110 ratings
Extremist | Tips and Tricks
By Aythadis
After just completing the game on Extremist, I have to say it was pretty easy. At first I thought the game was gonna be an intense grind as it took me 5 hours just to get to level 3. Shortly after though, I found some usefull tricks that made the game waaaay too damn easy. Here are my helpful tricks to help everyone else out and get this achievement(s)!
Take your time!
Do not go rushing out! This might seem dumb but trust me on this. Later on in the game this will help you and save you lots of life. Taking your time and looking ahead of you helps. Running ahead when the SWAT or Army is after you only leads to a quick death, as they deal tons of damage in a short time.
Use Crouch and Aim!
Standing is a no no on Extremist. The AI is insanly dumb, use this to your advantage! Crouching causes the AI to miss an insane amount. I'm not joking, I cake walked the entire last half of the game just from using crouch. Standing gets you hit a lot. Using the aim lets to see farther, allowing you to pick off enemies easily with no troubles at all!

Don't forget to use burst firing or single (tap) shooting. This keeps your accuracy high, as well as not waste much ammo and take out your enemies much quicker. *Thanks Zer0Point for reminding me of this! ^_^
Let Them Come To You!
When the SWAT or Army start to show up and you're not sure if you can take them all. Go camp in a building and let them come to you! Sit in a corner and watch the door, run into the Vault at the bank, run into a room with ammo or body armor. The enemie's AI is stupid, and they will walk through the door one by one and you can easily take them down. Don't forget to crouch! When you crouch the AI might forget to even shoot at you!
Don't Kill Every Civ You See!
Yes you need to kill a lot of civs to progress through the game, but don't kill them all! You will need them for health if you die and respawn! If you so happen to get swarmed or run out of ammo, or brush up against a moving vehical, you will respawn (providing you have a token) but with hardly any health. If you don't kill everyone you see, you can pick up on ones you passed by and regain your health before you fight the cops/SWAT/Army again.
Don't Be Afraid To Run!
Maybe you are about to get swarmed, bug out then! It might be your best interest to run back to an area you just cleared out, or to another spot you used to take advantage. A good example I can provide is the 4th level, Train Station. When you are leaving the train station, the Cops, then SWAT, then Army shows up to stop you. I found that when the army showed up, they were almost too much for me. However! Going back up the catwalk going across the tracks was a super easy way to lead them down 1 path and take them down much easier.
And That's It!
That was what I did and completed this game with no problems!

Did I miss anything, or need help on a certain part! Let me know and I can add more to this guide for you all!
sk0tina 14 Feb @ 5:02am 
ElBeibi 22 Mar, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
☠ACA☠BBB☠ 31 Oct, 2022 @ 3:41pm 
tnx :hellyeah1:
DismalParadise 5 May, 2020 @ 4:26pm 
I will never forget the time that I completed insanity with the MLG mod for the first time but never took the time to think that I actually could've gotten the achievement
swenor 17 May, 2017 @ 12:45pm 
Archgoat 11 Apr, 2017 @ 12:29am 
No problem. I just wanted to say that Extrm is not as hard as people are talking about.
Aythadis  [author] 10 Apr, 2017 @ 5:40pm 
@Archgoat - Keep in mind I made this guide the week the game came out, and I've never bothered to re-download the game and try out all the new stuff/updates this game has got and update the guide, because I'm lazy.
Archgoat 10 Apr, 2017 @ 1:45pm 
Extremist? Pff... easy. Give me guide for "insanity" achievement. On Extremist difficulty you need just be careful, don't rush, crouch, aim everytime you see enemy on map, that's it but some things are changed on "Insanity" mode... which make this game really hard.
Aythadis  [author] 11 Oct, 2016 @ 5:21pm 
@Subass39 - Glad to see my guide is still of some help! I know I've been meaning to download this game and play through it with all the updates it has gotten to update the guide.
Subass39 11 Oct, 2016 @ 10:37am 
This guide came in handy

before, i could barely beat the game on easy mode, now im almost finished with the game on insane difficulty (cheat code mode will be mine very soon)

so far its raining achievements, survival mode became a whole lot easier, and the soldiers are a piece of cake!

You sir deserve a cookie