Grand Theft Auto V Legacy

Grand Theft Auto V Legacy

410 ratings
GTA V FPS/Stutter/Drops Fix Guide (EN/PT-BR)
By sabonetinho dove
Simple Guide in GTA V About Frames Per Second
~Fix For : Low FPS , FPS Drops , Low FPS While Driving , Sttutering , ...etc!
Step 1. Create a .TXT File

Step 2. Open it , Paste This Into It :

Example :

Step 3. Save As :

Name : GTAV.bat
Type : All Files

Example :

Step 4 *This Step May Not Work Properly*. Create Another .txt File and paste this into it:

Example :

Save as :
Name : Killer.bat
Type : All Files


How to use : Run the .bat when you gonna open the GTA5.bat
Use only one time forever *or if it doesn't works use one time per boot*
*Steam bugs when you exec this .bat? use this to stop killer.bat*

Step 5 (Nvidia Users)(This will close some Nvidia Stream Services but if you want you can still stream normally). Run CMD as ADM

Type In sc stop "NvStreamSvc" and , Press Enter.

Then type sc config "NvStreamSvc" start=disabled And , Press Enter

Step 6. Launch The Killer.bat and the GTA5.bat** ...
**You have to run the game via .bat everytime

Step 7. In-Game , Goto Configurations , Advanced Graphic And Turn On :
Long Shadows , High Res Shadows , and High Detail Streaming While Flying , You can Deactivate If Dont Help.

Example :

Have Fun :D
You can Deactvate Steam overlay in-game to gain more fps
Passo 1. Crie um Arquivo .txt

Passo 2. Abra e Cole Isto Aqui Dentro :

Deve Ficar Assim :

Passo 3. Salve Como :

Nome : GTAV.bat
Tipo : Todos os Arquivos

Deve Ficar Assim :

Passo 4* Essa Etapa Pode Não Funcionar Corretamente*. Crie outro arquivo .txt e cole isto dentro :


Salve como:
Nome : Killer.bat
Tipo : Todos os arquivos

Exemplo :

Instruções de uso: Use apenas uma vez esse Killer.bat , *Quando for executar o jogo*
Porfavor use apenas uma vez a cada vez q ligar o pc.
Caso a Steam bugue usando esse processo execute esse script em .bat

Passo 5 (Usuários NVIDIA) (Esse passo vai parar alguns serviços de Stream da Nvidia). Abra o CMD Com acesso de Administrador.

Escreva sc stop "NvStreamSvc" e aperte Enter.

Escreva sc config "NvStreamSvc" start=disabled e Aperte Enter

Passo 6. Abra o Killer.bat e o GTA5.bat** , Espere Alguns Segundos o jogo deve Abrir... **Você deverá abrir o jogo toda vez via o GTA5.bat

Passo 7. Quando em Jogo Vá em Configurações , Gráficos Avançados e Ligue :
Sombras Longas , Sombras em Alta Resolução , Streaming em HD Durante o Vôo , Caso Ativar Essas Opções não te Ajude Você pode Desativar

Deve Ficar Assim :

Divirta-se :D

Você pode desativar o Steam Overlay Para Um Ganho de FPS


- The Guide Dont Do Miracles, Wait For a Rockstar Patch.

- Need Help? ADD The Creator of the Guide

- Have a Opinion? Say on the Comments Section.

-This is One of The Bests Fix Found For The Game At the Moment


- O Guia Não Faz Milagres.

- Precisa de Ajuda? Adicione o Criador do Guia

- Tem Alguma Opinião? Fale na Sessão de Comentários Abaixo

- Este é um dos Melhores Fix pro Jogo no Momento.

My Specs :
CPU: I5.3330 3.20 GHz
Ram: 16GB Corsair Vengeance
Monitor: 1920x1080

Credits :
Reddit (GTA5) For Helping.

Fav/Like? :D

President N U T 11 Dec, 2024 @ 2:37pm 
Heres the problem, I have an RTX 4080 Super, I am only pulling about 80 FPS, if I need to post my full specs I can, but I have no idea why I am having these issues.
NiEr 17 Sep, 2023 @ 9:23am 
O cliente da steam fica reiniciando toda hora, e acaba minimizando o GTA, além de dar uma queda de FPS um pouco antes
Jimmio92 7 Aug, 2021 @ 5:16pm 
I'm a systems programmer and I'll tell you right now, no amount of batch fixes is going to fix this pile of shit.

Oh, you thought I meant the game, I meant Windows.
sabonetinho dove  [author] 14 Sep, 2020 @ 9:36am 
@Ruiner At the time when this guide was created it prevented many crashes on the game and increased fps a little, obviously if you want better framerate upgrade your setup.
Ruiner 14 Sep, 2020 @ 7:45am 
These are the typical placebo fixes that people parrot for every game in the universe. They don't work and usually result in the game hitching more frequently. Windows 10 doesn't need you to touch any process priorities. It handles them just fine...
§ℓü¶rî‡ξ 31 Jan, 2020 @ 6:23pm 
Drilling more Ventilation holes into your wooden PC would help it get more juice!:steamsalty:
If that fails try red bull in the power supply. = MOAR POWA!
RaoufDz998 19 Jul, 2018 @ 8:18am 
ok man
sabonetinho dove  [author] 19 Jul, 2018 @ 7:38am 
I think your problem is the 4gb ram, try setting the game priorities manually in the Task Manager > Details tab, and them exec the launcher as admin.

If this doesn't work you'll need to get +2GB ram :/
RaoufDz998 19 Jul, 2018 @ 4:02am 
i have gtx 1050 intel core i3 7100 3.9 ghz 4 gb ram ddr 4
RaoufDz998 19 Jul, 2018 @ 4:00am 
its not working for me dude