The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

357 ratings
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Side Quest Guide
By ⧹ͲsꀎKΣM☯几o⧸


Prologue Sidequests
Find the shiny rock
•Perzel Farm Monsters
•Mira: 30
•BP: 2
•Timeframe: Long
•Expires: After trekking through the Malga Mine

Talk to Charles at the back of the Orbal Factory. Once you hear what he has to say, head over to Rinon's Store. In the front of the store, examine the steaming sewer crate and you'll find something shiny there. Then head over to the sewers by going to the back of the Chapel. Once you are inside the sewers, head to the area where the locked door is and you'll find a shiny quartz. Present to Charles and he will personally reward you with 5 Drill Meatballs

Milch Road Monster
•Perzel Farm Monsters
•Mira: 600
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Long
•Expires: After Nial joins your party during The Liberl News

This one is fairly straight forward. Head west; all the way to Verte Checkpoint. If you are on the roadside near Verte Bridge, there should be an enemy that resembles a pinecone with tenticles. Fight against the enemy. He is fairly strong though. He'll shoot Aqua Bleed from afar. Also, if you kill him at close range, he'll self destruct; causing huge damage against the surrounding areas.

Mushroom Hunt
•Mayor Klaus' Request
•Mira: 700
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Long
•Expires: After trekking through the Esmeldas Tower

Once you find your info with Orvid, head to the area where you got the White Bracelet. If you don't know where it is, refer to Child Rescue: Malga Trail. Anyway, there should be a olive colored patch right above the treasure box. That should contain the Firefly Fungus. After that, you'll fight 3 Flying Felines. Defeat it and present the fungus to Orvid.

Orbment Replacement
•Mayor Klaus' Request
•Mira: 600
•BP: 3 (+1)
•Timeframe: Short
•Expires: After trekking through the Malga Mine

Talk to Freddy at Melders Orbal Factory. He'll give you an Orbment Light and ask you to replace the bulb at Lamp #6. The lamp should be near Verte Bridge alongside the mainroad. Once you found the lamp, you'll encounter a group of flying felines. You have to choose Joshua or Estelle to fight against the monsters. If you chose Estelle to fight alone, then all you have to do is to finish the battle. If you chose Joshua, not only he has to fight them all by himself but Estelle has to input the code. The correct combination is 544818. If you done it correctly, you'll have extra BP. Also, you'll be handsomely rewarded with a Impede 2 Quartz.

Medical Necessities
•Mayor Klaus' Request
•Mira: 250
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Long
•Expires: After crossing through the Verte Bridge in Chapter I

Head all the way down to Mistwad. Once you are inside the forest, there's no map to guide you. So, follow my directions carefully. Facing NORTH, keep going straight until you see a crossroad that splits north and east. Pick the east path, it should lead to a treasure that contains a Tear Balm. Just a bit further north, you should see the Bear Claw. If you cannot see it well, here's a picture below that shows the flower.

Bear Claw

Now the hard part is done, all you need now is a Monster Wing. It should be easy to find. Just fight the Red Insectos and you'll get a Monster Wing. Head back to the chapel and present it to Father Divine.

Soldier Training
•Mayor Klaus' Request
•Mira: 700
•BP: 3(+2)
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: After Nial joins your party during The Liberl News

Head to Verte Bridge and talk to Sergeant Ashton. He'll ask you to spar with two soldiers. They hit fairly hard with their paintballs. So, finish the battle quickly with your S-Craft.

Lost Kitten
•The Liberl News
•Mira: 500
•BP: 2
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After you trekked to the Esmeldas Tower

Talk to Ida outside the bar then head over to the clock tower. Walk a little further north to trigger an event. Then Head over to Rinon's General Store, then to the alleyway between the Rolent Guild and the Chapel and finally head inside the Rolent Chapel. Once there, capture the cat and return it to Ida.

Elize Highway Monster
•The Liberl News
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: None

You can take your sweet time on this one because once you go to Mistwald during your major quest, Rhinocider will park its butt on the bridge on Elize Highway to fight you. If you are relatively in a low level, this monster hits extremely hard. So, prioritize your fire arts to deal massive damage along with your S-Breaks to finish the battle quickly.
Chapter 1 Sidequests
Letter Carrier
•Chapter I: Crossing the Verte Bridge
•Mira: 800
•BP: 2
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After you trekked through the Haken Gate

You must look at the bulletin board in Rolent before you cross the border. After looking at the board, head to the Rolent Chapel and talk to Father Divine. He will give you Father Divine's Letter. Deliver it to the Pastor in Bose Chapel.

Ravennue Monster
•Bose and Haken Gate
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After talking to Nial at Kirsche Bar

Talk to the Elder at Ravennue and he'll tell you about the problem near the trail. After that, talk to the guard and he'll allow you to go to the trail. At the Ravennue trail, go west. On the second area, continue to go west. I suggest you save before going through the intersection because the boss in this area will appear. Fate Breaker is a tough boss to begin with. He has strong resistance against earth and hits hard. What's unique about him is that he goes back to his position after he attacks your allies. Be sure to stun him with time magic such as Soul Blur to skip his turns. Also, use your usual S-Break to punish him.

East Bose Monster
•Bose and Haken Gate
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After you investigate your findings at the Abandoned Mine

At East Bose Highway, there's a signpost that tells you the direction to Nebel Valley. Facing north, head southeast from the signpost and you will find King Scorpion. The boss has 3 Queen Scorpions as his ally. The Queen Scorpions can inflict poison against your ally and they come in a relatively large group. King Scorpion on the other hand, he hits hard and he inflicts Poison or Seal. Fortunately, everyone is weak against Wind. So, have someone cast Aerial if your foes got cluttered together. Use group arts along with your S-Break to overwhelm the boss.

Ingredient Seeker
•Bose and Haken Gate
•Mira: 800
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After crossing through the Bose Checkpoint at Krone Pass

You have to get Maybelle's Letter in order to go through Eisen Road. Once you have that, be sure to fight Rimura and you'll recieve Monster Fowl Meat as your dropped item. Be sure to get at least five of those before giving it to Gwen. Once you satisfy the condition, you will be personally rewarded with Liberl Omelet

Amberl Tower Mystery
•Sidequest: Amberl Tower!
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After After you investigate your finding in the Abandoned Mine

Nebel Valley Monster
•Haken Gate
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After you enter Valleria Shore

Facing north at the entrance, head west at the intersection. Now continue to go straight until you encounter a large enemy. Master Cryon has several peons on his side. The Eggers Red and Blue all have weaknesses opposite of their primary element. Not to mention that all of them have a self-destruct property. Master Cryon on the other hand has several arts that can cripple your allies. One is Blue Impact and the other is Diamond Dust. Be sure to take down the Eggers with your arts. It's crutial to have long range group arts to use in battle. Finally, overwhelm the boss with your usual tactics.

West Bose Monster
•Haken Gate
•Mira: 1200
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: After you investigate your findings at Southern Block in Bose

Along the main road, there's a Reviving Balm. There's a huge shark at the 3rd area in West Bose. Thunder Quake has a large HP. The only move he does is World Shaker, a thunder attack that does significant damage to all of your allies on the field plus Blind. Be sure to kill the boss fast with S-Break or use strong Earth arts such as Petrify Breath or Earth Lance.

Bear Claw Survey
•Haken Gate
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: After you investigate your findings at Southern Block in Bose

Facing north at the entrance, head east at the intersection. From there, continue to move straight until you see a Bear Claw. Pick the flower; but before you head back, keep going forward and you'll find a Strega-R. Anyway, talk to Spence at Bose Market and your mission is finished.

Escort Request
•Ravennue Trail and Village
•Mira: 1200
•BP: 4 (+1)
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: After you investigate your findings at the Abandoned Mine

Talk to Hardt on the 1st floor in Bose Hotel. Then meet him at the city exit near West Bose Highway. From there, be sure to escort him all the way to Krone Pass. However, at the bridge, you will be surrounded by Creepy Sheeps. Be sure to choose the first choice, Charge through the front. Even though you'll still fight them twice, at least you'll get extra BP. These Creepy Sheeps will lower down your defenses and attack you. So be careful. After your bouts with those sheeps, Hardt is safe and your mission is accomplished.

New Ansel Path Monster
•Ravennue Trail and Village
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: None

There's are 6 Amber Turtles who are guarding the entrance to Valleria Shore. These guys aren't a problem if you have really good crowd control arts. If you having problem with it, you can wait until you get Olivier to even up the level field.

Stolen Ring
•Valleria Shore
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: After crossing through the Bose Checkpoint at Krone Pass

Be sure to find the Jeweled Ring while you are in the Sky Bandits Hideout. Once you found the ring, be sure to give to Laura. She lives in a house east of Lucir's Orbal Factory.
Chapter 2 Sidequests
Black Notebook!
•Chapter II: Trailing downwards to Ruan
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After crossing through the Bose Checkpoint at Krone Pass

Be sure to find the Black Notebook while you are in the Sky Bandits Hideout. Once you found the notebook head over to Haken Gate and present it to the sentries at the prison ward.

Lighthouse Monsters!
•Manoria Byroad
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After entering Ruan for the first time

After accepting the quest from Vogt, there are four groups of Red Hammerheads total. There's one on the 1st and 2nd floor and two more on the 4th floor. The Red Hammerheads are tough. Not only they have decent resistance, they hit moderately hard. Also, they often come in groups of three. Use really good arts such as Hell's Gate or other crowd control techniques to defeat them. Because you have to fight them 4 times, use S-Break unless neccessary.

Gull Seaway Monster
•Gull Seaway
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: None

This is a mandatory boss battle. See Gull Seaway for more details...

Warehouse Key
•Mercia Orphanage
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 2
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After staying in for the night in Jenis Royal Academy

Talk to Harg at the pier west of Aqua Rossa Bar. After that, you need to go behind the bar. But, to get there, you need to go down the stairs at the pier near the warehouses. These should take you to the lower paths. There should be a bridge nearby. Examine the shiny object. Then go inside the bar and talk to the bartender for loaning a fishing rod. Go back to the bridge and pick up the Warehouse Key. Present it to Harg and your mission is complete.

Aurion Road Monster
•Mercia Orphanage
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After staying in for the night in Jenis Royal Academy

Finding the monster is very easy. All you have to do is go to Sapphirl Tower. At the entrance, there should be one monster in the area. In this bout, you'll fight 5 Hermit Crabs. If you are already outnumbered from the start, be prepared for more enemies. The Hermit Crabs will summon Mini-Poms as reinforcements. With them as support, the mini-poms can deplete your ally's EP. Also, the Hermit Crab can reflect ALL Physical attacks. That means no S-Crafts and S-Break on this battle. If you feel overwhelmed, I suggest you wait until you get Kloe in your party to reduce the odds a bit. But, if you feel like gambling and want to try your luck with only two characters, I suggest you do the following. I hope by now you have unlocked slots for Joshua. If you happen to unlocked all the slots on Line 1, I suggest to put Orbament combination that gives you "White Gehenna".

Find the Prototype
•Mercia Orphanage
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: After staying in for the night in Jenis Royal Academy

By defeating the Aurion Road Monster, you now have Zero Shot (X). Just head back to Joan's Arm and Guards and present to Karl. He'll reward you Attack 2 for finding his gun.

Escort Job
•Jenis Royal Academy
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival

Talk to Amelia in Manoria Village in the house right near the northern exit towards Manoria Byroad. After the conversation head to Krone Trail. Along the trail, you'll fight 3 Boiled Eggers R. After you meet up with Orvid, head back to Manoria Village.

Candelabrium Theft
•Jenis Royal Academy
•Mira: 5000
•BP: 7
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival

Talk to Steward Gilbert at the lobby inside the Mayor's residence. After your first hint was given by Gilbert, head over to the lighthouse. It is west of Lavantar Casino & Bar. Examine the plaque and proceed to your next clue. Now head over to Lavantar Casino & Bar on the second floor and examine the roulette wheel. Next head to Ruan Landing Port and examine that Haulage Vehicle across the landing port warehouse. You may have to rotate the camera around. For those who can't find it, look at the pic below.

Haulage Vehicle

Lastly, head over to the harbor in the south block. Examine the crane and talk to Harg. You should have the Sapphire Glim at the end of the conversation. After that, present it to Gilbert. From there, the mission is finished and report your findings. to Jean.

Make Him Leave
•Jenis Royal Academy
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 3 (+2)
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival

Head over to Air-Letten. Go upstairs and Sergent Hahn will fill you in with the details. Learning about the complaints, Joshua will leave your party for a bit and it's up to Estelle to fix the problem. You must answer a series of questions correctly; otherwise you'll get a hilarious conversation as your outcome. If you end up with that, it signifies that you have failed the mission. So answer the following to get the extra BP.

1.Greetings, your excellency. I'm here to collect you
2.The Mayor's estate or Hotel Blanche
3.At this junky old place
4.Your excellency, by your feet...

If you answered correctly, you should see the Duke disgusted with the cockroach. With this, you have succeeded your mission with extra points.

Secret of the Old Map
•Jenis Royal Academy
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 3 (+2)
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival

Don't forget that by saving Jimmy at the beginning of chapter 2 will net you two extra BP. But you must do this before entering Ruan for the very first time. Talk to Jimmy at the Ruan Chapel. When you get to Gull Seaway near the entrance to Ruan, there's a hidden path along the cliffside. You can tell by the faint blue trail on the mainroad. Anyway, follow it and you should see the barrel at the end of the path. You'll get Torn Map & Daggers. Oresent the items to Jimmy and he'll reward you the Skull Daggers.

Maintenance Delivery
•Jenis Royal Academy
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival

Talk to Tobias at Granate Orbal Factory. He will give you the Maintenance Kit. Deliver it to Vogt on the top floor at Varenne Lighthouse.

Update After you got the Maintenance Kit, Tobias will tell you that he and Vogt like to drink, go to the Lavantar Casino & Bar and talk to Primo, he will give you Azelia Rose as a gift for Vogt. And also you must have Spicy Anchovy to gift it to Vogt.

You will receive Work Helmet and Gladiator Headband from Vogt. (Thanks Tenka Winchester for the info)

Decorate the campus!
•Royal Academy
•Mira: ---
•BP: EXTRA points added to the overall total in Festival Help
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival commences

Clear out the Old School Building!
•Royal Academy
•Mira: ---
•BP: EXTRA points added to the overall total in Festival Help
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival commences

Refer to Royal Academy for more info....

Research Material Hunt!
•Royal Academy
•Mira: ---
•BP: EXTRA points added to the overall total in Festival Help
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the School Festival commences

Refer to Royal Academy for more info....

Gull Seaway Monster 2
•Jenis Royal Academy
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: None

This is a mandatory boss battle. See Jenis Royal Academy for more details...
Chapter 3 Sidequests
Tratt Plains Monster
•Chapter III: Trekking through the Kaldia Tunnel
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After the events in Elmo Village

You cannot miss the boss. The boss is on the main roadside in Tratt Plains Rd. towards the Wolf Fort. In this battle, you will fight four Cronociders. These guys have somewhat high elemental resistances. Also, when a Cronocider's HP is below half, it'll cast Golden Armor. It raises its Strength and Defense drastically. Again, just try to do your usual crowd control arts and S-Craft if neccessary.

Temp Librarian
•Chapter III: Trekking through the Kaldia Tunnel
•Mira: 250
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After setting foot inside the Leiston Fortress

Head to Central Factory: Archives room on the 2nd floor and talk to Constance. After what she has to say, you need to go to the following rooms to find the overdue books.

1.Design room on the 3d floor, the book is on top of the step ladder. This book contains Septium Optic Annals
2.Clinic room on the 4th floor, the book is on the cupboard in-between two clinic beds. This book contains Kitty Talk for Dummies
3.The lab room on the 4th floor, the book is on top of the desk next to Ray. This book contains Tommorrow's Cooking

Before returning the books to Constance, be sure to read Tommorrow's Cooking to get the recipe, Boullabaisse Plus. After returning the books, you'll need to find the remaining books throughout the Zeiss region; thus beginning the hidden sidequests

Temp Librarian Plus!
•Chapter III: Trekking through the Kaldia Tunnel
•Mira: 500
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After boarding the airship to Leiston Fortress

Head to Maple Inn in Elmo Village and go to the pond that connects the inn with the Bathouses. Examine the Stone Lamp. You may have to go below the wooden planks to get the item, Erbe Woodpecker. Present it to Constance and another mission will follow...

Temp Librarian Plus 2!
•Chapter III: Trekking through the Kaldia Tunnel
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After boarding the airship to Leiston Fortress

This quest must trigger if you have done the previous quest. Go to Tratt Plains and go to the place where you got the Sapphire Talisman. There should be an item on the very center. Get Hertz Adventure (2) and present it to Constance. There's one more mission left....

Temp Librarian Plus 3!
•Chapter III: Trekking through the Kaldia Tunnel
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After boarding the airship to Leiston Fortress

Go to Sanstheim Gate. Walk all the way up to the top floor. Before entering outside to the roof, there's a barrel. It should contain the final book, 31 Cypress Trees. Also, you'll get Impede 3 Quartz along with it. Present the final book to Constance and the mission is accomplished.

31 Cypress Trees

Potent Ingredient
•Elmo Village
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After boarding the airship to Leiston Fortress

Be sure to grab the Aceberic Tomato at Central Factory: Lab on the 4th floor. It's inside the Greenhouse at the top right-hand corner of the room. Present the the tomato to Ben at Forgel bat and you'll get a Tomato Sandwich as your reward.

Product Testing
•Elmo Village
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 4(+2)
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the events in Elmo Village

You have to equip the prototype shoes that the guy gave you. From there, you need to go to the following places: Leiston Fortress, Wolf Fort, Sanktheim Gate and for the extra BP, go to Air-Letten! If have done all of that, you'll get the shoes completely worn down. For doing that, you'll get (Beta) Strega as your reward.
•Thanks Chris for the correction

Haulage Vehicle Search
•Elmo Village
•Mira: 1000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the events in Elmo Village

The vehicle should be southeast where you fought Tratt Plains Monster. The flock of Creep Sheeps should not be present within the vicinity. Anyway, you should see a huge cargo nearby. After talking to Wong, you'll encounter six Armored Rabbits. The rabbits have a very low resistance against magic; so the battle should be very easy. Even though the battle is long over, there's still another quest that comes after this one...

Haulage Vehicle Repair!
•Elmo Village
•Mira: 1500
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the events in Elmo Village

This mission will only trigger if you have done the Haulage Vehicle Search. After talking to Wong at the Tratt Plains Rd, head back to Zeiss. At Zeiss, talk to Prometheus at Central Factory: Workshop on the 3rd floor. Even though, you cannot find any info from him, head to the basement floor in Central Factory and enter the Kaldia Tunnel. Talk to Rudi nearby and he will give you the Drive Orbment. Be sure to present it to Wong and finish your mission.

Smoker's Revolt
•Elmo Village
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 4
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After the events in Elmo Village

Talk to Dr. Miriam at Central Factory: Clinic at the 4th floor. Be sure to talk to Antoine and give him some fresh milk and he'll join your party. Talk to Travis in the Operations room on the 5th floor and Hugo on the 1st floor. After talking to Travis and Hugo, head to the second floor and head inside to Dr. Murdock's office. Examine the Steel Door and grab the green book at the desk nearby to get the Back Room Key. Finally, once inside, examine the ashtray on top of the desk.

Ritter Road Monster
•Elmo Village
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After boarding the airship to Leiston Fortress

Go to Ritter Road. The voper should be near the signpost near Leiston and Sanktheim Gate. You'll fight 4 Bane Cobras and a Mercury Viper. All the vipers can spew venom which inflicts poison and the peons can summon back up. Do your usual and you can kill the boss pretty quick.

Messenger of Love!
•Elmo Village
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 2 (+4)
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After the events in Elmo Village

Before taking on the tasks in Elmo Village, head over to Wolf Fort and speak to General Brahm. He'll give you a letter to Faye for you to deliver at Zeiss. Also, you need to buy a cute gift along with it. So, go to Bell Station General goods and buy a Wooly Knit-Hat. Present the the items to Faye on the basement floor at Central Factory. If you done it correctly, you'll get the extra points.

Ritter Road Monster 2
•Ritter Road
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 5
•Timeframe: Medium
•Expires: None

This is a mandatory boss battle. See Leiston Fortress for more details...
Chapter 4 Sidequests
Sewer Monster West
•Grancel Sewers: Western Block (Optional)
•Mira: 3000
•BP: 8
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After you arrive the Erbe Royal Villa

If you have been following the walkthrough, you should arrive at designated point. In this bout, you'll fight 8 Scissor Hands. They'll fight in numbers rather than fighting them in brute force. Be careful though because there's a slight chance that their attack can inflict instant death. So, what you do is that you can use any art such as White Gehenna or Aerial and cast it in front of you. The scissor hands will be too busy gathering in the front; plus they have low elemental resistance. Once you defeated them, you are good to go.

Sewer Monster East
•Grancel Sewers: Eastern Block (Optional)
•Mira: 3000
•BP: 8
•Timeframe: Large
•Expires: After you arrive the Erbe Royal Villa

If you have been following the walkthrough, you should arrive at designated point. You'll fight 4 Bone Fishes even though they don't look like one. Anyway, these guys will spam Freeze Breath. Its breath can catch a small group of your allies within the area. It does freeze and damage but nothing more. Really, just blast them with Fire arts and use S-Craft like Black Fang or Aural Blast.

The Embassy Mission
•City of Grancel: Queen's Birthday
•Mira: 2000
•BP: 3
•Timeframe: Small
•Expires: After you settle down in the rest area

This will occur after the final dungeon. So, talk to Olivier at the bar inside Grancel Castle. After that's done, go to the bulletin board back in the guild. From there, talk to Olivier once more. Once the mission has been accomplished report to Elnan.

Salem 23 Jul, 2024 @ 12:27am 
West bose monster expires after missing airliner. I found this out the hard way.
:) 11 Jul, 2021 @ 6:29am 
Thank You!!
Purpleswans 28 Jul, 2020 @ 10:05am 
Thanks for the guide, but just to let you know your images aren't working. I can't access your bear claw image
just a cat 24 Jul, 2020 @ 3:14pm 
I was stuck on some sidequests in chapter 2. Your guide is very helpful, thank you~
wav 1 May, 2020 @ 1:28pm 
Hedgehog_D_Sonic 6 Feb, 2018 @ 2:40am 
there is a mistake prometheus is in the design room not the workshop
Grey Winter 1 Feb, 2017 @ 11:25am 
Trying to talk to him before using the machine will not give you anything aside from meaningless dialogue.
Grey Winter 1 Feb, 2017 @ 11:24am 
Just wanna let you know on your Haulage Vehicle Repair (ch3) description you missed a step. Before you can go down into Kaldia tunnel and get the part from Rudi you need to go to the 5th floor of the factory -> Operations -> Capel Machine -> Related Topics -> Haulage vehicle. Once you do that going into the basement and talking to Rudi will net you the part needed to complete the quest.
⧹ͲsꀎKΣM☯几o⧸  [author] 21 Jan, 2017 @ 1:48am 
Brilliant cheers man & thank you :)
General Danobi 20 Jan, 2017 @ 9:53pm 
Thought you should know that light hoouse monsters doesn't expire when you reach Ruan the first time. When you go back to the lighthouse with the repair kit you do the quest anyway. Great Guide by the way.