Titan Souls

Titan Souls

538 ratings
Guide to Quick-Kills [With Videos]
By Shadowspaz
Make each fight as easy to execute as possible. Helps with those last achievements, or just getting through the game.
Quick-kills are a crucial point in Titan Souls. When you cut down the length of a fight to the bare minimum, you're eliminating a lot of the risk present in the fight, and you're creating less work for yourself.

Regarding Iron Human and Iron God, these quick-kills will get you through the Titan fights before most of the threat has even had a chance to occur. With Aerodynamics, well... These are quick-kills. Fast kills means shorter time. Good stuff.


What This Guide Is
First and foremost- This is a walkthrough for beating every Titan in the game. This means it can help you get those last couple achievements, but it also means it can help you on your first run through the game. Use it however you need to- This guide is for everyone.

However, this only shows the optimal strategies for normal difficulty. A lot of these strategies can also get you achievements, which I have included, but do not use this guide as an achievement guide. The achievements are merely coincidence.

What This Guide Is Not
This guide is not for Iron Titan. On hard mode, most of the Titans don't have viable quick-kills anymore, and those that do can be killed with the same strategies here. For a lot of them, though, you just need to learn their movesets, and build up your reflexes. I may post a guide specifically for it, eventually.


There is only one general point I want to make before diving in, and that is this:

Do not underestimate draw-shots. There are plenty of situations where drawing the arrow back can get you a really, really fast kill. This is vital, because even if you mess up a quick-kill, and need to drag out the fight, draw-shots can still get things down quicker and safer. It's incredibly important to be aware of all of your tools.

Now, let's begin!
There is no quick-kill here, as with most of the others, simply because the starting point of the Titan is random, and as it splits, you end up with way too many targets to keep track of, each with their own AI. Simply put, there is too much randomness in this fight to have a solid, 100% formula.

This is one of the areas where draw-shots are incredibly useful, though. If you manage your shots well, you can get two hits in with each arrow, and if you avoid all unnecessary splits, it makes the crucial shots a lot easier to set up for.

Also, try to stay around the outside edge, and avoid running between clusters of slimes. If you can circle all of them, it'll keep the dangerous ones clumped together, while the heart somewhat avoids you, separating it from the herd.
ACHIEVEMENT - Laser Eye Surgery
Super simple- Just shoot the Titan to start the fight from the door, and as it rolls towards you, pull the arrow.

You'll want to start pulling half a beat after the second roll. Too early, and the arrow will hit the edge of the cube and lose momentum. Too late, and you'll miss. The timing is easier to find than you'd think.
ACHIEVEMENT - Brain Freeze
If you time the final shot just right, you can shoot through the fire that's briefly turned on by the brain, netting you this achievement. This is not the recommended way to get this (Consult an achievement guide instead), but it is possible.

Start by shooting straight, dodging, and letting the brain bounce vertically. This'll line you up to melt the ice, and then a quick shot when the brain first touches down ends the fight.
ACHIEVEMENT - Shadow of the Colossus
You've probably wondered how to do this. This is how.

You'll want to start this fight by shooting from the doorway, and rolling out of the room right away. Pull the arrow back to about the center, circle around up top (careful to stay on the left side for now), and wait for the fist to start rising up.

Just before it comes down, step over to the right half of the screen, let the fist fall, and immediately start pulling the arrow. It should get you the kill, the achievement, and because you're in front of the door, it'll condense the soul-getting cutscene with the door-opening one, saving you a fair bit of time.
ACHIEVEMENT - Beating the Yeti
This achievement is just awarded for a quick-kill. Get the shot in after the first roll, and it's yours.

After starting the fight, immediately roll to the side to avoid the snowballs, then keep walking away from the Yeti as he rolls at you. Do not roll. It'll put you too far away, and mess up the timing.

Right before he hits the wall, start walking towards him. As long as you time it right, you won't get hit. Keep walking this direction for a bit, so the icicles all miss you, and get lined up to take the shot.
His first ice-hand-claw-thing will come up right when he stops blowing, so use the timing to roll straight up, and line the ice beam up with his center tooth (Or any tooth, really. The center is just the easiest target).

After he knocks that out, you can wait until the ice disappears, stand in front of the missing tooth, and you have plenty of time to line up and take your shot before the next ice-claw pops up.
The easiest time to kill Onyxia is right at the start- After swimming around for a bit, get to the center iceberg, and he should dive nearby. This is generally the closest (reliably) he'll get, and it's the best time to take the shot.

If you miss, just be sure to stay in the water most of the time, to get him to dive somewhere that won't break an iceberg. Hitting his tail does take practice.
This is not a fight you want to drag out, and with some practice, getting the kill at the very start becomes easy.

Shoot to start the fight, call your arrow back, step as far back as you can, turn around, and get ready. If you're using a controller, I find that it's easiest to aim with the d-pad here, since you can aim perfectly up. You do not want to waste time worrying about how precise it is, and you can actually be off.

On the floor, there are four horizontal lines between you and Rol-Qayin, as part of the floor design. You'll want to shoot right as he crosses the second line (counting from him, towards you), putting him neatly between the second and fourth.
This one's a little tricky to get down. You'll want to be a good deal back from him before starting the fight, and a bit farther left (or right) than his spike balls. Right after starting the fight and calling your arrow back, roll up and under the spike ball shortly after he lifts it.

Do not wait for him to position it over you to move. By then, it's too late to get the shot in. It should almost feel like you're meeting the spike ball partway.

After dodging, immediately start charging the shot, and fire diagonally down.
This is a complex fight, and I love it.

After starting, shoot the arrow into her mouth right as she lands- You'll stop her from spewing any lava, too. You can then let her pull you towards her a bit, and right after she stops inhaling, a single roll will get you out of range, and you can start pulling her into the bomb.

A single dodge roll, pull your arrow back, and take the shot.
This one's pretty straight-forward - Jump, teleport, jump, jump, dead.

After the teleport, you can safely run to the other side of the room, and just wait for the opening.
Knight Elhanan
This is absolutely my favorite fight.

The general trick is to get him to shoot nearly vertically down, and either shoot the arrow after the first rebound (see video), or dodge the Knight's first normal arrow, and catch the magic one on the second rebound. To make sure it's nearly vertical, you'll want to dodge as late as possible. This just takes practice.

In either case, after hitting the arrow and getting stunned, you want to be close to your arrow, if it didn't bounce back to you from the shot. Do not pull your arrow to you- It takes too much time. Instead, roll to it. It gets you your arrow quicker and gets you closer, meaning you don't need to charge the shot for as long.
Start the fight on the left side, so you can plant the arrow at the upper-left right afterwards. From here, just dodge the first shot, and immediately start pulling the arrow. It'll catch him as he transitions for the next attack.

An alternative (albeit slower) strategy is to plant the arrow at the upper right instead, dodge at the bottom of the screen until his third attack, and pull the arrow as he's charging up.
This one's a doozy.

Not recommended if you're speedrunning. Takes waaaay too long. Good for Iron runs, though, since he's a free kill.
You can beat this one without moving. Start the fight from the doorway, and leave the arrow there. After the jump, start pulling the arrow back a bit after Obello begins his descent. He should appear to land on the arrow, netting you the kill.

Credit to BOSSANOVA's guide for bringing this strategy to my attention!
This fight is easier than it looks, since the vines can't actually reach you at the back of the arena. After initiating the fight, sit in the bottom-right until the poison fog becomes a threat, and just switch over to the bottom-left.

Once the mouth circles back around, get in close, shoot, and pull back. Don't worry about the fog anymore. Immediately after pulling the flower open, roll to the left side (Not too visible in the video, since I'm inside the petal), and take the shot.
Start on the left side of the left switch, and as he lifts his fist, roll to the right. If you get the timing right, he should catch the edge of the switch. Keep dodging to the right, and as you roll across the switch, his right fist should hit it.

As the left fist comes over, you'll want to roll across and slightly down to dodge it (Rolling straight across to dodge requires some very precise timing), and then just roll up to dodge the next one. At this point, Gol-Set's chest should be open for you to take the shot.
The Soul
These quick-kills are what safely got me through Iron mode, and if it works out the same for you, killing the Soul will get you this.

ACHIEVEMENT - Aerodynamics
Following these strategies, you should have no issue getting here in less than 20 minutes.

The Soul, for all the chaos that goes on during the fight, is actually quite controllable. Start by positioning yourself in the bottom-left, and either shoot or dodge his first attack. I prefer shooting, since it better controls his arrow's positioning.

From there, dodge up and move vertically, keeping yourself positioned farther up the screen than the Soul. This controls him towards the bottom of the screen more, allowing you to set up for the final shot.

Once he stops, dodge in towards the center to avoid his shot, and aim towards the top edge of the pattern on the floor. The Soul will dash straight up, and the majority of the time, he'll be positioned very close to this line. With practice, you'll be able to account for the subtle changes in his placement.

SPOILER WARNING - This video contains footage of the ending cutscene.
Certainly not easy, but with these strategies, all of the Titans can be killed, and with a bit of practice, it'll become effortless. If you've made it this far on Iron mode, you're basically in the clear. Don't panic.

First Stage
After dodging the first ring, it will always end up positioned close to the center, horizontally. So when you dodge the second ring, make sure you're dodging in to the center, in the direction that the first ring bounces.

Right after the second dodge, get ready for your shot.

Second Stage
Pretty straight forward. Don't rush the shots- Missing can end the game. Wait until they get in close before shooting, and after the three teeth-blobs, the purple eye will show up. That's your target.

Final Stage
Get down towards the bottom of the screen to take out the first of the blobs, and then immediately roll in towards the main boss. Two more teeth-blobs will be close by, and you'll want to take them both out quickly- Partly for safety, but also to make sure they don't get in the way of your killing shot.

Once the boss lowers its eye down to beam you, take the shot.

SPOILER WARNING - This video contains footage of the final cutscene.
And that's all!
I hope this guide has helped you in your journey through Titan Souls, and if anyone has better recommendations for strategies, I'd be happy to hear them and add them to the guide.
Val The Villain 4 Mar, 2022 @ 3:07pm 
fun fact, Gol-Qayin spin attack can be avoided by just running into it's body
xXTheTurdMasterXx 13 Jun, 2021 @ 11:46pm 
i did the eye boss on like 5th try of the quick kills, it just takes time to get the timing right
Guardianofsunshinee 12 Jun, 2021 @ 1:28pm 
The eye strat is bullshit the damn arrow is too slow
Renka 18 Jan, 2019 @ 3:04pm 
I literally can't do Gol-lath, the arrow get stucks no matter if you mvoe left of right so the hand does not block them, and even when there is no hand in there, it tries to hit, but it does nothing.
Knight Elhanan 26 Jun, 2018 @ 7:14am 
nvm that last comment. I've always called him the unknown titan or the elder.
Knight Elhanan 26 Jun, 2018 @ 7:09am 
Who's maker?
Shadowspaz  [author] 13 Jun, 2018 @ 11:07am 
It could take a bit of practice. You need to move sooner than you'd think before you pull the arrow. Try the technique closer to the boss so you can have a better view of what's happening.
crogart 13 Jun, 2018 @ 7:47am 
The Gol iath titan trick don't work for me :/
omfgcheese 15 Mar, 2018 @ 12:09am 
You make it look easy, but damn thank for the guide!
Shadowspaz  [author] 4 Mar, 2018 @ 7:53pm 
Yeah, the quickest kills tend to require some pretty specific angles that you won't be able to get with 8-directional aiming. It's entirely possible to beat the game without a controller- It just isn't the most efficient. :)