Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

125 ratings
Tips For Cleaning Out Those Terrorists
By The Grain Knight
Those gosh darn dang Terrorists givin' you a hard time? Cannot quite understand the acquisitive, dusty mercenaries of Old Vegas? Looking for some tips and tricks on out-smarting and, perhaps, out-gunning your opposition? Allow me to step in and offer this advice for you to effectively lay down the law.
Introduction: The Men Behind the SPAS-12
See these gun-toting, leader-less, scum-sucking, ♥♥♥♥ lords?

These, ladies and gentlemen, are the scum terrorizing our maps. Our land of freedom and liberty, tainted by these pests. They come in all shapes and sizes, with varied tastes of un-holstered firepower. They will do what EVER it takes to keep their territory under control. It is our duty and privilege to take these scum-suckers down. They mean business.

Also watch out for the ones with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SPAS-12s. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ christ they crush my pee-pee EVERY TIME.
Section A: Mentality and Appearance

These guys give NO ♥♥♥♥♥ about you or your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ family. Where you came from or what you're here, don't even matter, they'll ♥♥♥♥ you up. It's not as simple as using a soldier's sense of sight and sound, they have a supernatural ability to smell you. They can smell the Rainbow Six all over your firm, luscious posterior.

The very itch on their trigger finger is more intense than the sexual organs of Zeus on aphrodisiac. Their towering erections conjure a solar eclipse while the thrill of battle courses through their veins. Now I know what you're thinking, "How do I approach such hostile beasts with precision and professionalism?" The answer lies in Section C: Stealth.

They also come equipped in a variety of appearances. What their looks will be depends on the map you have chosen. Sometimes they don the ninja black to stalk you in the night. Hell, they'll wear ninja black in broad daylight. In the horrific, beaming sun of Vegas they will continue to wear black. They sweat profusely and they do not care.

Some times they equip blood camouflage to pull a Ruse McGoose on you to play weak and crippled. DO NOT ABIDE BY THEIR MIND TRICKS, MY YOUNG PADAWAN.

Look at this litter. They can act like sentient, well-armed crabs. Stay frosty.
Section B: Tools of the Trade
You remember when you were a kid and you saw those signs around your school grounds or around industrial buildings or public places? "Do not climb". "Do not proceed". "Please do not step". Terrorists ain't having any of that ♥♥♥♥.

As seen here, the Terrorists are too ruthless, as they do not abide by the righteous Law we hold dearest to our hearts.

I have just been informed they utilize light-bending active camouflage. Horrifying new image below, not for those whom lack freedom.

To our right is top-secret intelligence brought in by our very best operatives. Unfortunately they did not survive post-upload to the agency's Dropbox. Slow upload time. They didn't stand a chance.

What's to note is the terrorists use recruits of any age, hair color, race and nose size in their ranks. Cannot tell if their penis shows if we deactivate the camo. Stay frosty.
Section C: Stealth

Section D: Communication

You may attempt to be a soft, vulnerable, goody two-shoes of the Law and attempt diplomacy. This will not work, meat bag.

They speak in poor Canadian voice acting dialect. Not much we, as agents of righteousness, can do about this. Usually blowing them up is a good retort in an argument against these heathens of justice.
I hope Rainbow Six: Siege has a better Terrorist Hunt than Rainbow Six: Vegas.

Ubisoft, don't ♥♥♥♥ this up.

DR. William Weir 2 Mar @ 4:02am 
I hope Rainbow Six: Siege has a better Terrorist Hunt than Rainbow Six: Vegas.

Ubisoft, don't ♥♥♥♥ this up.\

Lol that aged like milk.....Siege couldn't be any more different than Vegas is it tried lol.
ikillyou 14 Dec, 2023 @ 1:20am 
Well it recently went on sale in the r6 collection lol
CyborKat™ 12 Dec, 2023 @ 5:16pm 
Yeah! this game is the GOAT of R6!
The Grain Knight  [author] 9 Dec, 2023 @ 11:32pm 
Heavens, you guys still check this out? I am honored.
ikillyou 9 Dec, 2023 @ 8:15pm 
if only this still had online support for coop
CyborKat™ 4 Dec, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
This is a golden gem!
Apns 6 May, 2023 @ 11:27am 
"Any second now." *BOOM*
Hippotato 23 Nov, 2022 @ 2:55pm 
RIP Rainbow six patriots
Anal Thunderfury 3 May, 2022 @ 6:52am 
those short video clips are fucking hilarious
The Grain Knight  [author] 13 Mar, 2022 @ 1:18pm 
Indeed. :\ Didn't age well.