Titan Souls

Titan Souls

262 ratings
Titan Souls: Walkthrough
By Nightmare
This here is a guide to titan souls!! A Game where by you shoot an arrow and run for your life!
Titan Souls: The Basics
First off
A brief description of what the game entails.
You are an archer with one arrow! the rest of the lore is unknown to me at this time but when i learn more i will update you.
The aim of the game is to kill off all the titans with your arrow and collect the beautiful souls!

The controls

(keyboard users)
Whilst it is advised to use a game pad, mine was broken at the time of playing this game so i used a keyboard... the only time it gave me problems was a tricky shot to melt ice! Not too tough tho!

Movent, the only thing keeping you alive!
This is controlled by the directional buttons
Hold 'X' to run

Rolling, the fun way to move... and to dodge immanent death.
By pressing 'X' you roll (duh), roll into an object and you bounce off, it would be wise to avoid as it can leave you vulnerable for long enough for death to happen!
Roll and hold down stairs to traverse the stairs WAY faster!
Well timed rolls against bosses make for easy (albeit close) dodges.

Your arrow is your friend, your only friend!
Hold 'C' to charge the arrow and release to shoot it.
Aim with the directional buttons!
Hold down 'C' after that and it will come back to you.
- Note that in some boss fights and achievements it is required to kill with an arrow being dragged back to you. this is always tricky as it needs space to pick up speed but it is entirely do-able!

Basic Tips

Throughout my titan soul journey, through making this guide and the first play through i picked up a few things that i feel i need to share!

1. The save points, use them!
If you die you will be sent back to the last one, so if your last boss was the titan soul and you wanted to go fight say... Mol-Quyin and you die... and like a dummy you didnt take an elevator or stand on a save point... you will be sent back to the last one.

2. Elevators are save points!
This is just nice to know!

3. Rolling is fast.
If you are doing a speed run or just hate going slow, rolling everywhere is a blessing and rolling downstairs is AWESOME! go fast like sanic my friends!

4. Death will happen
Remember this and dont give up!

5. Titans will never go easy on you, so kill them!
Just watch out!

6. Keyboards limit your play but are still doable...
If you have the choice, i would advise a gamepad xD

7. Weak points are easy, but do take some observation!
Dont die, skillfully dodge the attacks and learn their patterns, from there you will learn the ways to kill them my friends!

Titans: First Area
A little reminder and disclaimer
There will be spoilers, strats and info.
Depending on where you decide to walk the bosses order will vary.
The names names are their real ones, no lie (its the truth).
Also, it is worth noting, that once you kill the final boss you can go back and redo the bosses to get the achievements so don't frett about being the badasses you are if you kill it too fast ;D

First area

Sludge heart: heart of the guardian
- A retake of the classic ooze monster.
- Divides into 4. so if done well you can have only 5 on screen.
- For the achievement you will need to seperate them all (maximum splits).
- As for all bosses, one touch will kill you.
- The goo it drops will slow you.
- The achievement is to splint the ooze into the maximum number of segments, i recomend kiting all the oozes into an area to avoid chaos and do some pro dodges.
Weak point: Final ooze state heart

- There is no spoiler. This takes patience and skill... No trick other than... DONT DIE

Eye Cube: eye of the guardian
- A fast moving cube.
- Moves fast but only in 4 directions (up down left right).
- has a range of laser moves directed from its eye.
- The achievement is to kill the eye with a pulled arrow (see before sections).
Weak point: eye

i found a cheesy way to obtain the achievement.
- stand at the enterance of the room.
- shoot arrow at the eye to start the encounter.
- leave arrow on the floor and stand your ground.
- after it moves one square and is about to move another, PULL THE ARROW.

Brain Freeze: brain of the guardian
- Fast moving sliding cube of ice and it willmost likely kill you first time everytime.
- Pressure plates in the room triggers fire (who puts their kryptonite in the room they live in ayyy?).
- 2 stages: ice & brain.
- Fire(ry arrow) for ice.
- Arrow for brain.
- The achievement is to kill the brain with the fire arrow. As suggested by Omosh, there is an easy way to achieve this but will take a little bit of precision.
Weak point: all of it (in the right condition)


- Walk into the room and shoot at the brain.
- Call back arrow and dodge (roll) once the brain slides at you, if done correctly the brain will slide in a straight line.
- Run to the flame spouter so you are just under it and charge an arrow, this will cause the arrow you are holding to ignite when the boss is on the pressure plate.
- Shoot the arrow when the brain is on a pressure plate to melt the ice.
- Instantly pull the arrow back and charge another one, the brain should land on the plate again to ignite arrow, but dont shoot it.
- The brain will bounce and land behind you without crushing you, shoot the flaming arrow at it.
- Then you have your win!

This one, was both suggested by Squalleh and Fynch seperately. Granted the methods were a little different but both to the same goal, keeping the arrow on the pressure plate to ignite it at all chances.
- Walk into the room and shoot at the brain.
- Call back arrow and dodge (roll) once the brain slides at you, if done correctly the brain will slide in a straight line.
- Get the arrow onto the flame spouter so whenever the plates are triggered it will ignite it.
- If the cube hits the arrow it will melt
- Pull it back when the brain hits the next plate to kill it with fire.

Gol-iath: guardian of the first gate
- Simple crusher boss.
- Two hands for the crushing, one will attack whilest the other defends
- When the hands swap roles hit the chest
Weak point: the crystal center

- There is no known achievement for this boss unless he is the 'broken titan' which i am still attempting to find out the achieve.
- I am leaving the last sentence in as proof of the idea xD but he is the broken titan! between me and Fynch, we found that he is it! Fynch found a usable glitch also! As i cant see how he did it you'll have to bear with how i did it under instruction!
- Stand just within the areana of Gol-iath.
- Charge the arrow fully and roll backwards to get out of the arena!
- Drag the arrow to the middle of the arena
- Run round the outside of the arena and get behind the Gol-iath
- Find the 'sweet spot' where if you move a pixel he swaps hands
- Within the changing of hands, drag the arrow into the weak point! gg!

- Easiest way of killing him without the glitch, is to trigger the opposite hand at the enterance of the arena and run and dodge towards the titan as he tries to smush you, when he swaps, shoot him!

Titans: Area - Ice
This is the area found to the top left of the hub area filled with ice style monsters, within the area there is a simple puzzle to light the torches to melt the iceberg.

Yeti: old snow beast
- Snow throwing, ice dropping and speed rolling baddy.
- This wonderous beast will start by shooting snowballs at you, then roll at you which in turn shakes the wall to call forth icicles of death!
- The achievement is to kill te beast within 10 seconds.
Weak point: The beasts pink butt

- Shoot the yeti, retrieve the arrow.
- Dodge snowballs but get close to a wall (as he WILL roll at you).
- Roll out of the way so he hits a wall then roll towards where he just hit.
- Avoid the icicles falling.
- Note the yeti now faces the other way from the wall and you see his butt.
- Shoot it quickly, you may need to die and redo this to get the timings well.

Onyxia: serpant of the cold depths
- The boss uncovered through the fire arrow puzzle.
- This is a water and electric serpent.
- If it lands on you, you will be crushed.
- If you are zapped, you die.
- Its moveset is simple after the 3th pounce he charges the water with electrisity causeing you to die if in the water and to drop 2 icebregs from the sky.
- Shoot his tail to win, do this by staying in the water for him to pounce, swim to a nearby iceberg and shoot his weak point at the right time.
- The achievement is to destroy all of the icebergs
Weak point: Purple crystals on the tip of its tail

- Simply stand on each and roll before he crushes you, it will take a little bit of time as after the 3rd pounce 2 more fall but it is deminishing returns and so long as you dont fail one it will be done quite quickly!

Stratus: child of the mountain
- the main boss of this area
- This boss has 4 main features (to kill you)
1. The pillar which pops out of the ground.
2. The beam to freeze you.
3. The ice shards created by the beam.
4. The breath that forces you away from the face
- to kill this boss you will need to use the ice beam and make it hit the titans teeth.
- Once the tooth is hit, it will open up a red block where you can shoot the arrow and kill it.
- The achievement is to break all the teeth then kill it.
Weak point: gums? / mouth.

- It will take some time to do due to the desychronised nature of the features, but is entirely doable.
- The titan seems to pop up for a short while when you first move in his direction.
- Stay close to the enterance of the area so the pillar comes up and then simply direct the beam towards the face
- Don't forget to roll!

Titans: Area - Fire
The fire area! Located to the bottom left through a secret enterance in the hub zone.
Full of magma and other awesome stuff!!
My guess, is that the titan body / structure in the area that isnt accesable is that of the 'head' boss known as Gol Quylin.

Gol-Quyin: disgraced guardian of the second gate
- This boss is a beast, with a seemingly infinte reach, spin attack and control over fire plumes.
- The strat i used unintentionally got me the achievement but as it was the only way i could kill him i'll share it without the spoiler!
- The achievement is to kill the boss whilst its spinning, seems easy enough... Cause it is!
- Aside from issues of timing, the spin kill is the best method, simply kite the boss until he decides to spin at you, get some space, turn and shoot!
Weak point: Exhaust point

Ptch clearly if you expect a spoiler here you dont read the paragraph prior ;D

Mol-Quyin: molten creation of Gol-Quyin
- As a disclaimer here, in my run through the game, this boss caused me the most pain. the timings needed for this boss are precise and i believe it may have been easier for people on gamepads but alas i wont know till mine works!! just, good luck!
- Found behind the lava waterfall
- This boss is a cute molten blob of death.
- It will spit lava and an exploding rock.
- The rock is only spat out when the last one is destroyed.
- The trick here is to make it spit the rock close to the centre and shoot your arrow in its mouth.
- Make sure the rock isnt hit by lava and then call your arrow to you, this will drag the blob towards you. try to aim for the rock, it is okay if it takes more than one attempt dont worry.
- When the rock explodes on the titan it will splurt out the remaining lava and leave a crystal
- Act bloody fast when this happens, you need to shoot the crystal before the lava reforms!
- Good luck my friends!
- The achievement, drop a bomb on the bosses head... yeah its that. good luck xD
Weak point: Final phase crystal

- To get the bomb on the bosses head is quite simple but awkward.
- You will need to drag Mol towards a wall and make the rock bounce off the wall and onto his head, if you die before it hits it, you will be fine you will die but the achievement is still obtained!
- Good luck

Rol-Quyin: forged creation of Gol-Quyin
- A typical rolling ball boss.
- This boss rolls fast as hell so watch out, the best way to do this is to find a spot where he hits the wall and to see if the eye is in a hittable spot this will take a few trys.
- The achievement is to kill this boss in under 5 seconds.

- It is possible my friends! simply take about 2 steps back from where you start (dont leave xD)
- Shoot an arrow and call it back as soon as the round starts.
- Charge the arrow and fire at the last possible moment before death!!!
- If you do it as well as i did in the picture... You may have to restart as i got stuck in it after shooting some curious arrows back at the titan xD screen shakes = oops.
Titans: Area - Castle
The castle area, dubbed that due to the castle and the knight, is located to the bottom right of the main zone (for lack of a better name).
Within this area there are 3 buildings.
The left one housing gold.
The middle housing the knight.
Thanks to Squalleh and Blargh, the secret in the right room is known to be the pathing needed to fight Vinethesis in the mysterious Swamp!

Avarice: manifestation of greed
- The badass mimic boss!
- To gain enterance to his secret basement, you must shoot the back of a coin in the back of the room!
- This fella will spit coins at you, teleport on you and also try to crush you!
- The boss is fairly easy, with an obvious weak point.
- The achievement in this case is simply to make him get 50 coins on the floor and not to kill him after. weird thing is when i did it there didnt seem to be 50, more like 4 big coin sprays xD so it may be super easy!
Weak point: tongue

- To kill the boss, dodge the initial coin shot, roll out the way of the teleport and the two bounces in his attempt to crush you.
- When he is about to fire the coin at you after this is your chance to kill him. be quick!
- Tips for the achievement, dont 'box' yourself in! ;D

Knight Elhanan: legendary titan slayer
- This badass knight shows his weakness in the intro, to trigger him you need to shoot his arrow which 'zaps' his armour off
- This slayers moveset isn't unlike your own and the fact his name doesn't require beating the game to see shows that he isnt as old as the other titans.
- From the talk with the first titan you can tell that you are not the first person to attack the titans.
- His moves are straigh forward, a RNG based power arrow that ricochets off the walls and pillars and 3 normal arrow shots which dont miss. So either hide behind a pillar or roll.
- The achievement in this case is to destroy all the pillars and then kill the knight.

- When you shoot the arrow first time dont stand right next to it or you will die!
- Remember that the pillars hit once wont block any more arrows instead they will break and let it through
- if you manage to hit the arrow on the floor to break his armour, you need to shoot him fairly quickly else he will get his armour back and you'll have to dodge all over again!

Titans: Area - Graveyard
This area is located to the bottom right of the hub zone, just by the castle area and is home to 2 titans. There isnt much about this area that is overly difficult but there will be a brief on how to get to the first titan.

Gol-Hevel: murdered guardian of the second gate
- The name itself is intriguing, so other than these tidbits of lore, we are all left in the dark a bit about what has happened and the history of the titans... But note that in the back of the room there is what seems to be his body / skeleton / remains.
- This boss itself is fairly easy and to the best of my knowledge there is one way to kill him and not achievement for doing so.
- His moveset is simple, he will rotate around the room clockwise and shoot you with balls of light, varying from 3, 5 and 8

- Note that the bosses weakpoint is the other side of the face so a pulled arrow will need to be used.
- To kill this boss easily, start the encounter.
- Shoot your arrow at the enterance and leave it there.
- Dodge the shots until he is by the enterance where you will need to position yourself by the top of the room (by his corpse) and pull the arrow in.
- Done

The First Titan (for lack of a better / given name)

Despite some people having trouble finding the mammoth of a titan, its fairly obvious that something exists in the area it is in, for those people who contantly look for secrets such as myself it was not a trouble finding him but for those who do struggle, let me help you out.
From the graveyard, walk to the top right of it, where you will see a patch of dirt amongst the field of grass by the wall (see image).
- Merely climb to the top, where he will let you kill him.
- Depending on the progress you have made with the game he will say something different, either mentioning that he is the first titan born from '???' (<too much of a spoiler), or that you are not the first slayer but are less encumbered than the last and that you must have sacrificed alot for the arrow.

Titans: Area - Mysterious Swamp
Probably one of my favourite areas in the game from a design stand point, it is located to the top right of the hub zone.
Within this area the path you choose to take dictates where you end up, somewhere new or right back at the start?!
It is home to 2 titans.

Vinethesis: poisonous flower
- To get to it, from the start make a right, then a left (go back on yourself) and then go up.
- This titan will most likely kill you alot, not from its 'moveset' but more so from your greed!
- It has 4 movesets.
1. Poison release, where the mouth opens and inhales.
2. Vine slap, where the vines systamatically lift and drop.
3. The poison cloud, this will follow you and engulf you. Dont stay in it too long.
4. Once you get the boss to the final stage you'll need to shoot it again, this is where the entire thing turns clockwise, watch out for EVERYTHING
- The fallen vines, these will kill you if you touchthem.
- The achievement is obtained through cutting off all the vines.

- The boss is best when you learn the initial vine swings, how i do this boss is i run into the room
- Shoot it from close up and then quickly shoot off as much of the vine to the right as i can as it makes the intial dodges easier.
- Rince and repeat but make sure you dont close yourself off with the fallen vines.
- when the flower breathes in you can shoot it in the mouth, whilst avoiding the poison.
- If done properly, the arrow will get stuck, pull it out and it makes the flower show its weak spot, run anti clockwise for this as it turns clockwise (in the attempts i've made).
- Shoot it for the win!
- As for the achievement, the best hope is just to survive long enough to take the snipes needed to get off all the vines! best of luck and dont trap yourself in!
- Note that some point of the arena is safe from the vines, these are mostly at the corners of the octaginal arena.

Obello: malformed hallucinogenic fungus
- Located through walking from the start: left, up and up again!
- This trippy boss is one of my favourites, not for the fact its drug related, but cause its interesting and easy!
- Its moves are limited to hopping, hopping frantically and shooting out hallucinogenic balls of gas, if they hit you, you die! But breathe them in and you will most likely get high.
- The achievement is simple enough, succumb to the drugs for a total of 30 seconds.
Weak point: the malformation, the purple section of the mushrooms stem.

- The best way to get the achievement is to kite the boss around the outside and to take your time, it is 'total' time not continuous!

Titans: Area - Tower
Whilst being the best place to roll down from, it is the area of the final boss.
This area is located up from the main zone and through a gate that will need to opened through titan kills. They dont want just anyone walking up there now do they!

Gol-Set: guardian of the eternal gate
- This boss is fairly difficult the first time you fight him and the achievement is harder still!
- He will try and crush you with his hands, depending if you are on the left or right side of him he will use that hand and he also has 2 laser moves, one that is directed at you and one that is in an ark around the plates, you'll know it when you see it.
- Your goal is to get the hands to land on the pressure plates!
- Once achieved you have a small margin of time to kill him, avoid the laser but once it fires and you havent killed him, you'll need to get the hands on the plates all over again!
- The achievement is to trigger the plates with the wrong hands and then kill him, its a pain, but if you work out how to do it, it becomes rather easy!
Weak point: the open chest piece once conditions are met.

- This will take some pro dukes and pro timings to achieve, probably the hardest from a timing standpoint for a titan.
- Enter the area few pixels to the left or right, your choice but i will use RIGHT as an example.
- Stand in the middle so you have one plate to your left and one to your right.
- Start the boss up and learn the timing for the hand to move
- When you have that down run to the opposite plate, the hand should land on it easily, rolling is advised.
- This hand wont move till you get on the right side again but the left hand will try and crush you.
- Timing is key again, when the left hand lands get to the middle (ish, a little on the left side still as to not make the rright hand move) then do as you did for the first hand, run and roll with correct timing to get it on a pressure plate.
- Once this happens you dont have long to react, 3 ground pounds and a 'uni beam' style attack.
- Trick is to get in close to the boss. when you are close and it is visible, take the shot, this will be the same as normally killing the boss.
- Good luck.

Spoilers, dont read if you dont want to know!
Final 'Titan'

The Soul: image of the titan soul
The most annoying part of this boss though in my opinion is the fact when you die and are respawned, you cant instantly roll to the stairs! you have to take a step back otherwise you bounce off! ;D
- This badass is a version of you if you didnt guess!
- This will be a painful journey my friends.
- But in overall, he isnt a bad guy!
- How i do this, is how i did it personally, so some stuff may be irrelevant to the kill but i will tell you anyway.
- The achievement is to knock yourself out! I managed this by letting the soul grab my arrow and shoot it back at me, i got hit accidentally and it gave it me! word to the wise, dont let him get your arrow, you need it. Chances are if you have attempted this kill you may have already got this achieve!
- As ths entire section is SPOILERS, i wont bother stating it again!
- His moveset is, using your arrow to kill you, shooting arrows at you and balls of lightnight that react to you existing so dont stand to close!
- The method i empolyed was simple, dodge his arrows, at the third arrow he should be successfully jumping around the place like a mad man!
- Careful not to pull your arrow in too much cause that will drag in his arrow to your face and kill you.
- When he is going crazy with the splits, shoot the coloured version. may take a few tries.

Weakspot, the colourful version of the soul. i.e. You.

No image this time, because i dont want to spoil it!
Dont read on if you dont want to know... Will advise.

This is.

The: Truth.
The true final boss that once all souls are collected you can battle.
This creepy God, is much like the Full Metal Alchemist 'God'.
The eye, ever present throughout your journey to this point and the creator of the titans is the true final boss.
- The fight has three stages, the rings, the leeches and the eye's final form.

The Rings
- They will roll at you, but are easy to beat.
- Simply move to the right and move down a bit.
- The first ring will roll at you, listen for the sounds as it is a good indicator. Roll up as it is rolling.
- The second ring will roll at you, roll left and quickly aim an arrow down and shoot at the ring with the eye.

The Leeches
- Most of the leeches will circle you, these will kill you if you go to them.
- The bigger leeches with fly at you, kill them by shooting an arrow at them.
- The eye is hidden as a leech, you need to shoot that one. easy enough to do!

The Eye: Final form
- This scary ass Spider style eye will probably make you panic.
- The large leeches will still attack you so you need to defend yourself from them.
- The eye will shoot a laser at you, you should either avoid it, or kill the eye then and there by shooting an arrow at it!
- My trick to doing this first time is to as soon as the round starts, run to the top left. from there the 2 leeches from the top will come at you and the 1 from the bottom will also, from that you can run between them towards the eye. Run around the eye to avoid its first laser (close to it) and before it shoots its second, turn and shoot it. = win

Aerodynamics: For the speed runners.
Hey guys, in my quest for all the achievements, i decided before moving onto other modes i would attempt the aerodynamics achievement, and as this guide is all about this game i thought i would share some of my findings.

Now before i get into it, these are check point to check point times nothing more, the strats about the bosses are already in the guide and making your kills flawless is your job, but my theories about the easiest and quickest kills will be included.

Lets talk logistics first.
When you kill the first four, one light on the titan soul door is lit, this leaves 7 others, the choice of titan is yours but i would recommend trying for it all in one life.

My possible choices for these would be but not the order, a number crunch will be needed before making a choice on the 'which ways'.
1. Yeti : This is due to the achievement, if you have it you know you can do it under 10 seconds.
2. Stratus : Easy boss in general.
3. Gol - Quyin : Whilst being easy if you can hit him in the spin, the spin takes RNG and a little risk.
4. Rol - Quyin : This is also due to the achievement as you'll be able to kill it in under 5 seconds.
5. Avarice : This cute mimic is simple to beat.
6. Gol - Hevel : If you can dodge, you can win with the cheese strat in the guide easily.
7. The First Titan or Obello : will explain in a bit but this is up for debate.

Lets talk timings, i have ran the course and timed most of the stretches, these aren't optimised though as i could have probably hugged walls more, rolled more frequently etc.

Mz = Main Zone
Fa = Fire Area
Ia = Ice Area
Ca = Castle Area
Gy = Grave Yard
Ms = Mysterious Swamp

The Start
Starting Area > First Checkpoint: 0m:17.05s
First Checkpoint > Mz: 0m:45.07s

From Main zone & back
Mz > Ia: 1m:01s (Back= 0m:54.34s)
Mz > Fa: 1m:07s (Back= 1m:15s)
Mz > Ca: 0m:33.4s (Back= 0m:34.5s)
Mz > Gy: 0m:43.8s (Back= 0m:47s)
Mz > Ms: 0m:29.02s (Back= 0m:27.12s)

From place to place
Ia > Fa: 0m:45s (Back= 0m47.2s)
Fa > Ca: 0m:55.8s (Back= 0m:55.6)
Ca > Gy: 0m:24.1s (Back= 0m:27.6s)
Gy > Ms: 0m59.91s (Back= 0m:54.08)

Final stretch
From Main Zone > Gol-Set: 1m:06.14s
From Gol-Se > Titan Soul: 0m19.90s
Total of 1m:26.04s to get up there. Fun fact the trip down takes 1m:06.14, rolling down stairs OP ;D shame its useless!

Totals: basic count minus boss times
Seeing as starting area to Mz and from Mz to the Titan Soul is a constant we will add it in after.
2 variations.
1. Mz > Ia >(-Round Trip-)> Gy > Mz = 232.91 + First Titan = 6m:37s
2. Mz > Ia >(-Round Trip-)> Ms > Mz = 272.93 + Obello = 6m:12s

1. Mz > The First Titan >(-Round Trip-)> Ia > Mz = TBC
2. Mz > Obello >(-Round Trip-)> Ia > Mz = TBC

To the best of my knowledge these are correct figures but no one checked them for me so i dont know xD!!

Right time for some discussion about these stats, and a few more tidbits.
The No.7 kill, the First Titan, i said that it is up for debate, this is for one reason in particular...
From Gy to the first titan (The one that doesnt fight you) it takes 2m:45.6s... this is a lot of time seeing as going from Gol-Hevel to the Ms and killing Obello would take around 1m:40s... this is a huge difference but there are a few facts that need to be taken into account...
1. The kill on the First Titan is guaranteed.
2. The kill on the Obello isnt guaranteed and is susceptible to human error.
Yeah flimsy facts, but lets face it, if you fail twice on Obello you will lose time, but if you dont, then you will make up a possible 20 seconds.

A few things to consider, if you can kill all the bosses in one life, it is possible to skip the checkpoints and kill yourself on another boss to skip the journey to the Mz.

Also if you stand in the right place at the top of the stairs at Gy, you can roll down them all! See the picture for reference!

Also a little basic stat that i pulled, not exact stat but yeah, its a close enough gleam for my favourite feature, ROLLING
I cannot stress enough how rough these stats are tho, but here they are!
Running up a stair takes 0.0666(r)/seconds
Rolling down a stair takes 0.0369/seconds

This is not a complete thing but all i have time to do for now <3
Leave in the comments what you think and what you plan!

Helpers etc.
This has been my first guide ever! And with help from a few who i will mention in a moment, it has had the first part completed!
Thank you all for your support and awesome comments!

Do not worry, i will attempt to continue this guide to deal with the later sections of the game (modes).

So here is a specific thanks to a few helpers and why!

Fynch: A guy who through this game i came into contact with whilst he made a plea for help xD we worked on the achievements together, discusssed strats, the glitch with the Gol-iath was discovered by him and just an all around cool guy!

Squalleh: The quiet helper ;D They assisted with some achievements and people in the comments!

And the most important thanks of all! To me ;D

Cheers - Love you all - Ciao!
Lau 2 Jan, 2023 @ 11:58am 
The soul will not jump like a madman at the third arrow, it will only dash once from the second arrow onwards
mxbley 25 Dec, 2019 @ 9:09pm 
i cant hit the snakes tail any tips?
mxbley 25 Dec, 2019 @ 7:44pm 
thank you
『 』 9 Oct, 2018 @ 7:23pm 
If you come to the first titan after killing the soul, it recognizes that you killed the one that had taken his place as kind of god or smth

Fred Fuchs 8 Jun, 2018 @ 11:56am 
Do you need to beat the secret bosses to get the no roll achievement?
Sluvi 3 Apr, 2018 @ 11:12am 
Nightmare  [author] 11 Feb, 2018 @ 6:57am 
Ah yes, the arrow dragging is an art and one that takes a few goes, but it is the best way of beating some bosses!
The writing of It was fun also xD This was done when i should have been writing up assignments!
stabbyjones 10 Feb, 2018 @ 6:39pm 
It has. I think my issue with dragging is timing but this guide has just been interesting to read as I play along.
Nightmare  [author] 10 Feb, 2018 @ 4:48pm 
@stabbyjones, its lovely to see people enjoying this game still :') and i hope my guide has helped you out a wee bit :D
stabbyjones 9 Feb, 2018 @ 5:50pm 
The tip for come at me bro is hilarious. You really let it come at you and stop it dead in front of you like an anime. Made me feel like a total boss!