantry
Sughdian Warriors
merc sughdian warriors
Heavy Infantry
Mercenary Golden Band
merc golden band
Heavy Infantry
Vandal Raider Mercenaries
merc vandal raiders
Missile Infantry
Mercenary Bucellarii
merc bucellarii
Missile Infantry
Mercenary Wolfhounds
merc wolfhounds
Light Handlers
Mercenary Herdsmen
merc herdsmen
Light Cavalry
Mercenary Vandal Lancers
merc vandal lancers
Light Cavalry
Camel Raiders
merc camel raiders
Light Cavalry
Moorish Mercenaries
merc moorish raiders
Light Cavalry
Mercenary Foederati Cavalry
merc foederati cavalry
Light Cavalry
Mercenary Equites Veteranii
merc equites veteranii
Light Cavalry
Graal Knights
merc graal knights
Heavy Cavalry
Mercenary Alan Nobles
merc alan noble cavalry
Heavy Cavalry
Armoured Camel Mercenaries
merc armoured camel riders
Heavy Cavalry
Sarmatian Mercenaries
merc sarmatian auxilia
Heavy Cavalry
Mercenary Elephants
merc elephants
Heavy Cavalry
Mercenary Sarmatian Archers
merc sarmatian armoured archers
Missile Cavalry
Mercenary Alan Horse Archers
merc alan horse archers
Missile Cavalry
Mercenary Hippo-toxotai
merc hippo toxotai
Missile Cavalry
Mercenary Onagers
merc onagers
Missile Siege
Mercenary Ballistae
merc ballistae
Missile Siege
BI Units: Naval
Unit name
Unit ID
Unit class
Native Faction/s
naval bireme
Light Ship
Roman, Sassanids, Rebel, Slave
naval triremes
Heavy Ship
Roman, Sassanids, Rebel, Slave
naval quinquiremes
Heavy Ship
Roman, Sassanids, Rebel, Slave
Corvus Quinquireme
naval corvus
Heavy Ship
Roman, Sassanids, Rebel, Slave
naval decere
Heavy Ship
Roman, Sassanids, Rebel, Slave
naval boats
Light Ship
Barbarian, Nomad, Carthaginian, Hun, Slave
Large Boats
naval large boats
Heavy Ship
Barbarian, Vandals
Pirate Ships
naval pirate ships
Light Ship
Slave, Saxons
Removed Codes
The codes in this section have been removed from their relevant place earlier in the guide as they appear to no longer function.

Reason for removal
force_diplomacy accept
AI accepts diplomatic proposals
NLF - Patched by Developer
force_diplomacy decline
AI declines diplomatic proposals
NLF - Patched by Developer
force_diplomacy off
AI is no longer biased to diplomatic proposals
NLF - Patched by Developer
invulnerable_general "name of general"
Makes general invulnerable in battle
NLF - No further details
Re-enables the ai
Wrong code. To do this, use run_ai
Lists all character traits
NLF - A webpage with a complete list has been attached
season summer/winter
Changes the season
NLF - No further details

Items marked NLF are 'No Longer Functioning'; further details are given where possible.

If you own the game on disc, thus avoiding any patches put through the Steam edition, it is possible that some (or even all) of the above removed codes will still work for you.
2 April 2015
  • force_diplomacy removed as it no longer works. It is said to have been patched by the developers.
  • List of character traits from linked to the Character Traits section.
  • invulnerable_general removed as it no longer works.
3 April 2015
  • My Thanks section added, because I felt that I needed to more highly recognise those of you who have contributed to this guide so far. I hope that this is an ever growing list, because after all, this is a community guide and your feedback is the only way that I can successfully develop it.
5 April 2015
  • How To Open The Console section added to aid newcomers to 'cheating' in this game.
6 April 2015
  • While not a 'cheat' as such, Factions section was added so that the information can easily be found.
7 April 2015
  • enable_ai replaced with correct code, run_ai.
  • list_traits removed, however there is a link to a webpage which lists all traits.
19 August 2015
  • season summer/winter code removed as it is believed no longer functioning.
  • Unit IDs for Britannia, Dacia, Gaul, Germania and Scythia added.
  • Modified unit IDs for Scythia and added some Slave unit IDs.
25 November 2015
  • Unit IDs for Carthage, Spain, Thrace and Numidia added.
5 January 2016
  • More unit IDs added.
11 February 2016
  • Some Greek unit IDs added.
17 March 2016
  • Numidia, Armenia, Parthia, Pontus and Eastern unit ID list completed.
  • Some units IDs for The Greek Cities added.
  • Factions separated into the games default faction groupings:
    • Barbaric
    • Carthaginian
    • Eastern
    • Egyptian
    • Greek
    • Roman
17 September 2016
  • Clarified that process_cq must have underscores in settlement names, rather than spaces, in format: name_of_settlement
  • Faction emblems added for every faction in the game.
06 November 2016
  • Greek, Slave & Greek Cities unit IDs completed.
  • Unit IDs added for Macedon, Seleucid Empire, Roman, The House of Brutii, The House of Julii & The House of Scipii.
  • No specific codes for Barbaric, Carthaginian or The Roman Senate.
  • Non-combat peasant units have not been added in to the guide.
01 May 2017
  • Factions merged in to their regions to remove clutter from the menu. This is in preparation for Barbarian Invasion units to be added.
05 May 2017
  • Barbarian Invasion (BI) Naval Units IDs added and preparation made for further IDs.
  • Hun Unit IDs added.
06 May 2017
  • All BI Unit IDs added.
  • Changelog tidied up.
  • Mercenary Units distinguished within the Slave sections.
07 April 2021
  • Update basic guide information.
  • Add Barbarian Invasion and Alexander factions list to Factions section.
  • Fix a couple of typos and inconsistencies.
  • Update image guide icon image.
  • My Thanks section renamed to Credits and Sources.
08 April 2021
  • Add additional comments to Money section.
  • Add information about retinues/ancillaries in Character Traits section.
  • Add faction IDs to Factions section.
  • Split removed codes out of Changelog and in to Removed Codes.
Credits and Sources
ETW Commander
Halal Kormos
Reallly Spooky ColePhelps
Chaos <3 Trunks
iQ Chaos#36
Le General Augusto Pinochet

Websites Referenced
soharicmedia[] This is the author's own website.

Favourite Comment
Originally posted by KING OF BACON:
Does the game know I'm being an ass to it?

Business Enquiries
lifeman99 2 Nov, 2024 @ 10:23am 
guys the judean zealots are "rebel judaean zealots", guides listing for them is incorrect
Vladius 23 Aug, 2024 @ 6:02am 
how to add naval units?
eddyb111 17 Aug, 2023 @ 5:42pm 
how to extend play in alexander
Leon's Lapdog 23 Jun, 2023 @ 3:27pm 
add_money 40000 (max money you can add at a time)
give_trait "[character name]" [trait] [number]
these codes I use often
thejayman 19 Jun, 2023 @ 3:19am 
What is the romeshell id for the eastern and western roman empire
The Great Azbell 8 Sep, 2022 @ 11:01am 
Corrections the scythian noble women is "barb scythian noblewomen scythian" and the head hunter are "barb head hunting maidens scythian"
NotTatr 16 Mar, 2022 @ 12:22pm 
I found a video to make all factions playable. It broke imperial campaign, I can no longer play imperial campaign. any idea how to fix?
Jay Halstead☯ 26 Jun, 2021 @ 11:06am 
I appear to have a problem with the " to add to the console, anyone knows anything? would help alot.
callofduty7788 21 Jul, 2020 @ 6:05pm 
I don't know if anyone is bothering to check this post thread anymore. Some of codes are not seeming to work in console. keeping getting the error code command not recognized

I understand in new patches force diplomacy removed.

I can't use the kill character code or the list_ancillary code either.

I have looked for articles mentioning their removal but can't find anything so to me that says still should work.

Also so this modding I understand its messing with the text files in the data folder. Is there a text file listing all the acceptable commands the game will take through console?

Can anyone help me?
OneManArmy (TwoFace1240) 14 Jun, 2020 @ 10:46am 
I wanted to put Judean Zealots in Jerusolem. The id shown doesn't work and it crashes my game. I tried to spawn them with console and it shows error massage. Can somebody help me with that?