309 ratings
Levequest Leveling Guide
By Prominence87
Tired of asking around to find out which town has the proper level levemete for your class? Well look no further!
Author's Notes
Hello, I'm Ronaldus Magnus from the Famfrit server!

This guide is a work in progress. I plan on adding some commentary and tips on efficiently using levequests to level up. I mostly am intending this to be a reference on where to find levequests of the approriate level. Enjoy!

4/23/17 Added a note to the level 30 DOW Leves.
Disciples of War and Magic
Note: DoW/DoM levequests are best spent for DPS classes typically. Tanks and Healers have no problems getting into dungeons which are better XP/Hr. That said, I like to run levequests as fast and efficiently as possible. Some levequests do not require you to kill every monster. Try to think of ways to skip killing monster and focus on the objective if possible. Avoid the escort quests. They take too long to complete.

Also, initiate your quests as soon as you pick it up. It's usually right outside of the town you pick it up at and running to the "zone" usually takes you out of the way of the objectives.

Level 1
  • Central Shroud - Bentbranch Meadows
  • Western Thanalan - Scorpion Crossing
  • Lower La Noscea - Red Rooster Stead

Level 5
  • Central Shroud - Bentbranch Meadows
  • Western Thanalan - Scorpion Crossing
  • Lower La Noscea - Red Rooster Stead

Level 10
  • Central Shroud - Bentbranch Meadows
  • Western Thanalan - Scorpion Crossing
  • Western La Noscea - Swift Perch

Level 15
  • East Shroud - Hawthorne Hut
  • Eastern Thanalan - Camp Drybone
  • Western La Noscea - Aleport

Level 20
  • South Shroud - Quarrymill
  • Southern Thanalan - Little Ala Mhigo
  • Lower La Noscea - Moraby Drydocks
  • [GC] East Shroud - Hawthorn Hut
  • [GC] Eastern Thanalan - Camp Drybone
  • [GC] Lower La Noscea - Moraby Drydocks

Level 25
  • South Shroud - Quarrymill
  • Southern Thanalan - Little Ala Mhigo
  • Lower La Noscea - Moraby Drydocks
  • [GC] East Shroud - Hawthorn Hut
  • [GC] Eastern Thanalan - Camp Drybone
  • [GC] Lower La Noscea - Moraby Drydocks

Level 30
  • South Shroud - Camp Tranquil
  • Eastern La Noscea - Costa De Sol

I recommend farming out of Camp Tranquil doing the leve "Adamantoise Tears" at +4 since it's just gathering 5 eggs. Do "Black Market Down" if that isn't up.
~15000 XP per Leve (I estimated around 500k XP/hr) The bounty is worth about 2k XP. If you're going for xp/hr skip it.

Level 35
  • Coerthas Central Highlands - Observatorium
  • Eastern La Noscea - Wineport

In Observatorium the Levemete called "Cower to the People" can be done extremely fast. Just gather 7 piles of soil and avoid/CC the monsters. If It's not available, Necrologos is a good alternative. The sheep respawn very rapidly.

Level 40

  • Coerthas Central Highlands - Whitebrim Front
  • Northern Thanalan - Camp Bluefrog
  • [GC] Coerthas Central Highlands - Whitebrim Front
  • [GC] Mor Dhona - St. Coinach's Find

    Note: Fastest way to Whitebrim for char's who are already past the 2.55 storyline is:
    Foundation ---> Gates of Judgement ---> Run West
    Otherwise teleport to Camp Dragonhead

    Note2: In Whitebrim the leve that seem to be the fastest to complete here is Necrologos followed by "The Area's a bit Sketchy"

Level 45
  • Mor Dhona - St. Coinach's Find

Level 50+
  • Foundation
  • From this point on you get the choice to use one allotment or 10 allotments. If you really don't plan on using allotments for anything and you have a ton to burn you can pump large amount of XP in a short amount of time. If you're short on allotments however, using 1 at a time yields more XP per allotment.
Note: All Heavensward levemetes start in Foundation. They take you to all the level appropriate zones. After you complete a levemete from here you need to return to foundation to turn it in.
Crafting Levequests
Note: I recommend having a friend craft high-quality items for you to turn in. Find the levequest with the highest XP yield and have your friend craft that item. Makes it more time and cost effective. It's usually not hard to find someone willing to craft for you.

All Levels
  • ALC/GSM/WVR - Ul'dah Adventurers Guild
  • ARM/BSM/CUL - Limsa Adventurers Guild
  • CRP/LTW - Gridania Adventurers Guild

Note: The ones below are here to make a complete list but most people just run them out of the major cities.

Levels 1 - 5
  • ALC/GSM/WVR - Scorpions Crossing - Western Thanalan
  • ARM, BSM, CUL - Red Rooster Stead - Lower La Noscea
  • CRP, LTW - The Bannock - Central Shroud

Level 10
  • ALC/GSM/WVR - Horizon - Western Thanalan
  • ARM/BSM/CUL - Swiftperch - Western La Noscea
  • CRP/LTW - Bentbranch Meadows - Central Shroud

Level 15
  • ALC/BSM/WVR - Camp Drybone - Eastern Thanalan
  • ARM/BSM/CUL - Aleport - Wesern La Noscea
  • CRP/LTW - Hawthorne Hut - East Shroud

Levels 20+
  • ALL 20 QuarrryMIll - South Shroud
  • ALL 25 QuarrryMIll - South Shroud
  • ALL 30 Costa Del Sol - Eastern La Noscea
  • ALL 35 Observatorium - Coerthas (South)
  • ALL 40 Whitebrim - Coerthas (West)
  • ALL 45 St. Coinachs Find - Mor Dhona
The Questbro 16 May, 2021 @ 12:27am 
Inferior to what, Anna? Spamming deep dungeon so much you don't even know how to play the job you're leveling properly?
A 30 Apr, 2021 @ 9:13pm 
I hope no one is looking at this guide for a serious leveling guide in 2021 because leves are super inferior now.
Burger Crusader 20 Oct, 2020 @ 11:39pm 
It's not Bentbranch Meadows at level 1. Level 1 is the Bannock. Bentbranch Meadows is level 5.
Prominence87  [author] 3 Jun, 2017 @ 8:38pm 
@Raoul[GER] depending on the level yes or no. Also depends on the server activity. In order to get better XP/HR from Leves you need to be very efficient with how you run them. Your only other 2 options would be POTD and FATES. FATES usually don't start getting good XP/HR until you reach level 35+ in Costa del Sol, 40+ in Central Coerthas and 45+ in North Thanalan. Your daily roulettes are nice to break up the monotony but can only be done once a day.
☭slam jam☭ 31 May, 2017 @ 5:37am 
fates as a crafter? no xd.
Raoul[GER] 27 Jun, 2016 @ 12:38pm 
isnt it better to do fates?
Prominence87  [author] 20 Jun, 2015 @ 8:52am 
@MoXfy Levequests are sort of like short daily quests. Every day you are given an "Alotment" which you can use to run these quests. You can save them up to a maximum up 100 alotments. You can use them to level up crafting, gathering or disciple of war classes. However, you get the most use out of them, by far, using you alotments on crafting levequests. I think the game also refers to theme as Levemetes as well.
MoXfy 19 Jun, 2015 @ 1:44pm 
total noob question but what does levequest mean
Kasey Clark 15 Jun, 2015 @ 6:34pm 
Nice list!! Thaks very much.. This is nice and clean, exactly what I've been looking for.