Battle of Empires : 1914-1918

Battle of Empires : 1914-1918

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How to use WASD for both Camera & Direct Control
By HaZZarD
Just a little tip on how to use WASD for both Camera and DIrect-Control
For all the WASD addicted
Ok guys, this is a very simple "guide"

I was unable to find a way, from the in game options (early access), to put WASD keys on both the Camera and Direct Control, like I'am used to since the AS series but.....

...I finally managed to find a work around to do that ! yay : D

Follow the path below

C:\Users\HaZZarD\Documents\my games\battle of empires\profiles\player

! Obviously this is MY own path, you need to replace HaZZarD with your own PC name and check if you have the documents in C hard disk or other !

Then open the "Keys.set" with your note and manually modify the keys you need, there you can use the same keys for multiple commands (not possible from in game options, BoE Early access), like in this case WASD for bot Direct-Control & Camera.

Direct Control with WASD Keys
{"control_manual/toggle" {value KEY_E} } {"control_manual/modify" {value KEY_CONTROL} {noedit} } {"control_manual/forward" {value KEY_W} {single} } {"control_manual/backward" {value KEY_S} {single} } {"control_manual/left" {value KEY_A} {single} } {"control_manual/right" {value KEY_D} {single}



If you have any questions feel free to ask me

ThisOLman 17 Sep, 2022 @ 1:25am 
well people who evers having trouble not finding the keys.set file where this person claimed to be, for me it was C:\Users\Rom1\Documents\my games\battle of empires\profiles\player so i thought i create my own keys.set and it worked, i just copied all the controls above here and named it keys.set dropped where i found keys.opt i did not remove nothing just simply added it so just copy and paste and name it keys.set using Note Pad hope it work who ever could not find that file just make one.
Dalaksiz28 24 Jun, 2022 @ 6:31am 
It works for the Men of War too! I thought it was hard coded into the game thank you so much.
alemismun 13 Mar, 2019 @ 2:42am 
Mine is fully empty.
oneshotkyle2k 3 Jul, 2016 @ 3:12pm 
There is no keys.set only a save foldier and editor_desktop.set
[TPPL] King Leonidas 4 Oct, 2015 @ 7:01am 
They fixed it YAY
Green Card Alien 26 Jul, 2015 @ 2:28pm 
My friends just may play this mod now. thanks!
HaZZarD  [author] 26 Apr, 2015 @ 6:27pm 
same here, same keys of AS2
st.stephen59 25 Apr, 2015 @ 11:49pm 
Great, I use the same configuration for Men of War 2, it makes things so much easier.
Madnesscats 21 Apr, 2015 @ 9:40am 
Conte_Hamlin 21 Apr, 2015 @ 5:56am 
New WSAD DLC for AS2 announced today